33 research outputs found

    Ramalina capitata (Ach.) Nyl. acetone extract

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    In the present investigation, effects of Ramalina capitata acetone extract on micronucleus distribution on human lymphocytes, on cholinesterase activity and antioxidant activity (by the CUPRAC method) were examined, for the first time as well as its HPLC profile. Additionally, total phenolic compounds (TPC), antioxidant properties (estimated via DPPH, ABTS and TRP assays) and antibacterial activity were determined. The predominant phenolic compounds in this extract were evernic, everninic and obtusatic acids. Acetone extract of R. capitata at concentration of 2 μg mL-1 decreased a frequency of micronuclei (MN) for 14.8 %. The extract reduces the concentration of DPPH and ABTS radicals for 21.2 and 36.1 % (respectively). Values for total reducing power (TRP) and cupric reducing capacity (CUPRAC) were 0.4624 ± 0.1064 μg ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE) per mg of dry extract, and 6.1176 ± 0.2964 μg Trolox equivalents (TE) per mg of dry extract, respectively. The total phenol content was 670.6376 ± 66.554 μg galic acid equivalents (GAE) per mg of dry extract. Tested extract at concentration of 2 mg mL-1 exhibited inhibition effect (5.2 %) on pooled human serum cholinesterase. The antimicrobial assay showed that acetone extract had inhibition effect towards Gram-positive strains. The results of manifested antioxidant activity, reducing the number of micronuclei in human lymphocytes, and antibacterial activity recommends R. capitata extract for further in vivo studies

    Modeling spa destination choice for leveraging hydrogeothermal potentials in Serbia

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    Serbian spas, with their abundant geothermal springs and air qualities, are a significant natural resource for the country. Nowadays, tourism industry has become a predominant beneficiary attracting both leisure- and health-related visits. Nonetheless, the literature on current consumer behavior is devoid of a model that incorporates both motivating and constraining factors in the spa and wellness industry's decision-making process. Serbia's spa industry is still adjusting to the needs of the modern wellness visitor as a result of the country's unique transitional path. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the role of incentive and restrictions in the destination selection process of spa visitors in Serbia, to gain insight into the development of wellness tourism in a particular sociocultural environment. The analytical hierarchy process was used to determine the relative relevance of the consumer behavior elements evaluated. The findings indicate that non-medical motivations are becoming more important, implying that demand is finally shifting toward the wellness idea, which was initially disrupted by the country's delayed transformation. The findings have administrative ramifications, the most significant of which were price strategies and product diversification. © 2022 Marija Belij Radin et al., published by De Gruyter

    Modeling spa destination choice for leveraging hydrogeothermal potentials in Serbia

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    Serbian spas, with their abundant geothermal springs and air qualities, are a significant natural resource for the country. Nowadays, tourism industry has become a predominant beneficiary attracting both leisure- and health-related visits. Nonetheless, the literature on current consumer behavior is devoid of a model that incorporates both motivating and constraining factors in the spa and wellness industry's decision-making process. Serbia's spa industry is still adjusting to the needs of the modern wellness visitor as a result of the country's unique transitional path. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the role of incentive and restrictions in the destination selection process of spa visitors in Serbia, to gain insight into the development of wellness tourism in a particular sociocultural environment. The analytical hierarchy process was used to determine the relative relevance of the consumer behavior elements evaluated. The findings indicate that non-medical motivations are becoming more important, implying that demand is finally shifting toward the wellness idea, which was initially disrupted by the country's delayed transformation. The findings have administrative ramifications, the most significant of which were price strategies and product diversification. © 2022 Marija Belij Radin et al., published by De Gruyter

    Pojava rđe (Puccinia spp.) na jesenjem belom luku tokom 2014. godine

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    Recently, garlic rust may have developed into a significant problem for our agro-ecological climate. Evaluation trials of winter garlic rust occurrence and the disease severity have been conducted in five locations. Intensity of infection was evaluated 3 times. Simultaneously, leaf samples were collected for microscopic examination. In all locations during third decade of April individual uredosori sporadically occurred in garlic leaves, relatively early compared to its previous years occurrence. The highest rust rate was in third evaluation, when majority of plants were completely covered with uredosoris. Microscopic examination of uredosori, in all samples revealed physiologically mature urediniospores indicating a number of secondary infections.Rđa na belom luku u našim agroekološkim uslovima postaje sve značajnije oboljenje, koje se pojavljuje intenzivnije u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Ispitivanja pojave i intenziteta napada rđe na jesenjem belom luku, sprovedena su na pet lokaliteta u 2014. godini. Ocena intenziteta infekcije vršena je tri puta, a istovremeno su prikupljani uzorci listova za mikroskopska ispitivanja. Pojava pojedinačnih uredosorusa na listovima luka primećena je relativno rano, u odnosu na prethodne godine, u trećoj dekadi aprila. Pojava patogena utvrđena je na svim ispitivanim lokalitetima. Najveći intenzitet zaraze zabeležen je prilikom trećeg pregleda, kada su ustanovljene biljke potpuno prekrivene uredosorusima parazita. Mikroskopskim pregledom uredosorusa, kod svih prikupljenih uzoraka u različitim terminima, utvrđene su fiziološki zrele uredospore, što je ukazalo na više sekundarnih infekcija

    Ramalina Capitata (Ach.) Nyl. Acetone Extract: Hplc Analysis, Genotoxicity, Cholinesterase, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity

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    In the present investigation, effects of Ramalina capitata acetone extract on micronucleus distribution on human lymphocytes, on cholinesterase activity and antioxidant activity (by the CUPRAC method) were examined, for the first time as well as its HPLC profile. Additionally, total phenolic compounds (TPC), antioxidant properties (estimated via DPPH, ABTS and TRP assays) and antibacterial activity were determined. The predominant phenolic compounds in this extract were evernic, everninic and obtusatic acids. Acetone extract of R. capitata at concentration of 2 mu g mL(-1) decreased a frequency of micronuclei (MN) for 14.8 %. The extract reduces the concentration of DPPH and ABTS radicals for 21.2 and 36.1 % (respectively). Values for total reducing power (TRP) and cupric reducing capacity (CUPRAC) were 0.4624 +/- 0.1064 mu g ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE) per mg of dry extract, and 6.1176 +/- 0.2964 mu g Trolox equivalents (TE) per mg of dry extract, respectively. The total phenol content was 670.6376 +/- 66.554 mu g galic acid equivalents (GAE) per mg of dry extract. Tested extract at concentration of 2 mg mL(-1) exhibited inhibition effect (5.2 %) on pooled human serum cholinesterase. The antimicrobial assay showed that acetone extract had inhibition effect towards Gram-positive strains. The results of manifested antioxidant activity, reducing the number of micronuclei in human lymphocytes, and antibacterial activity recommends R. capitata extract for further in vivo studies

    Biological activities of Umbilicaria crustulosa (Ach.) Frey acetone extract

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    This paper reports for the first time the effect of an acetone extract of Umbilicaria crustulosa on the micronucleus distribution of human lymphocytes, and on the cholinesterase activity and antioxidant activity by the cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) method. Additionally, the total phenolic compounds (TPC) and the antioxidant properties were estimated via DPPH, ABTS and TRP assays. Moreover, the antibacterial activity against two Gram-positive and three Gram-negative bacteria were determined. Acetone extract of U. crustulosa at concentration of 1 and 2 mu g mL(-1) decreased a frequency of micronuclei (MN) by 10.8 and 16.8 %, respectively, acting more or slightly less than the synthetic protector amifostine (AMF, WR-2721, 11.4 %, at concentration of 1 mu g mL(-1)). The tested extract did not inhibit cholinesterase activity nor did it exhibit activity toward the examined bacteria. The extract reduced the concentration of DPPH and ABTS radicals by 88.7 and 96.2 %, respectively. Values for total reducing power (TRP) and cupric reducing capacity (CUPRAC) were 0.6197+/-0.0166 mu g ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE) per mg of dry extract, and 19.7641+/-1.6546 mu g trolox equivalents (TE) per mg of dry extract, respectively. The total phenol content was 350.4188 +/-14.587 mu g gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per mg of dry extract. The results of the present study showed that U. crustulosa acetone extract is a promising candidate for in vivo experiments considering its antioxidant activity and protective effect on human lymphocytes


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    We report the total phenolic (TPC; expressed as gallic acid equivalents, GAE, per milligram of dry extract weight) and the total flavonoid contents (TFC; expressed as quercetin equivalents, QE, per milligram of dry extract weight) and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Mentha pulegium L. (Lamiaceae) collected in Serbia. The total phenolic content was in the range of 129.43-388.29 μg GAE/mg, while TFC ranged from 57.81 to 160.94 QE/mg; the highest TPC and TFC were found in the methanol extract. The antimicrobial activity (against five bacteria and two fungi species) of the essential oil and solvent extracts was assessed using disc-diffusion method. However, the studied samples demonstrated a poor antimicrobial potential. The antioxidant activity was screened using five different tests: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay (DPPH), 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid radical cation decolorization assay (ABTS), total reducing power (TRP), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and cupric reducing antioxidant capacity assay (CUPRAC); the methanol extract showed the strongest antioxidant potential. The results of the different antioxidant assays were correlated mutually and with the total flavonoid and total phenolic contents (regression analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering). ANTIOKSIDANTNA I ANTIMIKROBNA AKTIVNOST ETARSKOG ULJA I EKSTRAKATA BILJNE VRSTE MENTHA PULEGIUM L.U ovom radu je određen sadržaj ukupnih fenola (TPC; izražen u ekvivalentima galne kiseline, GAE, po miligramu suvog biljnog ekstrakta) i ukupnih flavonoida (TPC; izražen u ekvivalentima kvarcetina, QE, po miligramu suvog biljnog ekstrakta), kao i antimikrobna i antioksidantna aktivnost etarskog ulja i heksanskog, dietil-etarskog, etil-acetatnog i metanolnog ekstrakta biljne vrste Mentha pulegium L. (Lamiaceae; populacija iz Srbije). Sadržaj ukupnih fenola analiziranih uzoraka se kretao u opsegu od 129,43 do 388,29 μg GAE/mg, dok je TFC bio u interval od 57,81 do 160,94 QE/mg; najviše vrednosti za TPC i TFC nađene su za metanolni ekstrakt. Antimikrobna aktivnost (prema pet bakterijskih i dva soja gljivica) etarskog ulja i ekstrakata je određena disk-difuzionom metodom. Proučavani uzorci su imali slabu antimikrobnu aktivnost. Antioksidantna aktivnost je ispitivana pomoću DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil radikal), ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotijazolin-6-sulfonska kiselina radikal katjon), TRP (ukupna redukciona sposobnost), FRAP (sposobnost redukcije feri-jona) i CUPRAC (sposobnost redukcije Cu(II)-jona) metodama; najviši antioksidantni potencijal je imao metanolni ekstrakt. Rezultati različitih metoda za određivanje antioksidantnog potencijala su korelisani međusobno, kao i sa sadržajem ukupnih fenola i flavonoida (regresiona analiza i aglomerativna hijerarhijska klaster analiza). HIGHLIGHTSThe essential oil and hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Mentha pulegium L. collected in Serbia were studied.Their total phenolic content was in the range of 129.43-388.29 μg GAE/mg, while total flavonoid content ranged from 57.81 to 160.94 QE/mg.Solvent extracts (SE) and essential oil of the studied M. pulegium population were poor antimicrobials.Antioxidant activities of SE were studied using five different methods.Differences between the previous and the present results suggest M. pulegium metabolic profile might be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors

    Cardiopoietic cell therapy for advanced ischemic heart failure: results at 39 weeks of the prospective, randomized, double blind, sham-controlled CHART-1 clinical trial

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    Cardiopoietic cells, produced through cardiogenic conditioning of patients' mesenchymal stem cells, have shown preliminary efficacy. The Congestive Heart Failure Cardiopoietic Regenerative Therapy (CHART-1) trial aimed to validate cardiopoiesis-based biotherapy in a larger heart failure cohort

    Overview of the catheter-based methods for treatment of mitralregurgitation

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    В световен мащаб митралната регургитация, или митралната инсуфициенция, е вторият по-честота клапен порок, н алагащ оперативно лечение. При нея се наблюдава абнормно обратно връщане на кръв от лявата камера към лявото предсърдие по време на съкращаване на сърцето. Честотата на митралната регургитация расте в синхрон с удължаването на продължителността на живота и застаряването на световното население. Съществуват два основни типа митрална инсуфициенция според патоанатомията и механизма на развитие – първична (дегенеративна) и вторична (функционална). При първия тип е налице органична увреда на клапата и/или клапния апарат, а при втория – вторична дисфункция на митралната клапа вследствие на увреда в структурата и/или функцията на лявата камера. Златният стандарт за лечение на митралната регургитация е хирургичната интервенция, като през последните години в клиничната практика навлизат и нови високотехнологични транскатетърни методи за лечение. Най-популярният и доказал се с времето метод за лечение при пациенти, неподлежащи на класическа кардиохирургия, е чрез системата за транскатетърна апроксимация edge-to-edge MitraClip. Други ендоваскуларни методи за лечение представляват използването на перкутанна система Pascal (Edwards Lifesciences) и Cardioband чрез транссептален достъп и NeoChord и Harpoon чрез трансапикален достъп. Mitral regurgitation or mitral insuffi ciency is the second most common valve pathology requiring a surgical treatment worldwide. It is characterized by an abnormal return of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium during the systole. The incidence of mitral regurgitation increases in line with the rise in the life expectancy and the overall aging of the world population. According to the pathoanatomy and the mechanism of development, there are two main types of mitral regurgitation: a primary (degenerative) regurgitation and secondary (functional) regurgitation. In the fi rst type, there is organic damage to the valve and/or the valve apparatus, and in the second type, there is a secondary dysfunction of the mitral valve due to damage to the structure and/or the function of the left ventricle. The treatment of choice for the management of the mitral regurgitation is a surgical intervention. In recent years new high-tech transcatheter methods of treatment have been introduced in clinical practice. The most popular and proven method of treatment in patients who could not undergo classic cardiac surgery is the MitraClip edge-to-edge transcatheter approximation system. Other endovascular methods of treatment are percutaneous plasty device Pascal (Edwards Lifesciences) and Cardioband using transseptal approach, and also NeoChord and Harpoon using transapical approach

    Osetljivost Macrophomina phaseolina prema Bacillus sp. i Trichoderma harzianum in vitro

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    Primena fungicida u suzbijanju zemljišnih patogena ne predstavlja efikasnu i ekonomski opravdanu meru. Takođe, oni mogu da naruše balans korisnih mikroorganizama u zemljištu, dok njihove rezidue utiču na zagađenje životne sredine. U nastojanju da se smanji upotreba sintetičkih fungicida, primena bioloških agenasa može imati važnu ulogu u „eco-frendly“ poljoprivrednim sistemima. Biološki agensi kao što su vrste iz rodova Bacillus i Trichoderma se najčešće upotrebljavaju u biološkoj borbi protiv zemljišnih patogena. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita antagonistički uticaj Bacillus sp. i Trichoderma spp. na izolate Macrophomina phaseolina (ŠR55(3)/09 i ŠR23/11) u in vitro uslovima. Za ispitivanje je korišten Bacillus sp., 74 koji je komercijalno dostupan kao mikrobiološko đubrivo pod nazivom Bacillomix® Original (Bacillomix Co., Srbija). Metodom inkorporacije komercijalne suspenzije mikrobiološkog đubriva u KDA hranljivu podlogu ispitane su koncentracije preparata od 1, 2, 5 i 10%. U cilju ispitivanja osetljivosti M. phaseolina prema Trichoderma spp. korišteno je 13 izolata koji su predhodno identifikovani kao Trichoderma harzianum. Test dvojne kulture (TDK) je korišten kako bi utvrdili antagonistički uticaj ispitivanih izolata