92 research outputs found

    A note on the earliest distribution, cultivation and genetic changes in bitter vetch (vicia ervilia) in ancient Europe

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    Bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.) was a part of the everyday diet of the Eurasian Neanderthal population and the modern human Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers at the end of the last Ice Age. The major criteria to determine the domestication in bitter vetch and other ancient grain legumes are non-dehiscent pods, larger seed size and smooth seed testa. Bitter vetch seeds were found among the earliest findings of cultivated crops at the site of Tell El-Kerkh, Syria, from 10th millennium BP. Along with cereals, pea and lentil, bitter vetch has become definitely associated with the start of the 'agricultural revolution' in the Old World. Bitter vetch entered Europe in its south-east regions and progressed into its interior via Danube. Its distribution was rapid, since the available evidence reveals its presence in remote places at similar periods. Recently the first success has been obtained in the extraction of ancient DNA from charred bitter vetch seeds. The linguistic evidence supports the fact that most of Eurasian peoples have their own words denoting bitter vetch, meaning that its cultivation preceded the diversification of their own proto-languages

    Novel method for detection of voltage dips in the grid with distributed generation

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je predstavljena je nova metoda za detekciju propada napona, zasnovana na Rekurentnoj neuronskoj mreži i analizi u harmonijskom domenu. Metoda je namenjena za primenu u savremenim distributivnim mrežama koje sadrže obnovljive izvore, i u skladu sa tim je optimizovana i testirana. Pametna metoda postiže izuzetne rezultate u brzini detekcije, sa prosečnim vremenom detekcije manjim od 1 ms, uz izuzetnu pouzdanost (preko 97%). U doktorskoj disertaciji dokazana je i druga hipoteza, a to je da je moguće predvideti dubinu propada algoritmom zasnovanim na harmonijskoj analizi.In this PhD thesis, a novel method for the detection of voltage dips (sags), based on the Recurrent Neural Network and analysis in the frequency domain, is presented. The method is intended for use in the modern distribution grids that contains renewable sources, and accordingly it is optimized and tested. The smart method achieves exceptional results in detection speed, with an average detection time of less than 1 ms and with high reliability (over 97%). In the PhD thesis, another hypothesis is proved, which claims that is possible to predict the depth of dip with algorithm based on the harmonic analysis

    Grašak i urov Tetovac - made in ranogvozdenodobni Leskovac, Deo drugi - ekstrakcija drevne DNK iz ugljenisanih semena sa nalazišta Hisar u južnoj Srbiji

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    The extracts were prepared from the samples of 3,200-year-old charred pea and bitter vetch seeds from the site of Hissar near Leskovac, South Serbia, using two different DNA extraction procedures. We used CTAB method with some modification and obtained low quantity of ancient DNA in comparison with the second method used - commercial available kit. After the extraction, a whole genome amplification using Phi29 DNA polymerase was performed. The amplified DNAs were used for PCR reaction using primers for 26S rDNA gene, which is located on the nuclear genome. The single band corresponding to 26S rDNA fragment from modern relatives was obtained. We conclude that DNA from charred pea and vetch seed can be extracted and used for further archaeobotanical analysis at the molecular level.Primenom dve različite procedure ekstrahovana je drevna DNK iz ugljenisanih semena graška i urova starih 3200 godina sa lokaliteta Hisar kod Leskovca. Korišćena je modifikovana CTAB metoda i dobijena je relativno mala količina drevne DNK u poređenju sa drugom primenjenom metodom - komercijalno dostupnim kitom za izolaciju DNK. Nakon ekstrakcije primenjeno je umnožavanje celog genoma pomoću Phi29 DNK polimeraze. Umnožena DNK je korišćena za PCR reakciju primenom prajmera za 26S rDNK gen, koji je lociran u jedarnom genomu. Dobijen je fragment iste veličine kao i PCR fragment 26S rDNK savremenih srodnika graška i urova. Može se zaključiti da je moguće ekstrahovati drevnu DNK iz ugljenisanih semena graška i urova i koristiti je za dalje arheobotaničke analize na molekularnom nivou

    Pisum & Ervilia Tetovac: Made in Early Iron Age Leskovac, Part one: Two charred pulse crop storages of the fortified hill fort settlement Hissar in Leskovac, South Serbia

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    Arheološki lokalitet Hisar je gradinsko naselje Brnjičke kulturne grupe (gvozdeno doba I u Pomoravlju), podignuto na vrhu, odnosno na platou brda Hisar koje kontroliše zonu ušća Jablanice i Veternice u Južnu Moravu i najveći deo Leskovačke kotline. Prilikom arheoloških istraživanja 2005. godine u objektima koji se vezuju za Brnjica II a fazu (12. vek pre nove ere) pronađene su dve velike količine ugljenisanih semena graška (Pisum sativum L) i urova (Vicia ervilia (L) Willd). Zalihe ove dve zrnaste mahunarke bile su skoro čiste, sa malim procentom nečistoća koje su pre svega činili plodovi, pre svega žitarica, drugih mahunarki (sočivo - Lens culinaris Medik. i bob - Vicia faba L), ali i biljaka uljarica, što ukazuje da su grašak i urov bili odvojeno uzgajani, a potom i odvojeno skladišteni. Ovi nalazi, a pre svega nesvakidašnji nalaz zalihe graška, potvrđuju dugu tradiciju uzgajanja mahunarki u leskovačkom kraju.A lucky find of 2,572 charred pea (Pisum sativum L) seeds in a single archaeobotanical sample from the hill fort settlement Hissar near Leskovac represents a unique example in Bronze / Iron Age research in South East Europe. Another mass storage of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L) Willd) from the same site and period (Brnjica cultural group, beginning of the Iron Age in the Morava valley) confirms a long tradition of the city of Leskovac region as a pulse crop production centre in modern Serbia. Both pulse storages were almost pure with small amount of admixture from other crops mainly cereals, other pulses, such as lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) and broad bean (Vicia faba L), and oil/fibre plants. Both pulses were cultivated as main crops and were stored separately

    Uticaj veličine vegetacionog prostora na prinos semena trava

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    This paper surveys sowing norms (row spacing and seed rate) in both our country and the world, as well as the optimal seed rates in grass seed production. It gives a short overview of row spacings and seed rates applied in our and some other countries. Earlier, grass cultivated for the purpose of seed production was grown on small vegetation area. According to some researches, high seed yields can be achieved by cultivating grass on large vegetation area. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the highest cocksfoot, timothy, meadow fescue, tall fescue seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 50 cm spaced rows employing lower seed rates (8 and 4 kg/ha of seeds). The highest Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 20 cm spaced rows employing 20 kg/ha of seeds.U radu je dat pregled setvenih normativa, načina setve i količine semena, u našoj zemlji i u svetu, najoptimalnije količine semena pri setvi u proizvodnji semena trava. Takođe je dat kratak osvrt na način i gustinu setve koji se primenjuje u našoj zemlji i nekim zemljama sveta. U ranijem periodu su se biljke za proizvodnju semena gajile na manjem vegetacionom prostoru. Međutim, istraživanja ukazuju da se visoki prinosi semena trava mogu postići pri gajenju biljaka na većem vegetacionom prostoru. Na osnovu provedenih istraživanja o uticaju načina i gustine setve na prinos semena trava moguće je zaključiti da se visok prinos semena ježevice, mačijeg repa livadskog vijuka, visokog vijuka postiže setvom semenskog useva na 50 cm i primenom nižih doza semena (od 8 do 4 kg/ha). Visok prinos semena italijanskog i engleskog ljulja se postiže setvom na međuredno rastojanje od 20 cm između redova i primenom 20 kg/ha semena

    Influence of Harvesting on Quality of Alfalfa Forage used for Haylage and Hay

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    The paper presents the three years efficiency results (2011-2013) of the work and ways of harvesting (three types of mowers, with or without spreading the forage) influencing the quality of the forage (the content of crude protein and crude fiber) during the three days drying process. These results indicate that the harvesting method can strongly affect the work efficiency, energy consumption, the forage drying intensity and the quality of forage used for hay and haylage preparation. The best quality of the forage was achieved when a drum rotating mower POTTINGER CAT 185 was used. Negative correlation was found between content of crude protein and the crude fibre content, depending on the type of mower, varying in the range between r= -0.978 and r= -0.882 (POTTINGER CAT 185 r= -0.882 P lt = 0.05 to JF STOLL SB 200 r= -0.978 P lt = 0.001)


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    Proper postharvest storage is an effective way to maintain the quality and nutritional values of fruits. The aim of this study was to determine how environmentally friendly postharvest treatments with salicylic acid solution, colloidal silver solution and ozone, affect the antioxidant activity of strawberry fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. Albion) during 7 days of storage at 4°C. The content of ascorbic acid, total phenols and antioxidant activity of strawberry fruits were determined spec-trophotometrically. After 7 days of storage in strawberry fruits treated with all three treatments separately, the contents of ascorbic acid were higher than in the control fruits, supporting the usefulness of these treatments for preserving fruit quality and nutritional value during storage. The treatment with salicylic acid solution showed the most beneficial effect during storage causing a significant increase in the content of ascorbic acid, phenols and antioxidant activity at the end of the storage period.Pravilno skladištenje voća učinkovit je način za održavanje kvalitete i nutritivne vrijednosti plodova nakon berbe. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako ekološki prihvatljivi tretmani (otopina salicilne kiseline, otopina koloidnoga srebra i ozon) utječu na ukupnu antioksidacijsku aktivnost u plodovima jagoda (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) sorte Albion tijekom 7 dana skladištenja pri 4°C. Koncentracije askorbinske kiseline, ukupnih fenola i ukupna antioksidacijska aktivnost u plodovima jagoda određeni su spektrofotometrijski. Svi primijenjeni tretmani prouzročili su povećanje koncentracije askorbinske kiseline u plodovima jagoda, što potvrđuje povoljno djelovanje navedenih tretmana na očuvanje kvalitete i nutritivne vrijednosti plodova. Tretman otopinom salicilne kiseline bio je najučinkovitiji, jer je prouzročio značajno povećanje koncentracije fenola, askorbinske kiseline i ukupne antioksidacijske aktivnosti na kraju perioda skladištenja


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    A research of seed storage period and storage temperature effects upon the seed quality and seedlings traits for the seeds of two perennial ryegrass cultivars (Bartwingo and Calibra) was conducted. Seeds were stored in hermetically sealed glass dishes at four different temperatures (room temperature about 21°C, 10°C, -20°C and -80°C) and for three different periods (9, 18 and 30 months). Upon completing the storage treatments the seed and seedling traits were tested by the rolled filter paper method. The research has revealed significant effects of storage temperature, storage period, cultivar and interactions upon all the investigated traits. The highest germination energy, germination and seedling plumule length were observed after the shortest (9-month) storage period, and the least after the longest (30-month) storage period. Seedling radicule was longest after 18-month storage period and shortest after 30 months. All the investigated traits had the highest values when seeds were stored at -80°C, and the least when the seeds were stored at room temperature. Cultivar Bartwingo has shown a greater germination energy and germination but Calibra has shown a greater seedling radicule and plumule length.Istraživanje utjecaja dužine i temperature skladištenja na svojstva sjemena i klijanaca engleskoga ljulja provedeno je sa sjemenom dva kultivara (Bartwingo i Calibra). Sjeme je pohranjeno u hermetički zatvorene staklene posude na sobnoj temperaturi te na 10, -20 i -80°C. Navedena svojstva mjerena su nakon 9, 18 i 30 mjeseci skladištenja metodom rolanoga filter papira. Dobiven je značajan utjecaj temperature, dužine skladištenja i kultivara te njihove interakcije za sva isptivana svojstva. Najveće vrijednosti za energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena te dužinu stabljike dobivene su nakon 9 mjeseci skladištenja, a najmanje nakon 30 mjeseci. Korijen klijanaca bio je najduži nakon 18, a najkraćinakon 30 mjeseci skladištenja. Sva ispitivana svojstva imala su najveće vrijednostiskladištenjem na -80°C, a najmanje na sobnoj temperaturi. Kultivar Bartwingo imao je veću energiju klijanja i klijavost, a Calibra dužinu korijena i klijanaca

    Uticaj agrotehničkih mera na kvalitet semena italijanskog ljulja

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    Thousand-seed weight and total germination from the first production year and two seed harvests were measured in tetraploid Italian ryegrass (cv. Tetraflorum) to study variations in seed quality. Four-year field experiments were carried out (2002-2006) in western Serbia and Italian ryegrass was established with three row spacings (20, 40 and 60 cm), four seeding rates (5, 10, 15 and 20 kg ha-1) and using four spring nitrogen rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1). High seed quality was obtained, except for the first experimental year (2003) and the second seed harvests which yielded the seed of unsatisfactory quality and validity. Applied factors and treatments did not change seed quality significantly unlike environmental conditions of production years which had considerable influence on seed quality.Ispitivana je masa 1000 semena i ukupna klijavost tetraploidnog italijanskog ljulja (sorte Tetraflorum) iz prve proizvodne godine i dve semenske žetve radi utvrđivanja razlika u kvalitetu semena. Četvorogodišnji poljski eksperiment je izveden (2002-2006) u zapadnoj Srbiji i italijanski ljulj je zasnivan na 3 međuredna rastojanja (20, 40 i 60 cm), četiri setvene norme (5, 10, 15 i 20 kg ha-1) i primenom četiri doze prihrane azotom (0, 50, 100 i 150 kg ha-1). Ostvaren je visok kvalitet semena, izuzev prve godine ispitivanja (2003), a ostvarena je i druga semenska žetva sa semenom nezadovoljavajućeg kvaliteta i upotrebljivosti. Primenjeni faktori i nivoi ispitivanja nisu značajno menjali kvalitet semena za razliku od vremenskih uslova u proizvodnim godinama koji su značajno uticali na kvalitet semena

    Sterilizacija različitih tipova eksplantata u mikropropagaciji podloga trešnje CAB-6p i Gisela 6

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    Research with the objective of finding efficient (non residual) sterilants for the purpose of greater automatization in establishing aseptic in vitro tissue culture was conducted on cherry rootstocks CAB 6P and Gisela 6. Two ways of sterilization were examined (NaOCl and ozone O3) through survival rate on three types of explants; buds with primordial leaves, buds without primordial leaves and nodal non lignified segment with axillary buds. Ozone resulted with the high rate of survival (from 57 to 93%) regardless of the type of explants and the rootstock variety. By introducing a complete bud without destruction significantly resulted with the higher rate of survival (from 90 to 97%). Results indicate the potential for ozone sterilization of the starting material not only as an ostensible but the perforated (sub-cuticular transpiration) agent.Istraživanja s ciljem pronalaženja učinkovitih sterilizanata, u svrhu veće automatizacije u uspostavi aseptične kulture tkiva in vitro, provedena su na podlogama trešnje CAB 6P i Gisela 6. Ispitivana su dva načina sterilizacije (NaOCl i ozon O3), prateći stopu preživljavanja na tri tipa eksplantata; pupovi s primordijalnim lišćem, pupovi bez primordijalnoga lišća i nodijalni nelignificirani segment s aksilarnim pupom. Ozon je rezultirao visokom stopom preživljavanja (od 57 do 93%), bez obzira na vrstu eksplantata i varijante podloge. Uvođenjem cjelovitoga pupa bez destrukcije značajno je rezultiralo višom stopom preživljavanja (od 90 do 97%). Rezultati ukazuju na potencijal sterilizacije ozonom inicijalnoga biljnoga materijala, ne samo kao površinskoga, nego i penetrirajućeg (subkutikularnog) agenta