94 research outputs found

    Impact of contextual factors on match demands experienced by elite male referees during international basketball tournaments

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    [EN] We aimed to assess the cardiovascular responses and locomotory demands of male referees during diverse elite, international, basketball matches, and to investigate the influence of moderating factors (competition sex, level and stage) on these demands. Cardiovascular and locomotory responses were monitored in 123 elite, male referees while officiating 283 basketball sessions (preparation until match end), during group and playoff stages, of women’s and men’s FIBA Continental and World Cups at senior and youth level. The total and average session distance and velocity were ~4740 m, 19.0 m·min −1 and 2 km·h −1. Referees experienced an average relative HR of 60–65% maximum HR with ~85% of each session spent within the very light to moderate HR categories. The average session relative HR was significantly greater for men compared to women competition, during senior compared to youth sessions, and for the group compared to the playoff stage sessions. Mean distance covered was significantly greater during senior and men compared with youth and women sessions. Elite, international male basketball referees experienced moderate cardiovascular load accompanied with intermittent locomotor activities during international sessions when accounting for all occupational activities. International competitions are more demanding for referees based upon competition sex, level and stage.S

    The Performance Evolution of Match Play Styles in the Spanish Professional Basketball League

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the performance evolution of all, and the dominant, team’s performances throughout an eight-season period within the Spanish professional basketball league. Match-related statistics were gathered from all regular season matches (n = 2426) played during the period 2009−2010 to 2016−2017. The non-metric multidimensional scaling model was used to examine the team’s profiles across seasons and for the most successful (playoff) teams. The main results showed that: 3-point field goals made (effect size, d = 0.61; 90% confidence interval, CI = 0.23; 1.37) and missed (d = 0.72; 90% CI = 0.35; 1.46), and assists (d = 1.27; 90% CI = 0.82; 1.86) presented a positive trend with an increased number of actions across the seasons; 2-point field goals made (d = 0.21; 90% CI = −1.25; 2.02) and missed (d = 0.27; 90% CI = −0.52; 0.92) were decreased; free throws made and missed, rebounds, fouls, blocks, steals and turnovers showed a relatively stable performance. The matrix solution (stress = 0.22, rmse (root mean squared error) = 7.9 × 104, maximum residual = 5.8 × 103) indicated minimal season-to-season evolution with the ordination plot and convex hulls overlapping. The two most dominant teams exhibited unique match patterns with the most successful team’s pattern, a potential benchmark for others who exhibited more dynamic evolutions (and less success). The current findings identified the different performances of teams within the Spanish professional basketball league over eight seasons with further statistical modelling of match play performances useful to identify temporal trends and support coaches with training and competition preparations

    Validation of a tactical analysis methodology for the study of pick and roll in basketball

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    This study examines the design and validation of a tactical analysis methodology proposal for the study of pick and roll in basketball, applying the principles of observational methodology and the recording of actions in their natural context. We have developed three phases: Phase 1) Identification and selection of analysis variables, in which behavioral variables have been identified and cataloged (pick and roll), contextual analysis variables (court area, time of possession and period of play) and evaluative analysis variables (result of the action); Phase 2) Ad hoc creation of recording instruments, in which a computer tool was adapted (VA-Sports Software: Basketball) to address the particularities and specific needs of the study of the pick and roll situations.; and Phase 3) Quality control of the data, in which selection criteria were set for the sample, the training process of the observers was carried out, and the level of internal agreement and intraobserver concordance were verified in order to assess the reliability of the methodological approach. A total of 192 pick and roll situations corresponding to 6 games of the Spanish ACB League were analyzed in this study. The results suggest a high level of reliability of the methodology designed; as a whole it earned a high average Kappa value (.994), leading to the conclusion that the proposed analysis variables are precise in their definition and categorization in order to study pick and roll situations. The analysis variables; time of possession, period of play and results of the action showed a maximum level of agreement (Kappa value 1.000), while the analysis variables; pick and roll and court area also show a high degree of objectivity (Kappa values of .990 and .981 respectively)

    Heart rate analysis of high level basketball players during training sessions

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    The aim of the study was to assess through the heart rate (HR) the intensity of training sessions with elite basketball players. Eleven basketball players belonging to a Leb Oro team used HR monitors during 12 training sessions providing 238 HR files. In each exercise the number of players, type of exercise, type of defense, dimensions of the field and time were analyzed, calculating their HRmax, % HRmax, HRmed, and % HRmed depending on their specific positions (Guard, Forward and Centers). No significant differences were found based on the number of players or dimensions of the field, however more intensity was observed in the individual defense (p < .01). Moreover, there is a tendency to have greater intensity at SUP and INF drills. Centers reached the highest intensity in drills with more spaces (1x1, 2x2, SUP, INF) while Guards showed greater intensity in 3x3, 4x4 y 5x5 drills. The results of this study will help improve the planning and scheduling of workoutsEl objetivo del estudio es conocer la intensidad, mediante la frecuencia cardiaca (FC), de los ejercicios utilizados por un equipo de elite de baloncesto. 11 jugadores pertenecientes a un equipo de Leb Oro utilizaron pulsómetros durante 12 sesiones, obteniendo 238 registros de FC. En cada ejercicio se registraron el número de jugadores, tipo de ejercicio, volumen, tipo de defensa y dimensiones del campo, obteniéndose la FCmáx, % FCmáx, FCmed y % FCmed en función de los puestos específicos (Base, Alero y Pívot). No hubo diferencias significativas en función del número de jugadores o las dimensiones del campo, aunque se observó que la defensa individual era más intensa (p < .01). Asimismo los ejercicios de superioridades e inferioridades fueron los de mayor intensidad. Los Pívots obtuvieron mayor intensidad en ejercicios con mucho espacio, mientras que en 3x3, 4x4 y 5x5 fueron los Bases los que mostraron mayores intensidades. Los resultados de este estudio ayudarán a mejorar la planificación y programación de las sesiones y ejercicios

    Methodological proposal for the quantification and analysis of the level of risk assumed in volleyball service execution in female high-level competition

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    [ES] The development of volleyball in recent years has greatly conditioned the service, one of the most important elements of the game, with significant technical and tactical changes. A methodology based on observations is proposed using models to quantify and assess the risk levels assumed by volleyball players at the moment of the serve, and developing a system category for it that includes the main response levels that affect this element of the game. This methodology has been tested with a sample from Spanish and Italian leagues, and the results obtained show the validity of the proposed formulaS

    Heart rate analysis of high level basketball players during training sessions

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    P. 17-19El objetivo del estudio es conocer la intensidad, mediante la frecuencia cardiaca (FC), de los ejercicios utilizados por un equipo de elite de baloncesto. 11 jugadores pertenecientes a un equipo de Leb Oro utilizaron pulsómetros durante 12 sesiones, obteniendo 238 registros de FC. En cada ejercicio se registraron el número de jugadores, tipo de ejercicio, volumen, tipo de defensa y dimensiones del campo, obteniéndose la FCmáx, % FCmáx, FCmed y % FCmed en función de los puestos específicos (Base, Alero y Pívot). No hubo diferencias significativas en función del número de jugadores o las dimensiones del campo, aunque se observó que la defensa individual era más intensa (p < .01). Asimismo los ejercicios de superioridades e inferioridades fueron los de mayor intensidad. Los Pívots obtuvieron mayor intensidad en ejercicios con mucho espacio, mientras que en 3x3, 4x4 y 5x5 fueron los Bases los que mostraron mayores intensidades. Los resultados de este estudio ayudarán a mejorar la planificación y programación de las sesiones y ejerciciosS

    The Efficacy of Re-Warm-Up Practices during Half-Time: A Systematic Review

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    [EN] Background and Objectives: The passive nature of rest breaks in sport could reduce athletes’ performance and even increase their risk of injury. Re-warm-up activities could help avoid these problems, but there is a lack of research on their efficacy. This systematic review aimed at analyzing the results of those randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that provided information on the effects of re-warm-up strategies. Materials and Methods: Four electronic databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and SPORTDiscus) were searched from their inception to January 2021, for RCTs on the effects of re-warm-up activities on sports performance. Interventions had to be implemented just after an exercise period or sports competition. Studies that proposed activities that were difficult to replicate in the sport context or performed in a hot environment were excluded. Data were synthesized following PRISMA guidelines, while the risk of bias was assessed following the recom- mendations of the Cochrane Collaboration. Results: A total of 14 studies (178 participants) reporting data on acute or short-term effects were analyzed. The main outcomes were grouped into four broad areas: physiological measures, conditional abilities, perceptual skills, and sport efficiency measures. The results obtained indicated that passive rest decreases physiological function in athletes, while re-warm-up activities could help to improve athletes’ conditional abilities and sporting efficiency, despite showing higher fatigue levels in comparison with passive rest. The re-warm-up exercise showed to be more effective than passive rest to improve match activities and passing ability. Conclu- sions: Performing re-warm-up activities is a valuable strategy to avoid reducing sports performance during prolonged breaks. However, given that the methodological quality of the studies was not high, these relationships need to be further explored in official or simulated competitions

    Nueva aproximación a los juegos reducidos en baloncesto en función del número de jugadores, la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo y la recuperación

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    Los juegos reducidos (JR) son tareas habitualmente utilizadas en deportes colectivos ya que permiten mantener la esencia del juego mediante modificaciones en número de jugadores, tamaño del espacio o reglas, además de mantener el componente psíquico y táctico del juego (Fuentes Azpiroz, Feu, Jiménez, y Calleja-González, 2013). Nuestro objetivo es analizar cuatro formatos de JR en baloncesto muy utilizados, pero poco estudiados: el tres contra tres contra tres contra tres (i.e., 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 vs. 3), el cuatro contra cuatro contra cuatro (i.e., 4 vs. 4 vs. 4), el cinco contra cinco contra cinco (i.e., 5 vs. 5 vs. 5), y el tres contra dos continuo (i.e., 3 vs. 2 continuo). Durante ocho semanas de entrenamientos con 15 jugadoras junior se analizó la relación entre la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo (PSE) y la intensidad mediante variables fisiológicas (carga interna y externa). Los resultados muestran que el formato 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 resultó ser el más intenso mostrando unos valores mayores en PSE (3.41 ± 1.04) y frecuencia cardiaca máxima (184.50 ± 37.71 ppm). Asimismo, los resultados de esta investigación muestran como el JR de 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 se presenta como el más útil a la hora de provocar respuestas intensas en diversos parámetros psicofisiológicos y, tal y como ocurre en otros trabajos, se mantiene la premisa de a menor número de jugadores mayor es la intensidad de los juegos reducidos excepto en las situaciones de superioridad. El correcto uso de la recuperación entre JR ayudará en la optimización de la sesión de entrenamiento.Small sided games (SSG) are commonly used in team sports because they maintain the essence of the game through changes in the number of players, space or rules while maintaining the psychological and tactical parts of the game (Fuentes Azpiroz, Feu, Jiménez, y Calleja-González, 2013). Our goal is to analyze four types of widely used SSG in basketball that have not been studied: three against three against three against three (i.e., 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 vs. 3), four against four against four (i.e., 4 vs. 4 vs. 4), five against five against five (i.e., 5 vs. 5 vs. 5), and three against two continuous (i.e., 3 vs. 2 continuous). During eight weeks of training with 15 junior players, the relationship between rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and intensity was studied through physiological variables (internal and external load). Results show that the SSG 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 turns out to be the most intense in RPE (3.41 ±) and maximum heart rate (184.50 ± 37.71 bpm). Also, the results of this research show how the SSG 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 vs. 3 is the most useful in eliciting strong responses in various psychophysiological parameters and as it occurs in other studies, less players and more space make the SSG more intense except in situations of superiority. The correct use of recovery between JR will help in the optimization of the training session

    Validation of a tactical analysis methodology for the study of pick and roll in basketball

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    P. 277-281Este estudio examina el diseño y la validación de una propuesta de metodología de análisis táctico para el estudio del pick and roll en el baloncesto, aplicando los principios de la metodología de observación y el registro de acciones en su contexto natural. Hemos desarrollado tres fases: Fase 1) Identificación y selección de las variables de análisis, en las que se identificaron y catalogaron las variables de comportamiento (pick and roll), las variables de análisis contextual (área de corte, tiempo de posesión y período de juego) y las variables de análisis evaluativo. (resultado de la acción); Fase 2) Creación ad hoc de instrumentos de grabación, en la que se adaptó una herramienta informática (VA-Sports Software: Basketball) para abordar las particularidades y necesidades específicas del estudio de las situaciones de pick and roll ; y Fase 3) Control de calidad de los datos, en el que se establecieron los criterios de selección para la muestra, se llevó a cabo el proceso de capacitación de los observadores y se verificó el nivel de acuerdo interno y la concordancia intra-observador para evaluar la confiabilidad de la metodología. En este estudio se analizaron un total de 192 situaciones de pick and roll correspondientes a 6 partidos de la Liga ACB española. Los resultados sugieren un alto nivel de confiabilidad de la metodología diseñada; en conjunto, obtuvo un valor Kappa promedio alto (.994), lo que lleva a la conclusión de que las variables de análisis propuestas son precisas en su definición y categorización para estudiar las situaciones de pick and roll. Las variables de análisis: el tiempo de posesión, el período de juego y los resultados de la acción mostraron un nivel máximo de acuerdo (valor Kappa 1.000), mientras que las variables de análisis: el área de pick and roll y de corte también muestran un alto grado de objetividad (valores Kappa de .990 y .981 respectivamente)S

    The Performance Evolution of Match Play Styles in the Spanish Professional Basketball League

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    [EN] The aim of this study is to analyse the performance evolution of all, and the dominant, team’s performances throughout an eight-season period within the Spanish professional basketball league. Match-related statistics were gathered from all regular season matches (n = 2426) played during the period 2009–2010 to 2016–2017. The non-metric multidimensional scaling model was used to examine the team’s profiles across seasons and for the most successful (playoff) teams. The main results showed that: 3-point field goals made (effect size, d = 0.61; 90% confidence interval, CI = 0.23; 1.37) and missed (d = 0.72; 90% CI = 0.35; 1.46), and assists (d = 1.27; 90% CI = 0.82; 1.86) presented a positive trend with an increased number of actions across the seasons; 2-point field goals made (d = 0.21; 90% CI = −1.25; 2.02) and missed (d = 0.27; 90% CI = −0.52; 0.92) were decreased; free throws made and missed, rebounds, fouls, blocks, steals and turnovers showed a relatively stable performance. The matrix solution (stress = 0.22, rmse (root mean squared error) = 7.9 × 104, maximum residual = 5.8 × 103) indicated minimal season-to-season evolution with the ordination plot and convex hulls overlapping. The two most dominant teams exhibited unique match patterns with the most successful team’s pattern, a potential benchmark for others who exhibited more dynamic evolutions (and less success). The current findings identified the different performances of teams within the Spanish professional basketball league over eight seasons with further statistical modelling of match play performances useful to identify temporal trends and support coaches with training and competition preparations.S