26 research outputs found

    Creatividad computacional: diseño y desarrollo de un método para generación automática de descripciones asociadas a elementos de juegos de rol

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    La capacidad creativa de las máquinas es un asunto que siempre ha despertado controversia, tanto en medios divulgativos, como en expertos en la materia. Hoy en día, pese a la proliferación de aplicaciones creativas en el campo de la creatividad computacional, las opiniones continúan estando divididas, algunas de ellas poniendo en duda el potencial creativo de las máquinas y tachándolas de “expertas falsificadoras”. Pero acaso, ¿no somos las personas también “expertos falsificadores”? Este trabajo, pretende experimentar con la capacidad creativa de las máquinas para la generación de lenguaje natural (GLN). Este campo pertenece a la disciplina conocida como lingüística computacional (LC) o procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN), cuyo propósito es entender y generar lenguaje natural. Así, con el fin de poner a prueba como se desenvuelven las máquinas con esta habilidad inherente en los humanos, se pretende diseñar un sistema capaz de generar automáticamente descripciones asociadas a juegos de rol. Tras una exhaustiva investigación del estado actual de la tarea de la GLN, el enfoque propuesto para abordar el sistema descrito se fundamenta en las tecnologías de vanguardia basadas en modelos de lenguaje neuronales (NLM: Neural Language Models), concretamente en el modelo GPT-2 de la arquitectura Transformer. Estas tecnologías se profundizan en el capítulo 3 de este trabajo. En el capítulo 7 se presenta una evaluación de los textos generados por el sistema, utilizando distintas técnicas de decodificación. A pesar de estar entrenado con una escasa cantidad de datos, el sistema es capaz de generar algunos textos creativos y gramaticalmente correctos. Como se precisa también en el capítulo 3, la cantidad de datos requeridos para entrenar un modelo de lenguaje desde cero, como en este caso, es extremadamente grande, por lo que los investigadores suelen utilizar modelos preentrenados. Puesto que la mayoría de los recursos para abordar la tarea de la GLN, así como otros campos de la LC, están en inglés, y el sistema propuesto es sumamente específico, la alternativa de recurrir a un modelo preentrenado se dificulta. Por estos motivos, el enfoque propuesto para este sistema es un entrenamiento desde cero (from scratch)

    A review of additive manufacturing of ceramics by powder bed selective laser processing (sintering / melting): Calcium phosphate, silicon carbide, zirconia, alumina, and their composites

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    This review offers an overview on the latest advances in the powder bed selective laser processing, known as selective laser sintering/melting, of calcium phosphate, silicon carbide, zirconia, alumina, and some of their composites. A number of published studies between 1991 and August 2020 was collected, analyzed and an inclusive state of the art was created for this review. The paper focuses on the process description, feedstock criteria and process parameters and strategy. A comparison is made between direct and indirect powder bed selective laser processing of each ceramic, regarding the present achievements, limitations and solutions. In addition, technical aspects and challenges about how to address these issues are presented

    Desarrollo de competencias profesionales a través de prácticas en empresa en la universidad politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT)

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    [SPA] El equipo docente de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena “Docencia Orientada a la Profesión” ha desarrollado un documento para servir de referencia en las prácticas en empresa de los títulos de la UPCT, prácticas que desde el RD 1791/2011 son curriculares y corresponden a créditos obligatorios u optativos y que requieren la elaboración de un proyecto formativo. El documento se ocupa de la definición y evaluación de competencias.[ENG] The teamwork “Docencia Orientada a la Profesión” of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena has developed a document aimed to be used as a reference in the internships of the UPCT degrees. Since the Royal Decree RD 1791/2011 was approved, internships are considered as curricular and correspond to compulsory or optional credits. Furthermore, the RD establishes that internships require the development of an educational project. The mentioned document deals with the definition and assessment of skills

    Docencia orientada a la profesión: análisis de los informes de empleabilidad de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT)

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    [SPA] Este trabajo recoge el análisis de los informes de empleabilidad de egresados de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena durante el periodo 2010 a 2012. Los egresados consultados se han dividido por grupos, que van desde los recién titulados hasta los que finalizaron 5 años atrás. El análisis se centra en las diez competencias transversales más demandadas por el mercado laboral. De los resultados obtenidos se ha evidenciado que cada competencia está asociada a un nivel de responsabilidad y cualificación diferente dentro de una empresa y estos niveles van cambiando con el tiempo, por lo que no todas las competencias son igualmente necesarias en cada uno de los niveles de la vida profesional. Igualmente se hace patente la necesidad de un acercamiento posterior del egresado a la universidad, en forma de másteres, doctorados o cursos de especialización, para actualizar conocimientos y adquirir competencias acorde a los requerimientos cambiantes de su profesión.[ENG] This work presents an employability analysis of the graduates from the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, during the period 2010-2012. Graduates have been divided into groups, ranging from recent graduates to those having graduated years ago. The analysis focuses on the ten most transferable skills demanded by the market. From the results, it has been shown that each skill is associated with a level of responsibility different in each company, and these levels change over time, so not all skills are equally necessary in each of the levels professional life. Furthermore, it becomes necessary an approach over the years of the graduate to the university. This approach in terms of a master, PhD or specialization courses to update skills and to acquire knowledge according to the changing requirements of their profession

    Clinical Audits in Outpatient Clinics for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Methodological Considerations and Workflow

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    Objectives: Previous clinical audits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have provided valuable information on the clinical care delivered to patients admitted to medical wards because of COPD exacerbations. However, clinical audits of COPD in an outpatient setting are scarce and no methodological guidelines are currently available. Based on our previous experience, herein we describe a clinical audit for COPD patients in specialized outpatient clinics with the overall goal of establishing a potential methodological workflow.Methods: A pilot clinical audit of COPD patients referred to respiratory outpatient clinics in the region of Andalusia, Spain (over 8 million inhabitants), was performed. The audit took place between October 2013 and September 2014, and 10 centers (20% of all public hospitals) were invited to participate. Cases with an established diagnosis of COPD based on risk factors, clinical symptoms, and a post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 0.70 were deemed eligible. The usefulness of formally scheduled regular follow-up visits was assessed. Two different databases (resources and clinical database) were constructed. Assessments were planned over a year divided by 4 three-month periods, with the goal of determining seasonal-related changes. Exacerbations and survival served as the main endpoints.Conclusions: This paper describes a methodological framework for conducting a clinical audit of COPD patients in an outpatient setting. Results from such audits can guide health information systems development and implementation in real-world settings.This study was financially supported by an unrestricted grant from Laboratorios Menarini, SA (Barcelona, Spain)

    Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Treatment vs Hospitalization for Infective Endocarditis: Validation of the OPAT-GAMES Criteria

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    Estudio de la influencia del equilibrio coagulación-fibrinolisis endopleural en la pleurodesis con talco

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    Hemos estudiado el balance coagulacion/fibrinolisis endopleural y otros parametros bioquimicos en 104 pacientes tras toracoscopia. En 81, 77 malignos y 4 benignos recurrentes, se realizo pleurodesis con talco. Los otros 23, 16 benignos y 7 malignos, se incluyeron como control. Se determinaron de forma basal, tras biopsia, a las 3,24 y 48 horas, u en caso de recidiva, los niveles de trombina-antitrombina (tat), dimero-d e inhibidor del activador del plasminogeno (pai-1) y otros parametros (ph, ldh, glucosa, lactico, proteinas y celulas). La pleurodesis fue un exito en el 80x100 de los casos, con un valor predictivo positivo para el fracaso de la pleurodesis de un 67x100 para los casos con ph menor 7.2. La toracoscopia origino por si sola una marcada respuesta de los parametros inflamatorios en la pleura. Los niveles basales de coagulacion y fibrinolisis fueron similares en ambos grupos, con correlacion entre niveles de dimero-d y extension tumoral. Tras toracoscopia se activo la coagulacion y elevaron los niveles de pai en todos los grupos, con una caida significativa de la fibrinolisis (p menor 0,001) a las 24 horas en los pacientes con buen resultado de la pleurodesis e incremento de dicha fibrinolisis en los fracasos. El maximo pico en el indice tat/dimero-d se produce a las 24 horas, por ello en este momento la succion pleural debe ser maxima

    Determinants for changing the treatment of COPD: a regression analysis from a clinical audit.

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    Journal Article;INTRODUCTION This study is an analysis of a pilot COPD clinical audit that evaluated adherence to guidelines for patients with COPD in a stable disease phase during a routine visit in specialized secondary care outpatient clinics in order to identify the variables associated with the decision to step-up or step-down pharmacological treatment. METHODS This study was a pilot clinical audit performed at hospital outpatient respiratory clinics in the region of Andalusia, Spain (eight provinces with over eight million inhabitants), in which 20% of centers in the area (catchment population 3,143,086 inhabitants) were invited to participate. Treatment changes were evaluated in terms of the number of prescribed medications and were classified as step-up, step-down, or no change. Three backward stepwise binominal multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to evaluate variables associated with stepping up, stepping down, and inhaled corticosteroids discontinuation. RESULTS The present analysis evaluated 565 clinical records (91%) of the complete audit. Of those records, 366 (64.8%) cases saw no change in pharmacological treatment, while 99 patients (17.5%) had an increase in the number of drugs, 55 (9.7%) had a decrease in the number of drugs, and 45 (8.0%) noted a change to other medication for a similar therapeutic scheme. Exacerbations were the main factor in stepping up treatment, as were the symptoms themselves. In contrast, rather than symptoms, doctors used forced expiratory volume in 1 second and previous treatment with long-term antibiotics or inhaled corticosteroids as the key determinants to stepping down treatment. CONCLUSION The majority of doctors did not change the prescription. When changes were made, a number of related factors were noted. Future trials must evaluate whether these therapeutic changes impact clinically relevant outcomes at follow-up.This study was financially supported by an unrestricted grant from Laboratorios Menarini, SA (Barcelona, Spain).Ye

    Guideline Adherence in Outpatient Clinics for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Results from a Clinical Audit.

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    Journal ArticleOBJECTIVES Previous clinical audits of COPD have provided relevant information about medical intervention in exacerbation admissions. The present study aims to evaluate adherence to current guidelines in COPD through a clinical audit. METHODS This is a pilot clinical audit performed in hospital outpatient respiratory clinics in Andalusia, Spain (eight provinces with more than 8 million inhabitants), including 9 centers (20% of the public centers in the area) between 2013 and 2014. Cases with an established diagnosis of COPD based on risk factors, clinical symptoms, and a post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 0.70 were deemed eligible. The performance of the outpatient clinics was benchmarked against three guidance documents available at the time of the audit. The appropriateness of the performance was categorized as excellent (>80%), good (60-80%), adequate (40-59%), inadequate (20-39%), and highly inadequate (<20%). RESULTS During the audit, 621 clinical records were audited. Adherence to the different guidelines presented a considerable variability among the different participating hospitals, with an excellent or good adherence for symptom recording, MRC or CAT use, smoking status evaluation, spirometry, or bronchodilation therapy. The most outstanding areas for improvement were the use of the BODE index, the monitoring of treatments, the determination of alpha1-antitrypsin, the performance of exercise testing, and vaccination recommendations. CONCLUSIONS The present study reflects the situation of clinical care for COPD patients in specialized secondary care outpatient clinics. Adherence to clinical guidelines shows considerable variability in outpatient clinics managing COPD patients, and some aspects of the clinical care can clearly be improved.This study was financially supported by an unrestricted grant from Laboratorios Menarini, SA (Barcelona, Spain).Ye