72 research outputs found

    Multi-omics in vitro study of the salivary modulation of the goat rumen microbiome

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    Ruminants are able to produce large quantities of saliva which enter into the rumen and salivary components exert different physiological functions. Although previous research has indicated that salivary immunoglobulins can partially modulate the rumen microbial activity, the role of the salivary components other than ions on the rumen microbial ecosystem has not been thoroughly investigated in ruminants. To investigate this modulatory activity, a total of 16 semi-continuous in vitro cultures with oats hay and concentrate were used to incubate rumen fluid from four donor goats with autoclaved saliva (AUT) as negative control, saliva from the same rumen fluid donor (OWN) as positive control, and either goat (GOAT) or sheep (SHEEP) saliva as experimental interventions. Fermentation was monitored throughout 7 days of incubation and the microbiome and metabolome were analysed at the end of this incubation by Next-Generation sequencing and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, respectively. Characterisation of the proteome and metabolome of the different salivas used for the incubation showed a high inter-animal variability in terms of metabolites and proteins, including immunoglobulins. Incubation with AUT saliva promoted lower fermentative activity in terms of gas production (−9.4%) and highly divergent prokaryotic community in comparison with other treatments (OWN, GOAT and SHEEP) suggesting a modulatory effect derived from the presence of bioactive salivary components. Microbial alpha-diversity at amplicon sequence variant (ASV) level was unaffected by treatment. However, some differences were found in the microbial communities across treatments, which were mostly caused by a greater abundance of Proteobacteria and Rikenellacea in the AUT treatment and lower of Prevotellaceae. These bacteria, which are key in the rumen metabolism, had greater abundances in GOAT and SHEEP treatments. Incubation with GOAT saliva led to a lower protozoal concentration and propionate molar proportion indicating a capacity to modulate the rumen microbial ecosystem. The metabolomics analysis showed that the AUT samples were clustered apart from the rest indicating different metabolic pathways were promoted in this treatment. These results suggest that specific salivary components contribute to host-associated role in selecting the rumen commensal microbiota and its activity. These findings could open the possibility of developing new strategies to modulate the saliva composition as a way to manipulate the rumen function and activity

    Effect of aquatic resistance interval training and dietary education program on physical and psychological health in older women: Randomized controlled trial

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    Due to demographic changes, the world’s population is progressively aging. The physiological deterioration of the older adult may lead to reduced balance capacity and increased risk of falls, among others, due to the prevalence of degenerative diseases. Physical exercise can be effective in reducing the risk of disease and slowing functional decline in older people. The aim of the research is to test the effects of aquatic resistance training and dietary education on health indicators, strength, balance, functional autonomy, perception of satisfaction with life. Thirty-four participants aged 69 ± 4 years were randomly assigned into two groups: experimental (aquatic resistance interval training) and control group (no intervention). The intervention consisted of resistance training in an aquatic environment carried out for 14 weeks (three sessions per week: 60 min each). All variables were analyzed twice; pre - post intervention. Aquatic resistance training has positive effects on strength (p < 0.001), functional self-sufficiency (p < 0.001) and aerobic capacity (p < 0.001), however, no significant differences were observed in the perception of satisfaction with life and balance. Research results suggest that older women who engage in regular, scheduled aquatic resistance training have greater autonomy in performing activities of daily living, agility, gait control, and body composition variables (lower fat compartment and greater muscle mass)

    Simulación numérica de un reactor sonoquímico operado a 500 kHz

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    El ultrasonido se presenta como un método potencial para ser aplicado en la remoción de contaminantes de medios acuosos. Por tal razón, es importante su estudio para su aplicación a nivel industrial, de tal manera que se pueda optimizar su diseño, con la finalidad de encontrar las condiciones donde los procesos de micromezclado permitan que las reacciones de remoción de contaminantes sean más rápidas con la finalidad de reducir los tiempos de tratamiento y consumos de potencia. En este sentido, en el presente trabajo se simula el comportamiento de un sonoreactor industrial con varios piezoeléctricos de alta frecuencia (500kHz), donde existe interacción entre los campos de velocidad que producen, a diferencia de los estudios con reactores a nivel laboratorio con un solo piezoeléctrico (sonoelectrodo) donde no existe interacción, además de que se utilizan bajas frecuencias (24kHz). Los resultados de la simulación se comparan con estudios experimentales de velocimetria de imagen de partículas (PIV)Ultrasound is presented as a potential method to be applied in the removal of pollutants from aqueous media. For this reason, it is important to study it for industrial application, in such a way that its design can be optimized, in order to find the conditions where micro-mixing processes allow faster removal reactions of contaminants to reduce treatment times and power consumption. In this sense, the present work simulates the behavior of an industrial sonoreactor with several piezoelectric high frequency (500kHz), where there is interaction between the fields of speed that produce, unlike the studies with reactors at laboratory level with only one piezoelectric (sonotrode) where there is no interaction and use low frequencies (24kHz). The results obtained from the simulation were compared with the ones obtained with PIV

    Preclinical and clinical studies for sodium tungstate: application in humans.

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    Diabetes is a complex metabolic disorder triggered by the deficient secretion of insulin by the pancreatic β-cell or the resistance of peripheral tissues to the action of the hormone. Chronic hyperglycemia is the major consequence of this failure, and also the main cause of diabetic problems. Indeed, several clinical trials have agreed in that tight glycemic control is the best way to stop progression of the disease. Many anti-diabetic drugs for treatment of type 2 diabetes are commercially available, but no ideal normoglycemic agent has been developed yet. Moreover, weight gain is the most common side effect of many oral anti-diabetic agents and insulin, and increased weight has been shown to worsen glycemic control and increase the risk of diabetes progression. In this sense, the inorganic salt sodium tungstate (NaW) has been studied in different animal models of metabolic syndrome and diabetes, proving to have a potent effect on normalizing blood glucose levels and reducing body weight, without any hypoglycemic action. Although the liver has been studied as the main site of NaW action, positive effects have been also addressed in muscle, pancreas, brain, adipose tissue and intestine, explaining the effective anti-diabetic action of this salt. Here, we review NaW research to date in these different target organs. We believe that NaW deserves more attention, since all available anti-diabetic treatments remain suboptimal and new therapeutics are urgently needed

    Nutritional Immunity Triggers the Modulation of Iron Metabolism Genes in the Sub-Antarctic Notothenioid Eleginops maclovinus in Response to Piscirickettsia salmonis

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    Iron deprivation is a nutritional immunity mechanism through which fish can limit the amount of iron available to invading bacteria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the modulation of iron metabolism genes in the liver and brain of sub-Antarctic notothenioid Eleginops maclovinus challenged with Piscirickettsia salmonis. The specimens were inoculated with two P. salmonis strains: LF-89 (ATCC® VR-1361™) and Austral-005 (antibiotic resistant). Hepatic and brain samples were collected at intervals over a period of 35 days. Gene expression (by RT-qPCR) of proteins involved in iron storage, transport, and binding were statistically modulated in infected fish when compared with control counterparts. Specifically, the expression profiles of the transferrin and hemopexin genes in the liver, as well as the expression profiles of ferritin-M, ferritin-L, and transferrin in the brain, were similar for both experimental groups. Nevertheless, the remaining genes such as ferritin-H, ceruloplasmin, hepcidin, and haptoglobin presented tissue-specific expression profiles that varied in relation to the injected bacterial strain and sampling time-point. These results suggest that nutritional immunity could be an important immune defense mechanism for E. maclovinus against P. salmonis injection. This study provides relevant information for understanding iron metabolism of a sub-Antarctic notothenioid fish

    Relationship between Anthropometric Measures and Anxiety Perception in Soccer Players

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    In the sports context, it has been corroborated that the physical demands of presenting an “ideal” body configuration have been associated with different psychological variables, such as self-esteem, anxiety and personality dimensions, such as perfectionism. Specifically, there is evidence that anthropometric measures may be closely related to psychological indicators. A total of 33 male soccer players (18.12 ± 1.24 years) participated in the investigation. Anthropometric assessments were carried out following the ISAK standards for the restricted profile. All of them completed the Competitive Trait Anxiety Inventory (CTAI-2D) in its Spanish version. The percent fat was calculated using Withers (density) and Siri equations. The ∑7 skinfolds were used to calculate this. After statistical analysis, significant mean differences were observed in the somatic anxiety dimension (valence) and a medium–large effect size. Regarding correlations, the significantly negative relationship between self-confidence (intentionality) and somatic anxiety (valence) was noteworthy. The relationship between psychological variables and anthropometric measurements was corroborated, showing the need for interdisciplinary work between psychologists and nutritionists who do not ignore the physical health and psychological well-being of the soccer player

    Artificial Modifications of the Coast In Response to the \u3ci\u3eDeepwater Horizon\u3c/i\u3e Oil Spill: Quick Solutions or Long-Term Liabilities?

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    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill threatened many coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico during the spring and summer of 2010. Mitigation strategies included the construction of barrier sand berms, the restriction or blocking of inlets, and the diversion of freshwater from rivers to the coastal marshes and into the ocean, in order to flush away the oil, on the premise that these measures could reduce the quantity of oil reaching sensitive coastal environments such as wetlands or estuaries. These projects result in changes to the ecosystems that they were intended to protect. Long-term effects include alterations of the hydrological and ecological characteristics of estuaries, changes in sediment transport along the coastal barrier islands, the loss of sand resources, and adverse impacts to benthic and pelagic organisms. Although there are no easy solutions for minimizing the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon disaster on coastal ecosystems, we recommend that federal, state, and local agencies return to the strategic use of long-term restoration plans for this region

    The Proteome of Biologically Active Membrane Vesicles from Piscirickettsia salmonis LF-89 Type Strain Identifies Plasmid-Encoded Putative Toxins

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    Piscirickettsia salmonis is the predominant bacterial pathogen affecting the Chilean salmonid industry. This bacterium is the etiological agent of piscirickettsiosis, a significant fish disease. Membrane vesicles (MVs) released by P. salmonis deliver several virulence factors to host cells. To improve on existing knowledge for the pathogenicity-associated functions of P. salmonis MVs, we studied the proteome of purified MVs from the P. salmonis LF-89 type strain using multidimensional protein identification technology. Initially, the cytotoxicity of different MV concentration purified from P. salmonis LF-89 was confirmed in an in vivo adult zebrafish infection model. The cumulative mortality of zebrafish injected with MVs showed a dose-dependent pattern. Analyses identified 452 proteins of different subcellular origins; most of them were associated with the cytoplasmic compartment and were mainly related to key functions for pathogen survival. Interestingly, previously unidentified putative virulence-related proteins were identified in P. salmonis MVs, such as outer membrane porin F and hemolysin. Additionally, five amino acid sequences corresponding to the Bordetella pertussis toxin subunit 1 and two amino acid sequences corresponding to the heat-labile enterotoxin alpha chain of Escherichia coli were located in the P. salmonis MV proteome. Curiously, these putative toxins were located in a plasmid region of P. salmonis LF-89. Based on the identified proteins, we propose that the protein composition of P. salmonis LF-89 MVs could reflect total protein characteristics of this P. salmonis type strain

    The Influence of Enhanced Post-Glacial Coastal Margin Productivity on the Emergence of Complex Societies

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    Abstract We analyze the dynamics of post-glacial coastal margin (CM) productivity and explore how it affected the emergence of six complex CM societies. Following deglaciation, global relative sea level stabilized after ~7000 BP and CM productivity significantly increased in many areas. Primary and secondary productivity (fish) likely increased by an order of magnitude or more. Aquatic animals were readily available in the CM providing sources of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein, and nutrients, especially essential to human nutrition. In all six case studies, mature CMs appear to have been occupied by Neolithic agricultural and fishing villages within ~500 years of sea-level stabilization. Within a few hundred years population densities increased and roughly a millennium later social ranking and monumental architecture appeared. Sea-level stabilization and increased CM productivity in conjunction with agricultural intensification in lower alluvial floodplains were major contributors to the origins of many complex CM societies. Keyword