104 research outputs found

    Digital Memory

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    “Tanques contra piedras”: la imagen de Israel en España

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    Este trabajo analiza el problema de la imagen de Israel en España, cuya opinión pública muestra niveles de distanciamiento y hostilidad más pronunciados que en los demás países de Europa. Los representantes diplomáticos de Israel suelen señalar que hay dos países con quien el Estado judío tiene relaciones “especiales”. Uno es Alemania, y las razones no escapan a nadie. El otro es España, donde sí hay que preguntarse el porqué. Este trabajo analiza el problema de la imagen de Israel en España, una imagen que en el discurso político, en los medios y en los sondeos de opinión pública muestra niveles de distanciamiento y hostilidad más pronunciados que en los demás países de Europa. ¿Cuáles son las causas socio-históricas y culturales de esta percepción negativa? ¿Y en qué medida la imagen de Israel en España está en proceso de normalización

    "Tanques contra piedras"

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    Oma Clemens Reise nach Argentinien

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    Los vacíos de Sefarad. La memoria del Holocausto en España

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    Spain is a country with no immediate historical connection to the Holocaust. However, in recent years discussions about the Holocaust have gained a more significant presence in Spain´s public life. This irruption of the Holocaust in the spheres of politics, education and culture can be explained as a consequence of political and institutional convergence with Europe as well as of the growing debate over the memory of the crimes of the Franco dictatorship. Using as its basis theories of cosmopolitan and transnationalized memories (Levy y Sznaider 2002, Jeffrey Alexander 2002, Huyssen 2002), this paper approaches the memory, or the memories, of the Holocaust in Spain. The globalized significance of the Holocaust permits different groups to define their own traumatic experiences by creating parallels with the Holocaust, it allows projections and comparisons of different types, and triggers significant resistances and rejections. This essay also argues that the unfortunate historical link to everything related to Jews in Spain, the effects of which are still present, shapes the ways the Holocaust is remembered in contemporary Spain.Aunque España no tenga una conexión inmediata con el Holocausto en términos históricos, las temáticas en torno al genocidio de los judíos europeos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial tienen una presencia creciente en el discurso público español. Las razones de esta irrupción del Holocausto en ámbitos políticos, educativos y culturales pueden encontrarse en la convergencia político-institucional con Europa, pero también en el debate en torno a la memoria histórica del franquismo y el legado de sus crímenes. Partiendo de las teorías sobre las memorias colectivas cosmopolitas y transnacionalizadas (Levy y Sznaider, 2002; Jeffrey Alexander, 2002; Huyssen, 2002) este ensayo aborda la memoria, o las memorias, del Holocausto en España. La significación globalizada del Holocausto da pie a que este acontecimiento sirva de matriz interpretativa de experiencias traumáticas propias, permita proyecciones y equiparaciones muy diversas, y desencadene significativos rechazos y resistencias. En este sentido, el ensayo plantea también que el desafortunado vínculo histórico con lo judío en España, cuyas secuelas son todavía manifiestas, también condiciona las formas de recordar el Holocausto en la España contemporánea

    Consuming history and memory through mass media products

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    The representation of the past through products of the 'culture industry' bears the history of a long debate between detractors and optimists. This controversy becomes especially significant in a time where commercial audiovisual media affect in unprecedented ways the content and the form in which massive audiences relate to the events of the past. Even more so in a so-called postmodern moment in which public confidence in the real is overall in decline. In this context, the debate on the representation of the history and memory of the Holocaust the paradigmatic example of limitations and imperatives to representational practice - has become a contemporary battlefield regarding the legitimacy and propriety of mass media products. By examining contemporary Holocaust representations that are at the intersection between the world of commercial mass media and the conventional nonfiction culture and documentary tradition (such as high-tech museums and Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation), this article will reflect upon the diverse implications of the mass media-history relation

    Consuming history and memory through mass media products

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    Imagen, memoria e industria cultural: el holocausto y las propuestas de su representación.

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    La dificultad de comprender y representar el Holocausto nazi ha sido un ejemplo paradigmático en el debate historiográfico. Este debate adquiere un significado especial en una ¿poca en que el pasado, la memoria colectiva y la consciencia histórica están quedando relegadas a la construcción que las imágenes que el cine y la televisión generan de los mismos. En este contexto cultural fuertemente monopolizado por la industria del entretenimiento, se analizará la naturaleza representacional de los testimonios audiovisuales de supervivientes del Holocausto que recoge un ambicioso proyecto historiográfico documental. Mientras que la crítica postmodema derivada de este estado de las cosas ha puesto de manifiesto que, en todos los ámbitos de representación, la dicotomía ficción/realidad se reduce a fundamentos discursivos, convenciones y narrativas, las historias orales registradas en soporte audiovisual suponen prácticas de significación que proponen alternativas al improductivo relativismo constrectivista.The difficulty of adequately comprehending and representing the Holocaust has been a paradigmatic example in the debate on the writing ofhistory. This debate acquires a special significance in a time where visual media has an increasing weight in the representation of the past, and raises the question of how the presence of images affects the holocaust's public remembrance. The `Survivors of the Shoah' visual history project, examined in this paper, emerges in this heavily commodityfied cultural context which is marked as well by the skepticism towards any account of the past. 1 will analyze the representational value of videotaped testimonies and explore the ways in which this fonn of representation suggests appealing altematives to the relativism raised by the postmodem critique

    Qualitative archives and biographical research methods. An introduction to the FQS special issue

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    The use of archival materials as a point of departure when designing and launching social research takes for granted that a culture of archiving (for sharing and re-use) has rooted time ago in our complex societies. This mentality and research practice first flourished and is fairly well installed in the case of statistics, surveys and certain other primary or secondary documents. On the contrary, it is less frequent and certainly not a routine activity for qualitative data. Only some of the raw and elaborated materials gathered during qualitative research become part of an archive for further reanalysis. These can include the backstage practices and experiences of a project, raw materials such as field notes, audio and visual recordings, and other documents produced during the research process. This issue presents a colorful range of articles that deal with experiences, challenges and opportunities of archiving and re-using qualitative material, particularly under the umbrella of biographical and narrative research. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of archiving in qualitative social research and highlights some of the new methodological reflections and approaches that have been and that are being developed within the European landscape. We hope that the articles in this issue will help promote further communication and exchange among qualitative archival practitioners from different countries and with different sensitivities and conceptual horizons. © 2011 FQS