46 research outputs found

    Kinetic and Chemical Equilibration in Scalar phi^4 Theory

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    Approximations based on the 2PI effective action are used to investigate the process of equilibration in phi^4 theory in 3+1 dimensions, both in the symmetric and broken phase. A special emphasis is put on the study of the kinetic and chemical equilibration.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, uses axodraw, minor corrections added, based on a talk given at the Workshop on Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization, Vienna, August 10th-12th, 200

    Lithic raw material in the Cantabrian region: Dialectical relationship between flint and quartzite in the Palaeolithic record

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    The increase, in quantitative and qualitative terms, of research attending to the geological nature of rocks found in archaeological contexts is changing our perspectives about social and economic territories articulated by Palaeolithic societies in the Cantabrian Region. Practically the only raw material researched in a solid geoarchaeological approach in this area is flint. This paper addresses how the near absence of in-depth geoarchaeological research into raw materials other than flint is modifying our perception of the procurement and management mechanism of raw material in the Cantabrian Region during the Palaeolithic. To consider this matter in depth, we present the bibliographic and quantitative analysis of 30 representative archaeological sites from the Cantabrian Region whose assemblages were described lithologically using basic and primary categories. The state of play depicts a geographic distribution of raw material in the Cantabrian Region where quartzite is associated with the western sector and flint with the east. Interconnected with this axis, there is a chronological tendency that promotes standardisation in the use of flint by Palaeolithic societies following a chronological order, from the older to the more recent periods. This information, and its contextualisation with the new perspectives resulting from the application of the geoarchaeological proposal used to understand flint procurement, allows us to understand the general tendencies of raw material distribution of the region. Especially, we can detect how the absence of geoarchaeological methodologies of other raw materials than flint has modified the perception of the economic and social dynamics articulated around raw material by Palaeolithic people. This bias does not only affect the geographical and chronological axes, emphasising information from the regions and periods where flint is represented, but also promotes the over-interpretation of long-distance procurement, therefore, building up narratives exclusively based on human mobility. This situation has generated an incomplete and unbalanced picture of the procurement and management strategies followed by Palaeolithic societies because quartzite, the second most-often used lithic raw material, and other raw materials have only been studied using geoarchaeological methods within the last few years. This research finally points to the continuation of in-depth research of quartzite and other raw materials as the next steps to re-interpret the current paradigms about procurement and management of raw material by Palaeolithic societies, and, therefore, modify our perspectives of social and economic territories

    Equilibration in phi^4 theory in 3+1 dimensions

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    The process of equilibration in phi^4 theory is investigated for a homogeneous system in 3+1 dimensions and a variety of out-of-equilibrium initial conditions, both in the symmetric and broken phase, by means of the 2PI effective action. Two Phi-derivable approximations including scattering effects are used: the two-loop and the ``basketball'', the latter corresponding to the truncation of the 2PI effective action at O(lambda^2). The approach to equilibrium, as well as the kinetic and chemical equilibration is investigated.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, uses axodraw, minor corrections adde

    Los bienes comunes y privativos en el derecho aragonés (1880-1925).

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se desarrolla la evolución del derecho aragonés desde el congreso de los jurisconsultos aragoneses de 1880 hasta el apéndice de 1925, haciendo una mención a la etapa previa y a la etapa posterior que concluye con la legislación vigente

    Quartzite procurement, not only in fluvial deposits: raw material characterisation of the lithic assemblage from Level XXII-R at El Esquilleu, Cantabrian Region, Spain.

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    The consideration of quartzite as a secondary raw material has relegated in-depth research of this raw material in favour of such other rocks as flint or obsidian. The latter two are the most researched raw materials because of the information derived from their study: long-distance transport of rocks and mobility of people. In contrast, information obtained from research into quartzite generally supported near-site procurement areas mainly related to secondary river deposits. Together with the wide range of rocks called quartzite by archaeologists, this has influenced the poverty of research on the second most-often used raw material during the Palaeolithic. To overcome this narrow perspective, it is necessary to put quartzite in the centre of the debate as a raw material, using an inductive proposal based on geoarchaeological methodologies. This issue is approached by the application of a geoarchaeological methodology that combines thin section analysis, stereomicroscope observation, and X-ray Fluorescence compositional analysis of the quartzite from Level-XXII-R at El Esquilleu. Potential areas where quartzite could be procured, especially river beaches, are also characterised here. The results show complex mechanisms of quartzite acquisition based on intensive and selective searching, not only in proximate river deposits, but also in more distant fluvial deposits and conglomerate formations. Finally, in combination with techno-typological criteria, complex mechanisms of exploitation are proposed. These depended on each quartzite type, which promoted not only lithological but also technological variability. All these data open new perspectives for the characterisation of the second best represented raw material in Europe, as well as for understanding acquisition mechanisms in fluvial deposits and conglomerate formations

    Jaca: Centro neurálgico del derecho altomedieval aragonés

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    En el presente trabajo se aborda un estudio del Privilegio de Jaca otorgado por el rey Sancho Ramírez en 1077. Comienzo haciendo un breve recorrido por el derecho español de la los Siglos. IX, X, XI y XII. Y después analizo concretamente el Privilegio de Jaca su estructura y contenido normativo, precepto por precepto, su evolución, sus consecuencias, así como su expansión y relación con el Camino de Santiago

    Recent developments in financing and bank lending to the non-financial private sector 2019 H2

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    Artículo de revistaIn the final stretch of 2019, the funds raised by households and non-financial corporations grew at very moderate rates, somewhat below those recorded in the first half of the year. This occurred against a setting of weak demand for funds, in which credit standards for bank loans had tightened slightly, although the cost of credit declined again, in keeping with the more accommodative monetary policy stance. Deposit institutions’ loan portfolios continued to contract, albeit at a more moderate pace, while their average quality improved, with further reductions in the NPL ratio and in foreclosed assets

    Recent developments in financing and bank lending to the non-financial private sector

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    Artículo de revistaThis is the first of a series of analytical articles that will examine, on a half-yearly basis, recent developments in funds raised by the Spanish non-financial private sector and resident deposit institutions’ credit exposure to the sector. In the early months of 2019, the conditions of access to bank finance for Spanish firms and households remained highly accommodative; however, after several years in which these conditions had gradually eased, signs are now emerging that suggest that this tendency may be coming to an end. Nevertheless, deposit institutions’ total outstanding credit exposure to the non-financial private sector continued to decline in 2019 Q1 (2.1% year-on-year). The NPL ratio also continued to fall

    Quartzite procurement in conglomerates and deposits:Geoarchaeological characterization of potential catchmentareas in the central part of the Cantabrian Region, Spain

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    Raw material characterization in Paleolithic archaeology has widened our knowledge of Middle Paleolithic societies. Procurement of raw material, specifically flint, has allowed the tracing of the mobility of both stones and people, as well as selective processes to obtain specific types or even extraction activities. The analysis of quartzite has also developed in recent years, providing an opportunity to better understand prehistoric societies. This study characterizes the procurement strategies implemented by Middle Paleolithic people in the mountainous region of the Picos de Europa. To this end, we present a comprehensive characterization of potential catchment areas: massive outcrops, conglomerates, and river deposits. The exploitation of quartzite at the sites of El Habario and El Arteu allows us to understand the territorial management of this mountainous area through the combination of selective processes and mobility mechanisms in lower and middle altitudes. These perspectives enable us to view the mountainous region not as a barrier but as an environmental mosaic managed by Middle Paleolithic groups. This study shows strategies that bring together direct and embedded procurement based on both intensive and extensive searches. These discourses are more closely related to the daily life of people than those only considering the mobility of people and objects.Education Department of the Government of the Basque Country, Grant/Award Number: POS_2018_1_002; The Spanish Ministry of Science Project, Grant/Award Number: HAR2017-82493-C3-1-P; The Consolidated Research Group in Prehistory of the Basque Country University, Grant/Award Number: IT-1223-1