412 research outputs found

    Proposal for a contents design of a graphic engineering lecture

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    In this project the subject of Industrial Design from the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis of the ETSEIB is reviewed considering the contents and the teaching and evaluating methods. To acquire a great level and teach the subject with great quality, this project has been developed in order to grant that some of the best methods are used to teach and evaluate the students. The contents have also been reviewed to certify that a similar structure of contents is being followed the same way as some of the more relevant engineering schools. As this subject is part of the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis, some of the subjects of the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technologies, which is another degree from the ETSEIB, are used to compare and conclude the methods that could be used to benefit the subject. This has been done since these subjects have been used as a background to develop the contents and the organization of the Industrial Design subject. Research on some of the most relevant engineering schools in the world and in similar subjects such as Graphical Expression or Computer Aided Design has been done. This has determined the differences between the relevant and prestigious schools and the subjects of Graphical Expression or CAD. Once these different methods have been identified, they are considered to be applied to the organization of the subject, as a proposal, in order to enhance its quality and its reputation. To define which universities are better and more adequate for this project, some crucial facts have been used to reduce the research to a more specific group of engineering schools. The idea behind this project is to be able to clarify and help achieving a greater quality in the subject by reviewing some of the most relevant industrial design schools worldwide to apply some of the ways that they use to achieve such quality and reputation

    How to value a Startup? : A share price assessment of bumble

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    This paper examines the typical attributes of startups, extensively studying their main characteristics. The analysis shows that most startups need more historical data and financial information to forecast future trends. Moreover, they stand out for companies with operating losses and high operational risk. Nevertheless, on the other hand, they are ventures with high potential growth and upside. Startups heavily rely on equity financing as opposed to traditional debt financing. This thesis also shows numerous examples and references, the shortcomings of some traditional valuation methods, and analyses the quality of alternative non-traditional methods. The case study extensively studies the company and industry of Bumble Inc., Showing that the Online Dating industry is very competitive and depends highly on marketing and selling expenditures. However, Bumble, the second most significant player worldwide, is well positioned in the market, using a disruptive methodology in its networking app. The main risks that the company faces are competitive risks, privacy and security risk, and reputational risk. Lastly, the case study also assesses Bumble Inc.'s share price using the valuation methods examined in the first part of the paper. While most valuation methods produce a range of values in line with the market, some non-traditional valuation methods could be more accurate due to the substantial size of Bumble Inc. compared to most startups. The outcome of the case study values Bumble Inc. between 20to20 to 25 per share, implying that the company may be undervalued at the moment, with a current share price of $17.

    Estudio del desarrollo de aplicaciones RA para Android

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    Las tecnologías audiovisuales evolucionan día a día. Actualmente tecnologías como el 3D o la alta definición pueden dejar a más de uno sorprendido, pero el siguiente paso ya está aquí. Existen tecnologías que a través de un dispositivo, nos introducen visualmente en realidades alternativas, viendo un mundo digital paralelo, o como la realidad aumentada, que combina la visión del mundo real con una capa superpuesta virtual. Como su propio nombre indica esta tecnología intenta mejorar nuestra visión del mundo real con información o con elementos 3D. El desarrollo de esta tecnología que se ha vivido en los últimos años en gran parte es debido a la existencia de un dispositivo con las características necesarias para hacer uso de ella. Ese dispositivo es el teléfono móvil, que en la actualidad no solo nos ofrece internet, GPS, pantallas táctiles, cámara o incluso sistema operativo, si no que nos ofrece un mercado enorme y que parece no tener techo. En este proyecto haremos una introducción a la realidad aumentada, explicando los diferentes métodos para localizar los objetos que existen hoy en día. También desarrollaremos una aplicación para teléfonos móviles con Sistema Operativo Android que haga uso de la realidad aumentada, que mediante nuestra posición GPS situé un objeto 3D en los puntos de interés de el Parc Mediterrani del Llobregat. Por último haremos un estudio de Layar, una aplicación para Android que consiste en un buscador que hace uso de la realidad aumentada para situar puntos de interés

    Variance-based sensitivity analysis in vehicle dynamics simulation: development and application of a polynomial chaos expansion method

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    [ES] Durante las primeras fases del proceso de desarrollo de nuevos productos, muchos de los parámetros del producto desarrollado pueden cambiar y están por tanto sujetos a algún tipo de incertidumbre. En particular, en la industria automotriz, estas incertidumbres en los parámetros afectarán por último al comportamiento del vehículo que está siendo desarrollado. Si se tiene como objetivo un comportamiento dinámico concreto, resulta de suma importancia conocer que parámetro específico del vehículo tiene mayor importancia en determinar la incertidumbre de la salida de interés.[EN] During the early stages of any new product development, many parameters of the product being developed will change and are therefore subject to uncertainty. In particular, in the automotive industry, these uncertainties in the parameters will ultimately affect the behavior of the vehicle being developed. If particular vehicle dynamics are targeted, knowing which specific input parameter of the vehicle is more important in determining the uncertainty in the output of interest is of utmost importance.Valero Andreu, A. (2016). Variance-based sensitivity analysis in vehicle dynamics simulation: development and application of a polynomial chaos expansion method. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/73125.TFG

    Estudio del desarrollo de aplicaciones RA para Android

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    Las tecnologías audiovisuales evolucionan día a día. Actualmente tecnologías como el 3D o la alta definición pueden dejar a más de uno sorprendido, pero el siguiente paso ya está aquí. Existen tecnologías que a través de un dispositivo, nos introducen visualmente en realidades alternativas, viendo un mundo digital paralelo, o como la realidad aumentada, que combina la visión del mundo real con una capa superpuesta virtual. Como su propio nombre indica esta tecnología intenta mejorar nuestra visión del mundo real con información o con elementos 3D. El desarrollo de esta tecnología que se ha vivido en los últimos años en gran parte es debido a la existencia de un dispositivo con las características necesarias para hacer uso de ella. Ese dispositivo es el teléfono móvil, que en la actualidad no solo nos ofrece internet, GPS, pantallas táctiles, cámara o incluso sistema operativo, si no que nos ofrece un mercado enorme y que parece no tener techo. En este proyecto haremos una introducción a la realidad aumentada, explicando los diferentes métodos para localizar los objetos que existen hoy en día. También desarrollaremos una aplicación para teléfonos móviles con Sistema Operativo Android que haga uso de la realidad aumentada, que mediante nuestra posición GPS situé un objeto 3D en los puntos de interés de el Parc Mediterrani del Llobregat. Por último haremos un estudio de Layar, una aplicación para Android que consiste en un buscador que hace uso de la realidad aumentada para situar puntos de interés

    Habilidades motrices y neuromotricidad. Justificación teórico-práctica a través del método BAPNE

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    In this publication we present a theoretical review in which neuromotricity has clear links with motor skills through the activities of the Bapne method. Neuromotricity provides numerous resources related to body schema, physical condition, kinematic analysis where executive functions and especially the dual task are always present. The aim of this article is to propose activities and resources, addressed to physical education and music education teachers in an interdisciplinary way, to work on displacements, jumps, turns, throws and receptions.En esta publicación presentamos una revisión teórica en el que la neuromotricidad posee claros vínculos con las habilidades motrices a través de las actividades del método Bapne. La neuromotricidad aporta numerosos recursos vinculados al esquema corporal, condición física, análisis cinemático donde las funciones ejecutivas y en especial, la doble tarea, están siempre presentes. El objetivo de este artículo es proponer actividades y recursos dirigidos a los docentes de educación física y educación musical, de manera interdisciplinar, para trabajar desplazamientos, saltos, giros, lanzamientos y recepciones

    Online state of charge estimation for a vanadium redox flow battery with unequal flow rates

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    This study presents an observer-based methodology to estimate, in real-time, the state of charge of a Vanadium redox flow battery. Different from the available results in the literature, this work presents a new estimator that distinguishes between the concentration in the tank and cell parts of the system. Moreover, it presents an estimation of the state of charge that can deal with both balanced and unbalanced situations. The model used for the observer design is a nonlinear electrochemical model. A nonlinear observer is proposed, designed and validated through simulation and in an experimental prototype.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimación del estado de carga y coeficientes de difusión en baterías de flujo redox

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    Estimation of the state of charge and diffusion coefficients in redox flow batteries. This paper presents an observer for the estimation of the state of charge of redox flow batteries. The observer is high gain and is based on a non-linear dynamic model, which uses a realistic approach differentiating between the total electrolyte concentrations in the two parts of the system. It is shown that the state of charge can be estimated by measuring cell voltage and a high gain observer. However, the precision of the estimate is affected by the uncertainty in the diffusion coefficients of the system. For this reason, the observer is strengthened by estimating adaptive parameters of immersion and invariance. Finally, the results are validated in a numerical simulationPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluation of phototoxicity induced by the anticancer drug rucaparib

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    [EN] Rucaparib (RCP) is a potent selective inhibitor of both PARP-1 and PARP-2 enzymes that induces synthetic lethality in cancer cells. It is used for the treatment of breast and ovarian tumors harboring deleterious germline or somatic cancer susceptibility genes mutations. Although RCP has an indole chromophore in its structure, it displays a bathochromic shift of the absorption band towards the UVA region of sunlight, thus extending the active fraction of solar light able to produce photosensitivity reactions. In this context, it is highly interesting to study the photo(geno)toxicity disorders associated with this drug, bearing in mind that, for dermatologists it is crucial to understand the toxicity mechanism to improve clinical management. In the present work, RCP has shown to be potentially phototoxic, as observed in the neutral red uptake phototoxicity test. Moreover, this significant phototoxicity is attributed to both proteins and genomic DNA, as revealed in the protein photooxidation and comet assays. The results obtained are highly relevant concerning RCP photosafety and become clinically important in the context of identification of the cutaneous adverse events that can be associated with the targeted therapies. Interestingly, this is the first example of a PARP inhibitor able to induce photosensitized damage to biomolecules.The present work was supported by: the Spanish Government (PID2019-105391GB-C22, PID2020-115010RB-100 and BEAGAL 18/00211) and Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2018/153 fellowship for A. M-P). We would also like to thank IIS La Fe Microscopy Unit for technical assistance.Mateos-Pujante, A.; Jiménez Molero, MC.; Andreu, I. (2022). Evaluation of phototoxicity induced by the anticancer drug rucaparib. Scientific Reports. 12(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-07319-911012