6 research outputs found

    Consenso sobre definici贸n de criterios diagn贸sticos, terap茅uticos y de seguimiento de la acromegalia en pacientes colombianos

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    Contexto: la acromegalia es una enfermedad rara en la poblaci贸n general y habitualmente tiene una evoluci贸n cl铆nica insidiosa, lo cual genera un reto para diagnosticar al paciente a partir de la sospecha cl铆nica y posterior confirmaci贸n con las ayudas diagn贸sticas. La mayor铆a de pacientes con acromegalia tienen como origen de la enfermedad un tumor hipofisario secretor de hormona del crecimiento y en consecuencia el tratamiento debe estar dirigido a lograr el control bioqu铆mico y la reducci贸n de la masa tumoral. Finalmente, el seguimiento del paciente resulta clave para lograr el control de la enfermedad y detectar las comorbilidades asociadas. Objetivo: definir criterios para el diagn贸stico, tratamiento y seguimiento de la acromegalia en pacientes colombianos. Materiales y m茅todos: se realiz贸 un consenso tipo Delphi modificado. Participaron 10 expertos en el manejo del paciente con acromegalia (endocrin贸logos y neurocirujanos) y un grupo desarrollador. Los resultados fueron analizados y discutidos. A partir de este ejercicio, se presentaron las recomendaciones en los diferentes apartados. Resultados: se obtuvieron recomendaciones acerca del seguimiento al paciente colombiano con acromegalia y el abordaje del paciente desde el sistema de salud local, la sospecha cl铆nica, el diagn贸stico bioqu铆mico e imagenol贸gico, el tratamiento mediante intervenci贸n quir煤rgica, el tratamiento farmacol贸gico y la radioterapia. Conclusiones: en Colombia es importante el fortalecimiento del conocimiento m茅dico desde la atenci贸n primaria hasta el especialista en el correcto diagn贸stico, manejo y seguimiento del paciente con acromegalia para lograr la detecci贸n temprana de la enfermedad y disminuir la progresi贸n de las comorbilidades asociadas

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly : a focus on comorbidities

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    Q2Q1Introduction: Acromegaly is a rare, insidious disease resulting from the overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and is associated with a range of comorbidities. The extent of associated complications and mortality risk is related to length of exposure to the excess GH and IGF-1, thus early diagnosis and treatment is imperative. Unfortunately, acromegaly is often diagnosed late, when patients already have a wide range of comorbidities. The presence of comorbid conditions contributes significantly to patient morbidity/mortality and impaired quality of life. Methods: We conducted a retrospective literature review for information relating to the diagnosis of acromegaly, and its associated comorbidities using PubMed. The main aim of this review is to highlight the issues of comorbidities in acromegaly, and to reinforce the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Findings and conclusions: Successful management of acromegaly goes beyond treating the disease itself, since many patients are diagnosed late in disease evolution, they present with a range of comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. It is important that patients are screened carefully at diagnosis (and thereafter), for common associated complications, and that biochemical control does not become the only treatment goal. Mortality and morbidities in acromegaly can be reduced successfully if patients are treated using a multimodal approach with comprehensive comorbidity management.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8433-5435N/

    Consenso colombiano para el diagn贸stico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento del hipotiroidismo en poblaci贸n adulta

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    Contexto: el hipotiroidismo se define como un s铆ndrome caracterizado por m煤ltiples manifestaciones sist茅micas, donde cualquiera de los componentes del eje hipot谩lamo-hip贸fisis-tiroides puede estar comprometido; es una entidad altamente prevalente que puede afectar a diferentes poblaciones, independiente de su grupo etario y de sus condiciones biol贸gicas; no obstante, la inespecificidad de sus s铆ntomas y evoluci贸n cl铆nica insidiosa generan un reto en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica diaria para el oportuno y adecuado diagn贸stico, tratamiento o seguimiento de la enfermedad. Independientemente de su etiolog铆a y clasificaci贸n, actualmente el tratamiento de elecci贸n es la levotiroxina (con el objetivo de alcanzar el control bioqu铆mico). Finalmente, el seguimiento del paciente con hipotiroidismo es fundamental para garantizar el control adecuado, el cual permitir谩 detectar oportunamente las posibles comorbilidades asociadas. Objetivo: definir los criterios para el diagn贸stico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento del hipotiroidismo en Colombia. Metodolog铆a: se realiz贸 un consenso tipo Delphi modificado, para ello se escogi贸 un panel de m茅dicos endocrin贸logos colombianos, expertos en el manejo de las patolog铆as tiroideas. Los resultados fueron analizados y discutidos a partir en consenso y se resumieron las conclusiones y las recomendaciones en los diferentes aspectos relacionados con el hipotiroidismo. Resultados: se obtuvieron las recomendaciones para el abordaje del paciente con hipotiroidismo en Colombia, incluyendo desde la sospecha cl铆nica, el diagn贸stico y el tratamiento, hasta el seguimiento del paciente con la enfermedad, adem谩s se generaron consideraciones en poblaciones especiales desde la perspectiva del sistema de salud nacional. Conclusiones: en Colombia es importante disminuir la variabilidad en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica diaria, as铆 como fortalecer el conocimiento del personal m茅dico, desde el escenario de atenci贸n primaria hasta la atenci贸n de alta complejidad, respecto al diagn贸stico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento del paciente con hipotiroidismo, con el objetivo de brindar un manejo oportuno y adecuado de la enfermedad

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly: a focus on comorbidities

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    Introduction: Acromegaly is a rare, insidious disease resulting from the overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and is associated with a range of comorbidities. The extent of associated complications and mortality risk is related to length of exposure to the excess GH and IGF-1, thus early diagnosis and treatment is imperative. Unfortunately, acromegaly is often diagnosed late, when patients already have a wide range of comorbidities. The presence of comorbid conditions contributes significantly to patient morbidity/mortality and impaired quality of life. Methods: We conducted a retrospective literature review for information relating to the diagnosis of acromegaly, and its associated comorbidities using PubMed. The main aim of this review is to highlight the issues of comorbidities in acromegaly, and to reinforce the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Findings and conclusions: Successful management of acromegaly goes beyond treating the disease itself, since many patients are diagnosed late in disease evolution, they present with a range of comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. It is important that patients are screened carefully at diagnosis (and thereafter), for common associated complications, and that biochemical control does not become the only treatment goal. Mortality and morbidities in acromegaly can be reduced successfully if patients are treated using a multimodal approach with comprehensive comorbidity management. 漏 2016, The Author(s)

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly: a focus on comorbidities

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    Introduction: Acromegaly is a rare, insidious disease resulting from the overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and is associated with a range of comorbidities. The extent of associated complications and mortality risk is related to length of exposure to the excess GH and IGF-1, thus early diagnosis and treatment is imperative. Unfortunately, acromegaly is often diagnosed late, when patients already have a wide range of comorbidities. The presence of comorbid conditions contributes significantly to patient morbidity/mortality and impaired quality of life. Methods: We conducted a retrospective literature review for information relating to the diagnosis of acromegaly, and its associated comorbidities using PubMed. The main aim of this review is to highlight the issues of comorbidities in acromegaly, and to reinforce the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Findings and conclusions: Successful management of acromegaly goes beyond treating the disease itself, since many patients are diagnosed late in disease evolution, they present with a range of comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. It is important that patients are screened carefully at diagnosis (and thereafter), for common associated complications, and that biochemical control does not become the only treatment goal. Mortality and morbidities in acromegaly can be reduced successfully if patients are treated using a multimodal approach with comprehensive comorbidity management. 漏 2016, The Author(s)

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly: a focus on comorbidities

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