10,865 research outputs found

    Phase noise in pulsed Doppler lidar and limitations on achievable single-shot velocity accuracy

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    The smaller sampling volumes afforded by Doppler lidars compared to radars allows for spatial resolutions at and below some sheer and turbulence wind structure scale sizes. This has brought new emphasis on achieving the optimum product of wind velocity and range resolutions. Several recent studies have considered the effects of amplitude noise, reduction algorithms, and possible hardware related signal artifacts on obtainable velocity accuracy. We discuss here the limitation on this accuracy resulting from the incoherent nature and finite temporal extent of backscatter from aerosols. For a lidar return from a hard (or slab) target, the phase of the intermediate frequency (IF) signal is random and the total return energy fluctuates from shot to shot due to speckle; however, the offset from the transmitted frequency is determinable with an accuracy subject only to instrumental effects and the signal to noise ratio (SNR), the noise being determined by the LO power in the shot noise limited regime. This is not the case for a return from a media extending over a range on the order of or greater than the spatial extent of the transmitted pulse, such as from atmospheric aerosols. In this case, the phase of the IF signal will exhibit a temporal random walk like behavior. It will be uncorrelated over times greater than the pulse duration as the transmitted pulse samples non-overlapping volumes of scattering centers. Frequency analysis of the IF signal in a window similar to the transmitted pulse envelope will therefore show shot-to-shot frequency deviations on the order of the inverse pulse duration reflecting the random phase rate variations. Like speckle, these deviations arise from the incoherent nature of the scattering process and diminish if the IF signal is averaged over times greater than a single range resolution cell (here the pulse duration). Apart from limiting the high SNR performance of a Doppler lidar, this shot-to-shot variance in velocity estimates has a practical impact on lidar design parameters. In high SNR operation, for example, a lidar's efficiency in obtaining mean wind measurements is determined by its repetition rate and not pulse energy or average power. In addition, this variance puts a practical limit on the shot-to-shot hard target performance required of a lidar

    Scalar Field Cosmologies with Viscous Fluid

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    We investigate cosmological models with a free scalar field and a viscous fluid. We find exact solutions for a linear and nonlinear viscosity pressure. Both yield singular and bouncing solutions. In the first regime, a de Sitter stage is asymptotically stable, while in the second case we find power-law evolutions for vanishing cosmological constant.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX. To be published in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Perfect fluid cosmologies with varying light speed

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    We have found exact constant solutions for the cosmological density parameter using a generalization of general relativity that incorporates a cosmic time-variation of the velocity of light in vacuum and the Newtonian gravitation constant. We have determined the conditions when these solutions are attractors for an expanding universe and solved the problems of the Standard Big Bang model for perfect fluids.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX 2.09. To be published in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Bounds for partial derivatives: necessity of UMD and sharp constants

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    We prove the necessity of the UMD condition, with a quantitative estimate of the UMD constant, for any inequality in a family of LpL^p bounds between different partial derivatives ∂βu\partial^\beta u of u∈Cc∞(Rn,X)u\in C^\infty_c(\mathbb{R}^n,X). In particular, we show that the estimate ∥uxy∥p≤K(∥uxx∥p+∥uyy∥p)\|u_{xy}\|_p\leq K(\|u_{xx}\|_p+\|u_{yy}\|_p) characterizes the UMD property, and the best constant KK is equal to one half of the UMD constant. This precise value of KK seems to be new even for scalar-valued functions.Comment: v2: corrected typo in the reference

    Quantum Geometry as a Relational Construct

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    The problem of constructing a quantum theory of gravity is considered from a novel viewpoint. It is argued that any consistent theory of gravity should incorporate a relational character between the matter constituents of the theory. In particular, the traditional approach of quantizing a space-time metric is criticized and two possible avenues for constructing a satisfactory theory are put forward.Comment: 14 pages, revtex file. Submitted to MPL

    The geodesic flow on nilmanifolds

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    In this paper we study the geodesic flow on nilmanifolds equipped with a left-invariant metric. We write the underlying definitions and find general formulas for the Poisson involution. As an example we develop the Heisenberg Lie group equipped with its canonical metric. We prove that a family of first integrals giving the complete integrability can be read off at the Lie algebra of the isometry group. We also explain the complete integrability on compact quotients and for any invariant metric.Comment: 24 page

    Quantization of the Jackiw-Teitelboim model

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    We study the phase space structure of the Jackiw-Teitelboim model in its connection variables formulation where the gauge group of the field theory is given by local SL(2,R) (or SU(2) for the Euclidean model), i.e. the de Sitter group in two dimensions. In order to make the connection with two dimensional gravity explicit, a partial gauge fixing of the de Sitter symmetry can be introduced that reduces it to spacetime diffeomorphisms. This can be done in different ways. Having no local physical degrees of freedom, the reduced phase space of the model is finite dimensional. The simplicity of this gauge field theory allows for studying different avenues for quantization, which may use various (partial) gauge fixings. We show that reduction and quantization are noncommuting operations: the representation of basic variables as operators in a Hilbert space depend on the order chosen for the latter. Moreover, a representation that is natural in one case may not even be available in the other leading to inequivalent quantum theories.Comment: Published version, a short note (not present in the published version) on the quantization of the null sector has been adde
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