36 research outputs found

    Implementación de cursos virtuales como educación complementaria para el estudio del cálculo en grado 11

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    En el Instituto Pedagógico Horizontes se ha venido presentando la misma situación desde hace varios años donde los estudiantes al llegar a 11 a comenzar sus estudios de cálculo se encuentran con las mismas dificultades acerca de la comprensión de los conceptos básicos a lo cual siempre requieren de un refuerzo que no se encuentra programado dentro del calendario académico que solo se puede realizar por un espacio corto de tiempo que en ocasiones no alcanza para despejar las dudas persistentes, todo esto sumado a los problemas de la educación actual. Es por esto por lo que el presente proyecto se realizó la implementación de tres cursos virtuales donde el objetivo era reforzar esos conceptos básicos y mejorar la comprensión de los procedimientos y procesos del cálculo como se está implementando muchas otras instituciones educativas (Hernández-Gonzales Lolita, 2009). Estos conceptos básicos se detectan tres falencias principales, las fracciones, los productos y cocientes notables y la factorización. Los cursos están enfocados en superar esas falencias sin detener simultáneamente el estudio del cálculo. Los cursos virtuales los realizaron 5 estudiantes de la institución de grado 11 voluntariamente, los tres estudiantes presentaban problemas en la comprensión de algunos conceptos y tenían una baja calificación del tercer periodo escolar, los cuales requerían con urgencia el estudio del refuerzo para alcanzar a sus compañeros en las metas escolares y no perder el año. Los estudiantes realizaron con éxito los tres cursos y el estudio de refuerzo presentando sus dudas y aclarando los conceptos, esto les ayudo a comprender procedimientos pasados y los nuevos temas presentados en los últimos días del año, superando sus dificultades y obteniendo altas calificaciones para el final del cuarto periodo por lo que no tuvieron que realizar actividades de refuerzo ni repetir el año.In the Horizontes Pedagogical Institute, the same situation has been presenting for several years where students, upon reaching 11 to begin their calculus studies, encounter the same difficulties regarding the understanding of the basic concepts, which always require a reinforcement that is not scheduled within the academic calendar that can only be done for a short period of time that sometimes is not enough to clear up persistent doubts, all this added to the problems of current education. This is why this project implemented three virtual courses where the objective was to reinforce these basic concepts and improve the understanding of calculation procedures and processes as many other educational institutions are implementing (Hernández-Gonzales Lolita, 2009). These basic concepts detect three main shortcomings, fractions, notable products and quotients, and factorization. The courses are focused on overcoming these shortcomings without simultaneously stopping the study of calculus. The virtual courses were carried out voluntarily by 5 students of the 11th grade institution, the three students presented problems in understanding some concepts and had a low grade of the third school period, which urgently required the study of reinforcement to reach their peers. in school goals and not lose the year. The students successfully completed the three courses and the reinforcement study, presenting their doubts and clarifying the concepts, this helped them to understand past procedures and the new topics presented in the last days of the year, overcoming their difficulties and obtaining high marks for the end. of the fourth period, so they did not have to carry out reinforcement activities or repeat the year

    Effects of Copenhagen Adduction Exercise on the Architectural Characteristics of Adductors in U-17 Male Soccer Players : A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    [Abstract] Groin injuries are one of the most prevalent in male soccer players, especially due to the hip adductor muscles’ weakness which is considered as a risk factor in these injuries. The Copenhagen adduction (CA) exercise has been demonstrated to increase the strength of adductor muscles, but its effects on the architectural characteristics of adductor muscles have not been studied yet. This study aimed to analyze the effects of the CA exercise on the muscle thickness of the adductors. Twelve male U-17 soccer players were randomized into two groups: the control group with no intervention and the experimental group with an intervention based on an eight-week training with CA exercise. The muscle thickness of adductors was measured before and after the intervention using ultrasound imaging. A significant increase in muscle thickness was found in both control (p = 0.002) and experimental group (p < 0.001), but the experimental group did not show additional effects in comparison with the control group. In conclusion, an 8-week CA exercise intervention does not increase the muscle thickness of adductors in U-17 soccer players more than their regular training

    Effects of therapeutic exercises in patients with lung cancer. A scoping review

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGIntroduction: Lung cancer is one of the most common malignancies worldwide and the leading cause of cancer-related death. Smoking is one of the main risk factors associated with this cancer. Treatment will depend on the form of cancer and its stage, existing many therapeutic possibilities. In this regard, therapeutic exercise plays an important role in lung cancer care, as well as the pulmonary rehabilitation and respiratory physical therapy. Purpose: To review the current scientific literature about the effects of therapeutic exercise in lung cancer. Method: A search was carried out in CINAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science using de terms “Exercise Therapy” and “Lung Neoplasms”. 141 studies were obtained, but only 19 were selected by adjusting to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. 10 of them were randomized controlled trials with a Jadad score between 2 and 3. Results: These works performed a large variety of interventions based on therapeutic exercise, classified in preoperative, postoperative, during treatment, post treatment and combination. Most focused on aerobic exercise, muscle strength and respiratory exercises. Conclusion: therapeutic exercise seems to be positive and obtain significant improvements in patients with lung cancer, regardless the moment of intervention and the type of exercise performed

    Effect of Kinesio taping on wrist proprioception in healthy subjects: a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Although the use of KT has increased considerably in the clinical practice in the last years, there is limited evidence about the effects of its application in proprioception. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of KT on joint position sense and force sense on the wrist of healthy subjects. Methods: Fifty-four subjects were analyzed in a randomized, crossover, single-blind study design. To determine the force sense, the subjects had to reach 50% of their maximum grip force. Wrist joint position sense was assessed during active repositioning tests at the target angles of 30° flexion and extension of wrist. A digital dynamometer was used to determine the sense of force and a digital goniometer was used to determine the joint position sense. Subjects were evaluated with KT (I- strip on ventral aspect of forearms from origin to insertion) and placebo (an inelastic tape was applied following the same procedure as KT). Results: No significant differences have been found in the force sense, neither in the comparisons between control and interventions (p=0.286), nor between pre and post-intervention (p=0.111). For wrist joint position sense, a statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) was found at 30º of extension between the control and experimental group in favor of the control group. Conclusions: The application of KT did not produce changes in FS and only caused a significant improvement in JPS in extension (30º). The results appear to indicate that the application of KT to improve proprioception in healthy subjects should be reconsidered.Colexio Oficial de Fisioterapeutas de GaliciaUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    Menstrual cycle and sport injuries: a systematic review

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    The presence of female athletes has only increased in recent years, as has the incidence of injuries in female sports activities. These injuries are conditioned by multiple factors, including hormonal agents. It is estimated that the menstrual cycle may be related to the predisposition to suffer an injury. However, a causal relationship has not yet been established. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between the menstrual cycle and injuries in female sports practice. A systematic search of the scientific literature available in PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, and Sport Discus was carried out in January 2022. With 138 articles, only eight studies were found that met the selection criteria for this study. Peak estradiol is associated with increased laxity, strength, and poor use of neuromuscular control. Thus, the ovulatory phase is associated with an increased risk of injury. In conclusion, it seems that hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle alter values such as laxity, strength, body temperature, and neuromuscular control, among others. This fact causes women to constantly adapt to hormonal variations, which exposes them to a higher risk of injury

    Landscape, agrobiodiversity, and local knowledge in the protected area “Quebrada de los Cuervos y Sierras del Yerbal,” Uruguay

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    IntroductionAgrobiodiversity and local knowledge are fundamental components in the domestication and structuring of rural landscapes. In a context of threats to agroecosystems resulting from changes in production systems and rural–urban migration processes, the conservation and valorization of agrobiodiversity is a pressing challenge. “Quebrada de los Cuervos and Sierras del Yerbal” is a protected landscape in Uruguay where a rural community of approximately 30 families with a long-standing tradition resides.MethodsThe research aimed at identifying current and abandoned (taperas) domestic contexts, and the plant genetic resources found in the area, categorizing their uses and management practices through interviews and participant observation.Results and discussionEthnographic research revealed 185 species (121 exotic, 64 native) with diverse growth habits, 10 categories of uses, and 11 categories for management practices. The differences found between houses and taperas revealed that the abandonment of activities in rural areas is a relevant factor in the loss of agrobiodiversity. Among the 185 species, a notable group of plant genetic resources of high cultural significance is recognized due to their consensus of use, frequency of management practices, and number of uses. These include introduced fruit trees (peach, citrus, and fig) and native fruit trees (guayabo del país, pitanga, and arazá), vegetable landraces, native trees with multiple uses, yerba mate, and medicinal species such as Aristolochia fimbriata. For domestic contexts, a model of spatial distribution of agrobiodiversity is proposed, cultivated spaces where the plant genetic resources are located in home gardens and small plots, managed spaces where the resources are found in the surroundings of houses, and promoted and intervened wild spaces where the species are used from natural grasslands and wild environments. The obtained information reaffirms the need to conserve this biocultural landscape, placing agrobiodiversity and local knowledge as a focal point in the protected area. The management plan must be formulated with active participation from the rural community, aiming for valorization through integration into agroecological production chains, among other possibilities

    Assessment of over-the-head resuscitation method in an inflatable rescue boat sailing at full speed. A non-inferiority pilot study

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    Introduction: Drowning is a public health problem. Interrupting the drowning process as soon as possible and starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can improve survival rates. Inflatable rescue boats (IRBs) are widely used worldwide to rescue drowning victims. Performing CPR in special circumstances requires adjusting the position based on the environment and space available. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of over-the-head resuscitation performed by rescuers aboard an IRB in comparison to standard CPR.Methods: A quasi-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional pilot study was conducted. Ten professional rescuers performed 1 min of simulated CPR on a QCPR Resuscy Anne manikin (Laerdal, Norway) sailing at 20 knots using two different techniques: 1) standard CPR (S-CPR) and 2) over-the-head CPR (OTH-CPR). Data were recorded through the APP QCPR Training (Laerdal, Norway).Results: The quality of CPR was similar between S-CPR (61%) and OTH-CPR (66%), with no statistically significant differences (p = 0.585). Both the percentage of compressions and the percentage of correct ventilations did not show significant differences (p > 0.05) between the techniques.Conclusion: The rescuers can perform CPR maneuvers with acceptable quality in the IRB. The OTH-CPR technique did not show inferiority compared to S-CPR, making it a viable alternative when boat space or rescue conditions do not allow the conventional technique to be performed.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Efficacy of the different therapeutic exercise modalities in cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. A review of the literature

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    Esta revisión valoró la eficacia de diferentes modalidades de ejercicio terapéutico en la rehabilitación tras un infarto agudo de miocardio. Se realizó una búsqueda de estudios controlados aleatorizados publicados entre 2016 y 2021 en Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science y Cochrane Library, utilizando los términos MeSH “exercise therapy” y “myocardial infarction”. Tras aplicar los criterios de selección, se incluyeron diez artículos que utilizaron programas combinados o tradicionales, realizados en el hogar o en el ámbito hospitalario, y que incluyeron entrenamiento de relajación. Se analizaron las variables tolerancia al ejercicio, parámetros cardiovasculares, medidas antropométricas y calidad de vida. En la mayoría de estudios se observaron mejoras significativas en estas variables. Se concluye que todas las modalidades de ejercicio terapéutico estudiadas son útiles en la rehabilitación cardiaca de los pacientes tras infarto de miocardio, y la modalidad que mejores resultados obtiene es el uso de programas combinados de ejercicio terapéuticoWe aimed to assess the efficacy of different therapeutic exercise modalities in cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction. A search of randomized controlled studies published between 2016 and 2021 in Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science and Cochrane Library was carried out using the MeSH terms “exercise therapy” and “myocardial infarction”. Ten articles met the inclusion criteria; in these studies, the used exercises were combined or traditional programs that included relaxation training, and were performed either at home or at the hospital. We examined exercise tolerance, cardiovascular parameters, anthropometric measurements, and quality of life. Significant improvements in the assessed variables were observed in most studies. We conclude that all studied therapeutic exercise modalities are useful in cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, although the best outcomes are seen for combined therapeutic exercise programs

    Are smart glasses feasible for dispatch prehospital assistance during on-boat cardiac arrest? A pilot simulation study with fishermen.

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    The aim of the study was to explore feasibility of basic life support (BLS) guided through smart glasses (SGs) when assisting fishermen bystanders. Twelve participants assisted a simulated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest on a fishing boat assisted by the dispatcher through the SGs. The SGs were connected to make video calls. Feasibility was assessed whether or not they needed help from the dispatcher. BLS-AED steps, time to first shock/compression, and CPR's quality (hands-only) during 2 consecutive minutes (1st minute without dispatcher feedback, 2nd with dispatcher feedback) were analyzed. Reliability was analyzed by comparing the assessment of variables performed by the dispatcher through SGs with those registered by an on-scene instructor. Assistance through SGs was needed in 72% of the BLS steps, which enabled all participants to perform the ABC approach and use AED correctly. Feasibility was proven that dispatcher's feedback through SGs helped to improve bystanders' performance, as after dispatcher gave feedback via SGs, only 3% of skills were incorrect. Comparison of on-scene instructor vs. SGs assessment by dispatcher differ in 8% of the analyzed skills: greatest difference in the "incorrect hand position during CPR" (on-scene: 33% vs. dispatcher: 0%). When comparing the 1st minute with 2nd minute, there were only significant differences in the percentage of compressions with correct depth (1st:48 ± 42%, 2nd:70 ± 31, p = 0.02). Using SGs in aquatic settings is feasible and improves BLS. CPR quality markers were similar with and without SG. These devices have great potential for communication between dispatchers and laypersons but need more development to be used in real emergencies

    Analysis of the neuromuscular and physiological adaptations produced by foam roller

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer y analizar mediante diferentes investigaciones las adaptaciones neuromusculares producidas por el rodillo de foam, así como sus efectos fisiológicos. Una de las principales hipótesis es que el uso del rodillo de foam produciría un aumento del flujo sanguíneo en la zona de aplicación (Hotfiel et al., 2017). Sin embargo, no existe demasiada literatura científica a este respecto (Behm & Wilke, 2019), por lo que mediante la ecografía Doppler se buscará determinar que ocurre con el flujo sanguíneo tras un protocolo de rodillo de foam. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer y analizar mediante diferentes investigaciones las adaptaciones neuromusculares producidas por el rodillo de foam, así como sus efectos fisiológicos. Una de las principales hipótesis es que el uso del rodillo de foam produciría un aumento del flujo sanguíneo en la zona de aplicación (Hotfiel et al., 2017). Sin embargo, no existe demasiada literatura científica a este respecto (Behm & Wilke, 2019), por lo que mediante la ecografía Doppler se buscará determinar que ocurre con el flujo sanguíneo tras un protocolo de rodillo de foam. Por otra parte, el rodillo de foam es una técnica relativamente reciente que puede aplicarse con y sin vibración. Ambos métodos parecen tener beneficios sobre el tono muscular (Hendricks et al., 2019), el rango de movimiento (Wilke et al., 2019), el dolor (Behm & Wilke, 2019) y la recuperación post entrenamiento (Hendricks et al., 2019). Sin embargo, no existe todavía evidencia científica en forma de revisión sistemática que soporte el uso del rodillo de vibración como método de mejora del rendimiento y de recuperación. Específicamente, en el aclarado del lactato en sangre, el rodillo sin vibración parece tener efectos favorables pero todavía no existen evidencias de si el rodillo con vibración actúa de la misma manera.O obxectivo desde traballo é coñecer e analizar a través das diferentes investigacións as adaptacións neuromusculares producidas polo rodillo de foam, así como os seus efectos fisiolóxicos. Unha das principais hipóteses é que o uso do rodillo de foam produciría un aumento do fluxo sanguíneo na zona de aplicación (Hotfiel et al., 2017). Sen embargo, non existe demasiada literatura científica a este respecto (Behm & Wilke, 2019), polo que mediante a ecografía Doppler buscarase determinar o que ocorre co fluxo sanguíneo tras un protocolo de rodillo de foam. Por outra parte, o rodillo de foam é unha técnica relativamente recente que pode aplicarse con e sen vibración do dispositivo. Ambos métodos parecen ter beneficios sobre o ton muscular (Hendricks et al., 2019), o rango de movemento (Wilke et al., 2019), a dor (Behm & Wilke, 2019) e a recuperación tras adestramento (Hendricks et al., 2019). Sen embargo, non existe aínda evidencia científica en forma de revisión sistemática que soporte o uso do rodillo de vibración como método para mellorar o rendemento e a recuperación. Especificamente no aclarado do lactato en sangue, o rodillo sen vibración parece ter efectos favorables pero non existen evidencias de se o rodillo con vibración actúa do mesmo xeito.The aim of this work is to know and to analyze through different research the neuromuscular adaptations produced by foam roller, as well as its physiological effects. One of the main hypothesis is the use of foam rolling would produce an increase in blood flow in the area of application (Hotfiel et al., 2017). However, there is a lack of scientific literature at this respect (Behm & Wilke, 2019) so consequently, through Doppler ultrasonography will seek to determinate what happens with blood flow after a foam roller intervention. On the other hand, foam roller is a relatively recent technique, which could be applied with and without vibration. Both methods seem to have benefits in muscle tone (Hendricks et al., 2019), range of movement (Wilke et al., 2019), pain (Behm & Wilke, 2019) and post training recovery (Hendricks et al., 2019). However, up to date there are no systematic reviews to support the benefits of the foam roller with vibration. Moreover, the foam roller without vibration appeared to influence the blood lactate clearance, but there is no evidence of this benefits on foam roller with vibration