1,063 research outputs found


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    This article focuses on the impact that the recent widening of empirical economics has on the quest for validity in this field. We begin by summarizing the continuous evolution from a primarily deductive economics to a more empirical one, especially emphasizing the broader experimental and survey-based evidence. Although these developments pave the way for an economics with greater empirical support, they also bring into this field the same validity concerns that mainstream economists naively thought to be avoidable (i. e., concerns with the external validity of experiments and with “test validity” issues largely addressed in other social sciences). We show how, ultimately, such developments force economists to confront some serious challenges and limitations in the quest for validity arising from four ontological peculiarities of the social domain: 1) the awareness of the inquiry on the part of the subject being studied; 2) the lack of relevant structural homogeneity between individuals’ shared psychological properties; 3) actions holistic dependence on the individuals’ complete past; and 4) the variable and holistic nature of cultural, conventionally mediated forms of interaction. We finally argue that openly acknowledging these problems would help economists to tone down their scientificity claims and avoid pseudo-scientific practices like endorsing assumptions refuted by experience.This research was financially supported by the research projects “Models and Theories in Physical, Biological, and Social Sciences” (PICT-2014-1741, ANPCyT, Argentina), “Political and Economic Consequences of the Descentralization” (CSO2013-47023-C2-2-R, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness)S

    Establishment of the committee and future challenges

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    Evento: Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS). Organizado por: EMA

    Contribution to the Panel on European Regulators’ Expanded Roles

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    Evento: The British Bankers Association. Organizado por: FESE (Federation of European Security Exchanges

    Regulating a single banking system

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    Evento: Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS). Plan de Acción de los Servicios Financieros de la UE: implementación en la práctica

    Governance and Structure of European Finance after EU enlargement

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    Evento: Panel on Banking and Financial Integration in Europe: the evolving rules. Organizado por: SUER

    Financial conglomerates: a vanishing problem?

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    Evento: High level meeting on the implementation of Basel II in Asia and other regional supervisory authoritie

    Session 2: factors that affect financial stability

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    Evento: SEACEN Course on Financial System Stability Analysis and Surveillanc

    Deposit insurance un the European Union

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    Evento: Joint Eurosystem - Bank of Russia Semina

    Banking Supervisors and XBRL

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    Evento: 1st European XBRL Conference for Financial Services. Organizado por: Organizada por Europe dentro del 6º Programa Marco de la Comisión Europe