22 research outputs found

    An “In-Depth” Description of the Small Non-coding RNA Population of Schistosoma japonicum Schistosomulum

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    Parasitic flatworms of the genus Schistosoma are the causative agents of schistosomiasis, which afflicts more than 200 million people yearly in tropical regions of South America, Asia and Africa. A promising approach to the control of this and many other diseases involves the application of our understanding of small non-coding RNA function to the design of safe and effective means of treatment. In a previous study, we identified five conserved miRNAs from the adult stage of Schistosoma japonicum. Here, we applied Illumina Solexa high-throughput sequencing methods (deep sequencing) to investigate the small RNAs expressed in S. japonicum schistosomulum (3 weeks post-infection). This has allowed us to examine over four million sequence reads including both frequently and infrequently represented members of the RNA population. Thus we have identified 20 conserved miRNA families that have orthologs in well-studied model organisms and 16 miRNA that appear to be specific to Schistosoma. We have also observed minor amounts of heterogeneity in both 3′ and 5′ terminal positions of some miRNA as well as RNA fragments resulting from the processing of miRNA precursor. An investigation of the genomic arrangement of the 36 identified miRNA revealed that seven were tightly linked in two clusters. We also identified members of the small RNA population whose structure indicates that they are part of an endogenously derived RNA silencing pathway, as evidenced by their extensive complementarities with retrotransposon and retrovirus-related Pol polyprotein from transposon

    Luftqualität im OP-Saal: Postoperative Wundinfektionen, RLT-Anlagen und Disziplin - Positionspapier der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene (DGKH)

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    In recent years, there has been an ongoing discussion about the value of laminar airflow (LAF=low turbulence displacement ventilation) in the operating room for prevention of surgical site infections (SSI). Some publications, e.g., from the WHO, issued the demand to no longer build LAF ceilings in operating rooms. The present statement deals critically with this position and justifies the use of LAF ceilings in different ways: Many of the papers cited by the WHO and others for the case against LAF do not provide reliable data. The remaining studies which might be used for answering the question give quite different results, also in favor of LAF. The size of the LAF ceiling in many studies is not given or mostly too small in comparison to actual technical requirements. LAF in different countries can mean quite different techniques (e.g., the US in comparison to Germany) so that the results of studies that do not take this into account may not be comparable. LAF has positive effects in terms of reducing particulate and bacterial load, associated with increased airflow in the surgical working area. A reduction of carcinogenic substances in the air may also be assumed, which would increase workers' safety. Thus, this paper recommends building LAF ceilings in the future as well, depending on the operations intended.Further, this paper gives an overview of possible reasons for surgical site infections and highlights the importance of discipline in the operating theatre.In den letzten Jahren wird fortwährend über den infektionspräventiven Wert von laminar airflow (LAF=Turbulenz-arme Verdrängungsströmung) im Operationssaal diskutiert. Einige Publikationen, z.B. von der WHO, fordern, keine LAF-Decken in Operationssälen mehr einzubauen. Die Stellungnahme setzt sich kritisch mit dieser Position auseinander und begründet den Einsatz von LAF-Decken auf unterschiedliche Weise: Viele der zitierten Artikel zu LAF sind bezüglich der Datenqualität nicht verlässlich. Die verbleibenden Studien, die zur Beantwortung der Frage herangezogen werden können, ergeben für LAF unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Die Größe der LAF-Decken ist in vielen Studien nicht angegeben bzw. im Vergleich zu den tatsächlichen technischen Anforderungen meist zu klein. LAF kann in verschiedenen Ländern sehr unterschiedliche Techniken beinhalten (z.B. USA im Vergleich zu Deutschland), so dass die Ergebnisse von Studien, die das nicht erfassen, nicht vergleichbar sind. LAF hat positive Auswirkungen hinsichtlich der Reduktion von Partikeln und Mikroorganismen in der Luft im Bereich des OP-Felds, verbunden mit einem erhöhten Luftvolumenstrom. Daraus kann zugleich eine Reduktion kanzerogenen Substanzen in der Luft abgeleitet werden und damit ein besserer Arbeitsschutz. In der Konsequenz wird empfohlen, in Abhängigkeit von den beabsichtigten Operationen auch in Zukunft LAF-Decken zu bauen.Der Artikel gibt zugleich einen Überblick darüber, welche Ursachen für postoperative Wundinfektionen in Frage kommen und weist auf die Bedeutung der Disziplin im OP hin