64 research outputs found

    Oksidativna fosforilacija

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    A brief review is given of the history of the experimental demonstration of oxidative phosphorylation. The properties of the system which can be measured using mitochondria have been described and these have been brought together in a diagrammatic scheme which illustrates the dissection of the process into various parts by the use of toxic substances.Kratki prikaz razvoja eksperimentalnog istraživanja na području oksidatlvne fosforilacije. Opisana je upotreba mitohondrija u svrhu ispitivanja svojstava sistema oksidativne fosforilacije, a Ŕematski prikaz ilustrira pojedine stepene procesa, koje se moglo dokazati upotrebom toksičkih supstancija

    Mehanizam inhibicije esteraza organofosfornim spojevima

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    A review is given of the present state of knowledge of the chemical nature of the reaction of esterases with organophosporus compounds. The phosphorylatiori process is known to be analogous to the normal hydrolysis of substrates. Reactivation by nucleophilic reagents and the nature of the conversion from reactivatable to the irreversible type of inhibition is discussed.Prikazano je danaÅ”nje poznavanje kemijske prirode reakcije esteraza s organofosfornim spojevima Poznato je, da je proces fosforiliranja analogan normalnoj hidrolizi supstrata. Reaktivacija nukleofilnim reagensima i priroda konverzije inhibiranog enzima iz stanja, u kojem se joÅ” može reaktivirati u ireverzibilni oblik, također su raspravljane u ovom prikazu

    Reviews in biochemical toxicology

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    Biochemical toxicology of environmental agents

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    Organ-directed toxicity: chemical indices and mechanisms

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