44 research outputs found

    Ibero-American Consensus on Low- and No-Calorie Sweeteners : Safety, Nutritional Aspects and Benefits in Food and Beverages

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    International scientific experts in food, nutrition, dietetics, endocrinology, physical activity, paediatrics, nursing, toxicology and public health met in Lisbon on 2\u207b4 July 2017 to develop a Consensus on the use of low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) as substitutes for sugars and other caloric sweeteners. LNCS are food additives that are broadly used as sugar substitutes to sweeten foods and beverages with the addition of fewer or no calories. They are also used in medicines, health-care products, such as toothpaste, and food supplements. The goal of this Consensus was to provide a useful, evidence-based, point of reference to assist in efforts to reduce free sugars consumption in line with current international public health recommendations. Participating experts in the Lisbon Consensus analysed and evaluated the evidence in relation to the role of LNCS in food safety, their regulation and the nutritional and dietary aspects of their use in foods and beverages. The conclusions of this Consensus were: (1) LNCS are some of the most extensively evaluated dietary constituents, and their safety has been reviewed and confirmed by regulatory bodies globally including the World Health Organisation, the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Food Safety Authority; (2) Consumer education, which is based on the most robust scientific evidence and regulatory processes, on the use of products containing LNCS should be strengthened in a comprehensive and objective way; (3) The use of LNCS in weight reduction programmes that involve replacing caloric sweeteners with LNCS in the context of structured diet plans may favour sustainable weight reduction. Furthermore, their use in diabetes management programmes may contribute to a better glycaemic control in patients, albeit with modest results. LNCS also provide dental health benefits when used in place of free sugars; (4) It is proposed that foods and beverages with LNCS could be included in dietary guidelines as alternative options to products sweetened with free sugars; (5) Continued education of health professionals is required, since they are a key source of information on issues related to food and health for both the general population and patients. With this in mind, the publication of position statements and consensus documents in the academic literature are extremely desirable

    Deaths due to Local Analgesia in Dentistry

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    A new epecies of Asiopsocus from Puebla, México (Psocoptera: Asiopsocidae)

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    The new species Asiopsocus tehuacanus is described and illustrated. It is the fourth species known in the genus, it differs from the other three in genitalic details of both sexes. It is the second species of Asiopsocus recorded in México.Se describe e ilustra en este trabajo la nueva especie Asiopsocus tehuacanus. Constituye la cuarta especie que se conoce en el género, diferenciándose de las demás en detalles genitales de ambos sexos. Es la segunda especie de Asiopsocus registrada en México

    Characterization of a triboelectric x-ray spectrum

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    Low-energy X-ray imaging system has been useful in medical diagnostic in order to obtain high contrast in soft tissue. Recently, Camara et al. and most recently Hird et al. have produced low-energy X-rays using a triboelectric effect. The main aim of this work is to characterize the penetration (beam quality) of a triboelectric X-ray source in terms of the computed Half Value Layer (HVL). Additionally, the computed HVL of the triboelectric X-ray source has been compared with the HVL of X-ray tube Mo-anode (Apogee 5000). According to our computations the triboelectric X-ray source has a similar penetration such as a X-ray tube source. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Eficacia y tolerabilidad de esteroides epidurales vs. Dosis bajas de esteroides mas metamizol mas D-propoxifeno administrados por vía paravertebral en pacientes con síndrome post-laminectomía

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    As the clinical applications of the central antinociceptive action of the non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents have been recognized, their combination with mild doses of opiods has been explored in order to be able to reduce or eliminate the repetitious usage of steroids. A group of 152 adult patients with recurrent radiculopathy after the first laminectomy, at either L4-L5 or L5-S1 levels, in whom periradicular fibrosis and scarring had been shown at MRI exam, was separated at random into two subgroups. Subgroup A included 69 patients that were treated with four epidural injections of 80mg of methylprednisolone (MTP) in 3ml of 0.25% bupivacaine (BPV). Changes in pain level, physical activity and the type of medications used were followed using the Pain Progress Score that evaluates five parameters graded from 0 to 2, before initiating treatment and again before each of the three subsequent injections, given at three week intervals. Subgroup B included 73 patients treated by paravertebral injections of 40mg of MTP, 50mg of dipyrone (DPN), 12.5mg of propoxyphene (PPX) and 1ml of 0.5% BPV at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 spaces, bilateral. All patients improved clinically without observing statistically significant differences between the two groups; however, there was a significant difference (p 0.05) solo cuando se compararon con las mediciones de mejoría clínica, tomadas antes de iniciar el tratamiento en ambos grupos. Se presentaron efectos secundarios como incremento de peso, equimosis, edema fascies lunar y eritema facial en los pacientes del grupo A. La punción dural incidental (3) y cefalea por punción dural (2) se encontraron solo en el grupo A. Un paciente requirió ser tratado con un parche hematico epidural. Ocurrió parestesia en 1 paciente de cada grupo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas de mejoria entre grupos de pacientes con radiculopatia post-laminectomia lumbar, al ser tratados con MTP y BPV peridural y un grupo semejante que recibio la mitad de la dosis de MTP, mas BPV, DPN y PPX, en los espacios paravertebral L4-L5 y L5-S1. Los efectos secundarios y la morbilidad predominaron en el grupo tratado con inyecciones peridurales. Inyectando fuera del canal vertebral dosis reducidas de un opiáceo y de un antiinflamatorio, permitió usar solo la mitad de la dosis total de MTP. Ya que se obtiene una mejoría semejante, al evitar los efectos indeseables de los esteroides, así como las posibles complicaciones típicas de inyecciones epidurales, hacen de esta modalidad terapéutica una alternativa definitiva

    Correlación entre las lesiones desmielinizantes y el deterioro de las funciones ejecutivas en una muestra de pacientes mexicanos con esclerosis múltiple

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    Resumen: Antecedentes: La esclerosis múltiple (EM) se caracteriza por una gran diversidad de síntomas neurológicos de entre los cuales el deterioro cognitivo recientemente ha cobrado una especial relevancia. Hasta el momento la evidencia acerca de una correlación entre las características de las lesiones y el deterioro cognitivo específico aún no es concluyente. Objetivo: Analizar si existe una correlación entre las características de las lesiones desmielinizantes y el desempeño de las funciones ejecutivas básicas en estos pacientes. Pacientes y métodos: Se incluyeron 21 pacientes adultos con puntaje de 0-5 en la escala de Kurtzke, sin exacerbaciones de la enfermedad en los 3 meses previos a la evaluación. Se les aplicaron las pruebas de Stroop y el Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). La localización de las lesiones fue determinada por resonancia magnética a través de un observador experto y cegado. Resultados: Las lesiones desmielinizantes se distribuyeron con mayor frecuencia en los lóbulos occipitales y frontales. En el Stroop se observó que a medida que se incrementa la demanda cognitiva en cada sección de la prueba, aumentan el tiempo de reacción y el número de errores. En el WCST, un 33,33% presentó un deterioro medio a moderado. No se encontró una relación entre la lesiones desmielinizantes –localización, tamaño y suma total– y los puntajes de las pruebas aplicadas. Conclusión: En la explicación del deterioro cognitivo en la EM se deben considerar no solo las lesiones desmielinizantes, sino también otros factores biológicos, psicológicos y sociales. Abstract: Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is characterised by several neurological symptoms including cognitive impairment, which has recently been the subject of considerable study. At present, evidence pointing to a correlation between lesion characteristics and specific cognitive impairment is not conclusive. Objective: To investigate the presence of a correlation between the characteristics of demyelinating lesions and performance of basic executive functions in a sample of MS patients. Patients and methods: We included 21 adult patients with scores of 0 to 5 on the Kurtzke scale and no exacerbations of the disease in at least 3 months prior to the evaluation date. They completed the Stroop test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The location of the lesions was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed by a blinded expert in neuroimaging. Results: Demyelinating lesions were more frequently located in the frontal and occipital lobes. The Stroop test showed that as cognitive demand increased on each of the sections in the test, reaction time and number of errors increased. On the WCST, 33.33% of patients registered as having moderate cognitive impairment. No correlation could be found between demyelinating lesion characteristics (location, size, and number) and patients’ scores on the tests. Conclusion: Explanations of the causes of cognitive impairment in MS should examine a variety of biological, psychological, and social factors instead of focusing solely on demyelinating lesions. Palabras clave: Esclerosis múltiple, Deterioro cognitivo, Funciones ejecutivas, Lesiones desmielinizantes, Neuropsicología, México, Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, Cognitive impairment, Executive functions, Demyelinating lesions, Neuropsychology, Mexic

    Correlation between demyelinating lesions and executive function decline in a sample of Mexican patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterised by several neurological symptoms including cognitive impairment, which has recently been the subject of considerable study. At present, evidence pointing to a correlation between lesion characteristics and specific cognitive impairment is not conclusive. Objective: To investigate the presence of a correlation between the characteristics of demyelinating lesions and performance of basic executive functions in a sample of MS patients. Material and methods: We included 21 adult patients with scores of 0 to 5 on the Kurtzke scale and no exacerbations of the disease in at least 3 months prior to the evaluation date. They completed the Stroop test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The location of the lesions was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed by a blinded expert in neuroimaging. Results: Demyelinating lesions were more frequently located in the frontal and occipital lobes. The Stroop test showed that as cognitive demand increased on each of the sections in the test, reaction time and number of errors increased. On the WCST, 33.33% of patients registered as having moderate cognitive impairment. No correlation could be found between demyelinating lesion characteristics (location, size, and number) and patients’ scores on the tests. Conclusion: Explanations of the causes of cognitive impairment in MS should examine a variety of biological, psychological, and social factors instead of focusing solely on demyelinating lesions. Resumen: Antecedentes: La Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) se caracteriza por una gran diversidad de síntomas neurológicos de entre los cuales el deterioro cognitivo recientemente ha cobrado una especial relevancia. Hasta el momento la evidencia acerca de una correlación entre las características de las lesiones y el deterioro cognitivo específico aún no es concluyente. Objetivo: Analizar si existe una correlación entre las características de las lesiones desmielinizantes y el desempeño de las funciones ejecutivas básicas en estos pacientes. Pacientes y Métodos: Se incluyeron 21 pacientes adultos con puntaje de 0-5 en la escala de Kurtzke, sin exacerbaciones de la enfermedad en los 3 meses previos a la evaluación. Se les aplicaron las pruebas de Stroop, y el Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). La localización de las lesiones fue determinada por Resonancia Magnética por un observador experto y cegado Resultados: Las lesiones desmielinizantes se distribuyeron con mayor frecuencia en los lóbulos occipitales y frontales. En el Stroop se observó que, a medida que se incrementa la demanda cognitiva en cada sección de la prueba, aumentan el tiempo de reacción y el número de errores. En el WCST, un 33.33% presentó un deterioro medio a moderado. No se encontró una relación entre la lesiones desmielinizantes – localización, tamaño y suma total – y los puntajes de las pruebas aplicadas. Conclusión: En la explicación del deterioro cognitivo en la EM, se deben considerar no sólo a las lesiones desmielinizantes sino también otros factores biológicos, psicológicos y sociales. Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, Cognitive impairment, Executive functions, Demyelinating lesions, Neuropsychology, Mexico, Palabras clave: Esclerosis múltiple, Deterioro cognitivo, Funciones ejecutivas, Lesiones desmielinizantes, Neuropsicología, Méxic

    A simplified scoring system for the post-operative recovery room

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