11 research outputs found

    Nordic walking jako współczesna forma aktywności seniorów =Nordic walking as a contemporary activity form of seniors

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    Molesztak Aldona. Nordic walking jako współczesna forma aktywności seniorów = Nordic walking as a contemporary activity form of seniors. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(12):365-375. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.202289http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4069    The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016).754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 01.12.2016. Revised 12.12.2016. Accepted: 14.12.2016.    Nordic walking jako współczesna forma aktywności seniorówNordic walking as a contemporary activity form of seniors Aldona Molesztak Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy Słowa kluczowe: aktywność ruchowa, Nordic Walking, seniorzyKey words: physical activity, Nordic Walking, seniors StreszczenieW każdym człowieku zachodzi stopniowy proces starzenia się. Jednak tempo tego procesu jest zindywidualizowane. Proces ten może zostać spowolniony w sytuacji wystąpienia korzystnych czynników, do których należy aktywność ruchowa. Podejmowanie aktywności ruchowej wpływa na układ krążenia, oddechowy, ruchu, nerwowy, odpornościowy, zmniejsza problemy związane z ciśnieniem tętniczym, obniża ryzyko wystąpienia demencji, ogranicza ryzyko upadku, zwiększa energię podczas chodzenia i poprawia postawę jednostki. Wyniki badań wskazują, że doskonałą formą aktywności dla seniorów jest nordic walking ze względu na możliwość indywidualnego dostosowania do możliwości jednostki, terenu marszu, brak ograniczeń czasowych i nakładów finansowych.  AbstractEvery human being experiences the gradual process of aging, however, differences can be observed as to its pace in individual cases. The process can be slowed down owing to such beneficial factors as physical activity. Physical exercise has a positive influence on the circulatory, respiratory, locomotor, nervous and immune systems, reduces health problems related to blood pressure and the danger of dementia, limits dangers of falling down at the same time increasing the body energy during walks and improving the body posture. Results of recent studies have pointed to Nordic walking as a form of physical exercise perfect for seniors due to the fact that it is easy to adjust it to individual abilities, the terrain, time scope and financial means.

    Wsparcie i płeć psychologiczna kobiet i mężczyzn – raport z badań

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    The aim of the research was to determine the psychological gender against the background of a partner’s support and the spouse’s workplace. The research involved a group of 503 married women and men, including 354 professional soldiers - of who 152 have participated in military missions and 202 work in Poland. The research included also 149 women - 94 wives of soldiers participating in missions and 55 women in relationship with soldiers doing their job in Poland. To collect the data for research the nonprobability snowball and purposive sampling methods have been applied. The research was conducted in 2013. The respondents, in majority showing androgynous characteristics, perceive the support on the part of their families as average or very low. Substantial differences as to the psychological gender and support have been observed in the group of soldiers doing their service in their home country. The feminine men and people with unspecified gender identity seem to receive the lowest support, while the androgynous people and male men experience the highest one. Interesting dispersion of results has been observed - the lowest for the group of feminine men, the highest for the androgynous onesThe aim of the research was to determine the psychological gender against the background of a partner’s support and the spouse’s workplace. The research involved a group of 503 married women and men, including 354 professional soldiers - of who 152 have participated in military missions and 202 work in Poland. The research included also 149 women - 94 wives of soldiers participating in missions and 55 women in relationship with soldiers doing their job in Poland. To collect the data for research the nonprobability snowball and purposive sampling methods have been applied. The research was conducted in 2013. The respondents, in majority showing androgynous characteristics, perceive the support on the part of their families as average or very low. Substantial differences as to the psychological gender and support have been observed in the group of soldiers doing their service in their home country. The feminine men and people with unspecified gender identity seem to receive the lowest support, while the androgynous people and male men experience the highest one. Interesting dispersion of results has been observed - the lowest for the group of feminine men, the highest for the androgynous one

    Rodzina w sytuacji zatrudnienia rodzica poza miejscem zamieszkania

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    Among many discussions concerning family numerous debates touch upon the subject of temporarily single-parent families, i.e. the families in which one parent is temporarily absent. The problem has always been present in pedagogy. The possibilities of going abroad to work were limited for many years. The increase in the number of temporarily single-parent families was observed as result of the Poland’s access to the European Union and the availability required in the growing number of jobs and positions. The following social, political and civilisation transformations have enabled unrestricted migration. Parents make the decision to migrate to satisfy economic and psychological needs. However, at the same time they have to be prepared for both the positive and negative consequence of their relocation. Analysis of numerous data forms the basis for distinguishing types of families being temporarily single-parent due to a parent’s employment away from home.Wśród wielu zagadnień dotyczących rodziny liczne dyskusje poświęcone są rodzinom czasowo niepełnym, nazywanym niekompletnymi, czyli takim, w których występuje czasowa nieobecność rodzica. Jest to problem, który zawsze był obecny w pedagogice. Możliwości wyjazdów za granicę w celach zarobkowych były przez wiele lat bardzo ograniczone. Z uwagi na wstąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej oraz obowiązującą w coraz liczniejszych zawodach dyspozycyjność odnotowano wzrost liczby rodzin niepełnych czasowo. Następujące zmiany społeczno-polityczne i cywilizacyjne umożliwiły nieograniczone przemieszczanie się ludzi. Rodzice decydują się na rozłąkę w celu zaspokojenia potrzeb ekonomicznych oraz psychologicznych. Jednocześnie muszą się liczyć się z pozytywnymi, ale również negatywnymi skutkami ich wyjazdów. Analiza licznych badań jest podstawą do wyróżnienia typów rodzin niepełnych czasowo, ze względu na zatrudnienie poza miejscem zamieszkania

    Jakość życia ludzi starych w aspekcie ich zdrowia

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    Life satisfaction of the elderly in an aspect of their health The aim of the research project was to describe life satisfaction of 92 old people’s houses’ residents in USA, Poland and Germany. The research was conducted with a questionnaire. Research results show statistically significant differences between the national samples. The Americans are satisfied in the highest degree with their health and physical state. The Poles appraised highly their psychical state and the Germans are less satisfied with all the three health categories if compared to the other groups. All the three research groups appraised their past higher than present time and future, which was classified as the least satisfying. The past was appraised in the highest degree by the Poles. Also the Americans appraised their past highly but they also saw their future in the least satisfying way. It might be explained with the fact, that American group was the oldest one. The Germans are the least to be satisfied with their past and present time but they expect to experience a satisfying future. The Poles estimated the quality of their present and future time at the same level of satisfaction

    Availability of environmental resources vs. health conditions and wellbeing of residents 60+ of rural areas

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    Admission. The number of Polish old increases regularly. At the same time, the debate on how improving the quality of life of the old has been renewed, but the scientists need to study if the “successful ageing” can be obtained by an average senior. Aim of the study. The goal of this research was to measure health and well-being of residents 60+ living in villages and to investigate to what extent the environmental resources meet their needs. Material and methods. Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener at al., 1985) and a structured interview assessing the quality of health conditions and environmental resources were carried out in 2016 on a sample of 120 seniors. Each participant gave consent for participation in the study. The Statistica 12.5 software was used for analyses. Results. The overall measure of satisfaction with life of the respondents (M=18,83 SD=5.45) is moderate. Seniors who declare stronger sense of diseases have lower well-being than seniors with better subjective assessment of health (Tukey HSD=27,84, p=0,01). Multimorbidity and polypharmacy are present to a limited extent. The issue of unmet needs of elderly individuals in villages affected more than half of the respondents. Older residents of rural areas have but limited environmental resources. Conclusions. Robert Havighurst’s model of “successful ageing” and the right for “the greatest good for the greatest number” in Poland are merely theoretical constructs. The burden of caregiving on the ageing population is still mostly on their families. Seniors lack satisfactory environmental resources and state care

    Life Satisfaction of Polish football fans

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    Introduction: As the popularity and the importance of positive psychology is growing, the level of life satisfaction of people of different backgrounds has been more and more often put to analysis, including life satisfaction of football fans. The issue of football fans’ life satisfaction seems to be interesting not only with regard to all football fans in general, but also to members of different football fan groups in the Polish stadiums. Thus, the present study attempts to determine the level of life satisfaction among Polish football fans and the differences between their groups. Material and methods: The research used the method of a diagnostic online survey and was conducted on a sample of 775 people (148 women and 627 men) who actively participate in sports events as football fans. The respondents in the survey were divided into 4 groups depending on their declared affiliation to the fan group: Supporters (so called “Pikniki” or Picnicking Fans), Ultras, Hooligans and Hardcore Football Fans (Kibole). Results: The life satisfaction level of Polish football supporters is medium or high across all fan groups: Supporters, Ultras, Hardcore Football Fans as well as Hooligans. Therefore, it may be concluded that their life satisfaction is on a similar level. Considering the absence of statistically significant differences between particular groups regarding life satisfaction, it is likely that some determinants of happiness vital for the group of Hooligans as fanatic supporters of football and their ‘own’ football club may be also characteristic for other groups of supporters

    Dynamika współczesnej rodzin

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    CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie dynamiki rodziny poprzez określenie zmian makro- i mikrospołecznych. Rodzina jako system przeobraża się ze względu na zmiany makrospołeczne, ale także sama inicjuje w pewnym zakresie zmiany w społeczeństwie. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Określony problem badawczy dotyczy znalezienia odpowiedzi na następujące pytanie: jakie zmiany makro- i mikrospołeczne decydują o współczesnym modelu rodziny? Analizę dyskursu o rodzinie przeprowadzono, posługując się analizą literatury przedmiotu badań. PROCES WYWODU: Sformułowanie celu artykułu stało się fundamentem do określenia zmian makro- i mikrospołecznych w rodzinie. Następnie przedstawiono cechy tradycyjnej i współczesnej rodziny na podstawie analizy prowadzonego w literaturze dyskursu i syntezy zrealizowanych badań empirycznych. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Na przekształcanie się rodziny wpływ wywiera m.in. ekonomia, biologia, medycyna, migracja ludności, feminizacja. W konsekwencji wpływu wyodrębnionych obszarów życia nastąpiła aktywizacja zawodowa kobiet, wzrost potrzeb konsumpcyjnych, zawieranie małżeństw w późniejszym wieku, zwiększenie liczby małżeństw bezdzietnych. Wraz z wyróżnionymi przeobrażeniami krystalizuje się inne podejście do wychowania dzieci, stosowanych metod wychowawczych, rozwiązywania konfliktów. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Współczesna rodzina, mimo różnych form alternatywnych, nadal ma strukturę rodziny tradycyjnej. Cechą rodzin jest jednak ich rekonstruowanie poprzez zawieranie kolejnych związków. Członkowie rodziny rozwiązanej i nowo utworzonej utrzymują relacje pomagające w wychowaniu dzieci. Za wartości cenione w rodzinie młodzież uznaje zaufanie, wzajemny szacunek i tolerancję. Nie ma widocznego podziału na specjalizację w rodzinie. Cechą charakterystyczną rodziny jest także wertykalizacja, czyli długie życie, ale jednocześnie ograniczenie do niewielkiej liczby krewnych. Następuje wzrost transferów międzygeneracyjnych: dziadkowie – wnukowie lub wnukowie – dziadkowie

    Chosen Views of John Paul II on the Elderly

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    Celem artykułu jest odniesienie rozważań o starości Jana Pawła II do aktualnych tendencji w gerontologii społecznej. Zmaganie się Jana Pawła II z własną chorobą, cierpieniem i wiekiem solidaryzuje papieża z ludźmi niedołężnymi, starymi, ubogimi, którzy znoszą swoje troski i udręki ciała każdego dnia. Tym samym zwraca się do lekarzy, polityków, duszpasterzy, jaki i samych wiernych w celu zabezpieczenia godnego życia seniorom, łagodzenia bólu, wsparcia w cierpieniu. W swoich wypowiedziach podejmuje problemy ludzi w podeszłym wieku w wymiarze indywidualnym i ogólnoświatowym. Przedstawiona perspektywa przyczyna się z jednej strony do podejmowania działań na rzecz grupy osób w podeszłym wieku a z drugiej do sprecyzowania problemów związanych z jej wzrostem. W nauczaniu Jana Pawła II występują zagadnienia związane ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa na świecie w obydwu sformułowanych obszarach.The aim of the article is to consider John Paul II’s teachings on the old age in the light of current trends in the domain of social gerontology. John Paul II’s struggle with his own illness, pain and old age made him the symbol of all the frail, the old and the poor suffering physical pain and every day anxiety. This way, he addresses doctors, politicians, clergymen, and the faithful themselves to take care that senior citizens live their lives in dignity, to alleviate their pain and to support them in their trials and suffering. The Pope considers problems of elderly people individually and in the global perspective which, on the one hand, encourages undertakings aimed at helping the old, on the other, promotes efforts to identify and determine problems following from the fact of the growing number of old people within the society. The teachings of Pope John Paul II include both kinds of the mentioned issues concerning the ageing society of the world

    Quality of life of German senior citizens

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    Introduction. As the growing group of 60+ citizens offers more opportunities for research. Researchers have focused on specifying conditions for high quality of life. The following conclusions are can be used for the benefit of individual elderly people as well as the society as a whole. Aim of the study. The conducted research aimed at examining the quality of life of people at the age of 60 and over living in Germany, and specifically at the question about the influence of the elderly people’s opinion about life on their life satisfaction. Resources and methods. The study was conducted in 2012 on the population of 35 senior citizens (20 women and 15 men) who filled in the survey questionnaire, Cantril’s (1965) and Campbell’s Ladder (1976). Every participant filled in the form individually, and the thus collected data were analysed using Statistica 12.5 software. Results. Individuals who found their life satisfying displayed higher scores with respect to future plans, happiness level and appetite for life that people perceiving their life as boring. Analyses of life assessment against the time line have proved significant only in relation to the present and the future. Conclusions. Researchers have pointed out that only 20% of the population automatically and effortlessly reaches the high level gerotranscendence. It has been observed that for the majority of people the process is slowed down or even blocked for various reasons which include expectations towards the old age as a continuation of former existence, isolation, decreasing social network, or disability (Tornstam, 2011)

    Quality of life of German senior citizens

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    Introduction. As the growing group of 60+ citizens offers more opportunities for research. Researchers have focused on specifying conditions for high quality of life. The following conclusions are can be used for the benefit of individual elderly people as well as the society as a whole. Aim of the study. The conducted research aimed at examining the quality of life of people at the age of 60 and over living in Germany, and specifically at the question about the influence of the elderly people’s opinion about life on their life satisfaction. Resources and methods. The study was conducted in 2012 on the population of 35 senior citizens (20 women and 15 men) who filled in the survey questionnaire, Cantril’s (1965) and Campbell’s Ladder (1976). Every participant filled in the form individually, and the thus collected data were analysed using Statistica 12.5 software. Results. Individuals who found their life satisfying displayed higher scores with respect to future plans, happiness level and appetite for life that people perceiving their life as boring. Analyses of life assessment against the time line have proved significant only in relation to the present and the future. Conclusions. Researchers have pointed out that only 20% of the population automatically and effortlessly reaches the high level gerotranscendence. It has been observed that for the majority of people the process is slowed down or even blocked for various reasons which include expectations towards the old age as a continuation of former existence, isolation, decreasing social network, or disability (Tornstam, 2011)