648 research outputs found

    Moscow looks eastward: forced choice?

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    Russia, which has always been attracted by the East as much as by Europe, is considered an anomaly. The consequence is the strengthening of the Asian pole as an alternative to the Euro-Atlantic camp

    Decolonising the Study of Russian History

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    The disintegration of the USSR inevitably had significant consequences on studies concerning the history of the many peoples who were part of it. Many of these consequences are undoubtedly positive: the dissolution of Marxist-Leninist ideological frame, the rapprochement between scholars of this huge area and foreign ones, the introduction of new research criteria, and so on. Not all aspects of this profound change appear really useful, starting with the use of the categories of colonialism and orientalism

    The Armenians Themselves Burnt Their Own Houses and Desecrated Their Own Churches. Luigi Villari’s Nakhichevan in 1905

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    Luigi Villari’s book Fire and Sword in the Caucasus, published in London in 1906, is widely quoted by the scholars who study the history of South Caucasus at the time of the first Russian Revolution in 1905. After a short introduction about the interest- ing figure of this author, the first part of the article will take into consideration Villari’s peculiar attitude toward the Armenians. The larger part of the article will consider his first-hand description of the massacres perpetrated by the Azeris (Tartars) in the region of Nakhichevan. As a matter of fact, Luigi Villari’s testimony of the tragic events of 1905 is more interesting than ever to understand the origins of a contrast that continues— even if in a deeply different situation—to stain with blood the relationship between Armenians and the South Caucasian Turks

    Environment in Times of War

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    The impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine has been devastating both politically and environmentally. On top of the environmental damage directly caused by military operations, the invasion has put an abrupt end to the EU-Russia “green cooperation”, which had previously raised many hopes. At the same time, it has also shifted international attention away from climate and environmental concerns, which are particularly acute in the post-Soviet region. This Report analyses some of the main climate change and environmental issues in the post-Soviet space, providing an initial assessment of the invasion’s impact. The bulk of the latest scholarly and policy production on these matters focuses on Russia – given the country’s geopolitical and energy relevance. However, this analysis finds that environmental disasters such as the desertification of the Aral Sea transcend state borders and require a broader approach both from an analytic and policy standpoint.Publishe

    Forward to the Past? New/Old Theatres of Russia’s International Projection

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    Russia seems to be back in many “old” theatres where the Soviet Union was actively engaged. More than a quarter of a century after the fall of the USSR, it is clear that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has made restoring Russia’s great power status a primary goal of his twenty years in power. Political and historical links dating back to the Cold War have been capitalised upon to build fresh partnerships and cement or re-establish Russia’s influence in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Just as the Soviet Union supported Western communist parties and ran disinformation campaigns, today’s Russia is accused of meddling with the electoral processes of several Western countries. What are the elements of continuity and change when comparing Russia’s foreign policy with the Soviet Union’s?This ISPI Report tackles the political, historical, military and economic dimensions of Russia’s return to old Soviet theatres of influence. In particular, it delves into their implications for the development of the multipolar world order long-advocated by Moscow

    Russia and China. Anatomy of a Partnership

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    While the “decline of the West” is now almost taken for granted, China’s impressive economic performance and the political influence of an assertive Russia in the international arena are combining to make Eurasia a key hub of political and economic power. That, certainly, is the story which Beijing and Moscow have been telling for years. Are the times ripe for a “Eurasian world order”? What exactly does the supposed Sino-Russian challenge to the liberal world entail? Are the two countries’ worsening clashes with the West drawing them closer together? This ISPI Report tackles every aspect of the apparently solidifying alliance between Moscow and Beijing, but also points out its growing asymmetries. It also recommends some policies that could help the EU to deal with this “Eurasian shift”, a long-term and multi-faceted power readjustment that may lead to the end of the world as we have known it

    Russia's Foreign Policy

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    Who decides what in Moscow? The answer is not always “Vladimir Putin”. However, when explaining Russia’s foreign policy, the consolidation of Putin’s autocratic tendencies and his apparent stability despite many economic and political challenges have contributed – at least in the West – to an excessive “Putin-centrism” and the relative neglect of other agents of domestic politics. As a result, many facets of the country’s foreign policy decisions are misunderstood or shrouded under a thin veil of vagueness and secrecy. This Report attempts to fill this gap, exploring the evolving distribution of political and economic power under the surface of Putin’s leadership to assess the influence of different “lobbies” on Russia’s foreign policy. All of the contributions in the volume underline the complexity of Russia’s decision-making process beneath the surface of a monolithic and increasingly personalistic government.Publishe

    Apoyo familiar en escolares de alta capacidad intelectual de diferentes contextos socioeducativos

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la percepción del apoyo familiar al aprendizaje en 79 alumnos de 6to grado con aptitud intelectual superior de tres contextos educativos (escuela urbana pública y privada, y rural indígena) en Morelos, México. Los alumnos respondieron la prueba SAGES-2 (Johnson & Corn, 2001) y el Cuestionario de Apoyo Familiar de Bazán & Domínguez (2009). Solamente se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los contextos analizados en la percepción de la comunicación regular con maestros relacionada con la materia Español, que fue percibida con mayor frecuencia en el contexto de la escuela privada, respecto al público indígena, independientemente del área de capacidades detectada. Se enfatiza la urgencia de investigar las variables del contexto socioeconómico y familiar para la comprensión de la manifestación, desarrollo y educación de las altas capacidades en alumnos de entornos culturales diferentes
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