63 research outputs found

    Evaluation of In-Service Female EFL Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in Saudi Arabia

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    This study explores the influence of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) on female English foreign language (EFL) teachers in Saudi Arabia. The primary goal of the study was to identify the weak and strong points of in-service TPD for female EFL teachers in order to improve the current situation for female teachers in intermediate and secondary schools in Saudi Arabia. The research presents and analyses the experiences of EFL teachers, headteachers and English supervisors through questionnaires and interviews, in order to assess the effects of TPD provided to them by schools and Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia. The participants of the quantitative study (using questionnaires) consisted of 121 female EFL teachers who were randomly selected from schools in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. More specifically, there were 68 teachers selected from intermediate schools, 27 teachers from secondary schools and 26 selected from mixed intermediate and secondary schools, where teachers teach at both schools. The vast majority of participants were native Saudi teachers and relatively few were expatriates. All participants spoke Arabic as their mother tongue. Meanwhile, the qualitative study (using interviews) comprised 12 participants, namely, eight EFL teachers, two head teachers and two English language supervisors. The findings reveal that current TPD training courses benefitted teachers in the provision of knowledge, the reinforcement of their attitudes, and other effects relating to increased levels of motivation. Nevertheless, they were negatively perceived by female EFL teachers on the grounds that their needs were not appropriately taken into account, the courses were not useful or applicable to regular teaching practice, and they did not promote teaching improvement and were not presented in a way that integrated teachers’ schools within a wider system such as local society and other educational institutions in the area. The findings conclude that TPD training courses alone are not an effective way to raise teaching and learning standards in Saudi Arabia. The important factors to be considered, as highlighted by the Saudi EFL teachers, is the introduction of appropriate support structures, paired with systems of supervision and reward. This research proposes key factors that need to be addressed when implementing TPD in similar context.Saudi Embass

    Weight status during and after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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    Background: This thesis sits within the arena of weight status during and after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), with a particular focus on the prevalence of unhealthy weight status amongst (ALL), Saudi and UK populations. Each chapter in the thesis explores different aspects of unhealthy weight status in ALL which had been highlighted as gaps in the literature at a conference in Puebla, Mexico, at the end of 2006. A summary of each study is given below. Study 1: Background: This study estimated prevalence of unhealthy weight status and metabolic syndrome (MS) amongst Saudi survivors of standard risk ALL. Methods: We recruited 56 survivors, mean age 13.4 years (SD 4.1), a mean of 9.1 years (SD 4.1) post-diagnosis. The BMI for age was used to define weight status relative to national (Saudi) and international (Cole et al., International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), World Health Organisation (WHO), and Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) reference data. We measured body composition by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), waist circumference, blood pressure, lipid profile (HDL-C, Triglycerides), fasting glucose and insulin. Results: According to international definitions based on BMI for age, around half of the sample had unhealthy weight status. All of the approaches based on BMI for age underestimated over-fatness, present in 27/51 (53%) of the sample according to DXA. Prevalence of MS was 7.1% (3/42 of those over 9-years old) and 5.4% (3/56) by applying the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definition and National Cholesterol Education Program Third Adult Treatment panel Guidelines (NCEP III), respectively. However, MS by the NCEP III definition was present in 19% of the overweight and obese survivors and 7.1% of the sample had at least two of the components of MS. Conclusions: Unhealthy body weight and over-fatness may be common amongst adolescent Saudi survivors of standard risk ALL, though overweight and obesity may be no more common than in the general Saudi adolescent population. Defining weight status using BMI underestimates over-fatness in this population, as in other populations. Study 2: Background: Underweight, overweight, and obesity at diagnosis may all worsen prognosis in childhood ALL, but no studies have estimated prevalence of unhealthy weight status at diagnosis in large representative samples using contemporary definitions of weight status based on BMI for age. Methods: Retrospective study which aimed to estimate prevalence of underweight, overweight, and obesity at diagnosis for patients with childhood ALL on three successive UK treatment trials: UKALL X (1985-1990, n 1033), UKALL XI (1990- 1997, n 2031), UKALL 97/97-99 (1997-2002, n 898) .The BMI for age was used to define weight status with both UK 1990 BMI for age reference data and the IOTF definitions. Results: Prevalence of underweight was 6% in the most recent trial for which data were available. Prevalence of overweight and obesity was 35% in the most recent trial when expressed using IOTF definitions; 41% when expressed relative to UK 1990 reference data. Conclusions: Even with highly conservative estimates >40% of all UK patients with ALL were underweight, overweight, or obese at diagnosis in the most recent trial for which UK data are available (UKALL 97/99, 1997-2002). Study 3: Background: This study tested the hypothesis that overweight/obesity at diagnosis of childhood ALL was related to risk of relapse. Methods and results: In a national cohort of 1033 patients from the UK there was no evidence that weight status at diagnosis was related significantly to risk of relapse: log ranks test (p value= 0.90) with overweight and obesity as the exposure (n 917); individual (p value= 0.42) and stepwise (p value= 0.96) proportional hazards models, with BMI z score as the exposure (n 1033). Conclusion: The study does not support the hypothesis that overweight/obesity at diagnosis impairs prognosis in childhood ALL in the UK. Study 4: Background: In the sample of Saudi patients recruited to study 1 we compared DXA whole body and lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) using manufacturers software with a body size correction which derived bone mineral content (BMC) for bone area and Apparent bone mineral density of lumbar spine (BMADLS). Methods and results: The survivors of ALL were from Saudi Arabia (n 51, mean age 13.5 years). With no corrections, 29 patients (57%) had lumbar spine BMD z score < -1.0 and 21 (41%) had whole body BMD z score < -2. After correction, by using BMC for bone area method only 6 (12%) had lumbar spine BMC z score <-1.0 and 4 (8%) had whole body BMC z score <-2. By using BMADLS method, 18 (35%) had BMC <-1.0 and 6 (11%) had BMC Z score <-2. Conclusions: Correction for body size seems essential to accurate interpretation of DXA bone health data in adolescent survivors of ALL. The three correction methods provided different conclusions, but bone health remains a concern after treatment for ALL


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    The rate of adolescent Cannabis abuse is increasing for recreational purposes and it is thought to be linked to a range of developmental and social problems. Many studies have demonstrated effects of early Cannabis exposure to produce behavioral effects that persist through adulthood. However, the physiological changes in the CNS that must be responsible for this altered behavior remain poorly understood. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a psychoactive cannabinoid isolated from Cannabis that exerts its effect by partially-activating cannabinoid receptors. Adolescence is a critical period for brain development and maturation. Zebra finches are songbirds that learn vocal patterns during a sensitive period of development that approximates adolescence. Exposure of these animals to a cannabinoid agonist during their period of sensorimotor vocal learning alters song patterns produced in adulthood. Thus, songbirds have unique value in studying developmental effects of drug exposure on a naturally learned behavior. We have adapted place preference methods to study cocaine reinforcement of behavior. Moreover, we pharmacologically manipulated 2- arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) levels using JLZ-184 (a selective inhibitor of MAG lipase, the enzyme responsible for degradation of 2-AG) to determine if augmentation of the endogenous cannabinoid signaling produced THC-like increased cocaine sensitivity. We have found that cocaine dose-dependently reinforces both place preference and aversion at potencies consistent with those observed in mammalian species. THC persistently increases sensitivity to cocaine through adulthood. However, developmental exposure to JZL-184 induced aversion. These effects were not observed following treatment of adults. Moreover, the expression of c-Fos (a marker of neuronal activity) was increased in Area X of striatum in THC-treated animals and nucleus taeniae of amygdala in JZL-184-treated animals. Also, elevated dopamine (DA) and 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels were observed in Area X and VTA only in animals that developmentally treated with THC. On the other hand, we have found that developmental chronic THC and JZL-184 exposure resulted in alteration of the song phonology that persist through adulthood. This indicates that normal endocannabinoid signaling is important to vocal learning, and agonism or antagonism of these processes disrupts this learning, indicating that a "normal tone" of cannabinoid signaling is required

    The Effectiveness of a Program Based on the Concept of Deliberation on Developing Language Communication Skills and Academic Achievement for Kuwait University College of Education Students

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    This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a program based on regulating the pragmatics strategy on increasing the level of language communication skills and academic achievement among female students at the College of Education, Kuwait University for the academic year 2017/2018. The study sample consisted of 100 female students who were equally divided into two groups: the experimental and control group. The findings of the study indicated that there are significant differences between the groups at the 0.05 level in favor of the experimental group. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean posttest scores of the two groups in the linguistic communication skills and the achievement test in favor of the experimental group. In addition, the proposed strategy was found to be highly effective in developing all communication skills and academic achievement in the study sample

    Persusadaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd

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    In Malaysia, automotive trade is rapid growing industry. It is considered as the one of most important manufacturing industry sectors. Automotive industry is considered as the one of the crucial industries by the Malaysia government. According to the government representor, the rapid growth in the manufacturing of the automotive leads the country to be developed nation by the end of 2020 (Arshad, 2001). According to Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI) Chief Datuk Madani Sahari automotive sector is going to contribute in the GDP of Malaysia about 10% of the total by the end of 2020. In Malaysia economy the automotive Perodua Company is also contributing a lot in the automotive sector. The Perodua is playing an important role in the manufacturing, assembling, and service sectors. As the Perodua director was crowned with the title of automotive man of the 2017 year, because of his visionary action and leadership in making the national automaker. Therefore, companies like Perodua are the proud for the Malaysia like developing country which are independent in their automotive manufacturing, engineering and designs. In the presence of the given challenges the automotive industry is facing the issues of increased competition, on the global and national level. Therefore, Perodua has to make the strategic direction and also gave the basic framework by reviewing the current status of automotive sector. Therefore, Perodua will have the battle on national and national level. The new designs of Perodua are having new technology and quality. The quality and productivity of Perodua is the mission of the company which enhance the sustainability of the active vendors of Perodua services. Perodua is also known as the world’s best automobile company because of its professionalism, efficiency, quality and reliability of the automobiles. The strategies of the company include the optimizing benefits for the stakeholder and for the customer services, have the social responsibility for the community and environment. This company is unique in its products which attract the customs (Zahari, Halim, Baniamin&Salleh, 2016)

    Voice-enabled privacy assistant towards facilitating successful ageing in smart homes

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    In recent years, people have increasingly introduced smart speakers into their living spaces, but many lack an understanding of how their data is collected, processed, and used. In addition, people are often unsure how to configure the privacy settings of their devices. Therefore, we present Privacy Assistant, a novel conversational interface designed to empower people to understand how data is collected, processed and stored and configure their privacy settings. We focused on older people who are at additional risk of low understanding of privacy settings and data handling on voice assistants. We developed an Amazon skill that interacts with users and guides them through the privacy settings of smart speakers. This skill assists people in understanding key features (voice recordings, location, and voice purchasing) so they can make informed decisions about privacy settings. We took a user-design approach to iteratively improve the prototype based on two successive rounds of feedback with end-user (older people who own smart speakers). We found that older people preferred the Privacy Assistant to standard configuration procedures (i.e., through an app or webpage). We also found that the Privacy Assistant increased their knowledge and awareness of privacy settings and data management on voice assistants

    Natural Attenuation Potential of Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Polluted Marine Sediments

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    The marine environment in Kuwait is polluted with various hazardous chemicals of industrial origin. These include petroleum hydrocarbons, halogenated compounds and heavy metals. Bioremediation with dedicated microorganisms can be effectively applied for reclamation of the polluted marine sediments. However, information on the autochthonous microbes and their ecophysiology is largely lacking. We analyzed sediments from Shuwaikh harbor to detect polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). Then we adopted both culture-dependent and culture-independent (PCR-DGGE) approaches to identify bacterial inhabitants of the polluted marine sediments from Shuwaikh harbor. The chemical analysis revealed spatial variation among the sampling stations in terms of total amount of PCBs, TPHs and the PCB congener fingerprints. Moreover, in all analyzed sediments, the medium-chlorine PCB congeners were more abundant than the low-chlorine and high-chlorine counterparts. PCR-DGGE showed the presence of members of the Proteobacteria, Spirochaetes, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes in the analyzed sediments. However, Chloroflexi-related bacteria dominated the detected bacterial community. We also enriched a biphenyl-utilizing mixed culture using the W2 station sediment as an inoculum in chemically defined medium using biphenyl as a sole carbon and energy source. The enriched mixed culture consisted mainly of the Firmicute Paenibacillus spp. Sequences of genes encoding putative aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases were detected in sediments from most sampling stations and the enriched mixed culture. The results suggest the potential of bioremediation as a means for natural attenuation of Shuwaikh harbor sediments polluted with PCBs and TPHs

    The Role of Interpersonal EFL Teacher Behaviour in Enhancing Saudi Students&apos; Learning

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    Abstract This study investigated relationships between students&apos; perceptions of their teachers&apos; interpersonal behaviour and their learning outcomes in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This study looked at how teacher-student interpersonal behaviour leads to better academic performance. 200 female participants took part (16-18 years old) from two secondary/high schools in Saudi Arabia. An adapted version of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) was utilised and covered two independent dimensions called Influence (teacher dominance vs. submission) and Proximity (teacher cooperation vs. opposition). Using descriptive statistics and Pearson&apos;s Chi-Square statistics the results showed the majority of the participants perceived their EFL teachers as good leaders and most of the students believed that teachers listened to them. In addition, a positive opinion was found about their teachers suggesting good academic performance in these schools. The participants were motivated to learn English either to seek further education, enhance knowledge travel, or out of interest. Finally, the results showed that most of the students who worked cooperatively are aware of their competency levels in EFL classes. The Pearson Chi Square test showed that student level of competency and the teacher profile are dependent on each other. This implies that the teacher can impact student performance and learning. Also the Chi Square tests showed that the course structure does not affect the students&apos; competency in English. Overall the study highlights the importance of communication to create interpersonal relationships that facilitate collaboration in the classroom. Besides, this study uncovered some critical issues problems in EFL teaching in Saudi Arabia such as lack of training for teachers and lack of communication in the class

    Development of an LC-ESI-MS/MS method for determination of a novel Pyrrolomycin (MP-1) and application to pre-clinical ADME studies

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    A rapid, selective, and sensitive liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was developed and validated for quantitation of a novel Pyrrolomycin (MP-1) in mouse plasma. MP-1 was extracted from plasma utilizing a structural analog (PL-3) as the internal standard (IS). Analyte separation was achieved using a Waters Acquity UPLC®BEH C18 column (1.7 µm, 100 x 2.1 mm) protected with Acquity UPLC C18 guard column. Mobile phase consisted of 0.1% acetic acid in water (10%) and methanol (90%) at a total flow rate of 0.25 mL/min. The mass spectrometer was operated at unit resolution in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, using precursor ion\u3eproduct ion transitions of 324.10\u3e168.30 m/z for MP-1 and 411.95\u3e224.15 m/z for PL-3. The MS/MS response was linear over the concentration range from 0.2-500 ng/mL for MP-1 with a correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.988 or better. Precision (percent relative standard deviation, % RSD) and accuracy (% bias) were within the acceptable limits as per FDA guidelines. MP-1 was stable under storage and laboratory handling conditions. The validated method was successfully applied to assess the solubility, in vitro metabolism, plasma protein binding and bio-distribution studies of MP-1. Glucuronidation was found to be the major metabolic pathway using S9 fractions. The validated method was successfully applied to a pre-clinical pharmacokinetic and bio-distribution mouse study involving low volume blood and tissue samples for quantitation of MP-1