573 research outputs found

    Temporary Clusters and Knowledge Creation: The Case of Tourism@

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    With respect to the knowledge-based-view and management science, innovations contribute to a company's competitiveness. And for successful innovation process, companies need to share, create and combine their internal knowledge as well as managing their external relationships and opportunities. Consequently, it is widely accepted that clusters - systemic and local configurations - by supporting horizontal and vertical knowledge exchange could be a fundamental mean for innovation. However, the prolific literature on clusters analyse them only as durable and permanent entities. Yet, interestingly, some forms of temporary organizations as trade fairs, conventions and other professional gatherings, are similar to permanent clusters, but in a temporary, repeated and intensified form. Maskell, Bathelt and Malmberg (2004) even call them “temporary cluster” using the concept to define a short-lived hotspot of intense knowledge exchange, network building and idea generation. It gathers heterogeneous participants in the same spot enabling them to bring together their specific knowledge through intensive interactions. Nevertheless, to date, we observed that the literature focusing on temporary clusters is limited. Notwithstanding, it requires growing attention for management science. In fact, the literature existing on temporary clusters, had asserted that these transient events are important for companies to access markets and knowledge pools in different part of the world. Therefore we consider temporary clusters as a significant vector for the building of trans-local business relations in common situations of incomplete knowledge and uncertainty. Besides, temporary clusters help developing global knowledge pipelines to benefit from outside knowledge.In this context, the paper will analyze a specific empirical case of temporary organization related to the tourism industry. Two arguments support this choice. On the one hand, as stated by Maskell et al. (2005), ‘identifying, selecting, approaching and interacting with new partners is a tricky and costly process' and, we think, even more in the tourism industry. Indeed, the tourism industry is structured by dispersed activities in nature, time and space that need to be combined and assembled dynamically. On the other hand, the tourism industry has been one of the most innovative activities related to the development of ICT, almost 50% of the innovations in the e-commerce activity come from e-tourism or m-tourism. Therefore, the analysis of a temporary cluster dedicated to this ‘dispersed' activity is particularly relevant.The paper will thus focus on such an event called Tourism@. This major event gathers the main actors of e-tourism and is dedicated to the usages of ICT in the tourism industry. It appears as a unique international trade fair in Europe dedicated to start up innovative companies, high tech SMEs, academic research, as well as large multinationals. Tourism@' specificity lies in the fact that each year, since 2001, the event includes the organization of a competition rewarding projects for their creativity and commitment in developing and implementing either new technologies or new uses for the tourism industry. The projects involved in this competition (175 since 2001) will be the basic elements of the temporal database we have build, in which the nature of the projects is extensively described (nature of the firm, of the technology, of the team, capabilities implemented, level of innovation...). In order to analyze the evolution of innovative activities in e-tourism, the initial step will be to characterize the projects through three main features: the market they address, nature of the technology and their innovative intensity. The study reveals that, each year, a main technology or a main innovation in terms of uses emerges showing some kind of self organization. Then, two points of the case study will be examined: first, the evolution of the dominant technology over time, and secondly, the diffusion of the emerging technology. Therefrom, the empirical study will aim at analyzing if temporary proximity allows the different actors from tourism industry to set up or mobilize knowledge and social links without requiring durable co-location. Furthermore, it will aim at identifying if, in a dynamic context of annual event, the repeated face to face temporary relations can result in trust and durable cooperation between different organizations. It might be expected that Tourism@ trade fair, in the role of a temporary cluster, enables to develop or implement innovative solutions, supports technology transfers and backs the creation of new markets as well as the fostering of horizontal and vertical relations between stakeholders.The paper is structured as follows. First section will investigate the theory field of temporary clusters and question in what extent a temporary cluster can be considered as a specific temporary organization regarding the interactions it support that lead to knowledge creation. Section two will present the Tourism@ case study; the methodology used and will develop the statistical analysis of the database. Lastly, the third section will be dedicated to the discussion of temporary clusters as a specific form of inter-firm organization that allows intensive exchange of knowledge.Knowledge creation; Temporary cluster; Tourism; Technological innovation

    Technologies de l'information et de la communication : un outil stratégique pour les petites et moyennes entreprises touristiques?

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    L'entreprise de petite taille est souvent considĂ©rĂ©e comme une entreprise qui subit les alĂ©as de son environnement. Face Ă  cette perspective qualifiĂ©e de dĂ©terministe, certains travaux rĂ©cents (Gueguen, 2004) ont mis en Ă©vidence la possibilitĂ© pour les PME (Petites et Moyennes Entreprises) de disposer d'une libertĂ© d'action rĂ©elle. Le dĂ©veloppement depuis une dizaine d'annĂ©e de technologies de l'information et de la communication offre aux entreprises la possibilitĂ© de renforcer leurs positions concurrentielles et de dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies. Si ces aspects ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crits dans de nombreux travaux concernant la grande entreprise, on dispose de peu de recul sur les impacts des systĂšmes d'information et de communication sur le management stratĂ©gique des PME. Il semble donc opportun de revenir sur le rĂŽle des TIC au sein des petites structures et de se demander : dans quelle mesure les technologies de diffusion de l'information constituent-elles un outil stratĂ©gique pour ces entreprises. Les rĂ©centes recherches menĂ©es sur la relation entre les petites entreprises et leur environnement nous apprennent que les PME peuvent faire preuve de volontarisme. Partant de cette idĂ©e, cet article vise Ă  comprendre en quoi les TIC peuvent ĂȘtre une ressource spĂ©cifique permettant Ă  ces entreprises de se singulariser. Les rĂ©sultats de recherche dont on rend compte ici s'intĂ©ressent Ă  l'influence des TIC sur la stratĂ©gie des PME. La capacitĂ© Ă  dĂ©ployer des stratĂ©gies grĂące aux TIC, est expliquĂ©e Ă  travers les contextes spĂ©cifiques des PME, que l'on prĂ©cise.TIC (technologies de l'information et de la communication) – dĂ©cisions stratĂ©giques – PME (petites et moyennes entreprises) – environnement

    Research on chilean saltpetre heritage (19th and 20th centuries) and its enhancement

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    Vers 1870, le salpĂȘtre succĂ©dera au guano comme engrais naturel dans les pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s. La victoire du Chili dans la Guerre du Pacifique, permettra l’annexion des territoires salpĂȘtriers. Le monopole sur la ressource ouvrira une pĂ©riode de grande prospĂ©ritĂ© pour le pays. Cependant, l’ampleur des investissements nĂ©cessaires rendra indispensable l’arrivĂ©e de capitaux Ă©trangers, principalement britanniques. Jusqu’à 1930, ces derniers maintiendront une position hĂ©gĂ©monique dans cette industrie. Ils l’abandonneront alors au profit d’intĂ©rĂȘts nord-amĂ©ricains dotĂ©s d’une technologie supĂ©rieure. NĂ©e dans une rĂ©gion dĂ©sertique, cette industrie a drainĂ© une population importante, tant d’origine proche qu’europĂ©enne, tant sur les lieux de production que dans les ports. Plusieurs villes cĂŽtiĂšres ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©es, permettant la naissance d’une nouvelle bourgeoisie. Le regroupement de nombreux ouvriers, travaillant dans un environnement difficile, a permis la naissance de mouvements sociaux, finalement transformĂ©s en mouvement politiques. Ainsi, le Parti Socialiste chilien trouve son origine dans les mouvements ouvriers du salpĂȘtre. Le caractĂšre unique de ce patrimoine et son rĂŽle essentiel dans la construction du Chili a valu aux sites de Humberstone et Santa Laura d’ĂȘtre inscrits au Patrimoine Mondial de l’HumanitĂ©. Ceux-ci permettent de comprendre tant les procĂ©dĂ©s industriels que le mode de vie des “pampinos”. Cependant, la difficile reconnaissance de la valeur culturelle de ce patrimoine et la nĂ©cessitĂ© de prĂ©server autant les manifestations immatĂ©rielles que matĂ©rielles de cet hĂ©ritage amĂšnent Ă  s’interroger sur la transmission d’une mĂ©moire en sursis; ABSTRACT: Research on Chilean saltpetre Heritage (19th and 20th Centuries) and its enhancement Around 1870, saltpetre replaced guano as a natural fertilizer in developed countries. The victory of Chile in the Pacific War resulted in the annexation of territories rich in saltpetre. The monopoly on the resource brought a period of great prosperity for the country. However, due to the extent of the investments, the arrival of foreign capital, mainly British, was needed. Until 1930, British interests maintain a hegemonic position in this industry. They then were replaced by US interests disposing of a superior technology. Born in a desert region, the industry has attracted a large population, from nearby or European origins, either in production sites or in ports. Several coastal towns were created, allowing the birth of a new bourgeoisie. The grouping of many workers, working in a difficult environment, enabled the birth of social movements, eventually turned into political movement. Thus, the Chilean Socialist Party has its roots in the saltpetre labour movement. The uniqueness of this heritage and its essential role in the construction of Chile has earned the sites of “oficinas” Humberstone and Santa Laura to be listed as World Heritage Site. Both help understand the industrial processes and the lifestyle of "pampinos". However, the difficult recognition of the cultural value of this heritage and the need to preserve as much immaterial and material manifestations of it raise questions about the transmission of a memory in jeopardy

    L’impulsivitĂ© dans le trouble de personnalitĂ© limite : Ă©tude du rĂŽle des Ă©motions nĂ©gatives et du stress sur les capacitĂ©s d’inhibition sous l’angle des perturbations identitaires

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    ThĂšse de doctorat prĂ©sentĂ© en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option psychologie clinique (Ph.D)L’impulsivitĂ© des personnes atteintes de trouble de personnalitĂ© limite (TPL) est un problĂšme important et un critĂšre diagnostic majeur qu’il convient de mieux comprendre. L’étude des fonctions d’inhibition permet d’apprĂ©hender ce phĂ©nomĂšne Ă  travers certains dĂ©ficits cognitifs qui sous-tendent ces comportements. Le but gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette thĂšse, composĂ©e de deux articles empiriques, Ă©tait d’interroger le rĂŽle des perturbations identitaires dans la survenue des dĂ©ficits d’inhibition chez des individus ayant un TPL. Le premier article est une revue systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature des Ă©tudes mesurant trois types de fonction d’inhibition (inhibition de rĂ©ponse; rĂ©sistance Ă  l’interfĂ©rence de distracteur; rĂ©sistance proactive Ă  l’interfĂ©rence) en condition de stress ou d’émotion nĂ©gative, auprĂšs d’individus ayant un TPL. Le premier objectif Ă©tait de dresser un portrait de la littĂ©rature des Ă©tudes ayant mesurĂ© les fonctions d’inhibition en condition de stress ou Ă©motionnelle chez des individus ayant un TPL ou de hauts traits de PL comparativement Ă  des sujets contrĂŽle. Le second Ă©tait de documenter l’impact diffĂ©rentiel des processus de rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  soi sur les capacitĂ©s d’inhibition des sujets ayant un TPL ou de hauts traits de PL versus les sujets contrĂŽle, en lien avec (1) l’hypothĂšse de Winter (2016) selon laquelle une rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  soi impacterait davantage leurs processus attentionnels en raison du contenu nĂ©gatif de leur identitĂ©, et (2) un aspect de la thĂ©orie de Kernberg (1976) qui fait le lien entre perturbations identitaires et impulsivitĂ© dans cette population. Sur un total de 1215 articles, 26 Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es et comparĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que l’amoindrissement des performances des individus ayant un TPL semble survenir davantage lorsque les paradigmes expĂ©rimentaux comprennent une rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  soi, et ce, pour les trois types d’inhibition. Un modĂšle thĂ©orique a Ă©tĂ© formulĂ© afin d’intĂ©grer les apports de Winter (2016) et Kernberg (1976) pour comprendre le lien entre ces variables et qui rĂ©pond ainsi au troisiĂšme objectif d’apporter une comprĂ©hension thĂ©orique Ă  ces rĂ©sultats. Le deuxiĂšme article prĂ©sente un protocole de recherche (quatriĂšme objectif) permettant de tester une partie du modĂšle thĂ©orique proposĂ© dans le premier article, Ă  savoir l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle les dĂ©ficits d’inhibition de rĂ©ponse pourraient ĂȘtre attribuables Ă  la disposition de l’identitĂ© Ă  augmenter l’intensitĂ© des Ă©motions nĂ©gatives chez les individus ayant un TPL. Des analyses prĂ©liminaires (cinquiĂšme objectif) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es auprĂšs de 56 participants prĂ©sentant diffĂ©rents niveaux de traits de personnalitĂ© limite. Ces derniers ont Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  deux conditions, soit une Ă©preuve de description de soi (n = 29) ayant le potentiel de manipuler la cohĂ©rence identitaire ou une Ă©preuve contrĂŽle (n = 27), avant d’effectuer une tĂąche d’inhibition comportant des stimuli Ă©motionnels d’intensitĂ© faible et Ă©levĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent une interaction significative entre la condition, le niveau de traits limite, la valence et l’intensitĂ© des stimuli avec la performance d’inhibition. L’analyse post-hoc n’a pas rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© de diffĂ©rences significatives. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, la relation entre la description de soi des participants (n = 29) et leur performance Ă  la tĂąche a Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©e. Une corrĂ©lation modĂ©rĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©e entre une description de soi peu diffĂ©renciĂ©e et une moins bonne performance d’inhibition. Ces rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires soulignent la pertinence de s’intĂ©resser Ă  la relation entre l’identitĂ© et les fonctions d’inhibition. De façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, la prĂ©sente thĂšse dresse un portrait complexe des liens entre inhibition, stress, intensitĂ© Ă©motionnelle, et identitĂ© dans le TPL. Les implications des rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s. De nouvelles Ă©tudes sont nĂ©cessaires afin d’approfondir les conclusions de ces articles.Impulsivity among individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is an important problem and a major diagnostic criterion that needs to be better understood. The study of inhibition functions allows to apprehend this phenomenon through certain cognitive deficits which underlie those behaviors. The aim of this thesis, composed by two empirical articles, was to question the role of identity disruptions in the occurrence of inhibition deficits among individuals with BPD. The first article is a systematic literature review of studies measuring three types of inhibitory functions (response inhibition; resistance to distractor interference; resistance to proactive interference) under stress or negative emotion, among individuals with BPD or high BP features. The first objective was to portray literature of the studies. The second was to document the impact of the presence of self-reference in the experimental procedures among subjects with BPD or high BP features versus controls, in relation to (1) Winter's hypothesis (2016) according to which self-reference disrupts their attentional processes due to the negative content of their identity, and (2) an aspect of Kernberg's theory (1976) which links identity disturbances and impulsivity in this population. Out of 1215 articles, 26 studies were selected and compared. The results indicate that the impairment of individuals with BPD’s performance for all three types of inhibition seems to occur more frequently when the experimental paradigms include self-reference. A theoretical model was formulated to integrate the contributions of Winter (2016) and Kernberg (1976) in the understanding of the link between those variables and respond to the third objective. The second article presents a research protocol (fourth objective) which aims to test a part of the theoretical model developed in the first article which hypothesized that the deficits in response inhibition could be attributable to the disposition of identity to increase the intensity of negative emotions in individuals with BPD. A preliminary analysis (fifth objective) was conducted among 56 participants with different levels of borderline personality features were assigned to two conditions: either a self-description task (n = 29) that had the potential to manipulate the identity coherence, or a control condition (n = 27), prior to a response inhibition task with high and low arousal emotional stimuli. The results indicate a significant interaction between condition, the level of borderline features, valence, and stimulus intensity on inhibition performance. Post-hoc analysis did not reveal significant differences. Secondly, the relationship between participants' self-description (n = 29) and their performance on the inhibition task was explored. A moderate correlation was found between a lesser differentiated self-description and a higher mean of errors of commission. Those preliminary results highlight the relevance of studying the relationship between identity and inhibition functions. Overall, this thesis presents a complex portrait of the links between inhibition, stress, emotional intensity, and identity in BPD. The implications of those results are discussed. Further studies are needed to strengthen the conclusions of these articles

    Temporary Clusters and Knowledge Creation: The Case of Tourism@

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    International audienceWith respect to the knowledge-based-view and management science, innovations contribute to a company's competitiveness. And for successful innovation process, companies need to share, create and combine their internal knowledge as well as managing their external relationships and opportunities. Consequently, it is widely accepted that clusters - systemic and local configurations - by supporting horizontal and vertical knowledge exchange could be a fundamental mean for innovation. <br />However, the prolific literature on clusters analyse them only as durable and permanent entities. Yet, interestingly, some forms of temporary organizations as trade fairs, conventions and other professional gatherings, are similar to permanent clusters, but in a temporary, repeated and intensified form. Maskell, Bathelt and Malmberg (2004) even call them “temporary cluster” using the concept to define a short-lived hotspot of intense knowledge exchange, network building and idea generation. It gathers heterogeneous participants in the same spot enabling them to bring together their specific knowledge through intensive interactions. <br />Nevertheless, to date, we observed that the literature focusing on temporary clusters is limited. Notwithstanding, it requires growing attention for management science. In fact, the literature existing on temporary clusters, had asserted that these transient events are important for companies to access markets and knowledge pools in different part of the world. Therefore we consider temporary clusters as a significant vector for the building of trans-local business relations in common situations of incomplete knowledge and uncertainty. Besides, temporary clusters help developing global knowledge pipelines to benefit from outside knowledge.<br /><br />In this context, the paper will analyze a specific empirical case of temporary organization related to the tourism industry. Two arguments support this choice. On the one hand, as stated by Maskell et al. (2005), ‘identifying, selecting, approaching and interacting with new partners is a tricky and costly process' and, we think, even more in the tourism industry. Indeed, the tourism industry is structured by dispersed activities in nature, time and space that need to be combined and assembled dynamically. On the other hand, the tourism industry has been one of the most innovative activities related to the development of ICT, almost 50% of the innovations in the e-commerce activity come from e-tourism or m-tourism. <br />Therefore, the analysis of a temporary cluster dedicated to this ‘dispersed' activity is particularly relevant.<br />The paper will thus focus on such an event called Tourism@. This major event gathers the main actors of e-tourism and is dedicated to the usages of ICT in the tourism industry. It appears as a unique international trade fair in Europe dedicated to start up innovative companies, high tech SMEs, academic research, as well as large multinationals. Tourism@' specificity lies in the fact that each year, since 2001, the event includes the organization of a competition rewarding projects for their creativity and commitment in developing and implementing either new technologies or new uses for the tourism industry. <br />The projects involved in this competition (175 since 2001) will be the basic elements of the temporal database we have build, in which the nature of the projects is extensively described (nature of the firm, of the technology, of the team, capabilities implemented, level of innovation...). In order to analyze the evolution of innovative activities in e-tourism, the initial step will be to characterize the projects through three main features: the market they address, nature of the technology and their innovative intensity. The study reveals that, each year, a main technology or a main innovation in terms of uses emerges showing some kind of self organization. Then, two points of the case study will be examined: first, the evolution of the dominant technology over time, and secondly, the diffusion of the emerging technology. <br />Therefrom, the empirical study will aim at analyzing if temporary proximity allows the different actors from tourism industry to set up or mobilize knowledge and social links without requiring durable co-location. Furthermore, it will aim at identifying if, in a dynamic context of annual event, the repeated face to face temporary relations can result in trust and durable cooperation between different organizations. It might be expected that Tourism@ trade fair, in the role of a temporary cluster, enables to develop or implement innovative solutions, supports technology transfers and backs the creation of new markets as well as the fostering of horizontal and vertical relations between stakeholders.<br /><br />The paper is structured as follows. First section will investigate the theory field of temporary clusters and question in what extent a temporary cluster can be considered as a specific temporary organization regarding the interactions it support that lead to knowledge creation. Section two will present the Tourism@ case study; the methodology used and will develop the statistical analysis of the database. Lastly, the third section will be dedicated to the discussion of temporary clusters as a specific form of inter-firm organization that allows intensive exchange of knowledge

    Atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia : an ALE meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies

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    Background/Objectives: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and semantic dementia (SD) have distinct episodic memory profiles despite the hippocampal atrophy that characterizes both diseases. The aim of this study was to delineate the pattern of gray matter (GM) atrophy associated with AD and SD as well as any differences in these patterns by pooling together the results of previous voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies. Methods/Overview: We conducted a meta-analysis of VBM studies that investigated GM atrophy in AD patients versus controls (CTRLs) and in SD patients versus CTRLs using the activation likelihood estimation (ALE) approach. Our systematic review allowed us to identify 63 VBM studies. Results: The results confirmed that in addition to the classical cortical pattern of atrophy involving posterior medial and lateral regions in AD and the anterior lateral temporal lobes in SD, both AD and SD patients are characterized by bilateral atrophy of the hippocampus. Furthermore, in SD, the hippocampal atrophy was limited to the anterior portion of the hippocampus, while in AD, both the anterior and posterior parts of the hippocampus exhibited atrophy. When we compared the foci identified in the studies that compared AD patients versus CTRLs with those identified in the studies that compared SD patients versus CTRLs, we observed that the atrophy in the posterior hippocampus and precuneus was more severe in AD. Conclusion: These results support theories that propose that the deficits observed in AD result from damage to the episodic memory network, which involves the posterior hippocampus and posterior medial brain regions. However, sparing of the posterior hippocampus in SD could explain the absence of episodic memory deficits in this population

    Dynamique organisationnelle du secteur touristique : Ă©volutions technologiques et innovations de services

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    Le secteur du tourisme a connu ces derniÚres années de profondes transformations. Celles-ci sont visibles pour l'essentiel dans le passage d'un paradigme industriel à un paradigme de la "connaissance". En effet, "l'ancien tourisme" se caractérise essentiellement par une production de masse, standardisée, alors que le "nouveau tourisme" vise, par l'innovation, à offrir des biens différenciés et personnalisés aux différentes niches de marchés. Ces transformations ont évolué conjointement aux changements de comportements et de motivations des consommateurs, dans un nouvel environnement juridico économique. Ces facteurs ont ainsi contribué à l'émergence de nouvelles rÚgles concurrentielles dans une économie mondialisée. C'est surtout l'arrivée des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC ), qui a le plus bouleversé l'industrie du tourisme ces dix derniÚres années. Ces évolutions concernent l'ensemble du processus productif du produit touristique, mais également tous les prestataires du tourisme. Les entreprises contraintes de s'adapter à l'ensemble de ces évolutions doivent repenser la segmentation traditionnelle de leurs activités. Cette contribution a pour objectif de mieux comprendre la relation entre les changements structurels que connaissent les entreprises du tourisme et l'organisation du secteur touristique. L'analyse de ce processus implique de comprendre dans un premier temps de quelle maniÚre se structure le tourisme. L'existence d'une forte interdépendance entre les diverses entreprises qui effectuent des activités complémentaires trÚs variées amÚnera à conclure qu'il s'agit d'une industrie au sens de Richardson (1972). En effet, chacune de ces entreprises effectue une étape du processus productif. Par conséquent, toute innovation à l'un des stades de la production aura de fortes implications sur les autres et donc sur l'ensemble du secteur. Nous montrerons dans un second temps que l'émergence d'innovations dépend fortement de l'interaction et de la complémentarité entre la technologie et l'organisation interne de l'entreprise (Milgrom et Roberts, 1990). L'évolution de l'industrie est donc fortement dépendante de la capacité des entreprises à internaliser les différents progrÚs technologiques.Industrie du tourisme ; changements technologiques; dynamique organisationnelle; innovations de services

    Deux approches pédagogiques dans la prévention du paludisme par le pharmacien d'officine

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    Les voyageurs se rendant dans certains pays ou rĂ©gions du monde ont un risque de dĂ©velopper le paludisme. Il s agit d une maladie infectieuse Ă  transmission vectorielle causĂ©e par un parasite appartenant au genre Plasmodium. Le paludisme est une maladie grave, parfois mortelle, trĂšs rĂ©pandue dans les pays tropicaux et subtropicaux. Le pharmacien d officine a un rĂŽle central et primordial dans le conseil aux voyageurs et dans la prĂ©vention de l'infestation. L information donnĂ©e doit ĂȘtre fiable, complĂšte et actualisĂ©e. Pour fournir les informations aux pharmaciens mais aussi aux Ă©tudiants de la nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration Y, deux approches pĂ©dagogiques seront utilisĂ©es dans cette thĂšse. L une traditionnelle, l autre plus adaptĂ©e aux attentes et aux habitudes de la nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration appelĂ©e : approche par Ă©tude de cas.People who travel in specific countries or areas can be exposed and can develop malaria. It is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoans of the genus Plasmodium. Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease which is widespread in many tropical and subtropical countries. The pharmacist has a central role in the prevention of the disease by giving advices to traverlers. The information must be reliable, complete and up-to-date. The thesis will be developped into two pedagogical approaches to give the right information to the pharmacists and also to Y generation students. The first one is a traditional synthesis work. The second is a new methode : a study case, that fits more with student s expectations and habits.GRENOBLE1-BU MĂ©decine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    L’art et la violence : quels frayages ? RĂ©flexions inspirĂ©es d’un projet pilote en prĂ©vention de la radicalisation violente chez les jeunes

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    La montĂ©e de diverses formes de radicalisation violente interpelle Ă  la fois les champs politique et psychosocial. DiffĂ©rents programmes de prĂ©vention voient le jour, lesquels s’inspirent notamment des facteurs de risque et de protection face Ă  la radicalisation violente que la littĂ©rature sur le sujet identifie. Cet article se penche sur ces facteurs pour ensuite interroger l’éventuelle pertinence d’approches centrĂ©es sur l’art dans la prĂ©vention de la radicalisation violente. Pour ce faire, les questions soulevĂ©es par un projet pilote menĂ© auprĂšs de jeunes attirĂ©s par la radicalisation violente et misant sur leur engagement dans des activitĂ©s artistiques servent d’amorce Ă  la rĂ©flexion. Celle-ci mettra en lumiĂšre certains enjeux entourant le recours Ă  l’art comme voie d’expression alternative Ă  la violence, en s’attardant notamment aux conditions dans lesquelles ce recours peut ĂȘtre signifiant.The rise of various forms of violent radicalization challenges both the political and psychosocial realms. In response, various prevention programs are being developed, notably based on risk and protective factors identified in the literature on violent radicalization. This article examines these factors and questions the possible relevance of art-centered approaches in preventing violent radicalization. Questions raised by a recent pilot project carried out with young people attracted by violent radicalization and monitoring their engagement in artistic activities served as a starting point for reflection. This work will highlight certain issues surrounding the use of art as an alternative outlet to violence by focusing particularly on the conditions under which this recourse can be meaningful

    El bachiller de Salamanca Ăł Aventuras de Don QuerubĂ­n de la Ronda

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación bibliotecaria, 2018Encabezamiento tomado de Palau, t. VII, p. 50
