149 research outputs found

    Generating Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging Data of Brain Tumours from Linear, Non-Linear and Deep Learning Models.

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    Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) provides valuable information to help with the identification and understanding of brain tumors, yet MRS is not a widely available medical imaging modality. Aiming to counter this issue, this research draws on the advancements in machine learning techniques in other fields for the generation of artificial data. The generated methods were tested through the evaluation of their output against that of a real-world labelled MRS brain tumor data-set. Furthermore the resultant output from the generative techniques were each used to train separate traditional classifiers which were tested on a subset of the real MRS brain tumor dataset. The results suggest that there exist methods capable of producing accurate, ground truth based MRS voxels. These findings indicate that through generative techniques, large datasets can be made available for training deep, learning models for the use in brain tumor diagnosis

    ISO 14006. Experiencias previas de estudios de arquitectura que han adoptado el estándar de ecodiseño UNE 150301:2003

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    This paper aims to analyze the pioneer UNE 150301 standard, as well as its adoption process and its practical results in the sector of architecture studios. First, the structure, the aim and the scope of norm UNE 150301 have been analysed. Second, the standard's implementation has been examined, concluding that 73% of the companies that have obtained the certificate are architecture studios. A case study has therefore been carried out with the participation of five architecture studios pioneers. These experiences have let us know the main aspects and difficulties of the process. In conclusion, the adoption of the standard UNE 150301 can be a helpful tool in order to reduce the environmental impact of the products and obtain some competitive advantages such as cost reduction, improvement in energy efficiency of the product and a better adaptation to acts and regulations.En este artículo se analiza la experiencia de implantación de la norma UNE 150301 de ecodiseño en el sector de los estudios de arquitectura. Tras el examen de la estructura de norma UNE 150301, de sus objetivos y de su alcance, se analiza su difusión, destacándose que el 73% de las empresas certificadas en España son estudios de arquitectura. A continuación se estudia el proceso de implantación real, mediante el estudio de caso que lo analiza en cinco estudios de arquitectura. El estudio realizado permite conocer de primera mano las principales claves y dificultades del proceso de implantación del estándar, así como los resultados obtenidos, entre los que destaca una reducción del impacto ambiental. Se constata, en suma, que la norma UNE 150301 es una herramienta que puede proporcionar ventajas competitivas interesantes a las empresas del sector de los estudios de arquitectura