49 research outputs found

    Hearing Loss and the Voice

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    The voice varies according to the context of speech and to the physical and psychological conditions of the human being, and there is always a normal standard for the vocal output. Hearing loss can impair voce production, causing social, educational, and speech limitations, with specific deviation of the communication related to speech and voice. Usually, the voice is not the main focus of the speech-language pathology therapy with individuals with hearing loss, but its deviations can represent such a negative impact on this population that it can interfere on speech intelligibility and crucially compromise the social integration of the individual. The literature vastly explores acoustic and perceptual characteristics of children and adults with hearing loss. Voice problems in individuals with this impairment are directly related to its type and severity, age, gender, and type of hearing device used. While individuals with mild and moderate hearing loss can only present problems with resonance, severely impaired individuals may lack intensity and frequency control, among other alterations. The commonly found vocal deviations include strain, breathiness, roughness, monotone, absence of rhythm, unpleasant quality, hoarseness, vocal fatigue, high pitch, reduced volume, loudness with excessive variation, unbalanced resonance, altered breathing pattern, brusque vocal attack, and imprecise articulation. These characteristics are justified by the incapability of the deaf to control their vocal performance due to the lack of auditory monitoring of their own voice, caused by the hearing loss. Hence, the development of an intelligible speech with a good quality of voice on the hearing impaired is a challenge, despite the sophisticated technological advances of hearing aids, cochlear implants and other implantable devices. The purpose of this chapter is therefore to present an extensive review of the literature and describe our experience regarding the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of voice disorders in individuals with hearing loss

    The Virtual Man Project's CD-ROM "Voice Assessment: Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology & Medicine", Vol.1

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    The CD-ROM "Voice Assessment: Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology & Medicine" was developed as a teaching tool for people interested in the production of the spoken or sung human voice. Its content comprises several subjects concerning the anatomy and physiology of spoken and sung voice. A careful assessment becomes necessary in order to ensure the effectiveness of teaching and learning educational materials, whether related to education or health, within the proposal of education mediated by technology. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the Virtual Man Project's CD-ROM "Voice Assessment: Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology & Medicine", as a self-learning material, in two different populations: Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology students and Lyrical Singing students. The participants were instructed to study the CD-ROM during 1 month and answer two questionnaires: one before and another one after studying the CD-ROM. The quantitative results were compared statistically by the Student's t-test at a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Seventeen out of the 28 students who completed the study, were Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology students, while 11 were Lyrical Singing students (dropout rate of 44%). Comparison of the answers to the questionnaires before and after studying the CD-ROM showed a statistically significant increase of the scores for the questionnaire applied after studying the CD-ROM for both Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Lyrical Singing students, with p<0.001 and p<0.004, respectively. There was also a statistically significant difference in all topics of this questionnaire for both groups of students. CONCLUSION: The results concerning the evaluation of the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Lyrical Singing students' knowledge before and after learning from the CD-ROM allowed concluding that the participants made significant improvement in their knowledge of the proposed contents after studying the CD-ROM. Based on this, it is assumed that this didactic material is an effective instrument for self-learning of this population

    Temporomandibular disorders, voice and oral quality of life in women

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    Some studies have shown a relationship between temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and dysphonia, as well as quality of life in oral health. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between severity of vocal self-perception and TMD severity and the correlation between oral health-related quality of life impairment and TMD severity. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-three women aged 20 to 40 years, with or without complaint of dysphonia, were recruited at the Bauru campus of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and the local community. All participants were subjected to an investigation of quality of life related to dental and speech aspects by the application of Oral Health Impact Profile-short form (OHIP-14) and the Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) protocol. Also, a questionnaire was applied to detect the presence and severity of TMD. RESULTS: There was significant correlation between TMD and quality of life for all aspects analyzed in the oral health protocol, except for function and physical limitation (p>0.05). There was negative correlation between TMD and voice-related quality of life in the total score (p=0.007) as weel as physical (p=0.008) and socio-emotional aspects (p=0.017). In addition, there was statistically significant correlation between TMD and vocal self-perception (p=0.037). CONCLUSION: There is an association between TMD severity, voice-related and oral health-related quality of life. It is important to investigate in future studies the vocal self perception as well as the oral and voice conditions in patients with TMD.(FAPESP) São Paulo Research Foundatio

    Systematic analysis of the benefits of cochlear implants on voice production

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    OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sistemática de pesquisas relacionadas às características vocais de crianças ou adultos com deficiência auditiva usuários de implante coclear. ESTRATÉGIAS DE PESQUISA: Foi realizada uma busca com os descritores voz, qualidade da voz e implante coclear, e seus respectivos correspondentes na língua inglesa, nas bases de dados Web of Science, Bireme, portal de teses e dissertações da USP e banco de teses e dissertações da CAPES. CRITÉRIOS DE SELEÇÃO: Os critérios adotados incluíram título condizente com a proposta deste estudo, casuística necessariamente englobando crianças ou adultos com deficiência auditiva de grau severo a profundo, pré ou pós-linguais, usuários de implante coclear e que tenham passado por análise perceptivo-auditiva e/ou acústica da qualidade vocal. RESULTADOS: Vinte e sete trabalhos foram classificados seguindo-se os níveis de evidências e indicadores de qualidade empregados pela American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Os desenhos dos trabalhos analisados foram considerados de média e baixa evidência científica. Seis trabalhos foram classificados como nível de evidência IIb, 20 como III, e um como IV. CONCLUSÃO: A qualidade vocal da criança ou adulto com deficiência auditiva usuário de implante coclear tem sido estudada em pequena escala. Não há um número efetivo de estudos com alto índice de evidência que demonstrem com precisão os efeitos do implante coclear na qualidade vocal desses indivíduos

    Speech in different oral prosthetic rehabilitation modalities for elderly individuals

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    TEMA: a produção da fala nas modalidades de reabilitação oral protética. OBJETIVO: verificar se o tipo de reabilitação oral interfere na produção da fala. MÉTODO: 36 idosos (média = 68 anos), divididos em 3 grupos, foram avaliados: 13 com dentes naturais (A), 13 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e inferior (B) e 10 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e implantossuportada inferior (C). A estabilidade das próteses foi avaliada por um dentista e amostras de fala foram analisadas por 5 fonoaudiólogos. Para determinar a freqüência de alteração dos sons da fala utilizou-se o cálculo da Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas (PCC). RESULTADOS: observou-se poucos casos com alteração de fala, com maior freqüência no grupo C (23,08%), sendo a articulação travada presente em todos os grupos, a redução dos movimentos labiais em dois grupos (A e B) e a articulação exagerada e a falta de controle salivar em um dos grupos (C e B). Quanto à PCC, menor valor foi observado para os fones linguodentais nos grupos B e C (maior ocorrência de alteração), seguido dos fones alveolares, predominando casos sem alteração no grupo A, contrariamente aos demais grupos, sendo a projeção lingual e o ceceio as alterações mais encontradas. Não houve diferença entre os grupos e a maioria do grupo B estava com a prótese inferior insatisfatória, não havendo associação entre alteração de fala e prótese insatisfatória. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da amostra pequena, indivíduos reabilitados com prótese total apresentam alteração nos fones linguodentais e alveolares e o tipo de prótese, bem como a estabilidade desta parece não interferir na produção da fala.BACKGROUND: speech production in different modalities of oral prosthetic rehabilitation. AIM: to study the speech production of subjects submitted to different oral rehabilitation modalities. METHOD: 36 elderly individuals (average = 68 years) of both gender were evaluated. Participants were divided in three groups: 13 subjects with natural teeth (A); 13 edentate using maxillary and mandibular conventional dentures (B); and 10 edentate using maxillary conventional dentures and mandibular implant-supported prosthesis (C). Prosthesis stability was evaluated by a dentist and speech samples were analyzed by five speech-language pathologists. In order to determine the frequency of speech sound alterations, the Percentage of Correct Consonants (PCC) was used. RESULTS: few individuals presented speech alterations. Group C presented a higher occurrence of speech alterations (23.08%). Locked articulation was present in all groups; the reduction in lip movement was observed for groups A and B; exaggerated articulation and absence of saliva control was observed for group C. A smaller Percentage of Correct Consonants value was observed for the linguodental phonemes, in groups B and C, followed by the alveolar phonemes. Group A presented the majority of individuals with no speech alterations. On the other hand, for groups B and C, lisp and tongue projection was frequently observed. No statistical difference was found between the groups. Most of the individuals in group B presented unsatisfactory prosthesis stability, but no association was identified between speech alterations and prosthesis stability. CONCLUSION: despite the small sample, the results of the study suggest that individuals using dentures present alterations in linguodental and alveolar phonemes. The type of prosthesis and its stability do not seem to interfere in speech production

    Tongue function and swallowing in individuals with temporomandibular disorders

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    The tongue participates in the oral phase of swallowing by pushing the food bolus toward the oropharynx. This relationship between tongue function and swallowing is little addressed addressed in individuals with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD).&nbsp;Objective: To analyze the association of functional tongue conditions on swallowing in individuals with TMD.&nbsp;Methodology: After approval by the Institutional Review Board, the study was conducted on 30 individuals of both sexes, aged 18 to 28 years, with TMD, and not treated for the disorder. Tongue function was assessed as to the mobility, pressure, and oral motor control. Swallowing was analyzed by clinical assessment during ingestion of solid (wafer biscuit) and liquid (water). Data regarding mobility and swallowing were collected using the orofacial myofunctional evaluation protocol. Tongue pressure was measured by the Iowa Oral Performance Instrument, during elevation, protrusion, swallowing, and resistance test. The oral motor control was assessed by the oral diadochokinesis (DDK) test by rapid and repeated emissions of syllables “ta” and “ka”. Data were statistically analyzed by the Spearman correlation coefficient, at a significance level of 5%. Results:Relationships were found between tongue function and swallowing for the following aspects: mobility (r=0.741), pressure in protrusion (r=-0.366), swallowing of saliva (r=-0.499), mean DDK rate in emissions “ta” (r=-0.424) and “ka” (r=-0.446), and mean DDK period in emissions “ta” (r=0.424) and “ka” (r=0.446). Thus, the greater the change in tongue mobility, the lower the tongue pressure in protrusion and swallowing of saliva, the lower the emissions per second, the longer the mean time between vocalizations, and the worse the swallowing of individuals with TMD.&nbsp;Conclusion: The functional conditions of the tongue regarding mobility, pressure, and oral DDK were associated with swallowing in individuals with TMD

    Influence of vocal and aerodynamics aspects on the voice-related quality of life of older adults

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    The pursuit for quality of life urged a better understanding of aspects involved in ageing to minimize its consequences. Although many studies investigated older adults’ voice, aspects affecting this population voice-related quality of life have not yet been explored. Objective: To investigate how aerodynamics and vocal aspects are associated with voice-related quality of life in older adults. Methodology: fifty-six older adults aged 60 years or above – 39 women and 17 men – were evaluated. The following procedures were performed: application of the Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) protocol; vocal assessment, including auditory-perceptual and acoustic analysis, from which we obtained fundamental frequency (F 0 ), standard deviation of fundamental frequency (SDF 0 ), shimmer, amplitude perturbation quotient (APQ), jitter, pitch period perturbation quotient (PPQ), and harmonics to noise ratio (HNR); aerodynamic assessment using a spirometer; and maximum phonation time (MPT) for /a/, /s/, /z/ and number counting. Results: older adults tend to present high V-RQOL scores. Among women, roughness, APQ, and HNR parameters were negatively correlated with V-RQOL, whereas F 0 was positively. We found no correlation between spirometry measurements and V-RQOL. MPT for /a/, /z/, and number counting was positively correlated with V-RQOL solely among men. Conclusion: Vocal roughness and acoustic parameters have a negative impact on the quality of life of older women. Respiratory aspects related to the available air support for speaking affected the most the voice-related quality of life of older men

    Glottal characteristics of presbilarynx: relationship with voice complain and alterations of vocal folds mucosa

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relacao das caracteristicas indicativas de presbilaringe com as ocorrencias de queixa vocal e alteracoes de mucosa das pregas vocais em pacientes acima de 60 anos de idade, com queixas faringo-laringeas. O material do presente estudo constou de registros clinicos e de imagens obtidas por meio de laringoscopias dos arquivos do Instituto da Laringe INLAR, em São Paulo, de 210 pacientes que procuraram atendimento otorrinolaringologico com queixas faringo-laringeas com idade acima de 60 anos. Nao foram incluidos na amostra os casos de cancer e paralisias. Destes, 88 sao homens e 122 sao mulheres. Foram analisadas as caracteristicas gloticas de arqueamento de pregas vocais, saliencia de processos vocais, fenda fusiforme membranacea, que sao caracteristicas indicativas de presbilaringe. Tambem foram analisados o aumento de massa de pregas vocais, a leucoplasia de pregas vocais e as alteracoes de pregas vocais, distintas dessas duas, e agrupadas como miscelanea; alem de presenca ou ausencia de queixa vocal. Os achados tambem foram analisados comparativamente entre homens e mulheres. O arqueamento de pregas vocais ocorreu em 23,81 por cento; a saliencia de processos vocais ocorreu em 29,52 por cento e a fenda fusiforme membranacea em 37,62 por cento, observando-se uma forte correlacao entre si; a ocorrencia dessas tres caracteristicas foi semelhante entre homens e mulheres. A presenca de lesoes em pregas vocais ocorreu em 42,38 por cento, sendo o aumento de massa de pregas vocais a alteracao de cobertura mais comum em mulheres e a leucoplasia mais comum em homens. A queixa vocal ocorreu em 63,81 por cento, sendo maior nos pacientes sem arqueamento de pregas vocais, especialmente nos homens e a ocorrencia de lesao nas pregas vocais foi significantemente maior nos pacientes sem arqueamento de pregas vocais e saliencia de processos vocais. Do exposto, podemos concluir que, em nosso material de estudo, o arqueamento de pregas vocais foi a caracteristica de presbilaringe que apresentou menor ocorrencia de queixa vocal; nao houve diferenca quanto a queixa vocal diante da presenca ou ausencia de saliencia de processos vocais e fenda fusiforme membranacea; os homens com arqueamento de pregas vocais e saliencia de processos vocais apresentaram mais queixa vocal do que as mulheres, nao ocorrendo o mesmo quanto a presenca de fenda fusiforme membranacea. Houve maior ...(au)BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe