188 research outputs found

    Web-based survey of consumer preferences for the visual appearance of meat from suckling kids

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    Most suckling kids are raised on farms oriented toward cheese production, and many goat farmers’ rear kids with milk replacers. The aim of the current study was to investigate the consumer preferences for the visual appearance of meat from suckling kids reared with milk replacers or natural milk. Meat colour was the major criterion used to select meat. The meat of Cabra del Guadarrama reared with milk replacers was preferred by 72% of consumers and had a preferred lightness and hue angle. The rearing system did not influence preference through the time of display. Web-based surveys provided similar information to information recorded with live surveys using actual products instead of pictures. Meat colour appears to be a recurring intrinsic cue to assess consumer preference. In general, consumers preferred meat of light suckling kids reared on milk replacers because this meat had a high lightness and hue angle as well as a low chroma

    Nota técnica. Carne de vacuno normal vs. DFD: valoración por un panel de consumidores y comparación mediante pH y color

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue la valoración de dos tipos de carne de vacuno (normal y DFD) por parte de un panel de consumidores no entrenados, así como su comparación mediante pH, parámetros de color (L*, a*, b*, C* y hº) y espectros de reflectancia (400-700 nm). Todos los parámetros se midieron tras 8 días de maduración. Además, 64 consumidores valoraron, la aceptabilidad de la terneza, de la jugosidad y del sabor y la aceptabilidad global de los dos tipos de carne. Las variables de color confirmaron que la carne DFD presenta un color más oscuro, más marrón y más saturado (P < 0,001) que la carne normal. En los espectros de reflectancia las diferencias más significativas (P < 0,001) entre ambos tipos de carne aparecieron a partir de 500 nm. Se encontraron diferencias significativas para la aceptabilidad de la terneza (P < 0,001), de la jugosidad y la global (P < 0,01). Pudiéndose confirmar que los consumidores prefirieron la carne DFD frente a la de pH normal.The aim of this report was to evaluate normal and DFD beef by a consumer panel, as well as to compare both types of meat through their pH, colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, C* y hº) and reflectance spectra (400-700 nm). All parameters were measured at 8 days of ageing. Besides, 64 consumers evaluated acceptability of tenderness, juiciness, flavor and overall acceptability for the two types of meat. Colour variables supported that DFD meat colour is darker, browner and more saturated (P < 0,001) than normal meat. In the reflectance spectra the more significant differences (P <0.001) between the two types of meat appeared from 500 nm. Significant differences between both types of meat were observed for acceptability of tenderness (P < 0.001), juiciness and overall acceptability (P < 0.01). Therefore, it could be said that consumers preferred the DFD meat than the normal one

    Effects of Farm Management Practices and Transport Time on Post-Mortem Changes of Longissimus lumborum Muscle Proteins in Suckling Goat Kids

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    The combined e ect of farm management practices, transport time, and ageing time on the electrophoretic changes of sarcoplasmic (SPP) and myofibrillar (MFP) protein fractions of goat kids was studied. A total of 64 suckling goat kids were withdrawn from two farms with “high” (GW) and “low” (DW) welfare-friendly management practices, and they were transported for 2 or 6 h immediately before slaughtering. Longissimus lumborum samples were obtained at 3, 8, and 21 days post-mortem, and muscle proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis SDS-PAGE. Both protein extracts displayed significant changes attributable to meat maturation. Managing conditions of kids in DW farms increased the post-mortem susceptibility of muscle proteins. Some MFP of Longissimus lumborum muscle, such as troponin T, as well as 26–30 and 35–37 kDa fractions were influenced significantly by deficient on-farm management, and therefore, these protein fragments might be considered as indicators of low-welfare on-farm management in goat kids

    Volatile organic compounds and consumer preference for meat from suckling goat kids raised with natural or replacers milk

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    Most of European Union goats are slaughtered with carcase weights between 5 kg and 11 kg. Some farmers rear kids with milk replacers to produce cheese with the dams’ milk. The aim of this experiment was to study the volatile compounds (VOCs) of meat of suckling light kids reared with natural milk or milk replacers and to study the influence of consumers’ psychographic characteristics on the sensory preference for meat. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was performed to identify the VOCs and consumers evaluated the flavour, juiciness and overall acceptability. Thirty-five VOCs were detected and 44.3%, 25.1%, 6.9% and 2.3%, were aldehydes, hydrocarbons, ketones and alcohols, respectively. The influence of the rearing system on VOCs clearly depended on the breed. The use of milk replacers did not affect the percentage of linear aldehydes compared to the use of natural milk. However, the major aldehyde, hexanal (34.8%), was related to the use of natural milk and correlated positively with both the flavour (r = 0.21) and overall acceptability (r = 0.24). On the other hand, hydrocarbons such as hexane were related to MR, and 2-methyl-pentane and 3-methyl pentane were correlated with the acceptability of flavour (r = −0.22 and −0.25, respectively) and with the overall acceptability (r = −0.21 and −0.24). The 2-penthyl furan and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol were correlated with the overall acceptability (r = −0.22 and −0.22, respectively). Therefore, the acceptability of meat from suckling kids fed natural milk was greater for older consumers and people with a moderate consumption of meat.Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). [RTA2012-0023-C03]; CYTED [116RT0503

    Carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins in horse tissues: a comparison with cattle

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    Carotenoids are important for human health because of their provitamin A function among other biological actions. Their implication on consumer point of view of cattle products have been widely studied, but very little information is available for horse products. The aim of this study was to study the accumulation of carotenoids, retinoids and tocopherol by HPLC and HPLC- MS analysis in different horse tissues (plasma, milk, adipose tissue and liver) and compare it with that of cattle. Fat color was also studied. Four groups of animals were studied (15 animals within each group): lactating mares (709.82 ± 23.09 kg) and cows (576.93 ± 31.94 kg) reared outdoors; and foals (556.8 ± 25.9 kg, 14 months old) and calves (474.7 ± 36.2 kg, 14 months old) reared indoors. Both mares and foals were from the Hispano–Breton breed, whereas both cows and calves belonged to the commercial crossbred Limousine–Retinta. Differences in plasma and milk carotenoids (P 0.05). Both species showed different levels of accumulation of retinoids in the liver, with the foal having better accumulation (P < 0.01, P < 0.001). These results indicate that there are species-specific differences in the accumulation of carotenoids, retinol and tocopherol, but further studies are required to establish the mechanism of these difference

    Effect of rearing system on the straight and branched fatty acids of goat milk and meat of suckling kids

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    Goat meat is considered healthy because it has fewer calories and fat than meat from other traditional meat species. It is also rich in branched chain fatty acids that have health advantages when consumed. We studied the effects of maternal milk and milk replacers fed to suckling kids of four breeds on the straight and branched fatty acid compositions of their muscle. In addition, the proximal and fatty acid compositions of colostrum and milk were studied. Goat colostrum had more protein and fat and less lactose than milk. Goat milk is an important source of healthy fatty acids such as C18:1 c9 and C18:2 n-6. Suckling kid meat was also an important source of C18:1c9. Dairy goat breeds had higher percentages of trans monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and most of the C18:1 isomers but lower amounts of total MUFAs than meat breeds. However, these dairy kids had meat with a lower percentage of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than meat kids. The meat of kids fed natural milk had higher amounts of CLA and branched chain fatty acids (BCFAs) and lower amounts of n-6 fatty acids than kids fed milk replacers. Both milk and meat are a source of linoleic, á-linolenic, docosahexaenoic, eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids and healthy long-chain fatty acids

    Primer estudio de caracterización de la calidad de la canal y del color de la carne en terneros de la raza pajuna

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    La raza bovina Pajuna pertenece al grupo de razas de protección oficial. Es de aptitud carne-trabajo con alta rusticidad y adaptada a medios marginales andaluces. Se ha realizado un estudio preliminar (en 5 terneros machos con un peso canal medio de 265 kg.) de sus características morfológicas y de color obteniéndose resultados que la encuadran en un nivel medio comparadas con otras razas autóctonas españolas y buenas aptitudes para ser utilizada como línea madre en cruces industriales para potenciar su productividad cárnica

    Curvas de crecimiento y de consumo de alimento durante la fase de transición de los lechones ibérico x duroc en explotaciones semiextensivas de la Sierra Norte de Cádiz

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    En 1997 en el término municipal de Olvera (Cádiz) se cebaron 4.400 cerdos, aproximadamente la cuarta parte de los lechones producidos en dicho término. Ello indica que la actividad básica. en las explotaciones porcinas de la zona es la producción de lechones y no el cebo. Según Sanchez Vargas (1998, comunicación personal) en este término municipal existen 50 explotaciones porcinas extensivas, de las que una realiza el ciclo completo, cuatro son cebaderos y las 44 restantes son únicamente productoras de lechones. En el presente estudio realizado en la Sierra Norte de Cádiz, se ha planteado el cálculo de la función de producción de los lechones en la fase de transición, desde el destete, que tiene lugar normalmente a los 40 días de edad, hasta los 23 kg de peso vivo. Los principales objetivos han sido obtener por un lado ajustes de regresión entre el peso y la edad de los lechones y por otra parte el peso y el consumo de alimento por los mismos. Asimismo a partir de las ecuaciones de regresión se ha obtenido el índice de conversió

    A Review and Follow-Up of Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumours of Uncertain Malignant Potential (STUMP): A Case Series and Literature Review

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    [EN]Objectives: to analyse the clinical-pathological characteristics, treatment, and evolution of uterine smooth muscle tumours with uncertain malignant potential (STUMP) diagnosed in the Salamanca University Hospital with the implementation of the 2014 WHO criteria. Materials and methods: a retrospective descriptive study of patients diagnosed with STUMP from January 2015 to March 2023 at the Salamanca University Hospital. Demographic data, preoperative clinical data, treatment, complications, therapeutic results, anatomopathological findings and recurrence time were obtained. Results: a total of four patients were identified and included in the study. The mean age at diagnosis was 48 years (range 36-67). The surgical indications were abnormal uterine bleeding, compressive symptoms, and the growth of a pelvic mass suspected to be a degenerated myoma from the residual cervix after a subtotal hysterectomy 6 years earlier. In all cases, a laparotomic procedure was performed. A total hysterectomy, sub-total hysterectomy, and the excision of the cervix with STUMP localization were accomplished in two, one, and one patient, respectively. The mean diameter of the tumour pieces was 13 cm (range 8-17 cm), with a mean volume of 816 cc (range 234-1467 cc). The mean follow-up was 47 months, with no recurrence to date. Conclusions: STUMPs are a heterogeneous group of tumours with a difficult-to-predict clinical evolution. In most cases, their diagnosis is histological after performing surgery for suspected leiomyoma. Due to their low incidence, there are no specific guidelines for their treatment and control. However, considering their potential risk of recurrence and metastasis, it is advisable to maintain six-monthly controls for 5 years and then annual controls for 5 years more