31 research outputs found

    Transplantatnierenbiopsiebefunde und ihre prognostische Bedeutung – Eine klinisch-pathologische Studie an 115 nierentransplantierten Patienten

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    Die Nierentransplantation stellt heute für Patienten mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz ein weitverbreitetes Therapieverfahren dar. Ein Schwerpunkt im Behandlungsregime ist dabei die Erkennung und frühzeitige Therapie akuter Rejektionen zur Vermeidung einer chronischen Transplantatnephropathie. Das Ausmaß des genetischen Unterschiedes zwischen Spender und Empfänger ist ausschlaggebend für die Abstoßung der Transplantatniere durch das Immunsystem des Empfängers. Die immunsupressive Prophylaxe und Therapie dient der Unterdrückung des Empfängerimmunsystems zur Verhinderung einer akuten Abstoßungreaktion und ermöglicht ein langes Transplantat- und Patientenüberleben. Der diagnostische Goldstandard zum Nachweis einer akuten Rejektion bei klinischer Transplantatdysfunktion ist die Transplantatnierenbiopsie

    Investigation of first ray mobility during gait by kinematic fluoroscopic imaging-a novel method

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is often suggested that sagittal instability at the first tarso-metatarsal joint level is a primary factor for hallux valgus and that sagittal instability increases with the progression of the deformity. The assessment of the degree of vertical instability is usually made by clinical evaluation while any measurements mostly refer to a static assessment of medial ray mobility (i.e. the plantar/dorsal flexion in the sagittal plane). Testing methods currently available cannot attribute the degree of mobility to the corresponding anatomical joints making up the medial column of the foot. The aim of this study was to develop a technique which allows for a quantification of the in-vivo sagittal mobility of the joints of the medial foot column during the roll-over process under full weight bearing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mobility of first ray bones was investigated by dynamic distortion-free fluoroscopy (25 frames/s) of 14 healthy volunteers and 8 patients with manifested clinical instability of the first ray. A CAD-based evaluation method allowed the determination of mobility and relative displacements and rotations of the first ray bones within the sagittal plane during the stance phase of gait.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total flexion of the first ray was found to be 13.63 (SD 6.14) mm with the healthy volunteers and 13.06 (SD 8.01) mm with the patients (resolution: 0.245 mm/pixel). The dorsiflexion angle was 5.27 (SD 2.34) degrees in the healthy volunteers and increased to 5.56 (SD 3.37) degrees in the patients. Maximum rotations were found at the naviculo-cuneiform joints and least at the first tarso-metatarsal joint level in both groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Dynamic fluoroscopic assessment has been shown to be a valuable tool for characterisation of the kinematics of the joints of the medial foot column during gait.</p> <p>A significant difference in first ray flexion and angular rotation between the patients and healthy volunteers however could not be found.</p

    Determination of nutrient salts by automatic methods both in seawater and brackish water: the phosphate blank

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    9 páginas, 2 tablas, 2 figurasThe main inconvenience in determining nutrients in seawater by automatic methods is simply solved: the preparation of a suitable blank which corrects the effect of the refractive index change on the recorded signal. Two procedures are proposed, one physical (a simple equation to estimate the effect) and the other chemical (removal of the dissolved phosphorus with ferric hydroxide).Support for this work came from CICYT (MAR88-0245 project) and Conselleria de Pesca de la Xunta de GaliciaPeer reviewe

    Force-deformation properties of the human heel pad during barefoot walking

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    Introduction: The plantar heel pad is a specialized fibroadipose tissue that attenuates and, in part, dissipates the impact energy associated with heel strike. Although near maximal deformation of the heel pad has been shown during running, in vivo measurement of the deformation and structural properties of the heel pad during walking remains largely unexplored. This study employed a fluoroscope, synchronized with a pressure platform, to obtain force–deformation data for the heel pad during walking. Methods: Dynamic lateral foot radiographs were acquired from 6 male and 10 female adults (age, 45 ± 10 yrs; height, 1.66 ± 0.10 m; and weight, 80.7 ± 10.8 kg), while walking barefoot at preferred speeds. The inferior aspect of the calcaneus was digitized and the sagittal thickness and deformation of the heel pad relative to the support surface calculated. Simultaneous measurement of the peak force beneath the heel was used to estimate the principal structural properties of the heel pad. Results: Transient loading profiles associated with walking induced rapidly changing deformation rates in the heel pad and resulted in irregular load–deformation curves. The initial stiffness (32 ± 11 N.mm-1) of the heel pad was an order of magnitude lower than its final stiffness (212 ± 125 N.mm-1) and on average, only 1.0 J of energy was dissipated by the heel pad with each step during walking. Peak deformation (10.3 mm) approached that predicted for the limit of pain tolerance (10.7 mm). Conclusion: These findings suggest the heel pad operates close to its pain threshold even at speeds encountered during barefoot walking and provides insight as to why barefoot runners may adopt ‘forefoot’ strike patterns that minimize heel loading

    Cooking with learning Analytics Recipes

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    Proceedings of Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) 2017, March 13-17, 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada. New York: ACM, pp. 572-573Learning Analytics is a melting pot for a multitude of research fields and origin of many developments about learning and its environment. There is a serious hype over the concepts of learning analytics, however, concrete solutions and applications are comparably scarce. Of course, data rich environments, such as MOOCs, come with statistical analytics dashboards, although the educational value is often limited. Practical solutions for scenarios in data-lean environments or for small-scale organizations are rarely adopted. The LA4S project is dedicated to gather practical solutions, provide a tool box for practitioners, and publish a cook book with concrete learning analytics recipes for everyone. (Verlag

    Learning Analytics Cookbook. How to Support Learning Processes Through Data Analytics and Visualization

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    This book offers an introduction and hands-on examples that demonstrate how Learning Analytics (LA) can be used to enhance digital learning, teaching and training at various levels. While the majority of existing literature on the subject focuses on its application at large corporations, this book develops and showcases approaches that bring LA closer to smaller organizations, and to educational institutions that lack sufficient resources to implement a full-fledged LA infrastructure. In closing, the book introduces a set of software tools for data analytics and visualization, and explains how they can be employed in several LA scenarios