236 research outputs found

    Postmenopausal bone loss : prevention and replacement

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    Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder predominantly affecting postmenopausal women. Combination therapy of Carbocalcitonin (Elcatonin) and oral conjugated oestrogens (Premarin) not only prevents postmenopausal bone loss but leads to an increase in bone mass in normal early postmenopausal women. The aims of the study was to investigate the effect of combination therapy. A combination of Elcatonin (Carbo calcitonin) and Premarin was compared to Premarin alone, and to Elcatonin (Carbocalcitonin) alone and all groups were then compared to a control group.peer-reviewe

    Coeducation:A Contested Practice in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Secondary Schooling

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    This chapter discusses the history of coeducation in secondary schooling, mainly in Europe and North America. The analysis focuses on the gendered characteristics of educational systems and curricula, as well as on national discourses about single-sex or mixed schooling. The focus is on the latter half of the nineteenth and the first decades of the twentieth century, when the merits and perils of coeducation were debated for this stage of schooling. Until after World War II, children of the working class hardly ever attended school past the age of 13 or 14. Therefore, this is a history of middle- and upper-class education. In the early nineteenth century, girls had to do with a very limited, private education that prepared only for homemaking and motherhood, while boys could attend public grammar schools that opened the door to the university and the professions. From the mid-nineteenth century, initiatives to improve the quality of girls’ education were taken. Few countries opened up boys’ public schools for girls; in most cases, new girls’ schools were established with more serious but still unequal curricula, focusing mainly on humanities. Schools teaching a curriculum equivalent to that of the boys’ schools were not created until after the turn of the century, when a more critical view of coeducation became the rule. Democratization and coeducation came hand in hand with the introduction of comprehensive mixed secondary schooling in the 1960s and 1970s. The shortcomings of coeducation, however, were not rediscovered until after it had generally been introduced

    Carrier Transport in Magnesium Diboride: Role of Nano-inclusions

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    Anisotropic-gap and two-band effects smear out the superconducting transition (Tc) in literature reported thermal conductivity of MgB2, where large electronic contributions also suppress anomaly-manifestation in their negligible phononic-parts. Present thermal transport results on scarcely explored specimens featuring nano-inclusions exhibit a small but clear Tc-signature, traced to relatively appreciable phononic conduction, and its dominant electronic-scattering. The self-formed MgO as extended defects strongly scatter the charge carriers and minutely the phonons with their longer-mean-free-path near Tc. Conversely, near room temperature, the shorter-dominant-wavelength phonon's transport is hugely affected by these nanoparticles, undergoing ballistic to diffusive crossover and eventually entering the Ioffe-Regel mobility threshold regime.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 28 reference

    Disseminated Fusarium oxysporum Infection in Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

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    Abstract : The portal of entry of disseminated Fusarium spp. infections is still not clearly defined. We report on a disseminated Fusarium oxysporum infection occurring during a long period of severe neutropenia in a child with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. A nasogastric feeding tube was the possible source of entry of the fungu

    Phase Nanoengineering via Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography and Direct Laser Writing

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    Nanomaterials derive their electronic, magnetic, and optical properties from their specific nanostructure. In most cases, nanostructured materials and their properties are defined during the materials growth, and nanofabrication techniques, such as lithography, are employed subsequently for device fabrication. Herein, a perspective is presented on a different approach for creating nanomaterials and devices where, after growth, advanced nanofabrication techniques are used to directly nanostructure condensed matter systems, by inducing highly controlled, localized, and stable changes in the electronic, magnetic, or optical properties. Then, advantages, limitations, applications in materials science and technology are highlighted, and future perspectives are discussed

    Frequency dependence of the microwave surface resistance of MgB2 by coaxial cavity resonator

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    We report on the microwave (mw) properties of a cylindrical MgB2 rod prepared by the reactive liquid Mg infiltration technology. The MgB2 rod, 94.3 mm long, is used as inner conductor of a coaxial cavity having a Cu tube as external conductor. By analyzing the resonance curves of the cavity in the different resonant modes and at different temperatures, we have determined the temperature dependence of the mw surface resistance, Rs, of the MgB2 material, at fixed frequencies, and the frequency dependence of Rs, at fixed temperatures. Our results show that the Rs(f) curves follow a f^n law, where n decreases on increasing the temperature, starting from n=2, at T=4.2 K, down to n=0.7 at T>Tc. The double gap nature of MgB2 manifests itself in the presence of a wide low-T tail in the R(T) curves, which can be ascribed to the quasiparticles thermally excited through the pi gap even at relatively low temperatures

    Towards an on-chip platform for the controlled application of forces via magnetic particles: A novel device for mechanobiology

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    In-vitro tests and analyses are of fundamental importance for investigating biological mechanisms in cells and bio-molecules. The controlled application of forces to activate specific bio-pathways and investigate their effects, mimicking the role of the cellular environment, is becoming a prominent approach in this field. In this work, we present a non-invasive magnetic on-chip platform which allows for the manipulation of magnetic particles, through micrometric magnetic conduits of Permalloy patterned on-chip. We show, from simulations and experiments, that this technology permits to exert a finely controlled force on magnetic beads along the chip surface. This force can be tuned from few to hundreds pN by applying a variable external magnetic field

    Official communication of the SSC: Recommendations for future research in catheter-related arterial thrombosis in children.

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    Catheter-related arterial thrombosis (CAT) are increasingly recognized in infants and children. Insufficient data are available on the incidence, risk factors, treatment and outcome of these thrombotic events. This work provides consensus recommendations for future research on catheter-related arterial thrombosis in the paediatric population. In particular, future studies should distinguish between CAT due to indwelling arterial catheters or cardiac catheterization in two different subpopulations (neonates and older children). Further studies should investigate sensitivity and specificity of clinical signs and symptoms for early screening of CAT and the most appropriate imaging modality, focusing on ultrasound due to better feasibility in the very young pediatric population. Adequately powered, well-designed clinical trials should investigate efficacy and safety of different treatment and prevention strategies as well as the risk for and the optimal management of short- and long-term complications

    La riabilitazione della tibiotarsica nei tersicorei

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    La tibiotarsica \ue8 un distretto anatomico importante, sovente colpito da patologie traumatiche e da \u201coveruse\u201d. Un corretto approccio medico e fisioterapico \ue8 essenziale al fine di prevenire e curare ogni errore tecnico e lesione capsulo-legamentosa, tendinea e/o ossea. Lo studio mediante piano inclinato permette di lavorare sulle caratteristiche propriocettive del gesto atletico/artistico svolto dal ballerino, riproducendo anche gli atteggiamenti mantenuti durante i fondamentali della danza