661 research outputs found

    Ackermann Encoding, Bisimulations, and OBDDs

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    We propose an alternative way to represent graphs via OBDDs based on the observation that a partition of the graph nodes allows sharing among the employed OBDDs. In the second part of the paper we present a method to compute at the same time the quotient w.r.t. the maximum bisimulation and the OBDD representation of a given graph. The proposed computation is based on an OBDD-rewriting of the notion of Ackermann encoding of hereditarily finite sets into natural numbers.Comment: To appear on 'Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

    Approximated Symbolic Computations over Hybrid Automata

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    Hybrid automata are a natural framework for modeling and analyzing systems which exhibit a mixed discrete continuous behaviour. However, the standard operational semantics defined over such models implicitly assume perfect knowledge of the real systems and infinite precision measurements. Such assumptions are not only unrealistic, but often lead to the construction of misleading models. For these reasons we believe that it is necessary to introduce more flexible semantics able to manage with noise, partial information, and finite precision instruments. In particular, in this paper we integrate in a single framework based on approximated semantics different over and under-approximation techniques for hybrid automata. Our framework allows to both compare, mix, and generalize such techniques obtaining different approximated reachability algorithms.Comment: In Proceedings HAS 2013, arXiv:1308.490

    Zoology of condensed matter: Framids, ordinary stuff, extra-ordinary stuff

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    We classify condensed matter systems in terms of the spacetime symmetries they spontaneously break. In particular, we characterize condensed matter itself as any state in a Poincar\'e-invariant theory that spontaneously breaks Lorentz boosts while preserving at large distances some form of spatial translations, time-translations, and possibly spatial rotations. Surprisingly, the simplest, most minimal system achieving this symmetry breaking pattern---the "framid"---does not seem to be realized in Nature. Instead, Nature usually adopts a more cumbersome strategy: that of introducing internal translational symmetries---and possibly rotational ones---and of spontaneously breaking them along with their space-time counterparts, while preserving unbroken diagonal subgroups. This symmetry breaking pattern describes the infrared dynamics of ordinary solids, fluids, superfluids, and---if they exist---supersolids. A third, "extra-ordinary", possibility involves replacing these internal symmetries with other symmetries that do not commute with the Poincar\'e group, for instance the galileon symmetry, supersymmetry or gauge symmetries. Among these options, we pick the systems based on the galileon symmetry, the "galileids", for a more detailed study. Despite some similarity, all different patterns produce truly distinct physical systems with different observable properties. For instance, the low-energy 2→22\to 2 scattering amplitudes for the Goldstone excitations in the cases of framids, solids and galileids scale respectively as E2E^2, E4E^4, and E6E^6. Similarly the energy momentum tensor in the ground state is "trivial" for framids (ρ+p=0\rho +p=0), normal for solids (ρ+p>0\rho+p>0) and even inhomogenous for galileids.Comment: 58 pages, 1 table, 1 free cut-and-paste project for rainy days in Appendi

    More on gapped Goldstones at finite density: More gapped Goldstones

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    It was recently argued that certain relativistic theories at finite density can exhibit an unconventional spectrum of Goldstone excitations, with gapped Goldstones whose gap is exactly calculable in terms of the symmetry algebra. We confirm this result as well as previous ones concerning gapless Goldstones for non-relativistic systems via a coset construction of the low-energy effective field theory. Moreover, our analysis unveils additional gapped Goldstones, naturally as light as the others, but this time with a model-dependent gap. Their exact number cannot be inferred solely from the symmetry breaking pattern either, but rather depends on the details of the symmetry breaking mechanism--a statement that we explicitly verify with a number of examples. Along the way we provide what we believe to be a particularly transparent interpretation of the so-called inverse-Higgs constraints for spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries.Comment: 50 pages. v2: Fixed several typos in equations. Minor modifications to the counting rule. Acknowledgements and references added. Matches JHEP versio

    A relativistic non-relativistic Goldstone theorem: gapped Goldstones at finite charge density

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    We adapt the Goldstone theorem to study spontaneous symmetry breaking in relativistic theo- ries at finite charge density. It is customary to treat systems at finite density via non-relativistic Hamiltonians. Here we highlight the importance of the underlying relativistic dynamics. This leads to seemingly new results whenever the charge in question is spontaneously broken and does not commute with other broken charges. We find that that the latter interpolate gapped excitations. In contrast, all existing versions of the Goldstone theorem predict the existence of gapless modes. We derive exact non-perturbative expressions for their gaps, in terms of the chemical potential and of the symmetry algebra.Comment: 5 pages. v2: minor modifications, matches the PRL versio

    Discrete Semantics for Hybrid Automata

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    Many natural systems exhibit a hybrid behavior characterized by a set of continuous laws which are switched by discrete events. Such behaviors can be described in a very natural way by a class of automata called hybrid automata. Their evolution are represented by both dynamical systems on dense domains and discrete transitions. Once a real system is modeled in a such framework, one may want to analyze it by applying automatic techniques, such as Model Checking or Abstract Interpretation. Unfortunately, the discrete/continuous evolutions not only provide hybrid automata of great flexibility, but they are also at the root of many undecidability phenomena. This paper addresses issues regarding the decidability of the reachability problem for hybrid automata (i.e., "can the system reach a state a from a state b?") by proposing an "inaccurate" semantics. In particular, after observing that dense sets are often abstractions of real world domains, we suggest, especially in the context of biological simulation, to avoid the ability of distinguishing between values whose distance is less than a fixed \u3b5. On the ground of the above considerations, we propose a new semantics for first-order formul\ue6 which guarantees the decidability of reachability. We conclude providing a paradigmatic biological example showing that the new semantics mimics the real world behavior better than the precise one

    Is Hyper-extensionality Preservable Under Deletions of Graph Elements?

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    Any hereditarily finite set S can be represented as a finite pointed graph \u2013dubbed membership graph\u2013 whose nodes denote elements of the transitive closure of {S} and whose edges model the membership relation. Membership graphs must be hyper-extensional, that is pairwise distinct nodes are not bisimilar and (uniquely) represent hereditarily finite sets. We will see that the removal of even a single node or edge from a membership graph can cause \u201ccollapses\u201d of different nodes and, therefore, the loss of hyper-extensionality of the graph itself. With the intent of gaining a deeper understanding on the class of hyper-extensional hereditarily finite sets, this paper investigates whether pointed hyper-extensional graphs always contain either a node or an edge whose removal does not disrupt the hyper-extensionality property

    Unwinding biological systems

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    Unwinding conditions have been fruitfully exploited in Information Flow Security to define persistent security properties. In this paper we investigate their meaning and possible uses in the analysis of biological systems. In particular, we elaborate on the notion of robustness and propose some instances of unwinding over the process algebra Bio-PEPA and over hybrid automata. We exploit such instances to analyse two case-studies: Neurospora crassa circadian system and Influenza kinetics models

    Discrete Breathers in a Realistic Coarse-Grained Model of Proteins

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    We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of an off-lattice protein model featuring a physical force-field and amino-acid sequence. We show that localized modes of nonlinear origin (discrete breathers) emerge naturally as continuations of a subset of high-frequency normal modes residing at specific sites dictated by the native fold. In the case of the small ÎČ\beta-barrel structure that we consider, localization occurs on the turns connecting the strands. At high energies, discrete breathers stabilize the structure by concentrating energy on few sites, while their collapse marks the onset of large-amplitude fluctuations of the protein. Furthermore, we show how breathers develop as energy-accumulating centres following perturbations even at distant locations, thus mediating efficient and irreversible energy transfers. Remarkably, due to the presence of angular potentials, the breather induces a local static distortion of the native fold. Altogether, the combination of this two nonlinear effects may provide a ready means for remotely controlling local conformational changes in proteins.Comment: Submitted to Physical Biolog

    Rank and simulation: the well-founded case

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    3noWe consider the algorithmic problem of computing the maximal simulation preorder (and quotient) on acyclic labelled graphs. The acyclicity allows to exploit an inner structure on the set of nodes, that can be processed in stages according to a set-theoretic notion of rank. This idea, previously used for bisimulation computation, on the one hand improves on the performances of the ensuing procedure and, on the other hand, gives to the solution an orderly iterative flavour making the algorithmic idea more explicit. The computational complexity achieved is good as we obtain the best performing algorithm for simulation computation on acyclic graphs, in both time and space. © The Author, 2013. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.partially_openpartially_openGentilini, R.; Piazza, C.; Policriti, A.Gentilini, R.; Piazza, Carla; Policriti, Albert
