49 research outputs found

    Models of information systems devoted to medical-imaging labs: an experience in the CNR clinical physiology institute

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    At the end of the 1990s, the SPERIGEST project, supported by the Italian Health Ministry, and fully developed at the Institute of Clinical Physiology, established an operative integrated clinical and healthcare information system. Continuously evolving and dynamically optimising procedures and protocols solve problems of: harmonisation of instrumentation of different brands; management of multimedia data provided by different medical imaging labs; satisfaction of both clinical and research needs; legal and economical requirements; user-friendship of the system. A ten years experience shows positive approach by medical and healthcare operators, coordinated activity, higher efficiency, simplified procedures, major concentration on medical decision-making

    Information systems for medical imaging labs: the experience of the CNR Clinical Physiology Institute

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    In the late 1990s the CNR Clinical Physiology Institute was entrusted with the "SPERIGEST" project, granted by the Italian Health Ministry. Among the technical challenges of the project, the following issues were faced: 1) the definition of a system architecture able to conjugate a centric view, as required by data integration needs, with flexibility and modularity in order to satisfy the different healthcare environments; 2) the creation of local information systems devoted to the management of each single laboratory activity; 3) the creation of a suitable network to exchange information both inside and outside the hospital; 4) the overcoming of safety and security issues in the treatment of healthcare data; 5) the data processing for extracting knowledge from the archived data and for supporting the diagnostic/treatment process; 6) the education of healthcare personnel; 7) the adoption of standards for both storage and distribution of data. An hospital information system was developed according to a three layers mode

    Information systems for the management of clinical, administrative and government data of clinical imaging laboratories

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    Integrated network-based medical information systems are in continuous development an d evolution, furthered by the ongoing technology: the aim is to limit healthcare expend iture, while facing the increase of the demand of health services, as a result of the improvement of socialeconomic conditions, ageing of the population, and progress in medical knowledge and technologies. Today the discipline of OHealth Informaticso takes care of the design and the impleme ntation of information systems, to provide to the organization, processing, integration, storage, distribution and management, of the clinical and administrative data

    Information systems for medical imaging labs: the experience of the CNR Clinical Physiology Institute

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    Local information systems, devoted to the management of the clinical and healthcare activity in laboratories for biomedical imaging, has been realized in IFC. Herein is a presentation of the main results obtained after a ten years development and employment of such a complex information system

    Models of Information Systems devoted to Medical Imaging Labs: an experience in the CNR Clinical Physiology Institute

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    abstract for the paper presentation about the decennal experience at IFC on information systems developped for medical imaging labsabstract per la presentazione relativa alla decennale esperienza presso IFC sui sistemi informativi sviluppati per uso dei laboratori dedicati all\u27imaging clinico e di ricerca medic

    Information Systems for the Management of Clinical, Administrative and Government Data of Clinical Imaging Laboratories

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    The integrated clinical and healthcare information system, developed at the CNR Clinical Physiology Institute, undergoes to updated and upgraded procedures and protocols, by solving problems of: harmonization of instrumentation of different brands; management of multimedial data provided by different medical imaging labs; satisfaction of both clinical and research needs as well as legal and economical requirements; user-friendship of the provided tools. Peculiar attention has been paid to the management of the laboratories devoted to biomedical imaging: medical and healthcare operators have coworked with engineers, to get a system able to guarantee coordinated activity, higher efficiency, simplified procedures, major concentration onto the medical decision-making issues, by supporting conventional techniques as well as new hybrid imaging technologies.Il sistema informativo per uso clinico e sanitario, sviluppato presso l\u27Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del CNR, e\u27 in continuo aggiornamento e sviluppo di procedure e protocolli, che risolvano problemi relativi a: armonizzazione di strumentazione prodotta da diversi marchi commerciali e non; gestione dei dati multimediali forniti dai vari laboratori di imaging clinico; soddisfazione delle esigenze di ricerca e cliniche nonche\u27 deei requisiti di legalita\u27 ed economicita\u27; facilita\u27 d\u27uso degli strumenti proposti all\u27utente. Particolare attenzione e\u27 stata dedicata al "governo" dei laboratori di imaging medicale, e i vari operatori sanitari hanno collaborato con quelli tecnologici per realizzare un sistema capace di garantire un\u27attivita\u27 coordinata, piu\u27 elevata efficienza, procedure semplificate, maggiore concentrazione sulla "decisione" medica, sia dando sostegno alle tradizionali tecniche di acquisizione che alle innovative tecniche ibride

    Electronic Medical Records Optimize Clinical Data Management in the Outpatient Cardiological Clinic

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    A system based on a relational database with administrative and clinical information and integrated with an Information System, where the system covers the role of a Functional Island, is routinely used in our Institution. To analyze how Electronic Medical Records (EMR) may help physicians in organizing and reducing time waste in a busy outpatient clinic, a sample of 1000 reports were evaluated for system performance. The time needed for building new clinical histories or modifying the already acquired ones, to create physical examination and biochemical and instrumental exams reports, was assessed. Cardio-pulmonary tests, basal, dynamic and effort EKG, chest X-ray, Echo Doppler studies, nuclear medicine procedures, invasive techniques, were collected. Clinical management was integrated with the administrative system (ADT), to correctly identify each patient. This system provided not only easy retrieving of stored data such as clinical history, physical examination, instrumental exams reports but also the results of new exams performed in the same day of patient visit with a time lapse of 1 to 20\u27. Graphical interface structure contained preformatted fields which allowed selection or modifications of data/text models without additional waste of time. EMR represents an important tool for organization and synergy of different Laboratories in a outpatient clinic, optimizing the time needed for data entry and leading to an overall better quality of care

    Electronic medical record in cardiology: a 10-year Italian experience

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    SummaryObjectives:the aim of this study was to report a ten years experience in the electronic medical record (EMR) use. An estimated 80% of healthcare transactions are still paper-based.Methods:an EMR system was built at the end of 1998 in an Italian tertiary care center to achieve total integration among different human and instrumental sources, eliminating paper-based medical records. Physicians and nurses who used EMR system reported their opinions. In particular the hospital activity supported electronically, regarding 4,911 adult patients hospitalized in the 2004- 2008 period, was examined.Results:the final EMR product integrated multimedia document (text, images, signals). EMR presented for the most part advantages and was well adopted by the personnel. Appropriateness evaluation was also possible for some procedures. Some disadvantages were encountered, such as start-up costs, long time required to learn how to use the tool, little to no standardization between systems and the EMR technology.Conclusion:the EMR is a strategic goal for clinical system integration to allow a better health care quality. The advantages of the EMR overcome the disadvantages, yielding a positive return on investment to health care organization

    Modulation of the postural effects of cognitive load by hypnotizability

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    Aim of the experiment was to study whether cognitive load aVects postural control more in low (Lows) than in highly hypnotizable (Highs) subjects due to the latter\u27s greater attentional abilities. Standing Highs and Lows underwent an experimental session (closed eyes) consisting of a basal condition and of mental computation in an easy (stable support) and a diYcult (unstable support) postural condition. Variability [standard deviation (SD)] and complexity [sample entropy (SampEn)] of the movement of the centre of pressure (CoP), its mean velocity (Velocity), the area swept by the CoP (Area) and the ratio between the CoP trajectory length and area [length for surface (LFS)] were measured. Few hypnotizability-related diVerences were detected (reduction in the Highs\u27 SD and increases in the Lows\u27 LFS in the diYcult postural condition). Thus, the hypnotizability-related postural diVerences observed in previous studies during sensory alteration could not be accounted mainly by attentional abilities

    Hypnotizability dependent autonomic modulation during a low attentional task

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    Aim of the experiment was to study whether not hypnotized subjects highly (Highs) and low susceptible to hypnosis (Lows) differ in their autonomic activity during a contro lled, low attentional task eliciting relaxation