1,124 research outputs found

    Venous obstruction of the thigh

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    A case of femoral vein thrombosis is described by 3D spiral CT

    I più recenti strumenti processuali di lotta al terrorismo

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    Il problema del terrorismo, purtroppo, si fa sempre più crescente. Il legislatore italiano, dal punto di vista processuale, cerca di combattere il fenomeno terroristico con il rafforzamento e adeguamento alle nuove tecnologie degli strumenti già esistenti, nonché inserendone di nuovi. Come all’attentato dell’11 settembre 2001 seguì il D.L. 18 ottobre 2001, n. 374 ed ai fatti di Londra del luglio 2005 seguì il D.L. 27 luglio 2005, n. 144, così ai tragici fatti di Parigi del gennaio 2015 il legislatore ha risposto con il D.L. 18 febbraio 2015, n.7. In apertura verrebbe subito da criticare questa scelta di legiferare in materie così importanti con lo strumento della decretazione d’urgenza (fra l’altro all’ultimo decreto in sede di conversione è seguito anche la richiesta di un voto di fiducia); Ma, aimè, si tratta di una prassi ormai consolidata di cui non tocca, forse, a noi discuterne. Qualcosa di positivo è stato pur fatto da questi decreti legge, specie dall’ultimo decreto antiterrorismo 2015. Nel corso del mio lavoro cercherò di analizzare i principali strumenti processuali da questi decreti inseriti e/o ritoccati

    MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery in musculoskeletal diseases: the hot topics

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    MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) is a minimally invasive treatment guided by the most sophisticated imaging tool available in today's clinical practice. Both the imaging and therapeutic sides of the equipment are based on non-ionizing energy. This technique is a very promising option as potential treatment for several pathologies, including musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders. Apart from clinical applications, MRgFUS technology is the result of long, heavy and cumulative efforts exploring the effects of ultrasound on biological tissues and function, the generation of focused ultrasound and treatment monitoring by MRI. The aim of this article is to give an updated overview on a "new" interventional technique and on its applications for MSK and allied sciences

    Cell proliferation of the mouse sebocytes in skin and preputial gland

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    Preputial glands are specialized sebaceous gland of some rodent as mouse and rat. This gland is regulated by androgens and other hormones. In this work we analysed the mitotic activity of the alveolar and ductal cells of the mice preputial gland throughout a circadian period. The results were compared to data obtained from the skin sebaceous gland. The mitotic activity in the preputial sebocytes displayed a bimodal curve with the highest mitotic indices at 12:00 and 00:00 h while the lower values were reached at 20:00 and 08:00h. In the ductal cells, the mitotic activity showed a single mitotic peak at 12:00h and a trough at 20:00 h. In the sebocytes from skin glands, the acrophase was detected at 04:00 h. The average cell proliferation daily value was significantly higher in the preputial sebocytes when compared to cutaneous sebocytes. These results demonstrated the existence of quantitative and qualitative differences in the mitotic activity of the preputial gland sebocytes in relation to the skin sebocytes.Sociedad de Ciencias Morfológicas de La Plat

    Industrial dynamics, fiscal policy and R&D: evidence from a computational experiment

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    We present an agent-based computational model in which bounded rational firms and workers trade on fully decentralized markets for final goods and labor by means of random matching protocols. The model replicates several macroeconomic phenomena regularly observed in the data, with aggregate features emerging from the localized interactions of individual entities. The model is then used as a computational laboratory to run an experiment on the role of fiscal policy in increasing macroeconomic performance

    Effective pointing of the ASTRI-Horn telescope using the Cherenkov camera with the Variance method

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    Cherenkov telescope cameras are not suitable to perform astrometrical pointing calibration since they are not designed to produce images of the sky, but rather to detect nanosecond atmospheric flashes due to very high-energy cosmic radiation. Indeed, these instruments show only a moderate angular resolution (fractions of degrees) and are almost blind to the steady or slow-varying optical signal of starlight. For this reason, auxiliary optical instruments are typically adopted to calibrate the telescope pointing. However, secondary instruments are possible sources of systematic errors. Furthermore, the Cherenkov camera is the only one framing exactly the portion of the sky under study, and hence its exploitation for pointing calibration purposes would be desirable. In this contribution, we present a procedure to assess the pointing accuracy of the ASTRI-Horn telescope by means of its innovative Cherenkov camera. This instrument is endowed with a statistical method, the so-called Variance method, implemented in the logic board and able to provide images of the night sky background light as ancillary output. Taking into account the convolution between the optical point spread function and the pixel distribution, Variance images can be used to evaluate the position of stars with sub-pixel precision. In addition, the rotation of the field of view during observations can be exploited to verify the alignment of the Cherenkov camera with the optical axis of the telescope, with a precision of a few arcminutes, as upper limit. This information is essential to evaluate the effective pointing of the telescope, enhancing the scientific accuracy of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021), Berlin, German

    Use of the Peak-Detector mode for gain calibration of SiPM sensors with ASIC CITIROC read-out

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    The Cherenkov Imaging Telescope Integrated Read Out Chip (CITIROC) is a 32-channel fully analogue front-end ASIC dedicated to the read-out of silicon photo-multiplier (SiPM) sensors that can be used in a variety of experiments with different applications: nuclear physics, medical imaging, astrophysics, etc. It has been adopted as front-end for the focal plane detectors of the ASTRI-Horn Cherenkov telescope and, in this context, it was modified implementing the peak detector reading mode to satisfy the instrument requirements. For each channel, two parallel AC coupled voltage preamplifiers, one for the high gain and one for the low gain, ensure the read-out of the charge from 160 fC to 320 pC (i.e. from 1 to 2000 photo-electrons with SiPM gain = 106^{6}, with a photo-electron to noise ratio of 10). The signal in each of the two preamplifier chains is shaped and the maximum value is captured by activating the peak detector for an adjustable time interval. In this work, we illustrate the peak detector operation mode and, in particular, how this can be used to calibrate the SiPM gain without the need of external light sources. To demonstrate the validity of the method, we also present and discuss some laboratory measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 15th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD19) 14-17 October 2019 Siena, Italy (Submitted to JINST peer review on 05 January 2020

    Dexterity augmentation on a synergistic hand: the Pisa/IIT SoftHand+

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    Soft robotics and under-actuation were recently demonstrated as good approaches for the implementation of humanoid robotic hands. Nevertheless, it is often difficult to increase the number of degrees of actuation of heavily under-actuated hands without compromising their intrinsic simplicity. In this paper we analyze the Pisa/IIT SoftHand and its underlying logic of adaptive synergies, and propose a method to double its number of degree of actuation, with a very reduced impact on its mechanical complexity. This new design paradigm is based on constructive exploitation of friction phenomena. Based on this method, a novel prototype of under-actuated robot hand with two degrees of actuation is proposed, named Pisa/IIT SoftHand+. A preliminary validation of the prototype follows, based on grasping and manipulation examples of some object
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