31 research outputs found

    Directionality reduces the impact of epidemics in multilayer networks

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    The study of how diseases spread has greatly benefited from advances in network modeling. Recently, a class of networks known as multilayer graphs has been shown to describe more accurately many real systems, making it possible to address more complex scenarios in epidemiology such as the interaction between different pathogens or multiple strains of the same disease. In this work, we study in depth a class of networks that have gone unnoticed up to now, despite of its relevance for spreading dynamics. Specifically, we focus on directed multilayer networks, characterized by the existence of directed links, either within the layers or across layers. Using the generating function approach and numerical simulations of a stochastic susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model, we calculate the epidemic threshold for these networks for different degree distributions of the networks. Our results show that the main feature that determines the value of the epidemic threshold is the directionality of the links connecting different layers, regardless of the degree distribution chosen. Our findings are of utmost interest given the ubiquitous presence of directed multilayer networks and the widespread use of disease-like spreading processes in a broad range of phenomena such as diffusion processes in social and transportation systems.Comment: 20 pages including 7 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Human protein C concentrate in pediatric septic patients

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    Severe sepsis and septic shock are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population. Unlike what is suggested for the adult population, recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC) is contraindicated in children. Long before rhAPC was considered for use in pediatric patients, case reports appeared on the safe administration of protein C zymogen. Therefore, we conducted a systemic review of currently available data on protein C zymogen (PC) use among children affected by severe sepsis or septic shock. A total number of 13 case series or case reports and a dose-finding study were found on the use of PC in the pediatric intensive care unit, reporting on 118 treated children, with an overall survival of 84%. There was no bleeding complication, the only reported complication being a single mild allergic reaction. These studies show that PC is safe, not associated with bleeding and possibly useful for improving coagulation abnormalities of sepsis

    A regional survey on Merkel cell carcinoma: a plea for uniform patient journey modeling and diagnostic–therapeutic pathway

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive cutaneous neuroendocrine cancer that usually affects the elderly and immunosuppressed in sun-exposed areas. Due to its rarity, it is frequently unrecognized, and its management is not standardized across medical centers, despite the more recent availability of immunotherapy, with avelumab as first-line treatment improving the prognosis even in advanced stages of disease. We conducted a purpose-designed survey of a selected sample of physicians working in the Lazio region, in Italy, to assess their awareness and knowledge of MCC as well as their perspective on assisted diagnostic and therapeutic pathways. The Lazio region, and in particular Rome, is one of the most important academic and non- academic center in Italy dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer. A total of 368 doctors (including 100 general practitioners, 72 oncologists, 87 dermatologists, 59 surgeons, and 50 anatomopathologists) agreed to be part of this survey. Surgeons, oncologists, and dermatologists thought themselves significantly more updated on MCC than primary care physicians, but more than half of the interviewees are interested in CCM training courses and training with clearer and more standardized care pathways. Significant differences have been reported from survey participants in terms of multidisciplinary team set up for MCC management. The identification of specialized centers and the improvement of communication pathways among different specialties, as well as between patients and physicians, could be very beneficial in improving patients’ journey modeling and starting a uniform diagnostic and therapeutic pathway for MCC patients in the new era of immunotherapies

    Milestones and Timescale of Poststroke Recovery: A Cohort Study

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    Progressive increase of an aging population in Western countries will result in a growth of stroke prevalence. As many stroke survivors chronically show severe disability, increase in economic, social, and medical burden could be expected in the future. Objective and subjective measures of poststroke recovery are necessary to obtain predictive information, to improve the treatments, and to better allocate resources

    The association of indwelling urinary catheter with delirium in hospitalized patients and nursing home residents: an explorative analysis from the "Delirium Day 2015"

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    Backround: Use of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) in older adults has negative consequences, including delirium. Aim: This analysis, from the "Delirium Day 2015", a nationwide multicenter prevalence study, aim to evaluate the association of IUC with delirium in hospitalized and Nursing Homes (NHs) patients. Methods: Patients underwent a comprehensive geriatric assessment, including the presence of IUC; inclusion criteria were age > 65 years, being Italian speaker and providing informed consent; exclusion criteria were coma, aphasia, end-of-life status. Delirium was assessed using the 4AT test (score ≥ 4: possible delirium; scores 1-3: possible cognitive impairment). Results: Among 1867 hospitalized patients (mean age 82.0 ± 7.5 years, 58% female), 539 (28.9%) had IUC, 429 (22.9%) delirium and 675 (36.1%) cognitive impairment. IUC was significantly associated with cognitive impairment (OR 1.60, 95% CI 1.19-2.16) and delirium (2.45, 95% CI 1.73-3.47), this latter being significant also in the subset of patients without dementia (OR 2.28, 95% CI 1.52-3.43). Inattention and impaired alertness were also independently associated with IUC. Among 1454 NHs residents (mean age 84.4 ± 7.4 years, 70.% female), 63 (4.3%) had IUC, 535 (36.8%) a 4AT score ≥ 4, and 653 (44.9%) a 4AT score 1-3. The multivariate logistic regression analysis did not show a significant association between 4AT test or its specific items with IUC, neither in the subset of patients without dementia. Discussion: We confirmed a significant association between IUC and delirium in hospitalized patients but not in NHs residents. Conclusion: Environmental and clinical factors of acute setting might contribute to IUC-associated delirium occurrence

    Multimorbidity burden and dementia risk in older adults : The role of inflammation and genetics

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    Funding: Swedish National study on Aging and Care; Ministry of Health and Social Affairs; Swedish Research Council, Grant/Award Number: 2016-00981; Swedish Research Council for Health,Working Life andWelfare, Grant/Award Number: 2017-01764; Italian Ministry of Health, Grant/Award Number: PE-2016-02364885We investigate dementia risk in older adults with different disease patterns and explore the role of inflammation and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. A total of 2,478 dementia-free participants with two or more chronic diseases (ie, multimorbidity) part of the Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K) were grouped according to their multimorbidity patterns and followed to detect clinical dementia. The potential modifier effect of C-reactive protein (CRP) and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype was tested through stratified analyses. People with neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, and sensory impairment/cancer multimorbidity had increased hazards for dementia compared to the unspecific (Hazard ration (HR) 1.66, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13-2.42; 1.61, 95% CI 1.17-2.29; 1.32, 95% CI 1.10-1.71, respectively). Despite the lack of statistically significant interaction, high CRP increased dementia risk within these patterns, and being APOE ε4 carriers heightened dementia risk for neuropsychiatric and cardiovascular multimorbidity. Individuals with neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, and sensory impairment/cancer patterns are at increased risk for dementia and APOE ε4, and inflammation may further increase the risk. Identifying such high-risk groups might allow tailored interventions for dementia prevention

    From historical railways to cycleways. Re-functioning the heritage of linear monuments

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    This paper proposes a reflection on the relationship between historical infrastructures and cycleways. In Italy, with the Law 2/2018, rules have been provided for the development of bicycle mobility and the creation of a national cycleway network. The recovery of historical infrastructures is particularly promoted. Among these, disused railway lines reveal a specific vocation for cycling reuse. Unlike highway infrastructures, whose design is bound to parameters that imply a substantial autonomy from the landform, historical railways show how the project of territorial infrastructures can stage the architectural geography of anthropic and natural landscapes. Moreover, recovered in view of slow mobility usage, they appear as linear monuments capable of restoring the identity and stratified memories of the territory. With particular reference to the international cycleways longitudinally crossing the peninsula, along the Apennines, this paper focuses on the description of the architectural characteristics of several historical railway infrastructures, selected according to different geomorphological contexts. Aim of these slow mobility infrastructures is also to contribute to the revitalization of ‘inner areas’ of the peninsula. The knowledge of historical infrastructure is, in fact, assumed as a prerequisite for the design of cycleways that are able to relate to the territories and the multiplicity of their settlement forms

    "Delirium Day": a nationwide point prevalence study of delirium in older hospitalized patients using an easy standardized diagnostic tool

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    To date, delirium prevalence in adult acute hospital populations has been estimated generally from pooled findings of single-center studies and/or among specific patient populations. Furthermore, the number of participants in these studies has not exceeded a few hundred. To overcome these limitations, we have determined, in a multicenter study, the prevalence of delirium over a single day among a large population of patients admitted to acute and rehabilitation hospital wards in Italy

    Sex differences in blood pro-oxidant status and platelet activation in children admitted with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis. a pilot study

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    Background: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis in the pediatric population worldwide and an important cause of death in developing countries. It has been demonstrated that the balance between oxidant and antioxidant systems is disrupted in children with bronchiolitis and that oxidative stress contributes to the pathogenesis of this disease. Platelets play an important role in antimicrobial host defenses and contribute to pulmonary vascular repair being either targets or source of reactive oxidizing species. The main purpose of this study was to assessing sex differences in clinical characteristics and platelets activation during RSV bronchiolitis in infancy. Methods: In this retrospective study a total of 203 patients (112 boys and 91 girls) with bronchiolitis, aged 12 months or less, admitted to the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital of Rome (Italy) in the period from January to December 2017, were enrolled. Moreover, in a select group of patients (15 boys and 12 girls) with diagnosis of moderate bronchiolitis from RSV, a pilot study on oxidative stress and platelet characteristics was carried out by electron paramagnetic resonance and flow cytometry respectively. Age-matched healthy control subjects (10 boys and 10 girls) were chosen as controls. Data were analyzed using Student’ T test, Chi Squared test and one-way ANOVA test. Results: This study highlights the influence of sex in the clinical course of bronchiolitis. In particular we found: i) a higher incidence of bronchiolitis in boys than in girls (55% vs 45%); ii) higher C reactive protein values in girls than boys (1.11 mg/dL vs 0.92 mg/dL respectively; p < 0.05); iii) a different degree of thrombocytosis during hospitalization (mild in the girls and severe in the boys). Moreover, in selected patients we found that compared to girls with bronchiolitis, boys showed: i) higher percentage of activated platelets (8% vs 2% respectively; p < 0.05) and iii) higher number of platelets forming homotypic aggregates (2.36% vs 0.84% respectively, p < 0.05)