4,144 research outputs found

    Effective thermal conductivity of oolitic rocks using the Maxwell homogenization method

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    International audienceThe present work focuses on effective thermal conductivity of oolitic lime-stones, characterized by an assemblage of porous grains (oolites), mesopores and solid grains. Two distinct scales of pores, micropores or intra oolitic pores and mesopores or inter oolitic pores are taken into account. At the first step, micropores are homogenized inside the oolites by using self consistent homogenization scheme. The second homogenization step describing transition from the mesoscale to the macroscale, is performed by using a recent reformulation of the Maxwell homogenization scheme (see [1]). At the mesoscale, porous oolitic inclusions are quasi spherical whereas two families of mesopores are considered according to analysis of photomicrographs: (1) randomly oriented oblate spheroidal pores and (2) concave pores. The proposed model is compared to a simplified one when all the pores are of ellipsoidal shape. The relevancy of the ellipsoidal approximation is then evaluated. In particular, the influence of the shape of the mesopores on the overall thermal conductivity is discussed. Comparisons between multi-scale model based on Maxwell homogenization method and experimental data show that effects of porosity and saturating fluids on overall conductivity are correctly predicted when concave pores are taken into account

    Conductivité thermique effective des roches partiellement saturées

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    Ce travail est dédié à l'évaluation de la conductivité thermique effective (CTE) des milieux poreux en conditions partiellement saturées à l'aide d'une méthode d'homogénéisation en deux étapes (basée sur le modèle Mori-Tanaka et la borne de Ponte-Casta\~{n}eda-Willis). L'utilisation dans le modèle d'une fonction de distribution en orientation (ODF) permets de prendre en compte l'isotropie transverse induite par les systèmes des pores. Considérée homogène à l'échelle macroscopique, la conductivité thermique effective est dépendante des propriétés physiques des phases subsidiaires. L'influence de la géométrie et de la distribution spatiale des inclusions sur la CTE ainsi que la dépendance avec le degré de saturation de la phase liquide sont quantifiés. Les capacités prédictives de la démarche proposée sont évalués par comparaison des simulations numériques avec les données expérimentales disponibles pour une argilite

    Estimation de la perméabilité d'une argilite partiellement saturée par méthode inverse

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    Une méthode inverse est développée pour identifier la perméabilité d'une argilite en conditions partiellement saturées par interprétation d'essais de séchage. L'essai de séchage consiste à mesurer la variation de masse, dont la cinétique est liée à la perméabilité, d'un échantillon de roche sous humidité relative variable. Les couplages hydromécaniques et la présence de gaz résultent en un problème direct de diffusion non linéaire, résolu par éléments finis. Le modèle de comportement choisi est le modèle thermoporoélastique non linéaire de Coussy, et différents effets de couplage ont été pris en compte. L'interprétation de l'essai de séchage est alors un problème d'identification de paramètres, ramené à un problème inverse, consistant à minimiser une fonctionnelle quantifiant l'écart entre les variations de masse mesurées au cours de l'essai et calculées par éléments finis, lesquelles dépendent des paramètres à identifier, c'est-à-dire des paramètres caractérisant la perméabilité

    Pétrofabrique et propriétés mécaniques des argilites

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    The petrofabric of mudstones influences their thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties. Measurements of thermal diffusivity, permeability and velocity of ultrasonic waves show that the anisotropy of these properties in this rock is rather low. The diminution of Biot coefficient with axial stress cannot be explained only by the diminution of porosity even by considering an incompressible matrix to 1% for an axial stress varying from 8 to 24 MPa corresponds. The origin of the diminution could be explained by the loss of connection of part of the porous system, hitherto connected, under the effect of an increasing axial stress. An isotropic elastoplastic model is a reasonable approach for the description of the mechanical behaviour of mudstone. However, it is useful to take into account the damage by microfissuring, which could not be neglected and must be considered coupled with plasticity

    Fractal Weyl law for Linux Kernel Architecture

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    We study the properties of spectrum and eigenstates of the Google matrix of a directed network formed by the procedure calls in the Linux Kernel. Our results obtained for various versions of the Linux Kernel show that the spectrum is characterized by the fractal Weyl law established recently for systems of quantum chaotic scattering and the Perron-Frobenius operators of dynamical maps. The fractal Weyl exponent is found to be ν0.63\nu \approx 0.63 that corresponds to the fractal dimension of the network d1.2d \approx 1.2. The eigenmodes of the Google matrix of Linux Kernel are localized on certain principal nodes. We argue that the fractal Weyl law should be generic for directed networks with the fractal dimension d<2d<2.Comment: RevTex 6 pages, 7 figs, linked to arXiv:1003.5455[cs.SE]. Research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/, Improved version, changed forma

    Lex colimits

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    Many kinds of categorical structure require the existence of finite limits, of colimits of some specified type, and of "exactness" conditions between the finite limits and the specified colimits. Some examples are the notions of regular, or Barr-exact, or lextensive, or coherent, or adhesive category. We introduce a general notion of exactness, of which each of the structures listed above, and others besides, are particular instances. The notion can be understood as a form of cocompleteness "in the lex world" -- more precisely, in the 2-category of finitely complete categories and finite-limit preserving functors.Comment: 38 pages; v2: final journal version, various minor changes and new Section 5.9 dealing with filtered colimit

    Observing the Evolution of the Universe

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    How did the universe evolve? The fine angular scale (l>1000) temperature and polarization anisotropies in the CMB are a Rosetta stone for understanding the evolution of the universe. Through detailed measurements one may address everything from the physics of the birth of the universe to the history of star formation and the process by which galaxies formed. One may in addition track the evolution of the dark energy and discover the net neutrino mass. We are at the dawn of a new era in which hundreds of square degrees of sky can be mapped with arcminute resolution and sensitivities measured in microKelvin. Acquiring these data requires the use of special purpose telescopes such as the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), located in Chile, and the South Pole Telescope (SPT). These new telescopes are outfitted with a new generation of custom mm-wave kilo-pixel arrays. Additional instruments are in the planning stages.Comment: Science White Paper submitted to the US Astro2010 Decadal Survey. Full list of 177 author available at http://cmbpol.uchicago.ed

    Antigenic and Genetic Variability of Human Metapneumoviruses

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    Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a member of the subfamily Pneumovirinae within the family Paramyxoviridae. Other members of this subfamily, respiratory syncytial virus and avian pneumovirus, can be divided into subgroups based on genetic or antigenic differences or both. For HMPV, the existence of different genetic lineages has been described on the basis of variation in a limited set of available sequences. We address the antigenic relationship between genetic lineages in virus neutralization assays. In addition, we analyzed the genetic diversity of HMPV by phylogenetic analysis of sequences obtained for part of the fusion protein (n = 84) and the complete attachment protein open reading frames (n = 35). On the basis of sequence diversity between attachment protein genes and the differences in virus neutralization titers, two HMPV serotypes were defined. Each serotype could be divided into two genetic lineages, but these did not reflect major antigenic differences

    Measurement of the branching fraction and CP content for the decay B(0) -> D(*+)D(*-)

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    This is the pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the links below. Copyright @ 2002 APS.We report a measurement of the branching fraction of the decay B0→D*+D*- and of the CP-odd component of its final state using the BABAR detector. With data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.4  fb-1 collected at the Υ(4S) resonance during 1999–2000, we have reconstructed 38 candidate signal events in the mode B0→D*+D*- with an estimated background of 6.2±0.5 events. From these events, we determine the branching fraction to be B(B0→D*+D*-)=[8.3±1.6(stat)±1.2(syst)]×10-4. The measured CP-odd fraction of the final state is 0.22±0.18(stat)±0.03(syst).This work is supported by DOE and NSF (USA), NSERC (Canada), IHEP (China), CEA and CNRS-IN2P3 (France), BMBF (Germany), INFN (Italy), NFR (Norway), MIST (Russia), and PPARC (United Kingdom). Individuals have received support from the A.P. Sloan Foundation, Research Corporation, and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation