5 research outputs found

    The Entrainment Frequency of Cardiolocomotor Synchronization in Long-Distance Race Emerges Spontaneously at the Step Frequency

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    In forced conditions, where the heart rate and step frequency have been matched, cardiolocomotor synchronization (CLS) has been recognized. However, knowledge about the occurrence of CLS and its triggers in sports gesture in real contexts is little known. To address this gap, the current study tested the hypothesis that CLS in running spontaneous conditions would emerge at entrainment bands of muscle activation frequencies associated with a freely chosen step frequency. Sixteen male long-distance runners undertook treadmill assessments running ten three-minute bouts at different speeds (7, 7.5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 km c5h-1). Electrocardiography and surface electromyography were recorded simultaneously. The center frequency was the mean of the frequency spectrum obtained by wavelet decomposition, while CLS magnitude was determined by the wavelet coherence coefficient (WCC) between the electrocardiography and center frequency signals. The strength of CLS affected the entrainment frequencies between cardiac and muscle systems, and for WCC values greater than 0.8, the point from which we consider the emerging CLS, the entrainment frequency was between 2.7 and 2.8 Hz. The CLS emerged at faster speeds (13-15 km c5h-1) most prevalently but did not affect the muscle activation bands. Spontaneous CLS occurred at faster speeds predominantly, and the entrainment frequencies matched the locomotor task, with the entrainment bands of frequencies emerging around the step frequencies (2.7-2.8 Hz). These findings are compatible with the concept that interventions that determine optima conditions of CLS may potentiate the benefits of the cardiac and muscle systems synchronized in distance runners

    Comparação do equilíbrio postural estático entre sujeitos saudavéis e lombálgicos Comparison of static postural balance between healthy subjects and those with low back pain

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar o equilíbrio postural estático entre portadoras de lombalgia crônica e indivíduos saudáveis, através do deslocamento do centro de pressão. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 15 mulheres com lombalgia (Grupo lombalgia) e 15 mulheres saudáveis (Grupo saudável). Elas foram orientadas a permanecer em posição ortostática sobre a plataforma de força durante 30 segundos. Foram analisadas a área e a velocidade de deslocamento do centro de pressão de ambos os grupos. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do Teste t de Student, com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos com lombalgia crônica apresentaram maior área de deslocamento do centro de pressão em relação aos saudáveis, porém não houve diferença significativa em relação à velocidade de deslocamento do centro de pressão. CONCLUSÃO: Indivíduos com lombalgia crônica apresentam alteração do equilíbrio estático em relação a saudáveis. Nível de evidência III, Estudos Prognósticos.<br>OBJECTIVE: To compare the static postural balance between women suffering from chronic low back pain and healthy subjects, by moving the center of pressure. METHODS: The study included 15 women with low back pain (LBP group) and 15 healthy women (healthy group). They were instructed to remain in standing on the force platform for 30 seconds. We analyzed the area and the speed of displacement of center of pressure of both groups. Data analysis was performed using the Student t-test, with significance of 5%. RESULTS: Individuals with chronic low back pain showed a larger area of displacement of the center of pressure relative to the healthy ones but there was no significant difference in the speed of displacement of the center of pressure. CONCLUSION: Individuals with chronic low back pain had alterations in static balance with respect to healthy ones. Level of Evidence III, Prognostic Studies