1,488 research outputs found

    Wave Solutions of Evolution Equations and Hamiltonian Flows on Nonlinear Subvarieties of Generalized Jacobians

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    The algebraic-geometric approach is extended to study solutions of N-component systems associated with the energy dependent Schrodinger operators having potentials with poles in the spectral parameter, in connection with Hamiltonian flows on nonlinear subvariaties of Jacobi varieties. The systems under study include the shallow water equation and Dym type equation. The classes of solutions are described in terms of theta-functions and their singular limits by using new parameterizations. A qualitative description of real valued solutions is provided

    On Soliton-type Solutions of Equations Associated with N-component Systems

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    The algebraic geometric approach to NN-component systems of nonlinear integrable PDE's is used to obtain and analyze explicit solutions of the coupled KdV and Dym equations. Detailed analysis of soliton fission, kink to anti-kink transitions and multi-peaked soliton solutions is carried out. Transformations are used to connect these solutions to several other equations that model physical phenomena in fluid dynamics and nonlinear optics.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figure

    Lifetimes and Sizes from Two-Particle Correlation Functions

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    We discuss the Yano-Koonin-Podgoretskii (YKP) parametrization of the two-particle correlation function for azimuthally symmetric expanding sources. We derive model-independent expressions for the YKP fit parameters and discuss their physical interpretation. We use them to evaluate the YKP fit parameters and their momentum dependence for a simple model for the emission function and propose new strategies for extracting the source lifetime. Longitudinal expansion of the source can be seen directly in the rapidity dependence of the Yano-Koonin velocity.Comment: 15 pages REVTEX, 2 figures included, submitted to Phys. Lett. B, Expanded discussion of disadvantages of standard HBT fit and of Fig.

    Universal Pion Freeze-out Phase-Space Density

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    Results on the pion freeze-out phase-space density in sulphur-nucleus, Pb-Pb and pion-proton collisions at CERN-SPS are presented. All heavy-ion reactions are consistent with the thermal Bose-Einstein distrtibution f=1/(exp(E/T)-1) at T~120 MeV, modified for expansion. Pion-proton data are also consistent with f, but at T~180 MeV.Comment: 1 page, 1 figure; 98' report for GSI-Darmstad

    Qubits entanglement dynamics modified by an effective atomic environment

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    We study entanglement dynamics of a couple of two-level atoms resonantly interacting with a cavity mode and embedded in a dispersive atomic environment. We show that in the absence of the environment the entanglement reaches its maximum value when only one exitation is involved. Then, we find that the atomic environment modifies that entanglement dynamics and induces a typical collapse-revival structure even for an initial one photon Fock state of the field.Comment: eight pages, two figure include

    Transition from a phase-segregated state to single-phase incommensurate sodium ordering in Na_xCoO_2 with x \approx 0.53

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    Synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigations of two single crystals of Na_xCoO_2 from different batches with composition x = 0.525-0.530 reveal homogeneous incommensurate sodium ordering with propagation vector (0.53 0.53 0) at room-temperature. The incommensurate (qq0) superstructure exists between 220 K and 430 K. The value of q varies between q = 0.514 and 0.529, showing a broad plateau at the latter value between 260 K and 360 K. On cooling, unusual reversible phase segregation into two volume fractions is observed. Below 220 K, one volume fraction shows the well-known commensurate orthorhombic x = 0.50 superstructure, while a second volume fraction with x = 0.55 exhibits another commensurate superstructure, presumably with a 6a x 6a x c hexagonal supercell. We argue that the commensurate-to-incommensurate transition is an intrinsic feature of samples with Na concentrations x = 0.5 + d with d ~ 0.03.Comment: Corrected/improved versio

    Decoherence assisting a measurement-driven quantum evolution process

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    We study the problem of driving an unknown initial mixed quantum state onto a known pure state without using unitary transformations. This can be achieved, in an efficient manner, with the help of sequential measurements on at least two unbiased bases. However here we found that, when the system is affected by a decoherence mechanism, only one observable is required in order to achieve the same goal. In this way the decoherence can assist the process. We show that, depending on the sort of decoherence, the process can converge faster or slower than the method implemented by means of two complementary observables.Comment: Four pages, three figures included ([email protected]

    Enhancement of singly and multiply strangeness in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at 158A GeV/c

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    The idea that the reduction of the strange quark suppression in string fragmentation leads to the enhancement of strange particle yield in nucleus-nucleus collisions is applied to study the singly and multiply strange particle production in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at 158A GeV/c. In this mechanism the strange quark suppression factor is related to the effective string tension, which increases in turn with the increase of the energy, of the centrality and of the mass of colliding system. The WA97 observation that the strange particle enhancement increases with the increasing of centrality and of strange quark content in multiply strange particles in Pb-Pb collisions with respect to p-Pb collisions was accounted reasonably.Comment: 8 pages, 3 PostScript figures, in Latex form. submitted to PR

    Anti-Hyperon Enhancement through Baryon Junction Loops

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    The baryon junction exchange mechanism recently proposed to explain valence baryon number transport in nuclear collisions is extended to study midrapidity anti-hyperon production. Baryon junction-anti-junction (J anti-J) loops are shown to enhance anti-Lambda, anti-Xi, anti-Omega yields as well as lead to long range rapidity correlations. Results are compared to recent WA97 Pb + Pb -> Y + anti-Y + X data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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