557 research outputs found

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 60-DenizyollarıUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Determination and classification of cutaneous innervation of the dorsum of the foot in foetal cadavers

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    Background: The aim of this study is to determine cutaneous innervation of the dorsum of the foot on foetal cadavers. Materials and methods: In this study. 200 limbs from 100 embalmed foetuses (54 males and 46 females) were studied in Anatomy Laboratory. Contributions of medial, lateral and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves (MDCN, LDCN and IDCN) of the foot were identified. Results: Cutaneous innervation of the dorsum of the foot was classified into five types. Type I (75%) where MDCN innervated medial border of the foot and second interdigital cleft; IDCN innervated third, fourth and fifth interdigital clefts; and LDCN innervated the lateral border of the foot. Type II (21%) where MDCN innervated medial border of the foot, second and third interdigital clefts; IDCN innervated fourth and fifth interdigital clefts; and LDCN innervated the lateral border of the foot. Type III (1.5%) where saphenous nerve innervated medial border of the foot; MDCN innervated second and third interdigital clefts; IDCN innervated fourth and fifth interdigital clefts; and LDCN innervated the lateral border of the foot. Type IV (1.5%) was similar to type I, with an extra connection between the MDCN and IDCN on the dorsum of the foot. Type V (1%) where superficial fibular nerve innervated medial border of the foot, and second, third and fourth interdigital clefts; and sural nerve innervated fifth interdigital cleft andlateral border of the foot. Conclusions: The present study provides a new classification for the cutaneous innervation of the dorsum of the foot

    Supplemental Ascorbic Acid and Prevention of Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea

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    Palynomorphs of brackish and marine species in cores from the freshwater Lake Sapanca, NW Turkey

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    Lake Sapanca, which is located on the Sakarya–Sapanca–İzmit corridor in NW Turkey, is a freshwater lake with numerous fish farms in its catchment. Palynological analyses including non-pollen palynomorphs of a short (38.5 cm) and a longer sediment core (586 cm), taken in the centre of the lake and dated in previous investigations, revealed the presence of brackish and marine palynomorphs. The longer sediment sequence shows the occurrence of Brigantedinium sp., Impagidinium caspienense and Spiniferites cruciformis from the base of the core at c. AD 580 years up to 300 cm depth at shortly after c. AD 910. A similar assemblage, but this time with the additional presence of dinoflagellate thecae and the acritarch, Radiosperma corbiferum, was found in the recent core, especially from AD 1986 until the present. Past connections between the Gulf of İzmit and the Black Sea, via the River Sakarya and Lake Sapanca, could be the origin of these two microfossil assemblages. Accidental re-introduction via fish translocation since the Roman times may have been a additional mechanism. The consequences of the survival of brackish and marine forms in a freshwater lake are discussed in terms of wider euryhalinity than has been suggested for those still poorly known organisms

    The Dominant Ideologies in the Nineteenth Century British Social and Political Life

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    In the nineteenth century, British social and political life bears witness to some leading movements such as conservatism, liberalism, feminism and socialism. The spirit of democratization and the dream of a better society and order triggered all these movements. The nineteenth-century British political and social thought has a deep influence on these central ideas of government in the light of industrial changes, their revolutionary consequences and democratic movements and thanks to the works of the representatives of these ideologies. Both Industrial Revolution and democratization are two significant developments that shaped the rise of these ideologies together with capitalist policies and rise of the British Empire. Radical changes and revolutions in British history deeply affect the role of the individual in the society and the role of government by forcing them to inevitable changes in their policies and roles. With the rise of industrial revolution and democratization (together with capitalism and rise of the British Empire), these movements find the possibility to appear and develop more freely and easily. English society and government take a more liberalistic and socialistic stand which require equality and freedom both for men and women. Through the late-Victorian period independent new-type women different from traditional ones occur up and trigger feminism and challenge patriarchy and restrictions imposed upon them. Interrelated with each other, these movements are the basis that radically affect the role of the individual in the society and the role of government. Therefore, the purpose of my essay is to demonstrate how these social and political movements have contributed to British thought under the effect of Industrial Revolution and democratic actions

    The Role of Working Abroad as a Teacher on Professional Development

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    International experience has been considered as a good opportunity for teachers to develop their professional development. Teachers while working abroad experience new teaching styles, curriculum, lesson plans, and lesson materials. Upon return home they implement them into their circumstances. This study investigates the role of overseas experience in professional development of teachers. 55 teachers who had at least a five-year international experience had a questionnaire and it was found that overseas experience deeply influences professional development of teachers

    The Use of Drills in the Development of Speaking Skills

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    Drills are part of foreign language learning process. They provide good practice to promote foreign language learning. Drills will enable learners to give prompt feedback. Learners will learn some concepts quickly and use them effectively in different environments. As drills allow learners to develop dialogues in real communications, they play a significant role to maintain language proficiency. This article sets forth the benefits of using drills in foreign language learning

    Studies on the carcasses grading and meat production in fattening cattle

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    Hızla artan dünya nüfusuna karşılık, hayvansal protein üretiminde kullanılan kaynaklar giderek azalmaktadır. Bu nedenle, sığır eti üreticilerinin karşı karşıya bulunduğu en önemli sorun ucuz ve kaliteli sığır eli üretimidir. Ülkemizde son yıllarda kaliteli ve az yağlı ete olan talep artmıştır. Gerek Amerika ve gerekse Avrupa Topluluğu ülkelerinde sığır karkaslarından elde edilen etin kaliteye göre sınıflandırılmasında kullanılan metodlar, Türkiye'nin taleplerini karşılayacak nitelikte değildir. Araştırmada U.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi besi ünitesinde besiye alınan 125 adet Karacabey esmeri besi danasına ait veriler değerlendirildi. Besi danalarında sıcak karkasın 307.35 kg, kemik ağırlığının 56.20 kg, parça etlerden kıyma, kuşbaşı, rosto ve pirzolanın ise sırasıyla % 42.94, 16.96, 3.04 ve 3.10 olduğu belirlendi.The human population is increasing, while resources available for livestock production is decreasing. In developing countries, the beef pro- ducers continually face problems of satisfying consumer demans for their product while producing it as cheaply as possible. In Turkey, a recent trend in consumer prefence is for first quality beef cuts and with less excess fat. The American and European beef greading methods are not suitable for Turkish kitchen demands. The materials of research was formed by data on the 125 carcasses of Swiss Brown calves belonging to U.Ü., Veterinary Faculty Fattening Units. The average hot carcasses weigt was 300.35 kg, the bone weights 56.20 kg. The percentages of products like minced meat, cube cuts, rosto, weal chups were 42.94, 16.96, 3.04 and 3.10 percent respectively


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    This article is meant to help English language teachers to teach English more effectively. Drawing objects on the board is very exciting for learners in that it allows students to easily acquaint themselves with new vocabulary and quick memorization. It would be most appropriate if the words were to be nouns, as it would allow demonstrating or drawing on the board. It is not required for a teacher to be knowledgeable in art, yet a simple drawing can have a strong effect in enabling students to store vocabulary in their minds upon sight of the picturization (visualization) of words. By asking students to comment and discuss the drawings creates an avenue of reciprocal discussion and this further pivots discourse amongst the students increasing overall classroom collaboration

    The Benefits of Using L1 in Foreign Language Learning Process

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    It is believed that when learners are exposed to the target language excessively, they will have more practice to develop their language proficiency, for that reason the use of L1 in the language classroom is insistently avoided. However, if learners fail to understand in the target language, they cannot learn effectively; therefore, the use of first language (L1) in language classes should not be prohibited. Learning occurs in the target language (TL) in the language classroom based on the fact that learners understand activities. Thus, L1 has a facilitating factor in the language learning process. This study aims to put forth the benefits of using L1 in second language (L2) learning