308 research outputs found

    Development of prejudice against immigrants and ethnic minorities in adolescence: A systematic review with meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

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    Previous research highlighted that prejudice is already formed in early childhood, reaches a peak in middle childhood, and slightly decreases in late childhood, whereas the development of prejudice in adolescence was mostly unknown. This systematic review with meta-analysis aimed to comprehensively summarize and integrate prior longitudinal research on adolescents’ prejudice to address two main research questions: (a) how does prejudice develop in adolescence? (b) which factors are related to holding prejudicial attitudes in adolescence? Using multiple search strategies and applying a two-step selection process, a final set of 26 journal articles including a total of 30 samples (N = 23,513 participants) was found to match eligibility criteria and, thus, was included in the review. The meta-analytic findings highlighted that (a) prejudice does not change in adolescence; (b) interindividual differences in prejudice are well-established, they become increasingly strong with age, and they are inversely related to the time-lag between assessments; and (c) several individual, identity, and contextual factors are related to prejudice in different ways. More specifically, social dominance orientation, intergroup anxiety, identification with the national ingroup, and parental prejudice contributed to increasing later levels of adolescents’ prejudice, whereas intergroup friendship contributed to lessening it. Importantly, prejudice had comparable reverse effects on these factors, pointing to consistent bidirectional associations. These main findings are discussed considering their implications for future research and practice

    Identities: A developmental social-psychological perspective

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    In this contribution, we review research that uses a cross-fertilisation approach to integrate developmental and social-psychological perspectives on how identities are formed and changed over time and how identity processes are genuinely social, being embedded in social contexts and fed by social contents. First, we outline the three-factor identity model as a parsimonious approach to understanding the dynamics of identity development. Second, we review empirical studies with longitudinal approaches to shed light on how identity processes are embedded in key contexts such as family, friendships and society at large through behaviours such as civic engagement. Third, we discuss the interplay between personal and social identities. We conclude by highlighting how adopting a cross-fertilisation approach that combines social-psychological and developmental perspective can significantly advance the theoretical understanding of identity dynamics. Finally, we address similarities and differences between personal identity and social identity approaches, and we provide an agenda for future research

    Addressing the effect of concern with COVID-19 threat on prejudice towards immigrants: The sequential mediating role of need for cognitive closure and desire for cultural tightness

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    The link between threat and anti-immigrant prejudice is well-established. Relatedly, recent research has also shown that situational threats (such as concern with COVID-19 threat) increase anti-immigrant prejudice through the mediating role of desire for cultural tightness. This study aims to further our understanding of the psychological processes underlying the relation between concern with COVID-19 threat and increased negative attitudes towards immigrants by considering the mediational role of an individual epistemic motivation (i.e., the need for cognitive closure). A study was conducted on a large sample of Italian respondents covering all the Italian regions. Findings revealed that high concern with COVID-19 threat led to increased negative attitudes towards immigrants through the sequential mediating role of higher need for cognitive closure, leading in turn to higher desire for cultural tightness. Implications of these findings for a timely contextualized study of anti-immigrant prejudice will be highlighted

    Seismic hazard assessment for Iran in terms of macroseismic intensity

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    We present the results of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Iran based on a statistical procedure specifically developed to manage macroseismic intensity data. This method takes into careful consideration the specific features of such data, which are characterized as ordinal, discrete, and confined within a finite interval, ensuring a logically coherent approach throughout the analysis. The results of our assessment are then compared with hazard maps generated using a standard approach, putting in evidence significant differences both on a national scale and relative to individual cities. This comparative analysis will be useful in identifying areas of utmost concern, where further studies are strongly recommended to yield hazard estimates of greater robustness and reliability. By pinpointing these critical scenarios, we aim to guide future research endeavors towards providing more accurate and reliable seismic hazard estimates. Identifying these critical situations facilitates the prioritization of resources and interventions, ultimately enhancing seismic risk mitigation efforts across Iran

    Nuova formulazione delle procedure per la stima dell’intensità macrosismica da dati epicentrali o da risentimenti in zone vicine

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    Vengono presentate nuove relazioni empiriche, definite per il territorio italiano, per la stima dell’intensità in un dato sito a partire da informazioni epicentrali o relative a località vicine. Queste relazioni, espresse in forma probabilistica e quindi direttamente utilizzabili per la stima della pericolosità sismica, condividono la stessa formalizzazione e la medesima base informativa. In particolare, sono state seguite tre diverse strategie: le prime due hanno portato alla definizione di una relazione di attenuazione per la stima dell’intensità al sito da dati epicentrali utilizzando una forma parametrica rispettivamente Gaussiana e Binomiale; la terza analisi è stata invece mirata a definire le modalità di “correzione” del valore locale di intensità, dedotto dalle informazioni epicentrali, con dati di risentimenti osservati in località vicine al sito in esame

    Apparent diffusion coefficient by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging as a sole biomarker for staging and prognosis of gastric cancer

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    Objective: To investigate the role of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) when applied to the 7th TNM classification in the staging and prognosis of gastric cancer (GC). Methods: Between October 2009 and May 2014, a total of 89 patients with non-metastatic, biopsy proven GC underwent 1.5T DW-MRI, and then treated with radical surgery. Tumor ADC was measured retrospectively and compared with final histology following the 7th TNM staging (local invasion, nodal involvement and according to the different groups — stage I, II and III). Kaplan-Meier curves were also generated. The follow-up period is updated to May 2016. Results: Median follow-up period was 33 months and 45/89 (51%) deaths from GC were observed. ADC was significantly different both for local invasion and nodal involvement (P<0.001). Considering final histology as the reference standard, a preoperative ADC cut-off of 1.80×10–3 mm2 /s could distinguish between stages I and II and an ADC value of ≤1.36×10–3 mm2 /s was associated with stage III (P<0.001). Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrated that the survival rates for the three prognostic groups were significantly different according to final histology and ADC cut-offs (P<0.001). Conclusions: ADC is different according to local invasion, nodal involvement and the 7th TNM stage groups for GC, representing a potential, additional prognostic biomarker. The addition of DW-MRI could aid in the staging and risk stratification of GC

    Task 5 - Potenza - Deliverable D17: Bedrock shaking scenarios

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    The main goal of this report is the computation of the bedrock seismic scenarios in the Potenza city (Southern Italy) to be used for evaluating damage scenarios (described in PS3-Deliverables D18-D19-D24). This area represents one of the prediction case studies, planned in the framework of Project S3 which aim is the production of ground shaking scenarios for high and moderate magnitude earthquakes. The area around Potenza was affected by several destructive earthquakes in historical time (Table 2.1.1) and a number of individual sources representing the causative faults of single seismic events with magnitude up to 7 were identified. Deeper and smaller faults are present very close to the Potenza city, generating events with M up to 5.7 (1990 Potenza earthquake). Due to the involved source-to-site distances (about 25 km) and to the computation resolution of the simulation techniques, the site is represented by a single point. In total 9 faults were identified and the deterministic shaking scenarios are computed for each of them. The following strategy is adopted to provide ground motions. We compute shaking scenarios at level 1, using a simplified simulation technique (DSM, Pacor et al.; 2005) for all the faults. By these simulations we identify the three faults (F3, F7. and F8) producing the maximum expected shaking at the Potenza city, in terms of peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity and Housner intensity. Based on these results, simulations at level 2, using the broad band technique HIC (Gallovic and Brokeshova, 2007) have been performed at Potenza for F3, F7 and F8 sources. For the Potenza city, we decided to predict the shaking scenarios at level 2, in order to provide suitable estimates of the low frequency ground motion (e.g. velocity time series) and engineering parameters (e.g. Arias intensity) strictly related to the duration of the signals. For each source, we generated hundreds of rupture models varying slip distribution, nucleation points and rupture velocity, and for each model we simulated the acceleration time series by HIC. Then we computed the probability density functions (PDF) of the ground motion parameters (PGA, PGV, PGD, Arias and Housner intensities) and estimated several statistical quantities in order to select families of accelerograms to be used for damage analysis: mean and associated standard deviation, median, 75% percentile, 84% percentile, mode, minimum and maximum. Finally we provided to the engineering Research Unit 6 of this project three sets of 7 accelerograms, having ground motion parameters equal to the statistical requirements computed by the synthetic distributions. The first set includes 7 accelerograms (three components), each of them having PGA equal to the mean, median, mode, 75-percentile, 84-percentile, minimum and maximum values of the PGA distribution. The second set and third sets include 7 accelerograms (horizontal components only), having PGA and Housener Intensity in the neighborhood of the median values of the corresponding distributions. A further comparison of adopted procedure for the predicted ground motion at Potenza was performed with respect to stochastic ground motions generated with EXSIM method (Motazedian and Atkinson; 2005). Even if the scenarios modelling was carried out varying different kinematic parameters, the statistical parameter were quite similar. Finally to provide shaking scenarios in term of macroseismic intensity, we applied a probabilistic empirical approach, developed in Progetto DPC-INGV S1.Progetto INGV-DPC S3 “Scenari di scuotimento in aree di interesse prioritario e/o strategico”Published4.2. TTC - Scenari e mappe di pericolosità sismicaope

    Efeito da adição da parte aérea de plantas de cobertura na fitotoxidade de cobre em solo cultivado com videira.

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    A calda bordalesa é um fungicida cúprico utilizado para prevenção do Míldio que, quando utilizado em excesso, eleva os teores de cobre no solo e, assim, podendo se tornar tóxico às plantas. As plantas de cobertura durante o processo de decomposição liberam substâncias que podem se ligar ao cobre e mitigar o efeito fitotóxico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a influência da adição da parte aérea de diferentes plantas de cobertura no comportamento produtivo da videira crescendo sob ação de alta concentração de cobre no solo. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, combinando as gramíneas aveia e azevém, a leguminosa ervilhaca, e nabo forrageiro com duas doses de cobre e modo de distribuição das plantas de cobertura. Avaliou-se o crescimento do ramo das plantas. Os resultados demonstram que o cobre em excesso limitou o crescimento das mudas de videira e as plantas de cobertura ao longo do tempo, vão perdendo a influência no crescimento das mudas. O excesso de cobre no solo diminuiu a altura das mudas de videira. A localização das plantas no solo não interfere no crescimento das plantas. As plantas de cobertura perderam a influência no crescimento da videira com o passar do tempo.Resumo expandido

    Secagem rápida de tecidos de plantas para determinação da matéria seca.

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    O método para a secagem de folhas utiliza a estufa com circulação de ar forçada com temperatura de aproximadamente 65ºC, porém o processo tem duração de 48 a 72 horas, tornando o mesmo demorado e caro devido ao custo da estufa e também porque requer um maior tempo de secagem das amostras. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade de substituição da estufa pelo forno de micro-ondas na secagem de folhas de caquizeiro, macieira, pessegueiro e videira. Utilizou-se amostras de tecidos de macieira, caquizeiro, videira e pessegueiro. Após a coleta, as folhas foram picadas no tamanho de aproximadamente 2 cm2. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas, sendo as parcelas compostas pelas culturas e as subparcelas pelo tempo de secagem. Foram testados 8 tempos de secagem. Para determinação de massa seca foram feitas 7 repetições. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e utilizou-se o programa SAS. Quando o F foi significativo, submeteu-se a teste de Tukey a 95% de significância. Os resultados demostraram que é possível substituir a estufa pelo forno de micro-ondas. O melhor tempo de secagem variou conforme a cultura, sendo que oito minutos, distribuídos em cinco minutos mais três minutos com intervalo de 1 minuto a cada minuto (5:1:1:1) é o melhor tempo de secagem para folhas de videira e macieira e o intervalo de secagem 4:1:1:1 é o melhor tempo de secagem para folhas de caquizeiro e pessegueiro.Resumo expandido