42 research outputs found

    Molecular Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid Resistance in Corticotropinomas: New Developments and Drug Targets

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    Cushing's disease is characterized by excessive adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) secretion caused by a corticotroph tumor of the pituitary gland, leading to hypercortisolism and increased morbidity and mortality. The molecular causes of the disease are not completely understood, therefore more research is needed to discover novel molecular targets and more effective treatments. To date, the SSTR-analog pasireotide is the only approved drug for Cushing's Disease treatment that is directly targeting the source of the disease. Targeting directly the activity of glucocorticoid receptor or the factors modulating it might be a new valid option for the medical management of Cushing's disease. Here, we briefly review the molecular mechanisms involved in the glucocorticoid negative feedback and glucocorticoid resistance and examine novel targets and therapies that might effectively restore glucocorticoid sensitivity

    Consensus sulla gestione diagnostico-terapeutica della Sindrome di Nelson

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    A timely call to arms: COVID-19, the circadian clock, and critical care

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    We currently find ourselves in the midst of a global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the highly infectious novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Here, we discuss aspects of SARS-CoV-2 biology and pathology and how these might interact with the circadian clock of the host. We further focus on the severe manifestation of the illness, leading to hospitalization in an intensive care unit. The most common severe complications of COVID-19 relate to clock-regulated human physiology. We speculate on how the pandemic might be used to gain insights on the circadian clock but, more importantly, on how knowledge of the circadian clock might be used to mitigate the disease expression and the clinical course of COVID-19

    A pitfall of bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling in cyclic Cushing's syndrome

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    Background: Clinical care of patients with cyclic Cushing's syndrome (CS) is challenging. Classical pitfalls include incorrect subtyping, unnecessary surgical procedures and delayed definite treatment. Case presentation: A 43-year-old female suffered from a rapidly cycling ectopic CS. She experienced six cycles of severe hypercortisolism within a 2 year period (maximum plasma cortisol 5316 nmol/L, normal range 124.2-662.4 nmol/L; maximum urinary free cortisol 79,469 nmol/24 h, normal range < 414 nmol/24 h) lasting 2-9 weeks. The episodes were associated with pronounced hypokalemia (lowest K+ value recorded 2.4 mmol/l) and progressive signs and symptoms of CS. A bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (BIPSS) performed during a trough phase was false positive for pituitary ACTH overproduction resulting in unnecessary transsphenoidal surgery while a second BIPSS performed during an active phase was indicative for ectopic CS. The 18F-DOPA PET/CT showed a pancreatic lesion, which was subsequently partially removed. Surprisingly, the histopathology was conclusive for ACTH-positive lymph node metastasis located in the retro-duodenal tissue of an occult neuroendocrine tumor WHO grade II. The primary tumor has not been identified so far and, because of the persistent hypercortisolism, the patient underwent bilateral adrenalectomy. Two years later, ACTH levels started to increase progressively. Percutaneous biopsy of a newly identified suspected lesion in the fifth thoracic vertebra revealed a metastasis with positive staining for ACTH, synaptophysin and chromogranin A. Therapy with carboplatin and etoposide was started and, since then, the patient underwent 12 cycles of chemotherapy. Conclusions: We report the challenging case of a rapidly cycling CS secondary to ACTH-secreting neuroendocrine intestinal tumor of unknown primary. We highlight the importance of performing diagnostic tests only during the phases of active cortisol secretion and as soon as first symptoms appear to avoid pitfalls

    Multidisciplinary Management of Pituitary Apoplexy

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    Pituitary apoplexy is a rare clinical syndrome due to ischemic or haemorrhagic necrosis of the pituitary gland which complicates 2–12% of pituitary tumours, especially nonfunctioning adenomas. In many cases, it results in severe neurological, ophthalmological, and endocrinological consequences and may require prompt surgical decompression. Pituitary apoplexy represents a rare medical emergency that necessitates a multidisciplinary approach. Modalities of treatment and times of intervention are still largely debated. Therefore, the management of patients with pituitary apoplexy is often empirically individualized and clinical outcome is inevitably related to the multidisciplinary team’s skills and experience. This review aims to highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the management of pituitary apoplexy and to discuss modalities of presentation, treatment, and times of intervention


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    O presente trabalho busca apreender a relação entre o mito do amor romântico e a violência contra a mulher na contemporaneidade. Para isto, recorre à teoria marxista a qual afirma que a desigualdade entre homens e mulheres surge a partir do estabelecimento da propriedade privada e da exploração do homem pelo homem. É na organização da família monogâmica que se assegura a reprodução do modo de produção vigente, o capital e quando esta ordem é desobedecida, utiliza-se a violência como forma de manter a dominação entre os indivíduos. O mito do amor romântico se constitui como um instrumento que a ideologia dominante utiliza para manter as mulheres submissas. O amor neste aspecto se apresenta como mais um instrumento para continuar mantendo a mulher no íntimo do lar doméstico. Com a emergência burguesa e o mito do amor romântico, a mulher permanece submissa ao homem, mas agora não apenas pelo poder coercitivo patriarcal, que permanece, contudo, adicionado por formas subliminares de coerção. Dessa forma. as distinções entre os sexos podem ser alteradas se houver igualdade substancial das relações mútuas, isso exige a erradicação completa de suas bases, incluindo de forma primordial, a propriedade privada

    An extremely rare association of TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma, metastatic neuroendocrine tumor and Cushing’s syndrome in a patient with MEN-1 gene mutation

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)-1 syndrome is a rare disorder, due to the loss of function of the tumor suppressor menin. It consists of the association of two or more endocrine tumors, often presenting in a familial setting, being inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. The most frequent manifestations of MEN-1 syndrome are primary hyperparathyroidism, followed by pituitary adenomas (mainly prolactinomas) and gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors, but several other associated conditions have been reported. Herein we describe the case of a male patient, affected by sporadic MEN-1, diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism, TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma and bilateral adrenal hyperplasia causing Cushing’s syndrome, due to a de novo MEN-1 gene mutation. The patient has been successfully treated with first generation somatostatin analog Octreotide LAR (30 mg every 28 days) -with stabilization of the known neuroendocrine lesions and shrinkage of the pituitary adenoma- and with bilateral adrenalectomy. The patient is still regularly followed-up at our Endocrine Unit, and his clinical conditions are stable