144 research outputs found

    Informe de mesa de Comunicaciones nº8: Metodologías en el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje

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    El presente trabajo resume y presenta las principales aportaciones presentadas en la Mesa de Comunicación Oral número 8 de las XII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria 2014, organizadas por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación y Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Formación y Calidad de la Universidad de Alicante, celebradas los días 3 y 4 de Julio de 2014. Las aportaciones pertenecen al bloque temático 3 que versa sobre metodologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Las contribuciones presentadas han sido realizadas por docentes de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Alicante), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universidad Carlos III (Madrid) y Universidad de Alicante. En los trabajos se muestran distintas experiencias metodológicas llevadas a cabo en titulaciones de Licenciatura, Grado y Máster

    Encuesta sobre el consumo de drogas en estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria de la ciudad de Alicante

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    El Ayuntamiento de Alicante, a través del Plan Municipal sobre Drogodependencias, desde hace 17 años viene realizando actividades de prevención escolar, que se han sistematizado en dos programas: Brújula para Educación Primaria y Programa “12-16” de Prevención de las Drogodependencias para Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). La generación del curso escolar 2012/13 es la primera generación de alumnos de Alicante que ha realizado todo el proceso de prevención escolar longitudinal desde los 6 a los 16 años. Llegado este momento, el Ayuntamiento se plantea la necesidad de estudiar y comparar la realidad de la ciudad en cuanto al consumo de drogas de los jóvenes de 4º de ESO, y detectar los posibles factores que inciden en dicho consumo, todo ello con el objetivo no solo de planificar la prevención universal sino también de intervenir en las situaciones de mayor riesgo en aras de una mayor eficacia. Para ello, el Ayuntamiento contacta con el Departamento de Psicología de la Salud y el Departamento de Sociología I de la Universidad de Alicante y les encarga la realización del presente estudio. Estudios similares, se han venido realizando en España desde 1994, para conocer la realidad sobre el uso de drogas entre los estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria. A través de este sistema se pretende adaptar las políticas preventivas sobre el uso de drogas, a los cambios y tendencias experimentadas en la sociedad. La Estrategia Nacional sobre Drogas 2009-2016 aprobada por el Consejo de Ministros en 2009, tiene como líneas estratégicas de actuación, la mejora del conocimiento sobre las tendencias y pautas de consumo entre los jóvenes y el fortalecimiento de las competencias personales para promover actitudes de rechazo hacia las drogas entre los ciudadanos. Para afianzar estos objetivos, se establecen dos planes de acción trianuales (2009-2012 y 2013-2016) sometidos a diversos procesos de evaluación. El desarrollo de este tipo de encuestas contribuye a tener un conocimiento más próximo de la realidad sobre el uso indebido de drogas entre los jóvenes ofreciendo datos comparables con las tendencias observadas a nivel europeo y mundial. El encargo de este estudio tiene como finalidad conocer la realidad más objetiva posible de los estudiantes de secundaria de la ciudad de Alicante, en cuanto al consumo de drogas, para seguir diseñando programas y acciones de prevención, así como promover y preservar la salud de los jóvenes.Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Concejalía de Acción Social. Plan Municipal sobre Drogodependencia. Ayuntamiento de Alicante

    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale: The Parent Version

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    Environmental sensitivity is the ability to perceive, register and process information about the environment, which differs among children and adolescents. The Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) scale has been used to assess environmental sensitivity in youngsters. The HSC scale is a short and 12-item adapted version of the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) scale. The aim of this pilot study is to transculturally adapt the Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) scale, and to analyze its factorial structure, reliability and validity. First, a transcultural adaptation was conducted by bilingual experts. Second, once the questionnaire was translated, the psychometric properties were analyzed. The Spanish version of the HSC scale was administered to parents answering about information of 141 children between 6 and 10 years old. The Spanish version of the Emotionality, Activity and Sociability Survey (EAS) was also applied. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the three-factor structure of sensitivity in our Spanish sample. This structure included the following dimensions: (1) Ease of Excitation (EOE), (2) Low Sensory Threshold (LST), and (3) Aesthetic Sensitivity (AES). Moreover, both Cronbach’s α and McDonald’s ω values indicated that the Spanish version of the HSC scale was a reliable measure of environmental sensitivity, as a general factor of sensitivity (α = 0.84), and even in its three dimensions: EOE (α = 0.86), LST (α = 0.77) and AES (α = 0.73). Finally, the correlations for convergent validity showed positive associations, especially among the three dimensions of SPS and Emotionality (EOE r = 0.351; LST r = 0.274; AES r = 0.259), which was one of the domains of the EAS survey. The pilot study provided interesting results, which showed a reliable and valid replication of the original structure of sensitivity in the Spanish samples.This research was funded by the European Union, Grant number: 2018-1-PL01-KA201-501033

    Adolescent Alcohol Use in Spain: Connections with Friends, School, and Other Delinquent Behaviors

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    This study examined the connections between adolescent alcohol use in Alicante, Spain and variables reflecting adolescents’ academic problems, potentially delinquent behaviors, friends’ alcohol consumption, and friendship quality. Information about alcohol use and a number of school and social variables was collected from adolescent students (N = 567) who completed the National Students School-Based Drug Survey in a classroom setting. Results suggested that gender was not significantly associated with alcohol use, although alcohol use increased with age and was more likely for adolescents enrolled in public schools compared to private. After controlling for age and type of school (public vs. private), academic problems explained 5.1% of the variance in adolescents’ alcohol use, potentially delinquent behaviors explained 29.0%, friends’ alcohol use 16.8%, and friendship quality 1.6%. When all unique predictors from these four models were included in a comprehensive model, they explained 32.3% of the variance in adolescents’ alcohol use. In this final model, getting expelled, participating in a fight, going out at night, the hour at which one returns, and the number of friends who have consumed alcohol were uniquely and positively associated with adolescents’ alcohol use. These results provide important information about multi-system influences on adolescent alcohol use in Alicante, Spain and suggest potential areas of focus for intervention research.This study was funded by Concejalía de Acción Social. Plan Municipal sobre Drogodependencia. Ayuntamiento de Alicante, Spain. Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas

    Effectiveness of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation V2 Programme for Improving Personal and Social Skills in Spanish Adolescent Students

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    Significant progress has been made in developing intervention programmes for adolescents at high risk of delinquency, school failure and emotional problems. The most effective programmes incorporate behavioural and skills training aimed at changing attitudes and promoting psychosocial and emotional skills in adolescents. This study examined the effectiveness of a school-based intervention programme based on the Reasoning and Rehabilitation V2 (R&R2). R&R2 is a cognitive behavioural programme developed using psychological theories about the aetiology of delinquency, as well as the cognitive, behavioural and socioemotional deficits in high-risk youth populations. A sample of 142 students (aged 13–17 years old) who were attending alternative education provision in Spain were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions (68 experimental group, 74 control group). The results showed that the R&R2 improved participants’ self-esteem, social skills, empathy and rational problem-solving with a medium–large effect size (η2 = 0.08 to 0.26). The effects of the programme were significant after controlling for age and the pre-test scores in baseline. These findings confirm the effectiveness of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation V2 programme in Spanish adolescent students and offer additional evidence regarding the implementation of the R&R2 programme in both alternative educational and mainstream school settings.This study was funded by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante. Instituto Ciencias de la Educación (ICE). Programa REDES (GRE-16-32). University of Alicante (Spain)

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Stress and Perceived Classroom Climate in Spanish University Students

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused several changes in society, especially in the educational context, where several learning methodologies and social interactions have been modified significantly. This fact could have had a negative impact on academic stress levels of students and the classroom climate, especially in the university context. The main aim of the present study was to identify changes in academic stress and the perceived classroom climate caused by COVID-19 in a sample of Spanish university students. Academic stress was evaluated trough the Stressor Academic Scale (SAS) and perceived classroom climate employing the Perceived Classroom Responsibility Climate (PCRC) questionnaire. A longitudinal study was conducted. 135 students (97 females and 38 males) from the Gastronomy (n = 31) and Criminology (n = 104) degrees were evaluated before and after the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain. Academic stress levels and perceived classroom climate were analyzed before (Time 1) and after (Time 2) the lockdown declaration. An increase in academic stress was found, especially in the categories regarding Teachers’ Methodological Deficiencies, Academic Over-Burden and Beliefs About Performances. Females and final year students suffered higher levels of academic stress. No differences were found between Time 1 and 2 in perceived classroom climate. The obtained results point out a significant increase of academic stress in university students due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. The implemented educational changes and the uncertainty that resulted from the pandemic could have a significant negative impact on mental health in this population, resulting in higher levels of academic stress, especially in females and final year students. Future studies should analyze the strategies that students are employing to cope with these educational challenges and intervention strategies to promote them in the context of higher education.This research was supported by the Program of Networks-I3CE of Investigation in University Teaching (Program Networks) from the Vice-Rectorate of Quality and Educational Innovation and Education Sciences Institute of the University of Alicante (2019–2020). Ref.: (4913)

    Efectividad de un programa de intervención con alumnado de Formación Profesional Básica (programa R&R2) para la prevención del consumo de drogas y mejora del bienestar personal en la ciudad de Alicante

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    El Ayuntamiento de Alicante, a través del Plan Municipal sobre Drogodependencias, desde hace casi 20 años viene realizando actividades de prevención escolar, que se han sistematizado en dos programas: Brújula para Primaria y Programa de Prevención de las Drogodependencias para Secundaria. En el curso académico 2013/2014, el Ayuntamiento de Alicante contactó con la Universidad de Alicante para solicitar la realización de un estudio sobre el consumo de drogas entre jóvenes de Enseñanza Secundaria de la ciudad de Alicante. La finalidad del estudio era conocer la realidad de la ciudad en cuanto al consumo de drogas de los jóvenes de 4º de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y los jóvenes de los Programas de Cualificación Profesional Inicial (PCPI); así como detectar los posibles factores que inciden en dicho consumo con el objetivo de planificar la prevención universal e intervenir en las situaciones de mayor riesgo. Los resultados de este estudio concluyen que los estudiantes de 4º ESO comienzan a consumir sustancias antes que el alumnado de PCPI; sin embargo, el alumnado de PCPI tiene unos niveles de consumo de drogas más altos y más problemáticos. Por otro lado, se observa que el consumo de sustancias tóxicas se relaciona negativamente con variables relacionadas con el bienestar físico, psicológico, social y emocional. Datos que corroboran que estas variables actúan como factores protectores y guardan relación con conceptos como la adquisición de estrategias de afrontamiento adecuadas, optimismo, percepción ajustada de riesgos, hábitos y conductas saludables o la capacidad para resistir la presión grupal (WHO Alcohol and Public Policy Group, 20014, p.23). Tras los resultados obtenidos, el Ayuntamiento se planteó la necesidad de poner en marcha un programa de intervención para prevenir estos consumos problemáticos de sustancias en jóvenes, con especial atención en el colectivo de estudiantes de Formación Profesional Básica (FPB, que sustituyen a los PCPI), subgrupo de adolescentes caracterizado por ser especialmente vulnerable al consumo problemático de drogas, fracaso escolar y conducta antisocial en particular. Para poner en marcha el programa de intervención el Ayuntamiento de Alicante contactó con el Departamento de Psicología de la Salud de la Universidad de Alicante para solicitar la realización del presente estudio. Este estudio se ha centrado en la selección del programa de intervención más adecuado para el colectivo objeto de estudio, así como en el diseño, aplicación y evaluación de la efectividad del programa de intervención. El programa seleccionado ha sido el “Reasoning and Rehabilitation vs2” (R&R2) de Ross, Hilborn y Liddle (2008), adaptado al español por Martín-Caballero y Bethencourt Pérez (2010). El programa R&R2 es un programa cognitivo-conductual con amplia evidencia científica a nivel internacional para la prevención de conductas problemáticas en adolescentes en alto riesgo.Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Concejalía de Educación. Ayuntamiento de Alicante

    Family and School Contexts as Predictors of Suicidal Behavior among Adolescents: The Role of Depression and Anxiety

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    Suicide is the highest external cause of death in the majority of developed countries. In adolescents, the prevalence of suicide has increased significantly in recent years, becoming a serious public health concern. The main aim of the present study is to characterize suicidal behavior, and to evaluate the relationship between family and school contexts and suicidal behavior through the possible mediating effects of depression and anxiety. The design of the study is cross-sectional. The sample was composed of 1386 Spanish adolescents from 14 high-schools. Suicidal behavior, anxiety, depression, family function, and school climate were evaluated through self-reported questionnaires. The results obtained show a significant association between adaptive family function and a positive school climate with low levels of depression, anxiety, and suicidal behavior. Mediation analyses revealed a significant full mediating effect of depression on family function and school climate with suicidal behavior. No significant mediating effects were found for anxiety. The results obtained underline the importance of family and school as protective factors for the prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents, through the main mediating role of depression. Future studies should evaluate the mechanisms underlying the effects of family function and school climate on depression, and therefore, on suicidal behavior in adolescents.This study was funded by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante (GRE-16-32) and by the Program of Networks-I3CE of Investigation in University Teaching (Program Networks) from the Vice-Rectorate of Quality and Educational Innovation and Education Sciences Institute of the University of Alicante (2017–2018). Ref.: (4258)

    Use of Technology-Based Interventions in the Treatment of Patients with Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Obesity is one of the most important health problems worldwide. The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in the last decades and is now recognized as a global epidemic. Given the dramatic consequences of obesity, new intervention approaches based on the potential of technologies have been developed. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies using PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, and MedLine databases to assess how different types of technologies may play an important role on weight loss in obese patients. Results: Forty-seven studies using different types of technologies including smartphones, app, websites, virtual reality and personal digital assistant were included in the review. About half of interventions (47%) found a significant effect of the technology-based interventions for weight lost in obese patients. The provision of feedback could also be effective as a complement to interventions carried out using technology to promote weight loss. Conclusions: The use of technologies can be effective to increase weight loss in patients with obesity improving treatment adherence through self-monitoring.TIN2017-89069-R funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)