232 research outputs found

    An overview of former Yugoslav philosophical journals in Serbian libraries: A retrospective

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    Rad predstavlja pregled filozofskih časopisa i časopisa iz drugih društvenih i humanističkih nauka, te drugih „opštekulturnih“ časopisa u kojima su objavljivani stručni filozofski prilozi. Pregled obuhvata časopise koji su izlazili u Srbiji i u bivšim jugoslovenskim republikama u periodu od pojavljivanja prvog štampanog časopisa iz oblasti filozofije – „Arhiva za filosofiju, pedagogiju i društvene nauke“ objavljenog 1898. godine pa do današnjih dana, kada se pokreću nova „elektronska“ izdanja ili se, pak, stara izdanja „prevode“ na nove medije i prezentuju putem interneta. Analizirani časopisi su objavljivani na srpskohrvatskom, srpskom, hrvatskom, slovenačkom, albanskom i mađarskom jeziku ili su višejezični, i nalazili su se ili se nalaze u fondovima biblioteka države koja je često mijenjala naziv i uređenje, od Kraljevine Srbije do Republike Srbije.The paper represents a review of philosophical magazines and other social science magazines. It also gives a review of other cultural magazines in which philosophical texts have been published. The review covers magazines published in Serbia and other former Yugoslav republics starting from 1898 - when the first philosophical magazine, Archive of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Social Sciences made its appearance - until today. Currently, old editions of these magazines have been converted into electronic form and, along with the new editions, are available on the Internet. The magazines that are analyzed in this paper were published in Serbo-Croatian, Croatian, Serbian, and Albanian, and some are even multilingual. The magazines were distributed in the libraries throughout the historically changing country (with its various names) of Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Republic of Serbia

    Listanje vremena: jevrejska periodika u Srbiji 1888-2016

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    This review has been made with regard to the national and territorial borders and includes all Jewish periodicals that have been issued on the territory of Serbia (the Kingdom of Serbia; the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; the Kingdom of Yugoslavia). The units are listed in a chronological order, from the first Jewish magazine El Amigo del Pueblo, printed in 1888, to the present day. Seventy Jewish periodicals have been published in Serbia and six more have been published abroad from 1888 until today. Some of these publications had only one, two, three or four editions, or were published for only one or two years. Some others, however, were successful for decades and had hundreds of editions. The brochure contains 76 periodical titles. The description of each publication contains the title, the subtitle, the first and last year of publishing, the publisher or editor, the location where the magazine was launched or the printing house and the collection to which these magazines belong.Ovaj pregled obuhvata svu jevrejsku periodiku koja je izlazila na teritoriji Srbije i odnosi se na njene istorijski definisane državne i teritorijalne granice (Kraljevina Srbija; Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca; Kraljevina Jugoslavija). Jedinice su navedene hronološkim redosledom, od prvog jevrejskog časopisa El Amigo del Pueblo, štampanog 1888. godine, do danas. Od 1888. godine do danas objavljeno je sedamdeset jevrejskih periodičnih publikacija u Srbiji, i još šest u inostranstvu. Neke od ovih publikacija imale su samo jedno, dva, tri ili četiri izdanja ili su izlazile samo jednu ili dve godine. Neke druge su, međutim, decenijama bile uspešne i imale stotine izdanja. Brošura sadrži 76 naslova periodičnih publikacija. Opis svake publikacije sadrži naslov, podnaslov, prvu i poslednju godinu izlaženja, naziv izdavača ili urednika, mesto gde je časopis pokrenut ili štampariju i zbirku kojoj pripadaju ti časopisi

    The effect of science and technology parks on tenant firms: a literature review

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    Science and technology parks (STPs) are non-spontaneous agglomerations aimed at encouraging the formation and growth of on-site technology and knowledge-based frms. STPs have difused worldwide, attracting signifcant, and often public, investment. However, there are contrasting evidence and insights on the efectiveness of these local development, technology and innovation policy tools. This paper provides a comprehensive and systematic review of the STP literature (221 papers, 1987–2021), focusing especially on quantitative papers aimed at assessing the park efect on tenant’s performance. We perform an in-depth quantitative analyses, which allows us to go beyond the inconclusiveness reported in previous review papers, showing that the likelihood of fnding positive STP efects increases considerably with sample size. We discuss the limitations of this literature and ofer some suggestions for future research.g Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. Andrés Barge-Gil acknowledges funding from project ECO2017-82445-R and from project PID2020-112984GB-C21

    Is Universal Consciousness Fit for Ground?

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    The Perennial Philosophy centres around what is said to be a recurring mystical insight: that our inherent nature is actually pure, unconditioned consciousness, identical to the ground of all being. Perennial Idealism, the name I give to a metaphysical system I have been building, extrapolates from the Perennial Philosophy to explain how the world could be configured if it were in fact true. Among the most serious challenges faced is that of articulating and defending the very notion that our world is grounded in universal consciousness. This chapter further develops a line of reply to what I think are four major objections to the idea that universal consciousness grounds all being. I call these the Thales Objection, the Problem of the One and the Many, the Self-defeating Objection, and the Power Challenge

    Aron Albahari's reaction to the article in NIN: "Far from the historical truth - Jerusalem has not been the Jewish capital for three thousand years..."

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    Tekst autora Arona Albaharija, koji je bio (neobjavljena) reakcija na prilog objavljen u časopisu NIN, broj 3324, od 11. septembra 2014., u rubrici "U fokusu / Reagovanja", u kome je gost rubrike bio ambasadora u penziji i član Foruma za međunarodne odnose g. Dušan Simeonović. Gospodin Simeonović u tekstu koji naslovljava "Daleko od istorijske istine - Jerusalim nije jevrejska prestonica tri hiljade godina...", daje svoje komentare na ranije objavljeni intervju u ovom listu, sa izraelskim i palestinskim ambasadorima u Beogradu ("Osuđeni jedni na druge", NIN, 4. septembar 2014.).The text of the author Aron Albahari, which was an (unpublished) reaction to an article published in the magazine NIN, number 3324, dated September 11, 2014, in the column "In focus / Reactions", in which the guest of the column was a retired ambassador and member of the Forum for international relations Mr Dušan Simeonović. Mr. Simeonović, in an article titled "Far from the historical truth - Jerusalem has not been the Jewish capital for three thousand years...", gives his comments on an interview previously published in this newspaper, with the Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors in Belgrade ("Condemned to each other", NIN, September 4, 2014)

    Perennial Idealism: A Mystical Solution to the Mind-Body Problem

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    Meaning of struggle for an own state: The World Zionist Organization visiting Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb in 1928

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    U povodu jedne zanimljive i značajne godišnjice, Jevrejska digitalna biblioteka (JDB) postavila je tri teksta koji predstavljaju izvode iz dva broja sarajevskog jevrejskog nedeljnog lista „Jevrejski glas“, objavljena 23. i 30. marta 1928. godine. Naime, u mjesecu martu ove godine navršava se 95 godina od događaja koji su pomenuti i detaljno opisani u tim, ali i drugim novinama. Cionistički vođa i predsjednik Egzekutive Cionističke organizacije gospodin Nahum Sokolov u martu 1928. godine posjetio je Beograd, Sarajevo i Zagreb. Bila je to njegova službena posjeta Kraljevini S.H.S, prilikom koje je u Beogradu boravio od 9. marta, u Sarajevu od 14. marta i u Zagrebu od 18. marta. Susreti koje je tom prilikom ostvario govore o značaju koji je ta posjeta izazvala, pre svega među jevrejskim zajednicama pomenutih gradova, ali i njegovim susretima sa lokalnim gradskim zvaničnicima i posebno državnim, političkim pa i vojnim predstavnicima Kraljevine S.H.S.On the occasion of an interesting and significant anniversary, the Jewish Digital Library (JDB) has posted three texts that represent excerpts from two issues of the Sarajevo Jewish weekly newspaper “Jevrejski Glas”, published on March 23 and 30, 1928. Namely, in March this year, 95 years have passed since the events that were mentioned and described in detail in that and other newspapers. The Zionist leader and president of the Executive Zionist Organization, Mr. Nahum Sokolov, in March 1928 visited Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb. It was his official visit to the Kingdom of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, during which he stayed in Belgrade from March 9, in Sarajevo from March 14 and in Zagreb from March 18. The meetings he had on that occasion speak of the significance that this visit caused, primarily among the Jewish communities of the mentioned cities, but also his meetings with local city officials and especially state, political and even military representatives of the Kingdom of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia

    Canaan - Eretz Israel - Judea - Palestine - Israel

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    Ova knjiga hronološki prati istoriju geografskog prostora današnjeg Izraela i Palestine, sa posebnim osvrtom na imenâ kojima se taj prostor u periodu od 4 hiljade godina, zvao i imenovao. Ti nazivi su bili određeni kako geografskim tako i verskim ali i političko-istorijskim okolnostima tog vremena: Obećana zemlja- Kanaan- Erec Izrael- Judeja- Sveta zemlja- Palestina- Cion- Izrael. U prvom delu knjige ona donosi kratke i zanimljive istorijske podatke, ali i izvore i poreklo za svaki od tih naziva kojima se u dato vreme određivao i imenovao ovaj prostor. Ali najveći deo knjige posvećen je i govori o periodu kada se on počeo zvati Palestina. Ono što je posebno bogato u tom delu knjige jeste veliki broj zanimljivih i manje poznatih informacija, podataka i činjenica koje nam govore o izuzetnoj povezanosti i vezi Jevreja i Palestine, kako u fizičko životnom smislu, tako i u jezičko - lingvističkom, kada je još od 9. veka, a posebno u 19. i 20. veku, dakle daleko pre obnove države Izrael 1948. godine, taj termin i ime ’Palestina’ bilo sastavni deo i odrednica oko 70 jevrejskih privrednih, socijalnih, kulturnih, bankovnih, novinskih i brojnih drugih institucija, organizacija i udruženja. Kroz bogato dati istorijat njihovog nastajanja i predočenih izuzetno zanimljivih podataka o svakoj od njih, čitalac prati i istoriju borbe i zalaganja Jevreja da u svojoj (pra)domovini Palestini / Erec Izraelu / ponovo obnove svoj nacionalni i politički identitet i dom. Kratkim ali bogatim informativnim tekstovima, ovo je ujedno i priča o istoriji nastajanja Izraela. Više, u knjizi predstavljenih zanimljivih informacija, govore nam i o prisutnosti i vezi Jevreja iz ondašnje (tadašnje) Kraljevine Jugoslavije u Palestini, dajući više podataka o interesantnim događajima u vezi sa tim, od pre Drugog svetskog rata. Posebno je pomenuto i sađenje u Palestini pomen šuma kralju Petru I Karađorđeviću i kralju Aleksandru I Karađorđeviću. U posebnom poglavlju knjige data su intrigantna i zanimljiva razmišljanja, opservacije i podaci o odnosu i komentaru samih Arapa u vezi sa imenom ’Palestina’, kao i njihovom odnosu prema tom imenu. U delu knjige pod naslovom - Sveta zemlja - dati su podaci i slikovni prikazi koji govore o verskim svetim mestima judaizma, hrićanstva i islama u Svetoj zemlji i njihovom značaju za svaku od ovih religija.This book chronologically follows the history of the geographical area of today's Israel and Palestine, with special reference to the names by which that area was called and named over a period of 4 thousand years. Those names were determined both geographically and religiously, but also by the political-historical circumstances of that time: Promised Land - Canaan - Eretz Israel - Judea - Holy Land - Palestine - Zion - Israel. In the first part of the book, brief and interesting historical data are presented, as well as the sources and origins of each of the names that were used to define and name this area at that time. But the largest part of the book is devoted to the period when it was called Palestine. What is especially rich in that part of the book is a large number of interesting and lesser-known information, data and facts that tell us about the extraordinary connection and connection between Jews and Palestine, both in the physical sense of life, and in the language-linguistic sense, when since 9 century, and especially in the 19th and 20th centuries, that is, long before the restoration of the state of Israel in 1948, that term and the name 'Palestine' was an integral part and determinant of about 70 Jewish economic, social, cultural, banking, newspaper and numerous other institutions, organizations and associations. Through the rich history of their creation and the presented extremely interesting data about each of them, the reader follows the history of the struggle and commitment of the Jews to rebuild their national and political identity and home in their (ancestral) homeland Palestine / Eretz Israel /. With short but richly informative texts, this is also a story about the history of the creation of Israel. More of the interesting information presented in the book tells us about the presence and connection of Jews from the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Palestine and gives a lot of information about related interesting events before the Second World War. Special mention was also made of the planting of forests in Palestine in memory of King Peter I Karađorđević and King Aleksandar I Karađorđević. In a special chapter of the book, intriguing interesting thoughts, observations and data are given about the attitude and commentary of the Arabs themselves regarding the name 'Palestine', as well as their attitude towards that name. In the part of the book entitled - The Holy Land - data and illustrations are given about the religious holy places of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Holy Land and their importance for each of these religions

    My home: a memorial album to my families, the Jewish community and the city of Sarajevo

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    “Ovaj digitalni spomen album posvećen je mojoj porodici, jevrejskoj zajednici grada Sarajeva, a pre svega to je ALBUM KOGA SAM NAPRAVIO ZA MOJU DJECU. Nastao je 2020. godine u vreme Corone. Ideja mi je pala na pamet sasvim slučajno u razgovoru sa mojim prijateljom Yashom Bararon iz Beča. Potreba da stvorim nešto, vizualno, umjetnički album koji će budućim generacijama moje porodice i dece omogućiti da znaju od koga potiču i od kojeg su porijekla. U njegovom kreiranju puno su mi pomogle i dale svoje radove moje kćeri Ornat Dana i Vered i naš sin Dado, koji je i na slici i sa savjetom. Sve je rađeno telefonom i digitalno dok nije stvoren konačni album u štampariji Kibbutz Beeri”."This digital memorial album is dedicated to my family, the Jewish community of Sarajevo city, and above all, it is the ALBUM I MADE FOR MY CHILDREN. It was created in 2020 at the time of the Corona. The idea came through a conversation with my friend Yasha Bararon from Vienna. I need to create something, visually, an art album that will allow future generations of my family and children to know where they come from. My daughters Ornat Dana and Vered and our son Dado, who is in the picture and who with advice, helped me a lot in creating it. Everything was done by phone and digitally until the final album was created in the printing house of Kibbutz Beeri"