2,321 research outputs found

    Sustainable business models: integrating employees, customers and technology

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    This Special Issue of the Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing has the same title as the 23rd International Conference CBIM 2018 (June 18-20, 2018, Madrid, Spain) “Sustainable Business Models: Integrating Employees, Customers and Technology”. In this edition of International Conference, following a competitive blind review process, papers from 126 authors and 25 countries were ultimately accepted. The best papers of the Conference were invited to submit to this Special Issue and we were also open to direct submissions from other authors. We present here the 17 accepted papers for publication in this Special Issue

    Internal Market Orientation: a solution to strategy implementation in organisations

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    Take care of your people and your people will take care of your business. Internal Market Orientation as business logic facilitates job satisfaction and commitment

    El compromiso organizacional: un valor personal y empresarial en el marketing interno

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    Organizational commitment has been extensively studied and has a great importance for companies. In this research an analysis of relevant scientific literature has been done in order to answer the question: what is commitment and what kind of commitment exists? Tridimensional model of commitment is shown and a groundbreaking example of the relation of this model with ethical aristothelical tradition. Theory of value has also been analyzed. To answer the question what factors contribute most to compromise?, the results of an empirical research on Spanish hotel sector are shown, within the scope of internal marketing. This research concludes that factors with greater correlation with commitment are: internal communication, management concern, training and family work balance

    Liderazgo basado en el 'management concern' como factor de la orientacion al marketing interno

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    Management concern is an essential factor in leadership and constitute one of the factors that create Internal Market Orientation (IMO), an emerging paradigm in the Internal Marketing field and. In this research an analysis of relevant scientific literature has been done in order to consider this factor and its relation with transactional and transformational leadership styles. The aim is a characterization of the elements that compose it, proposing a theoretical model in which it is also discussed the effects that the Management Concern may have on employees in regard to their Extra-role performance. This will leave the door open to further empirical research to contrast the proposals. The results of an empirical research on Spanish hotel sector are shown, within the scope of internal marketing to see with factors have greater impact on Job Satisfaction and Employee´s Commitment. This research concludes that within the factors with greater correlation with commitment, the second is Management Concern

    Keeping promises: Interview with Professor Christian Grönroos

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    Professor Christian Grönroos, from the Hanken School of Economics at Helsinki in Finland, recently selected as a Legend in Marketing, shares his vision of the future for marketing

    The Market Orientation and Customer Orientation Continuum: A Literature Review for Service Marketing

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    The purpose of this study is to disclose a drawback in the literature of the constructs of market orientation (MO) and customer orientation (CO). This flaw is indeed the lack of a systematic literature review of both concepts. This literature review should serve not only to collect all the literature regarding both constructs, but also to identify and classify the different relationships between MO and CO suggested by academics. The methodology is therefore divided in two, a first stage where a systematic literature review is conducted and a second stage where each study would be classified according to their positioning relative to the MO-CO relationship. The preliminary results suggest that there are three research streams regarding the MO-CO relationship: (1) MO and CO are analogous, (2) CO is part of MO, and (3) MO and CO are independent constructs. This conclusion must still be confirmed with the systematic literature review and used to catalogue the eventually collected studies. A key contribution of this research is to help academics to have access to the main literature about MO and CO and provide them with an adequate reference to frame their studies in one of the three research streams that have been identified. A potential contribution for professionals is the synthesis of several theories regarding MO and CO that could facilitate their implementation in companies and eventually improve their performance

    Las TIC y la tercera edad

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    En este trabajo, se presenta una manera de ver a las personas de la tercera edad como una parte activa de la sociedad con inquietudes y con ganas de que se les ofrezcan diversos servicios de las nuevas tecnologías. De esta manera se pueden observar los beneficios que les pueden aportar en su vida. También reflejaremos el miedo que existe por parte de las personas de la tercera edad a lo desconocido, ya que ellos y ellas no han convivido con las nuevas tecnologías a lo largo de su vida. Trataremos Internet a través de unas charlas en las que vean como otras personas de la tercera edad también están comenzando a usar las nuevas tecnologías en su vida y daremos un curso básico de Internet para que ellos con la prácticas vean en primera persona lo que pueden realizar con las nuevas tecnologías.With this work, elderly people are seen as an active part of the society with different worries and they feel like being offered new technological services. On this way, We can observe the beneficts this can give to their lives. We will also show the fear these people feel to the unknown, since they didn't have these technologies before. We will talk about Internet through several lectures in which they can see how other elderly are starting to use these technologies in their life and we will offer a basic course about Internet in order they can see how Internet Works with different practises.Grado en Educación Socia

    El protocolo en la especialización periodística. Más allá de política y economía [Reseña]

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    New Perspective on Customer Orientation of Service Employees: A Conceptual Framework

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    Customer orientation of service employees (COSE) refers to the capacity and skills of employees to (1) identify, understand and satisfy their clients’ needs, and (2) act to that end. The COSE model has been used extensively to assess customer orientation of service employees within different settings. However, minimal modifications from the original have been presented so far, and the proposed settings were unrelated to highly relational services such as private banking (PB). PB is defined as the services specifically designed to satisfy the financial needs of high net worth individuals (HNWI); they are usually delivered by only one contact person – the private banker. Thus, PB is based on a personal and long-lasting relationship between the private banker and the client. Drawing on the literature regarding customer orientation and PB, trust, loyalty and word of mouth are identified as the potential consequences of COSE, improving on previous models. These new propositions are accompanied by a conceptual framework of COSE that is able to address the PB particularities by considering some moderating variables that are inherent to the PB service (customer segment and type of banking firm). Further avenues for research are then charted in light of the new conceptual framework developed

    Estudi i programació de diverses sortides escolars relacionades amb l’àrea de tecnologia, per a un grup d’alumnes de 3r d’ESO

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    En aquest treball de fi de màster es pretén elaborar una programació de sortides escolars per a un grup d’alumnes de 3r d’ESO. Les sortides escolars són un recurs molt important i útil perquè els alumnes siguin capaços de comprendre la relació que s’estableix entre les feines de la vida quotidiana i dels materials utilitzats, amb els coneixements impartits a classe. Per tant, en el següent treball es realitzarà un estudi de tres sortides per a la matèria de Tecnologia, on es plantejarà una per cada trimestre. Amb la finalitat de relacionar els continguts teòrics que es desenvoluparan a classe, amb les activitats pràctiques (mitjançant fitxes) que els alumnes hauran d’elaborar, al lloc on es realitzi la sortida; de manera que ells mateixos siguin capaços d’entendre la relació establerta entre els continguts teòrics i la pràctica. Els criteris per a l’elecció de les sortides estan relacionats estrictament amb el currículum de 3r curs d’ESO i amb les competències bàsiques que s’han d’assolir. Cal dir que en el primer moment, la idea principal del treball era realitzar l’estudi de les sortides per a un grup amb diversificació curricular de 3r d’ESO, però finalment es va optar per a realitzar una programació de sortides que poguessin ser desenvolupades pels dos tipus de currículum, tant l’ordinari com el diversificat
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