33 research outputs found

    Effectiveness, implementation, and monitoring variables of intermittent hypoxic bicycle training in patients recovered from COVID-19: The AEROBICOVID study

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    Hypoxic exposure is safely associated with exercise for many pathological conditions, providing additional effects on health outcomes. COVID-19 is a new disease, so the physiological repercussions caused by exercise in affected patients and the safety of exposure to hypoxia in these conditions are still unknown. Due to the effects of the disease on the respiratory system and following the sequence of AEROBICOVID research work, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness, tolerance and acute safety of 24 bicycle training sessions performed under intermittent hypoxic conditions through analysis of peripheral oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), blood lactate concentration ([La−]) and symptoms of acute mountain sickness in patients recovered from COVID-19. Participants were allocated to three training groups: the normoxia group (GN) remained in normoxia (inspired fraction of O2 (FiO2) of ~20.9%, a city with 526m altitude) for the entire session; the recovery hypoxia group (GHR) was exposed to hypoxia (FiO2 ~13.5%, corresponding to 3,000m altitude) all the time except during the effort; the hypoxia group (GH) trained in hypoxia (FiO2 ~13.5%) throughout the session. The altitude simulation effectively reduced SpO2 mean with significant differences between groups GN, GHR, andGH, being 96.9(1.6), 95.1(3.1), and 87.7(6.5), respectively. Additionally, the proposed exercise and hypoxic stimuluswaswell-tolerated, since 93% of participants showed no or moderate acutemountain sickness symptoms; maintained nearly 80% of sets at target heart rate; andmost frequently reporting session intensity as an RPE of “3” (moderate). The internal load calculation, analyzed through training impulse (TRIMP), calculated using HR [TRIMPHR = HR * training volume (min)] and RPE [TRIMPRPE = RPE * training volume (min)], showed no significant difference between groups. The current strategy effectively promoted the altitude simulation and monitoring variables, being well-tolerated and safely acute exposure, as the low Lake Louise scores and the stable HR, SpO2, and RPE values showed during the sessions.'USP Vida' Project from USP 3518/2020Integrated Research Projects in Strategic Areas from USP PIPAE 2021.1.10424.1.9PDU EFISAL - Universidad de la Republica 003051-000603-1

    Relation of Offensive Performance during Exclusions and Final Ranking in Female Handball

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    The aim of this study was to determine team offensive performance indicators during exclusions related to the final ranking obtained in the tournament. Twenty-nine matches from the 2017 Pan-American Female Championship played by 10 national teams were analyzed using observational methodology. Cramer’s V and Fisher’s exact test were applied to identify associations between the variables. The Chaid algorithm was used to identify performance variables during inequality situations associated with the final ranking. Results showed that teams ranked 1st to 3rd presented a statistically significant relationship (p < 0.001; ASR 5.2) of being in superiority, scoring on 56.8% of their finalizations, while teams ranked 7th to 10 th showed a tendency of ending their attacks in turnovers under inequality situations (p < 0.00; ASR 3.1). Playing with an empty net during inferiority situations was a predictor of winners belonging to the medalist teams in 76.2% of the analyzed situations. It can be concluded that during numerical superiority, the best-ranked teams better handled their possessions. The substitution of the goalkeeper for a court player during inferiority was a predictor of belonging to the medalist group. Playing with the goalkeeper in goal (playing 5 against 6) when the match status was balanced or unbalanced, was a predictor of losing teams that did not end up in the medalist groups

    Análisis de la carga interna durante una temporada de balonmano femenino adolescente

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    Este estudio examina la carga interna basada en la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) durante una liga regional en jugadoras adolescentes de balonmano, comparando estos parámetros entre la primera y la segunda parte del partido. Un total de 10 jugadoras adolescentes de balonmano participaron en este estudio (edad 14,70 ± 0,67 años (rango, 14-15), masa corporal 55,78 ± 6,80 kg (rango, 46,70-68,90), talla 160,44 ± 8,53 cm (rango, 150,00-177,00), IMC 21,60 ± 1,10 kg/m2 (rango, 19,90-23,10), masa grasa 30,89 ± 3,70 % Masa Grasa (rango, 24,40-35,60) y VO2max 35,00 ± 1,00 ml·min·kg-1 (rango, 33,76-36,00)). El análisis de la frecuencia cardíaca (n=120) fue registrado durante 12 partidos oficiales usando monitores de frecuencia cardiaca. Las demandas individuales fueron categorizada en 6 zonas de intensidad basándose en el % Frecuencia Cardíaca Máxima (FCmáx): zona I: 0-50%; zona II: 51-60%; zona III: 61-70%; zona IV: 71-80%, zona V: 81-90 y zona VI: 91-100% de la FCmáx. La FCmáx Efectiva y Media durante el partido fueron 204,14±6,12 y 185,71±8,33 ppm, respectivamente. Durante la segunda parte, la frecuencia cardiaca máxima efectiva (201.71±5.23 vs 204.15±6.57 ppm; p=0.001) y media efectiva (183.51±8.61 vs 189.67±7.47 ppm; p=0.000) decrecieron en comparación con las primeras partes. Las jugadoras de balonmano adolescente desarrollaron una alta intensidad durante partidos oficiales, siendo más alta en la primera parte comparada con la segunda.This study examined the internal load based on heart rate (HR) in a teenage female handball team, which is playing in a regional league, comparing these parameters between the first and second half of the matches. A total of 10 adolescent female handball players participated in the study (age 14.70 ± 0.67 years (range, 14-15), weight 55.78 ± 6.80 kg (range, 46.70-68.90), height 160.44 ± 8.53 cm (range, 150.00-177.00), BMI 21.60 ± 1.10 kg/m2 (range, 19.90-23.10), fat mass 30.89 ± 3.70 % Fat Mass (range, 24.40-35.60) and VO2max 35.00 ± 1.00 ml·min·kg-1 (range, 33.76-36.00). Heart Rate (n=120) analyses were registered throughout 12 official matches using Heart Rate monitors. Individual demands were categorized into six intensity zones based on % Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax): zone I: 0-50%; zone II: 51-60%; zone III: 61-70%; zone IV: 71-80%, zone V: 81-90 and zone VI: 91-100% of HRmax. Effective maximum and mean Heart Rate in the total match were 204.14±6.12 and 185.71±8.33 b·min-1, respectively. During the second half, effective maximum (201.71±5.23 vs 204.15±6.57 b·min-1; p=0.001) and effective mean (183.51±8.61 vs 189.67±7.47 b·min-1; p=0.000). Heart Rate decreased comparing to the first half. Female adolescent team handball players develop a high intensity during official matches. This intensity is higher in first half compared to the second half.peerReviewe

    High-intensity interval training in normobaric hypoxia leads to greater body fat loss in overweight/obese women than high-intensity interval training in normoxia

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    Un estímulo hipóxico moderado se considera una modalidad terapéutica prometedora para varios estados patológicos, incluida la obesidad. Hay pruebas científicas que sugieren que cuando se combinan la hipoxia y la actividad física, podrían aportar beneficios a la población obesa. El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar si la exposición a la hipoxia combinada con dos protocolos diferentes de ejercicio de intervalo de alta intensidad en mujeres con sobrepeso/obesas era más eficaz en comparación con el ejercicio en la normoxia. Los participantes en el estudio incluyeron 82 mujeres con sobrepeso/obesas, que iniciaron un programa de 12 semanas de 36 sesiones, y fueron divididas al azar en cuatro grupos: (1) entrenamiento de intervalo aeróbico en hipoxia (AitH; FiO2 = 17,2%; n = 13), (2) entrenamiento de intervalo aeróbico en normoxia (AitN; n = 15), (3) entrenamiento de intervalo de sprint en hipoxia (SitH; n = 15), y (4) entrenamiento de intervalo de sprint en normoxia (SitN; n = 18). Se evaluaron la masa corporal, el índice de masa corporal, el porcentaje de masa grasa total, la masa muscular, el índice metabólico basal, la oxidación de grasas y carbohidratos y la energía de las grasas y los carbohidratos. Los resultados se midieron en la línea de base (T1), después de 18 sesiones de entrenamiento (T2), 7 días después de la última sesión (T3) y 4 semanas después de la última sesión (T4). La masa grasa en el grupo SitH se redujo significativamente en comparación con el grupo SitN de T1 a T3 (p < 0,05) y de T1 a T4 (p < 0,05) y la masa muscular aumentó significativamente de T1 a T4 (p < 0,05). La masa grasa en el grupo AitH disminuyó significativamente (p < 0,01) y la masa muscular aumentó (p = 0,022) en comparación con el grupo AitN de T1 a T4. Todos los grupos de entrenamiento mostraron una reducción del porcentaje de masa grasa, con una reducción estadísticamente significativa en los grupos de hipoxia (p < 0,05). La masa muscular aumentó significativamente en los grupos de hipoxia (p < 0,05), especialmente en T4. Mientras que la oxidación de las grasas tendió a aumentar y la oxidación de los hidratos de carbono tendió a disminuir en ambos grupos de hipoxia, la tendencia se invirtió en los grupos de normoxia. Así pues, el entrenamiento con intervalos de alta intensidad bajo hipoxia intermitente normobárica durante 12 semanas en mujeres con sobrepeso/obesas parece ser prometedor para reducir el contenido de grasa corporal con un aumento concomitante de la masa muscular.A moderate hypoxic stimulus is considered a promising therapeutic modality for several pathological states including obesity. There is scientific evidence suggesting that when hypoxia and physical activity are combined, they could provide benefits for the obese population. The aim of the present study was to investigate if exposure to hypoxia combined with two different protocols of high-intensity interval exercise in overweight/obese women was more effective compared with exercise in normoxia. Study participants included 82 overweight/obese women, who started a 12 week program of 36 sessions, and were randomly divided into four groups: (1) aerobic interval training in hypoxia (AitH; FiO2 = 17.2%; n = 13), (2) aerobic interval training in normoxia (AitN; n = 15), (3) sprint interval training in hypoxia (SitH; n = 15), and (4) sprint interval training in normoxia (SitN; n = 18). Body mass, body mass index, percentage of total fat mass, muscle mass, basal metabolic rate, fat, and carbohydrate oxidation, and fat and carbohydrate energy were assessed. Outcomes were measured at baseline (T1), after 18 training sessions (T2), 7 days after the last session (T3), and 4 weeks after the last session (T4). The fat mass in the SitH group was significantly reduced compared with the SitN group from T1 to T3 (p < 0.05) and from T1 to T4 (p < 0.05) and muscle mass increased significantly from T1 to T4 (p < 0.05). Fat mass in the AitH group decreased significantly (p < 0.01) and muscle mass increased (p = 0.022) compared with the AitN group from T1 to T4. All training groups showed a reduction in the percentage of fat mass, with a statistically significant reduction in the hypoxia groups (p < 0.05). Muscle mass increased significantly in the hypoxia groups (p < 0.05), especially at T4. While fat oxidation tended to increase and oxidation of carbohydrates tended to decrease in both hypoxia groups, the tendency was reversed in the normoxia groups. Thus, high-intensity interval training under normobaric intermittent hypoxia for 12 weeks in overweight/obese women seems to be promising for reducing body fat content with a concomitant increase in muscle mass.• Junta de Extremadura. Ayuda GR15020, para el Grupo de investigación GAEDAF • Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Beca FPU15/00450peerReviewe

    Anthropometric and physical performance of youth handball players: The role of the relative age

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    FUNDAMENTOS: El efecto de la edad relativa es esencial a lo largo de todos los procesos de selección de talentos en el deporte, especialmente durante la adolescencia, lo que deja menos atletas dentro de cada cohorte que nacen al final del año seleccionado. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar el papel de la edad relativa en las características antropométricas y de rendimiento físico de los jóvenes jugadores de balonmano por sexo. MÉTODOS: La muestra que se seleccionó incluyó 47 participantes (varón n = 23, mujer n = 24). La recolección de datos incluyó parámetros antropométricos, de composición corporal y de niveles de rendimiento físico. RESULTADOS: Hubo una representación significativamente mayor de jugadores en el primer semestre en comparación con el segundo semestre, para todos los grupos de género, excepto para los jugadores masculinos seleccionados. En los varones, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en altura, altura sentada, peso, envergadura, circunferencias de brazos y piernas, y en la velocidad de los lanzamientos (en apoyo y en suspensión) entre los jugadores que nacieron en el primer y segundo semestre. CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados confirmaron un efecto de edad relativa en los jugadores nacidos en 2002 que fueron seleccionados para participar en el Campeonato de España, que fue diferente para hombres y mujeres. A pesar de este efecto, que sólo apareció en las hembras, aparecieron diferencias significativas en las condiciones antropométricas y físicas de los jugadores masculinos.BACKGROUND: The relative age effect is essential throughout all of the talent selection processes in sports, especially during adolescence, which leaves fewer athletes within each cohort that are born late in the selected year. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of relative age in anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of youth handball players by gender. METHODS: The sample that was selected included 47 participants (male n = 23, female n = 24). The data collection included anthropometric, body compositions parameters, and physical performance levels. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher representation of players in the first semester in comparison with the second semester, for all of the gender groups, except for the selected male players. In males, statistically significant differences were found in height, sitting height, weight, wingspan, arm and leg circumferences, and in throws speed (in support and in suspension) between those players that were born in the first and second semester. CONCLUSION: The results confirmed an effect of relative age in the players born in 2002 that were selected to participate in the Spanish Championship, which was different for males and females. In spite of this effect, which only appeared in females, significant differences in the anthropometric and physical conditions appeared in the male players.• Junta de Extremadura y Programa FEDER. bECA gr15020 • Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes. Beca FPU15/00450 y FPU15/00452peerReviewe

    Acute effects of block jumps in female volleyball players: the role of performance level

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    Aunque el papel de la capacidad de salto en las jugadoras de voleibol es bien conocido, el efecto de la fatiga en esta habilidad no es bien conocido. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar el efecto de una serie de saltos en bloque (BJ) en la capacidad de salto y si varía según el nivel de rendimiento. Diez jugadores de voleibol femenino de élite (EG) y 11 aficionados (AG) realizaron una intervención de fatiga que consistió en 45 BJ, que se probaron para el salto de sentadilla (SJ), el salto de contramovimiento (CMJ) y BJ antes y después de la intervención. Índice de elasticidad (EI): (100 x (CMJ - SJ) / SJ) e índice de coordinación de las extremidades superiores (ULCI): se calcularon (100 x (BJ - CMJ) / CMJ). Después de la intervención, EG mostró una disminución de 4.40% en la altura de BJ (p = 0.04; ES = 0.40), mientras que AG presentó un aumento de 1.27%, que no fue significativo (p = 0.57; ES = 0.07). Sin embargo, EG y AG no presentaron diferencias significativas en SJ (p = 0.965 y p = 0.655) y CMJ (p = 0.742 yp = 0.211) cuando se compararon los valores iniciales con la intervención posterior. Aunque EI y ULCI no mostraron diferencias significativas después de la intervención en ningún grupo (AG: p = 0.989 y p = 0.114; EG: p = 0.242 yp = 0.205, respectivamente), AG presentó un tamaño de efecto medio (ES = 0.50) en EI y una pequeña en ULCI (ES = 0.37), también EG mostró un efecto medio-grande en ULCI (ES = 0.75). Estos hallazgos sugieren que el rendimiento de EG en BJ tiende a disminuir al final de una práctica específica de entrenamiento de salto. Por lo tanto, los entrenadores y preparadores físicos que trabajan con jugadores de voleibol de élite deben concentrarse en los ejercicios para mantener la capacidad de salto durante un partido.Although the role of jumping ability in female volleyball players is well recognised, the effect of fatigue on this ability is not well known. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of a series of block jumps (BJ) on jumping ability and whether it varies by performance level. Ten elite (EG) and 11 amateur (AG) female volleyball players performed a fatigue intervention consisting of 45 BJ, being tested for squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ) and BJ before and after the intervention. Elasticity index (EI): (100 x (CMJ - SJ)/SJ) and upper limbs coordination index (ULCI): (100 x (BJ - CMJ)/CMJ) were calculated. After the intervention, EG showed a decrease of 4.40% in BJ height (p = 0.04; ES = 0.40), whereas AG presented an increase of 1.27%, which was not significant (p = 0.57; ES = 0.07). However, EG and AG presented no significant differences in SJ (p = 0.965 and p = 0.655) and CMJ (p = 0.742 and p = 0.211) when comparing baseline with post-intervention. Although EI and ULCI showed no significant differences after intervention in any group (AG: p = 0.989 and p = 0.114; EG: p = 0.242 and p = 0.205, respectively), AG presented a medium effect size (ES = 0.50) in EI and a small one in ULCI (ES = 0.37), also EG showed a medium-large effect in ULCI (ES = 0.75). These findings suggest that EG performance in BJ tends to decrease at the end of a specific jump training practice. Therefore, coaches and fitness trainers working with elite volleyball players should focus on exercises to maintain jumping ability during a match.• Junta de Extremadura. Ayuda GR15020peerReviewe

    Effects of core training on muscular power of handball goalkeepers

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    La eficacia del portero supone una variable de rendimiento muy importante al tratarse el balonmano de un deporte de finalización. La preparación del portero debe ser específica e individual, y necesita de medios de entrenamiento, metodologías y control adaptados al puesto. Sorprendentemente, aún persisten en la actualidad propuestas de entrenamiento que no atienden a esta especificidad. El objetivo del estudio fue comprobar los efectos que un modelo de entrenamiento físico-técnico basado en el Core produce en la potencia muscular del tren superior e inferior de porteros de balonmano amateur. Cuatro porteros de categoría sénior masculina realizaron un entrenamiento de fuerza-estabilidad del Core. Antes y después de esta intervención el rendimiento en saltos, la potencia muscular y la fuerza del Core fueron evaluados. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en ninguna de las variables después de 4 semanas de entrenamiento. En conclusión, un programa de entrenamiento físico-técnico de 12 sesiones, no es suficiente para mejorar el rendimiento en saltos, en la potencia del tren superior e inferior ni en la fuerza del Core de porteros de balonmano amateurs, siendo necesarios más estudios aplicados sobre una mayor muestra de porteros y que estudien la evolución de estas variables a largo plazo.Goalkeeper efficacy is a very important performance variable, due to handball is a finalization sport, that is, each action finishes in a throw or action next to opposite goal. Therefore, goalkeeper training should be individual and specific. This position needs methods of training, methodology and control that adapted to goalkeeper. Currently, some coaches used to apply training design that is not pay attention to this specificity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a physical-technique training on muscular power of handball goalkeeper. Four senior male goalkeepers performed for 4 weeks a strength-stability core training program. Jump performance, upper and lower limb power and strength Core were measured before and after the training period. Significant improvements in performance variables were not observed. In summary, the main findings of the study indicated that 12 sessions of physical-technique training did not result in any improvement muscular power on handball goalkeeper performance. More studies are needed on a larger sample of goalkeepers and to study the evolution of these variables in the long term.peerReviewe

    Comparison of cold water immersion protocols in female handball players after match training

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    Purpose: Compare the effect of two protocols cold water immersion on indicators of recovery in female handball players. Methods: 12 female handball players (Age: 14 ± 0.7 years, body mass: 58.44 ± 7.8 kg, Height: 161± 7.1 cm, fat %: 21.5± 3) were involved in a “cross-over” experimental design. After three training sessions (Avg heart rate 183 ± 9, 180 ± 8 and 180 ± 8b/pm respectively), participants were placed a continuous cold water immersion protocol (n=12), (12 min water temperature 14± 0.5C°), intermittent cold water immersion protocol (n=11), (4 x 2 min water temperature 14 ± 0.5C° + 1min out of water) and control group (CG) with passive recovery (n=9). Countermovement jump test (CMJ), Visual Analog Scale (VAS-Pain) and thigh volume were measured. Results: Both cold water immersion protocols were effective in reducing the pain immediately post immersion, 24 and 48 hours after training compared with the CG (F (4,116) = 6.84, p < 0.001. ωp²: 0.32). CMJ (F (4,116) = 1,79, p =.11, ωp²: 0.02) and thigh volume (F (4,116) = 0.77, p =.59, ωp²: -0.007) did not report statistically significant changes at any time of measurement. Conclusions: Both CWI protocols are effective to reduce delayed on set muscle soreness at all times post training in female handball players. CWI should be included after training sessions to enhance players’ recovery for the next training day. CWI protocol could be used according to individual preferences due to both of them have same effect in psychological indicators of recovery

    Efecto de un estímulo agudo de hipoxia sobre la velocidad de movimiento en un ejercicio de fuerza del tren superior

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    En general, el entrenamiento de fuerza tiene un potente efecto para incrementar el tamaño y la fuerza del músculo esquelético (Kraeme, Fleck & Evans, 1995). El uso de un estímulo de hipoxia durante el entrenamiento comenzó a desarrollarse a través de técnicas de restricción del flujo sanguíneo (Takarada et al., 2000). Un estímulo similar lo podemos llevar a cabo mediante el uso de cámaras de hipoxia y a través de sistemas de entrenamiento intermitente (Lundby, Calbet, Robach, 2009). La adicción de este estímulo hipóxico al entrenamiento podría incrementar la hipertrofia muscular y la ganancia de fuerza. Objetivo: Analizar los efectos de un entrenamiento de fuerza del tren superior en condiciones de hipoxia sobre el número de repeticiones y la velocidad del movimiento.In general, strength training has a powerful effect in increasing the size and strength of skeletal muscle (Kraeme, Fleck & Evans, 1995). The use of a hypoxia stimulus during training began to develop through blood flow restriction techniques (Takarada et al., 2000). A similar stimulus can be carried out through the use of hypoxia cameras and through intermittent training systems (Lundby, Calbet, Robach, 2009). The addition of this hypoxic stimulus to training could increase muscle hypertrophy and strength gain. Objective: To analyze the effects of superior train strength training in hypoxic conditions on the number of repetitions and the speed of movement.peerReviewe