187 research outputs found

    Kant and Heidegger on Environmental Ethics: A Comparative Study

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    Immanuel Kant is a German modern philosopher. His contribution to philosophy is that he reconciled rationalism and empiricism. However, Kant believes that human beings are the cause of environmental hazards and not animals directly. Martin Heidegger is a German contemporary philosopher. He is called “the philosopher of Beings”. He is not against science and technology but the abuse that destroy nature. From him, he says: “Let beings be”, The problem is that both Kant and Heidegger accept that human beings are the cause of environmental troubles. Humans are to be warned and they should know that we are only care takers of nature and we should not destroy it so that generations after us will not suffer. Our method is textual analysis. It means a critical look at the original works of Kant and Heidegger and commentaries written on them by other writers to discover the similarities and differences in our authors

    The place of phenomenology and existentialism in African society, in particular, Nigeria: a philosophical analysis

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    Phenomenology and Existentialism represent an attitude or qualities that emphasize human existence, that is, the distinctive qualities of individual persons rather than man in the abstract or nature and the world in general. Phenomenology and Existentialism are closely related movements; this is because they revolt against the methods of traditional African society. However, we have a problem and the problem is that Phenomenology and Existentialism are personal and individualistic philosophy. How can it be relevant to the African society that is communal? In this work, we tried to make Phenomenology and Existentialism relevant to the African society, especially Nigeria judging from the fact that individual persons make up the community. Our method is a critical look at the works written on phenomenology and existentialism and also on Africa in order to discover the relevance in Nigeria.Keywords: Phenomenology, Existentialism, Africa, Nigeri

    Martin Heidegger on Temporality: Its Moral Implication on Society

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    Martin Heidegger is one of the contemporary philosophers; he is a mystic reflecting on Being. He believes that all philosophers from ancient to contemporary periods had forgotten Being. His contribution to philosophy is to recover the real meaning of Being. For him, Being is spacio-temporal which means Being is anchored in space and time. According to Heidegger “Being” is a mystery that can be approached but it cannot be penetrated. Heidegger’s temporality includes: past, present and future and they are interconnected. Heidegger’s discussion on time as future does not involve lasting future but immediate future. Therefore, Heidegger’s temporality lacks “eternity”. Indeed, any society that the members accept only “now” and “immediate future” and they do not believe in “eternity” life becomes a do-or-die affair. It means that the society is materialistic, and we are running the race of self-survival, self-preservation, that we cannot donate for the welfare of others and also for good neighbourliness. Our method is to reflect on the original works of Heidegger and commentaries written on him by other authors to see the implications for the society

    Altruism, Its Relevance for the Individual in the Contemporary Society: A Philosophical Perspective

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    In our contemporary society, people no longer care for others, not because of the recession but because they are egotistic. The individuals are only after what they can gain or collect from other people without rendering any service and this is problematic. In this work, we are to reject and correct this bad behaviour in our society and introduce “altruism” which means selfless-concern for others. This is because life is not only about duration but is all about donation. Our method is textual analysis. It is a critical look at what is written on altruism, egoism, universalistic life in order to know what Altruism really is and how it can influence the individual in the society so that the world can be a better place.Key words: Altruism, Egoism, Universalistic and societ

    The Problem of Being in Hegel

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    The answer to the question ‘what is being’? it is a difficult question. The difficulty comes because the term “being” has different understanding right from ancient to contemporary period. But we have a problem and the person who created this problem is Parmenides of Elea who says being “is” and non-being “is not”. This problem continues among philosophers those who accepted Parmenides position and those who rejected it. But it was Hegel who attempted to give solution to this problem by saying that in being there is non-being.LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(3), 235-246, 201

    Improving Community Healthcare: A Qualitative Evaluation Of The Neighborhood Team Model In West Essex

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    A qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the Neighbourhood Team Model of the National Health Service in West Essex. The West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) initiated the community healthcare-based neighbourhood teams in West Essex in October 2015. A neighbourhood team consists of all levels of health and social care providers but is concentrated on a smaller, local population. The proposed Neighbourhood Team Model was developed to allow providers to better deliver efficient patient-centred healthcare. For the past six months, the West Essex CCG encountered challenges in implementing the model to seven local areas within West Essex. To evaluate the progress of this initiative, 24 participants were purposely selected for interviews to assess the challenges and potential for the Neighbourhood Team Model. Participants consisted of key stakeholders from the West Essex CCG, primary care, the voluntary sector, social care, and one of the main health centres in West Essex, Princess Alexandra Hospital. Ten major themes, 30 sub-themes, and over 30 practical suggestions for the implementation of the model were identified through the interview transcripts

    A study of pattern of self medication practices among medical students in government medical college of Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Background: Self medication practice has tremendously increased in the society that leads to unwanted consequences such as drug resistance and adverse drug reactions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the self-medication practices among the second year medical students of Government Medical College, Sagar.Methods: It was a questionnaire based descriptive study. A prevalidated questionnaire were given to the second year medical students. Data were analyzed using excel sheet and result were expressed as counts and percentages.Results: Males outnumber females in this study, 40 versus 35. The most common indication for which self medication was opted was cold and cough. The most common source of information used by the respondent were text book (61.29%) and pharmacist (45.16%). The attitude was positive towards self medication and favored self-medication saying that it was acceptable. Drug groups commonly used for self-medication included analgesics 77.41% and antipyuretics 50% and anta-acids 48.38%. Among reasons for seeking self-medication, 79.03% felt that their illness was minor while 64.51% preferred as it is due to previous experience.Conclusions: This study shows that self-medication is widely practiced among second year medical students of this institution. There is intense need to make them aware about the pros and cons of self-medication in order to ensure safe usage of drugs

    Alawa Toumi

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    Entrepreneurial Skills Required by Secondary School Graduates for Economic Success in Cocoa Production in Ikom Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to identify entrepreneurial skills required by Secondary School Graduates for Economic Success in Cocoa Production in Ikom Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Five research questions guided the study and five hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted the descriptive survey design using a sample of 75 purposively drawn from a population of 275 registered cocoa farmers in the study area. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire which was face validated by three experts and with a Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of 0.89. Independent t-test analysis was utilized to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that all the ident5ified skill items in the area of planning, management, production farm level processing and marketing were required by secondary school graduates for economic success in cocoa production. Based on the findings recommendations were made. Keywords: Entrepreneurial,  Skills, Graduates, Ikom, Nigeria

    Studies in protein supplementation of low-quality roughage feeds

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    The work described in this thesis investigates the influence of the source of supplementary protein (N x 6.25) on the nutritive value of low protein roughage feeds. Protein supplements degrade to varying degrees in the rumen and a recognition of the protein needs of the ruminant animal separate from that of the rumen micro-organisms which reside in their digestive tract implies that various protein supplements may differ in their effects on feed utilisation and productivity of animals given roughage diets low in crude protein. In Section 1 proteins differing in rate and extent of ruminal degradation were compared as supplements to straw fed to sheep and beef cows. In Experiment 1, formaldehyde-treated soya bean meal, with approximately 80% reduced ruminal degradation due to treatment, was compared with untreated soya bean meal in mixed diets of straw and concentrate (3:1 on fresh weight basis) and adult wether sheep were restricted-fed. Total diet digestibility was not affected but nitrogen digestibility was depressed while rumen ammonia-nitrogen production and blood urea levels were reduced as a result of formaldehyde treatment. In Experiment 2, involving diets similar to those fed in Experiment 1 but in a ratio (straw:concentrate) of 3:2, growing wether sheep were fed the straw portion approximately ad libitum. Total diet digestibility was also unaffected although voluntary straw intakes were marginally reduced due to formaldehyde treatment. Rumen liquor ammonia-nitrogen and blood urea were also reduced due to treatment. In both Experiments 1 and 2 there was a gradual adjustment to low dietary protein with time, indicating a nitrogen economy by the sheep. In Experiment 3 with beef cows during months 5-8 of pregnancy, urea, untreated and formaldehyde-treated soya bean meal were compared with molassed and unmolassed sugar-beet pulp and rolled barley as the main energy supplements. The overall results showed that, for the three main protein supplements, straw DM intakes were highest for urea and lowest for formaldehyde-treated soya bean meal, with untreated soya bean meal being intermediate. This apparent increase in straw intake in response to ruminal degradability of the source of supplementary protein was confirmed in a significant linear relationship between straw DM consumption and RDP intake for the twelve dietary treatments. Rolled barley promoted higher straw intakes as an energy source than sugar-beet pulp. In Experiment 4, with lactating beef cows and their calves, untreated and formaldehyde-treated soya bean meal were also fed with either molassed sugar-beet pulp or barley and straw was given ad libitum. Formaldehyde treatment did not reduce straw consumption and its effect in increasing milk yield was marginal. There was also evidence that straw consumption responded to RDP intakes although a protein x energy supplement interaction reduced the sensitivity of this relationship. For the main energy supplements, barley promoted higher intakes than molassed sugar-beet pulp. In Section 2, other less popularly used protein sources, such as brewers grains and peas, were evaluated as protein supplements, in view of the increasing costs of feed supplements. In Experiment 5, the rumen degradabilities of both wet and dry brewers grains and their effects on voluntary straw intakes were studied. In Experiment 5.1 it was found that over half of the CP contained in wet or dry brewers grains was degraded in the rumen and that drying did not affect the effective degradability of protein in brewers grains. In Experiment 5.2 beef cows in months 5-8 of pregnancy were offered straw ad libitum and either dry or wet brewers grains unsupplemented or supplemented with urea. Neither voluntary straw intake nor digestibility was affected by treatment but significant linear relationships were found between RDP intake on the one hand and rumen ammonia nitrogen production, plasma urea and straw DM consumption on the other. There was also a significant linear relationship between rumen ammonia-nitrogen production and plasma urea concentrations. In Experiment 6 the chemical composition of tropical and temperate varieties of peas was studied. One particular variety of temperate peas was further evaluated as a protein supplement by comparison with brewers grains and a combination of rolled barley and soya bean meal, with straw fed ad libitum to pregnant cows
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