544 research outputs found

    Energy landscapes, lowest gaps, and susceptibility of elastic manifolds at zero temperature

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    We study the effect of an external field on (1+1) and (2+1) dimensional elastic manifolds, at zero temperature and with random bond disorder. Due to the glassy energy landscape the configuration of a manifold changes often in abrupt, ``first order'' -type of large jumps when the field is applied. First the scaling behavior of the energy gap between the global energy minimum and the next lowest minimum of the manifold is considered, by employing exact ground state calculations and an extreme statistics argument. The scaling has a logarithmic prefactor originating from the number of the minima in the landscape, and reads ΔE1Lθ[ln(LzLζ)]1/2\Delta E_1 \sim L^\theta [\ln(L_z L^{-\zeta})]^{-1/2}, where ζ\zeta is the roughness exponent and θ\theta is the energy fluctuation exponent of the manifold, LL is the linear size of the manifold, and LzL_z is the system height. The gap scaling is extended to the case of a finite external field and yields for the susceptibility of the manifolds χtotL2D+1θ[(1ζ)ln(L)]1/2\chi_{tot} \sim L^{2D+1-\theta} [(1-\zeta)\ln(L)]^{1/2}. We also present a mean field argument for the finite size scaling of the first jump field, h1Ldθh_1 \sim L^{d-\theta}. The implications to wetting in random systems, to finite-temperature behavior and the relation to Kardar-Parisi-Zhang non-equilibrium surface growth are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Dynamic hysteresis in cyclic deformation of crystalline solids

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    The hysteresis or internal friction in the deformation of crystalline solids stressed cyclically is studied from the viewpoint of collective dislocation dynamics. Stress-controlled simulations of a dislocation dynamics model at various loading frequencies and amplitudes are performed to study the stress - strain rate hysteresis. The hysteresis loop areas exhibit a maximum at a characteristic frequency and a power law frequency dependence in the low frequency limit, with the power law exponent exhibiting two regimes, corresponding to the jammed and the yielding/moving phases of the system, respectively. The first of these phases exhibits non-trivial critical-like viscoelastic dynamics, crossing over to intermittent viscoplastic deformation for higher stress amplitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    A periodic elastic medium in which periodicity is relevant

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    We analyze, in both (1+1)- and (2+1)- dimensions, a periodic elastic medium in which the periodicity is such that at long distances the behavior is always in the random-substrate universality class. This contrasts with the models with an additive periodic potential in which, according to the field theoretic analysis of Bouchaud and Georges and more recently of Emig and Nattermann, the random manifold class dominates at long distances in (1+1)- and (2+1)-dimensions. The models we use are random-bond Ising interfaces in hypercubic lattices. The exchange constants are random in a slab of size Ld1×λL^{d-1} \times \lambda and these coupling constants are periodically repeated along either {10} or {11} (in (1+1)-dimensions) and {100} or {111} (in (2+1)-dimensions). Exact ground-state calculations confirm scaling arguments which predict that the surface roughness ww behaves as: wL2/3,LLcw \sim L^{2/3}, L \ll L_c and wL1/2,LLcw \sim L^{1/2}, L \gg L_c, with Lcλ3/2L_c \sim \lambda^{3/2} in (1+1)(1+1)-dimensions and; wL0.42,LLcw \sim L^{0.42}, L \ll L_c and wln(L),LLcw \sim \ln(L), L \gg L_c, with Lcλ2.38L_c \sim \lambda^{2.38} in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensions.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Intermittence and roughening of periodic elastic media

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    We analyze intermittence and roughening of an elastic interface or domain wall pinned in a periodic potential, in the presence of random-bond disorder in (1+1) and (2+1) dimensions. Though the ensemble average behavior is smooth, the typical behavior of a large sample is intermittent, and does not self-average to a smooth behavior. Instead, large fluctuations occur in the mean location of the interface and the onset of interface roughening is via an extensive fluctuation which leads to a jump in the roughness of order λ\lambda, the period of the potential. Analytical arguments based on extreme statistics are given for the number of the minima of the periodicity visited by the interface and for the roughening cross-over, which is confirmed by extensive exact ground state calculations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Power spectra of self-organized critical sandpiles

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    We analyze the power spectra of avalanches in two classes of self-organized critical sandpile models, the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld model and the Manna model. We show that these decay with a 1/fα1/f^\alpha power law, where the exponent value α\alpha is significantly smaller than 2 and equals the scaling exponent relating the avalanche size to its duration. We discuss the basic ingredients behind this result, such as the scaling of the average avalanche shape.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Effect of Disorder and Notches on Crack Roughness

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    We analyze the effect of disorder and notches on crack roughness in two dimensions. Our simulation results based on large system sizes and extensive statistical sampling indicate that the crack surface exhibits a universal local roughness of ζloc=0.71\zeta_{loc} = 0.71 and is independent of the initial notch size and disorder in breaking thresholds. The global roughness exponent scales as ζ=0.87\zeta = 0.87 and is also independent of material disorder. Furthermore, we note that the statistical distribution of crack profile height fluctuations is also independent of material disorder and is described by a Gaussian distribution, albeit deviations are observed in the tails.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Network inference using asynchronously updated kinetic Ising Model

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    Network structures are reconstructed from dynamical data by respectively naive mean field (nMF) and Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP) approximations. For TAP approximation, we use two methods to reconstruct the network: a) iteration method; b) casting the inference formula to a set of cubic equations and solving it directly. We investigate inference of the asymmetric Sherrington- Kirkpatrick (S-K) model using asynchronous update. The solutions of the sets cubic equation depend of temperature T in the S-K model, and a critical temperature Tc is found around 2.1. For T < Tc, the solutions of the cubic equation sets are composed of 1 real root and two conjugate complex roots while for T > Tc there are three real roots. The iteration method is convergent only if the cubic equations have three real solutions. The two methods give same results when the iteration method is convergent. Compared to nMF, TAP is somewhat better at low temperatures, but approaches the same performance as temperature increase. Both methods behave better for longer data length, but for improvement arises, TAP is well pronounced.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Collective roughening of elastic lines with hard core interaction in a disordered environment

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    We investigate by exact optimization methods the roughening of two and three-dimensional systems of elastic lines with point disorder and hard-core repulsion with open boundary conditions. In 2d we find logarithmic behavior whereas in 3d simple random walk-like behavior. The line 'forests' become asymptotically completely entangled as the system height is increased at fixed line density due to increasing line wandering

    Scaling of interfaces in brittle fracture and perfect plasticity

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    The roughness properties of two-dimensional fracture surfaces as created by the slow failure of random fuse networks are considered and compared to yield surfaces of perfect plasticity with similar disorder. By studying systems up to a linear size L=350 it is found that in the cases studied the fracture surfaces exhibit self-affine scaling with a roughness exponent close to 2/3, which is asymptotically exactly true for plasticity though finite-size effects are evident for both. The overlap of yield or minimum energy and fracture surfaces with exactly the same disorder configuration is shown to be a decreasing function of the system size and to be of a rather large magnitude for all cases studied. The typical ``overlap cluster'' length between pairs of such interfaces converges to a constant with LL increasing.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Particle Survival and Polydispersity in Aggregation

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    We study the probability, PS(t)P_S(t), of a cluster to remain intact in one-dimensional cluster-cluster aggregation when the cluster diffusion coefficient scales with size as D(s)sγD(s) \sim s^\gamma. PS(t)P_S(t) exhibits a stretched exponential decay for γ<0\gamma < 0 and the power-laws t3/2t^{-3/2} for γ=0\gamma=0, and t2/(2γ)t^{-2/(2-\gamma)} for 0<γ<20<\gamma<2. A random walk picture explains the discontinuous and non-monotonic behavior of the exponent. The decay of PS(t)P_S(t) determines the polydispersity exponent, τ\tau, which describes the size distribution for small clusters. Surprisingly, τ(γ)\tau(\gamma) is a constant τ=0\tau = 0 for 0<γ<20<\gamma<2.Comment: submitted to Europhysics Letter