5 research outputs found
Regional Innovation Policy in Latin America: Exploratory Analysis
Despite past failures related to industrial policy, most Latin American countries see the regional perspective as a viable alternative for innovation policy. This paper explores how regional innovation policy is implemented in some regions of Lain America. The study considers 14 regions located in 4 countries: Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Peru. The study analyzes the perceptions of experts about the policy instruments implemented in each region and the regional capacity to implement their own initiatives. The results show that different types of instruments are implemented; however, the capacity to implement regional policies differs among them, and the policy at national level could affect it. It is concluded that the regional innovation policy needs the political empowerment of local territories and the management of geographical and non-geographical aspects. Likewise, the technological aspect could be key when local territories have low political empowerment.Despite past failures related to industrial policy, most Latin American countries see the regional perspective as a viable alternative for innovation policy. This paper explores how regional innovation policy is implemented in some regions of Lain America. The study considers 14 regions located in 4 countries: Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Peru. The study analyzes the perceptions of experts about the policy instruments implemented in each region and the regional capacity to implement their own initiatives. The results show that different types of instruments are implemented; however, the capacity to implement regional policies differs among them, and the policy at national level could affect it. It is concluded that the regional innovation policy needs the political empowerment of local territories and the management of geographical and non-geographical aspects. Likewise, the technological aspect could be key when local territories have low political empowerment
Regional Innovation Policy in Latin America: Exploratory Analysis
Despite past failures related to industrial policy, most Latin American countries see the regional perspective as a viable alternative for innovation policy. This paper explores how regional innovation policy is implemented in some regions of Lain America. The study considers 14 regions located in 4 countries: Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Peru. The study analyzes the perceptions of experts about the policy instruments implemented in each region and the regional capacity to implement their own initiatives. The results show that different types of instruments are implemented; however, the capacity to implement regional policies differs among them, and the policy at national level could affect it. It is concluded that the regional innovation policy needs the political empowerment of local territories and the management of geographical and non-geographical aspects. Likewise, the technological aspect could be key when local territories have low political empowerment
Challenges for the Promotion of Innovation and R&D in Latin America: A Territorial Perspective
This chapter aims to analyze the current state of innovation promotion, mainly from a territorial and regional perspective in Latin America. It briefly describes the historical process that led to the relevance of the regional innovation policy. Thus, it also analyzes the orientation, degree of development, maturity, and role of the organizations in charge of promoting regional innovation initiatives. It shows that each region has its own process of adapting to the new challenges of promoting innovation from the territory. The existence of factors contributing to or limiting this process is also observed, some of which may be political, technological, or even cultural. Likewise, the chapter discusses some challenges, dilemmas, and opportunities that some regions of Latin America face. It is intended, with this analysis, to present knowledge that can be useful to public or private organizations in developing countries, which seek to design strategies to promote innovation with an emphasis on the regional level
An谩lisis t茅cnico y econ贸mico de alternativas de mitigaci贸n de distorci贸n arm贸nica en la Planta Tintorer铆a y Acabados de Michell S. A.
La distorsi贸n arm贸nica genera problemas tangibles que afectan negativamente la
productividad industrial. Aunque las soluciones de filtros activos se han difundido m谩s
ampliamente, la aplicaci贸n de filtros pasivos, podr铆an permitir alcanzar menores costos y
por ende mayores 铆ndices de costo beneficio.
Michell S.A. es una de las principales empresas de textiles de alpaca. Los procesos
de su planta industrial incluyen una serie de operaciones que requieren del uso de
variadores de velocidad. Esto ha llevado al incremento de la contaminaci贸n arm贸nica por
encima de los valores recomendados.
El objetivo general del presente trabajo, es analizar t茅cnica y econ贸micamente las
alternativas de mitigaci贸n de distorsi贸n arm贸nica en la planta tintorer铆a y acabados de
Michell S.A.
Para desarrollar el trabajo, se levant贸 data de calidad de energ铆a, con un analizador
de redes clase A. Adem谩s, se realizaron simulaciones con el programa demo
EASYPOWER, logr谩ndose completar 10 escenarios. Luego se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de costo
beneficio entre las mejore alternativas.
Los resultados muestran que el tipo de filtro, la cantidad y su ubicaci贸n, son factores
significativos en funci贸n de la capacidad para reducir la distorsi贸n arm贸nica. Se
identificaron tres mejores soluciones:(1) Un filtro pasivo en serie tipo notch, sintonizado en
arm贸nico 5 y colocado en bus 4 (cerca de PCC); (2) Un filtro pasivo en serie tipo notch,
sintonizado en arm贸nico 5 y colocado en bus 6 (cerca de contaminaci贸n mayoritaria); (3)
Dos filtros pasivos en serie tipo notch, sintonizados en arm贸nico 5 y 7 respectivamente,
colocados en bus 6 (cerca de contaminaci贸n mayoritaria)
Remoci贸n de cianuro mediante procesos de oxidaci贸n en muestras de agua contaminada a nivel laboratorio
La presente Tesis tuvo como principal objetivo remover la concentraci贸n de cianuro
mediante procesos de oxidaci贸n utilizando como oxidante el hipoclorito de sodio y
per贸xido de hidr贸geno en el tratamiento de muestras contaminadas a nivel de
laboratorio, as铆 mismo determinar las dosis 贸ptimas de remoci贸n teniendo en
cuenta dos tiempos de contacto, de 15 y 30 minutos respectivamente.
La evaluaci贸n de dosificaci贸n del oxidante per贸xido de hidr贸geno estuvo evaluada
con una concentraci贸n de patr贸n de 70 gr/L y en margen de dosis de 100, 130, 150,
170 y 200 mg/L, mientras que para el oxidante hipoclorito de sodio la concentraci贸n
patr贸n fue de 100 gr/L en margen de las dosis de 20, 30, 40, 50 y 70 mg/L.
Finalmente se obtuvo que la aplicaci贸n del m茅todo de oxidaci贸n avanzada resulta
ser altamente eficiente para la reducci贸n de cianuro contenido en efluentes, siendo
el mejor porcentaje de remoci贸n encontrado de 99.97% con una dosis de H2O2 de
200 mg/L y 70 mg/L de NaClO, en un tiempo de contacto de 30 minutos. As铆 mismo
se demostr贸 que el compuesto per贸xido de hidr贸geno tiene un efecto
significativamente alto en la remoci贸n de cianuro, mientras que el oxidante
hipoclorito de sodio no tiene efecto significativo en la remoci贸n de cianuro. Cabe
agregar que para el desarrollo de la investigaci贸n se tom贸 como valor permitido
para el compuesto cianuro el L铆mite del Decreto Supremo N掳 010-2010-MINAM