70 research outputs found

    The Prevalence of Addiction to Social Networking Sites and Its Impact on Well-Being among Students of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

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    The emergence of Social Networking Sites (SNS) has been changing many aspects of the students’ daily activities positively. But, inappropriate use of social networking sites may have negative effects like Social Networking Sites Addiction (SNSA) and disturbance of psychological and social well-being. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of SNSA and its impact on well-being among Addis Ababa University, Main Campus students. A cross-sectional research design was employed to collect and analyse data for the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select participants from the colleges. Two hundred nineteen (290) samples (141 males and 132 females) were selected from the total 1,143 3rd year students in the Campus. A standardized and pilot tested questionnaire was used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics such as percentage and frequency, independent samples t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s Product-Moment correlation coefficient and linear regression were employed to analyse the data. The finding revealed that majority of the respondents was at the age of 21 - 25. All of the participants included in the analysis were a member of at least one SNS and most of them access SNS several times per day. According to the findings, 3.3% of participants were severely addicted to SNS and there is no gender difference in SNSA. The findings also showed that there was a statistically significant negative correlation between SNSA and both Psychological and Social Well-being. Moreover, recommendations were drawn based on the findings of the study. Keywords: Addiction, Prevalence, Social Networking Sites, Well-being DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/95-01 Publication date: January 31st 2021

    Appraising Students Feelings Concerning Wolaita Language Education in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia: Focus in Grades 7 and 8

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    The main purpose of the study was to assess primary school learners thoughts regarding Wolaita language education in two selected primary schools of Wolaita Zone The participants of the study were purposely selected ten students from grades seven and eight Moreover four teachers from both schools and three city administration education experts were involved in the study Two instruments were used to collect the data a likert scale questionnaire and interview Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed to obtain the results Hence the findings of the study disclosed that many students were interested to learn in Wolaita language and at the same time some students were not interested to learn in Wolaita language and still needed further intervention to optimize their attitude The findings also indicated that some learners irrelevant feelings affected the progress of mother tongue instruction by making learners feel negatively towards Wolaita language instruction and by making learners do not give due value for Wolaita language instruction According to the findings providing training working cooperatively teachers commitments establishing conducive classroom environment managing classroom effectively and sharing experiences with better schools were some of the possible ways to optimize learners feelings towards mother tongue instruction in lower primary school

    An Investigation of Teachers’ Practice of Teaching Vocabulary in EFL Class: The Case of Otona Secondary School English Language Teachers

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    This study is aimed to investigate teachers’ practice of teaching vocabulary in EFL classes. It was conducted at Otona Secondary School on English Language teachers. The descriptive research design was employed to achieve the intended aim of the study. In this study, 18 English language teachers were taken as participants through purposive sampling technique. Interview and classroom observation were used to collect data from the participant English language teachers. The data collected through interview and classroom observation were analyzed qualitatively based on the research objectives. The findings revealed that English language teachers did not give great emphasis on vocabulary instruction to create a participatory classroom through vocabulary lesson; as result, students could not engage new words in meaningful context. Based these findings, conclusions and recommendations were made. Keywords: Teachers, Practice, Vocabulary, and Teaching DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/66-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Assessing Classroom Management Experience of Local Language Teachers in Ligaba Primary School in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia: Focus on Wolaita language

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    The main aim of the study was to evaluate classroom management experience of local language teachers at Ligaba Primary school in Wolaita Zone of Ethiopia. The participants of the study were purposively selected six students from grade-5 and six teachers who were teaching that grade. Two tools were used to gather data: questionnaire and interview. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed to obtain the results. The study clearly disclosed that there were gaps regarding teachers' time management. They did not enter the class on time and this might lead students to disturb in the class. Moreover, the study genuinely indicated that teacher did not tell the students the rules and regulations of the class and this might also seriously hampers the classroom management of teachers. It also proved that sometimes teacher interrupts teaching and go out of the class to entertain any other individuals through phone or physically. Thus, it is possible to generalize that teachers'  experience in  classroom management is not effective due to lack of relevant knowledge on how to manage the classroom and  due to various  classroom factors .Hence, it is recommended that different classroom facilities should be fulfilled for teachers and students and appropriate  training should be given for the teachers by stake holders like wereda education bureau on how to manage the classroom effectively. Keywords: classroom management, experience, local language, wolaita language DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/59-03 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Investigating Challenges that Teachers Face when Teaching Local Languages in Selected Secondary Schools of Wolaita Zone in SNNPR Ethiopia

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    The main objective of the study was to investigate challenges that teachers face when teaching local languages in two selected secondary schools of Wolaita zone The research subjects were purposively selected ten Wolaita language teachers from both secondary schools Besides six education experts from Humbo wereda and Sodo town education bureau were involved Two instruments were used to collect the data questionnaire and interview Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed to obtain the results Hence the findings of the study proved that shortage of text books and teacher guides lack of using syllabus and curriculum as a guideline when teaching were some of the challenges teacher were facing in classroom The study also indicated that significant efforts were not made by concerned bodies like wereda and town education office and the schools to provide sufficient text books and teacher s guides The study clearly proved that un like other teachers Wolaita language teachers had no access to different social media like internet which is prepared in Wolaita language The findings also approved that the efforts made by the concerned bodies of both schools were not effective and did not bring relevant change on challenges that teachers were facing Hence it is recommended that the concerned bodies like Wereda education bureau in collaboration with other stake holders should provide sufficient textbooks to teachers and students Adequate teacher s guides should also be supplied to teachers To effectively resolve the challenges related to teaching materials the schools and wereda as well as town education office should work in collaboration with various stake holders like zone education department and regional level education bureau and should report on time to them before the problems encounter

    The Importance of Mobilizing Wolaita Community to Participate in Wolaita Language Standardization Issue in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia

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    The main objective of the study was to find out the importance of mobilizing Wolaita community to participate in Wolaita language standardization issue The research participants were purposively selected 22 individuals from Boditi town Humbo wereda and two sectors from Wolaita zone level office Questionnaire and in-depth interview were used as instruments for data collection Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed to find results Hence the findings showed that there were many significances of mobilizing the community to participate in Wolaita language standardization issue The main importances were that the culture and language of Wolaita will develop almost all people use similar and standardized language in all areas of Wolaita Zone Transmitting mobilizing messages to the community through mass media like Wolaita FM radio 99 9 and affixing different placards were some of techniques to mobilize the people Hence it was recommended that the stake holders like Zone and wereda culture tourism and government communication affairs department together with other government sectors should design possible strategies that enable them to mobilize the people to participate in Wolaita language standardization issu

    Challenges that Affect Learners Attitude towards Mother Tongue Instruction in two Selected Lower Primary Schools of Wolaita Zone in SNNPR Ethiopia

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    The main purpose of the study was to explore challenges that affect primary school learners perception towards Mother tongue Wolaita language instruction in two selected lower primary schools of Wolaita Zone The participants of the study were purposely selected sixteen students from grades three and four Moreover eight teachers from both schools and three city administration education experts were involved in the study Two instruments were used to collect the data a Likert scale questionnaire and interview Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed to gain the results The major challenges that affected students attitude towards mother tongue instruction were poor classroom management lack of proper motivation poor teaching method an appropriate classroom situation lack of sufficient teaching materials lack of understanding language equality and because of all these students have an inconsistent attitude towards their mother tongue instruction The study also indicated that teachers role was not regular and it was fluctuating In some activities teachers properly played their own role and in many activities they did not do so Hence many teachers were good model for students and very happy to teach Wolaita language instruction However they did not frequently advise students to attract them towards mother tongue instruction Similarly teachers did not properly identify misbehaved students concern MT instruction and did not give special support to them They also did not evaluate students attitude in line with mother tongue instruction to take remedial actions to improve their attitude Thus it was recommended that teachers should frequently counsel learners to draw them towards mother tongue instruction and should properly identify misbehaved students regarding mother tongue Wolaita language instruction and provide special support to them to improve their perception towards mother tongue instruction Some teachers

    An Assessment of Cohesion and Coherence in Students’ Descriptive and Narrative Essays: The Case of Sodo Preparatory School Grade Eleven Students’

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    This study is aimed to assess the students’ use of cohesion and coherence in their descriptive and narrative essays. It was conducted at Sodo preparatory school on grade 11 students. The study employed the descriptive research design. In this study, 30 grade eleven students were selected as participants through simple random sampling technique. Document analysis was used to collect data from the sample students. The data collected through document analysis were analyzed qualitatively based on the analysis parameters of cohesive substitution, ellipsis, reference, conjunction and lexical cohesion to determine meaningfully (coherently) written students’ essays. The findings revealed that students’ used a variety of cohesive devices in each genre of writing except ellipsis and they employed all sub categories of cohesive signals in their (descriptive and narrative) essays. However, among the frequently used cohesive devices, the largest numbers of connectors were inappropriately instanced regarding the total use of devices. The students’ inappropriate use of cohesive devices mainly appeared with conjunction, followed by reference, lexical cohesion, and substitution signals. As a result, the essays lacked consistent key expressions, clear purpose of the statement, and the logical shift from one sentence to the other. Based these findings, conclusions and recommendations were made. Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, Descriptive and Narrative Essays. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/64-05 Publication date: January 31st 2020


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    The type of educational instructions expected to be delivered to the gifted students differ quantitatively from the traditional methods in general classroom settings. This is because, traditional and conventional strategies may not challenge the educational needs of the gifted. Considering the enormity of what is expected of build a qualitative education of the gifted, this study investigated the efficacy of acceleration and ability grouping on academic achievement of gifted students in selected secondary schools in Moro Local Government Area in Ilorin, Nigeria. The study used the pre-test post- test control group quasi-experimental design in a 3X2 factorial matrix. The participants for the study consisted 60 Senior Secondary School gifted students from eight secondary schools in Ilorin. The subjects were randomly assigned into three experimental groups. Analysis of Covariance was the main statistical method used to test two formulated hypotheses at the probability of 0.05. The findings revealed that there was significant mean effect of treatment on academic achievement of gifted students (F(2,53)= 32.12). There was no significant main effect of gender. The study also showed that gifted male participants exposed to Acceleration and Ability grouping teaching models had higher mean score (* = 80.83) than female counterparts exposed to the same treatment. Since Acceleration and Ability grouping models are capable of enhancing gifted students' academic achievement, it is therefore recommended that both regular special educators should use these teaching models in enhancing the academic achievement for the precocious ones
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