494 research outputs found

    Visible and infrared photocurrent enhancement in a graphene-silicon Schottky photodetector through surface-states and electric field engineering

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    The design of efficient graphene-silicon (GSi) Schottky junction photodetectors requires detailed understanding of the spatial origin of the photoresponse. Scanning-photocurrent-microscopy (SPM) studies have been carried out in the visible wavelengths regions only, in which the response due to silicon is dominant. Here we present comparative SPM studies in the visible (λ\lambda = 633nm) and infrared (λ\lambda = 1550nm) wavelength regions for a number of GSi Schottky junction photodetector architectures, revealing the photoresponse mechanisms for silicon and graphene dominated responses, respectively, and demonstrating the influence of electrostatics on the device performance. Local electric field enhancement at the graphene edges leads to a more than ten-fold increased photoresponse compared to the bulk of the graphene-silicon junction. Intentional design and patterning of such graphene edges is demonstrated as an efficient strategy to increase the overall photoresponse of the devices. Complementary simulations and modeling illuminate observed effects and highlight the importance of considering graphene's shape and pattern and device geometry in the device design

    Límites y alcances de la interpretación constitucional de la Suplencia de la Queja en Amparo Penal y los Derechos Humanos a partir de la Reforma Constitucional y Legal de 2011

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    El Juicio de Amparo en México con motivo de la reforma constitucional de 2011 y legal se ha transformado sustancialmente, principalmente su procedencia, ya que actualmente se ejerce contra normas generales, actos y omisiones de autoridad y excepcionalmente contra particulares que violen los derechos humanos consagrados en la Constitución y en los Tratados Internacionales en el que el Estado mexicano se aparte, procedimiento que es regulado por el sistema de Control Constitucional y Convencional; se puede tramitar por dos vías, la primera de manera indirecta ante Jueces de Distrito en competencia ordinaria, concurrente y auxiliar y ante los tribunales Unitarios de Circuito, y la segunda de manera directa ante los Tribunales Colegiados de Circuito, procedimientos en los que se deben observar una serie de principios sobre los cuales se regula su substanciación, algunos han subsistido en lo general, pero otros se han transformado, lo que ha impactado en sus excepciones, como es la denominada Suplencia de la Queja, sobre todo en materia penal, puesto que éste no será aplicado de manera total e indiscriminadamente, puesto que tiene alcances y límites, los que serán analizados para conocer su aplicabilidad y eficacia

    Comparing attitudes about legal sanctions and teratogenic effects for cocaine, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine: A randomized, independent samples design

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    BACKGROUND: Establishing more sensible measures to treat cocaine-addicted mothers and their children is essential for improving U.S. drug policy. Favorable post-natal environments have moderated potential deleterious prenatal effects. However, since cocaine is an illicit substance having long been demonized, we hypothesized that attitudes toward prenatal cocaine exposure would be more negative than for licit substances, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Further, media portrayals about long-term outcomes were hypothesized to influence viewers' attitudes, measured immediately post-viewing. Reducing popular crack baby stigmas could influence future policy decisions by legislators. In Study 1, 336 participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 conditions describing hypothetical legal sanction scenarios for pregnant women using cocaine, alcohol, nicotine or caffeine. Participants rated legal sanctions against pregnant women who used one of these substances and risk potential for developing children. In Study 2, 139 participants were randomly assigned to positive, neutral and negative media conditions. Immediately post-viewing, participants rated prenatal cocaine-exposed or non-exposed teens for their academic performance and risk for problems at age18. RESULTS: Participants in Study 1 imposed significantly greater legal sanctions for cocaine, perceiving prenatal cocaine exposure as more harmful than alcohol, nicotine or caffeine. A one-way ANOVA for independent samples showed significant differences, beyond .0001. Post-hoc Sheffe test illustrated that cocaine was rated differently from other substances. In Study 2, a one-way ANOVA for independent samples was performed on difference scores for the positive, neutral or negative media conditions about prenatal cocaine exposure. Participants in the neutral and negative media conditions estimated significantly lower grade point averages and more problems for the teen with prenatal cocaine exposure than for the non-exposed teen beyond .0001 alpha level. The positive media program closed estimated grade point average differences and risks of later problems to a non-statistically significant margin, p >.05. CONCLUSION: Ratings for prenatal cocaine were more negative than comparable ratings for alcohol, nicotine or caffeine exposure. Stereotypes can be reduced, showing viewers that positive postnatal environments ameliorate potential teratogenic effects of cocaine. Reducing negative stereotypes for crack babies may be a requisite for substantive changes in current policy

    Numerical Simulation of the Deformation of Some MEMS

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    In this paper we present the numerical simulation of the deformation of two Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS), a trampoline-type one i.e. a rectangular cantilever beam and an accelerometer that consists of a square plate with all edges simply supported. The deformation of these systems is modeled by fourth-order differential equations, ordinary and partial respectively. We find the approximate solutions by using the finite differences method programmed in Matlab, solving the system of linear equations associated with different methods to evaluate the efficiency of these. We obtained very good approximations with small errors compared to other articles that use other approaches


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    Las comunidades naturales de plantas en Nuevo León han sido usadas por los distintosgrupos étnicos que habitaron nuestra región, actualmente pobladores de áreas ruralesy en ciudades, aún siguen aprovechando este tipo de plantas. Las especies de la floranativa han sido utilizadas como cobertizo, construcción, fibras, medicina tradicional,ceremoniales, dendoenergéticas, substitutos de jabón, implementos agrícolas,forrajeras, etc., remarcando la importancia que han tenido como fuente de alimentos,condimentos y bebidas. Muestras de restos botánicos analizados de fogones y depiedras de molienda en el área de Boca de Potrerillos, Mina, N.L, muestran que gruposindígenas regionales ya utilizaban la flora nativa para su subsistencia. Autores diversosFig. 3.- Flor de palma deldesiertohan estudiado la flora regional desde el punto de vista de su uso. Se recabóinformación de la flora nativa que se consumen como alimentos, condimentos ybebidas, parte de la planta usada y forma de uso, de 20 familias botánicas y 39especies considerando los tipos de vegetación donde se ubican las especies de floraconsumida. Destacan la familia de las cactáceas, leguminosas, agaváceas y liliáceas,de las cuales de aprovecha sus tallos, hojas, flores y frutos.AbstractThe natural communities of plants in Nuevo León to have been used by the differentethnic groups that inhabited our region, at the moment settler of rural areas and incities, still continue taking advantage of this type plants. The species of the native florahave been used like shed, construction, fibers, traditional medicine, ceremonial, soapsubstitutes, end the importance that they have had like source of foods, condimentosand drinks. Samples of analyzed botanical rest of furnaces and stones of milling in thearea of Boca de Potrerillos, Mina, N.L, show that regional indigenous groups alreadyused the native flora for their subsistence. Diverse authors have studied the regionalflora from the point of view of their use. Information of the native flora wassuccessfully obtained that they are consumed like foods, condimentos and drinks, partof the used plant and form of use, of 20 botanical families and 39 species consideringthe types of vegetation where the species of consumed flora are located. They honorthe family of cactaceous, leguminosas, agavaceas and the liliaceas ones, who of youtake advantage of its stems, leaves, flowers and fruits.Palabras Claves: Planta natural, alimento, condimento, bebida, Nuevo León, México, Nature plant, food, condiment, drin

    Cultural Bias in Information Systems Research and Practice: Are You Coming From the Same Place I Am?

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    This article summarises an ICIS panel discussion held on December 2005 in Las Vegas on the influence of national (or ethnic) culture on IS research and practice. Based on the views of the panel members and the question and answer time with the wider audience, it was generally agreed that culture has a tremendously significant influence on IS research and practice. This influence is expressed in a bias in how research is conducted and published and how practice is conducted. The bias is usually in favour of the dominant cultural perspective. The effects of these biases, both positive and negative, are discussed and possible solutions discussed