180 research outputs found

    A Quantitative Analysis of the Urban Morphology of Southwestern Ontario Census Metropolitan Areas

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    Patterns of urban development in North America have changed drastically over time: from dense urban cores to sprawling subdivisions. This study investigates changes in residential forms of Southwestern Ontario cities by characterizing numerous individual features which make up the built environment, and then evaluating spatial patterns and statistical relationships. Using high-quality data regarding the social and physical elements of Ontario cities within a geographic information system (GIS), this research provides improved methods to quantitatively characterize urban development forms at the micro level. Results show that the majority of morphological variables have systematic spatial patterns and are highly correlated. Most variables tend to either increase or decrease from the city centre outward, or have their extreme values in the oldest residential neighbourhoods. Results show that social and historical variables of a neighbourhood are highly correlated with morphology. This research has implications for planners, land developers, and other agents of urban change

    Second-order schedules: Manipulation of brief-stimulus duration at component completion

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    In a second-order schedule, fixed-interval components were reinforced according to a variable-interval schedule. A brief stimulus accompanied the completion of each fixed interval. Brief-stimulus duration was varied across conditions from 0.5 to 8 sec. Patterning was greater the longer the duration of the stimulus. Additionally, exposure to relatively long brief-stimulus durations enhanced patterning upon reexposure to shorter brief-stimulus durations

    Assessment and Choice: An Operant Simulation of Foraging in Patches

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    Pigeons were presented with an operant simulation of two prey patches using concurrent random ratio schedules of reinforcement. An unstable patch offered a higher initial reinforcement probability, which then declined unpredictably to a zero reinforcement probability in each session. A stable patch offered a low but unvarying reinforcement probability. When the reinforcement probability declined to zero in a single step, the birds displayed shorter giving-up times in the unstable patch when the ratio between the initial reinforcement probabilities in the unstable and stable patches was greater and when the combined magnitude of the reinforcement probabilities in the two patches was greater. When the unstable patch declined in two steps, the birds behaved as if their giving-up times were influenced heavily by events encountered during the most recent step of the double-step change. This effect was observed, however, only when the reinforcement probability in that step was .04, not when it was .06. All of these data agree with the predictions of a capture-probability model based on a comparison of the estimated probability of receiving a reinforcer in the current patch with that in alternative patches

    On discriminating temporal relations: Is it relational?

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    Pigeons were presented on each trial with a pair of keylight stimuli that varied in duration. One of two subsequent choices was reinforced, depending on which of the two stimuli was longer. For some pairs, the duration of one stimulus was predictive of relative duration, but for other pairs, absolute duration was unpredictive. Choice responses depended on relative differences between the stimuli, but were also controlled to some degree by absolute duration of the second member of the pair. Individual differences in control by absolute and relative duration were evident. Those pigeons whose behavior was most influenced by absolute duration showed poorer transfer to a different set of duration pairs

    The spherical drift chamber for x-ray imaging applications

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    Properties of proportional chambers with spherical drift spaces have been investigated. An experiment of X-ray diffraction in crystals shows that an accuracy of 0.5 mm, at 20 degrees inclination with respect to the axis of the chamber, can be obtained with 4 cm of drift length. Such chambers have many applications: X-ray diffraction patterns, pin-hole imaging, angular distributions of cascades of X- rays in nuclear physics, etc. (4 refs)

    Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant

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    We present observations of 10 type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) between 0.16 < z < 0.62. With previous data from our High-Z Supernova Search Team, this expanded set of 16 high-redshift supernovae and 34 nearby supernovae are used to place constraints on the Hubble constant (H_0), the mass density (Omega_M), the cosmological constant (Omega_Lambda), the deceleration parameter (q_0), and the dynamical age of the Universe (t_0). The distances of the high-redshift SNe Ia are, on average, 10% to 15% farther than expected in a low mass density (Omega_M=0.2) Universe without a cosmological constant. Different light curve fitting methods, SN Ia subsamples, and prior constraints unanimously favor eternally expanding models with positive cosmological constant (i.e., Omega_Lambda > 0) and a current acceleration of the expansion (i.e., q_0 < 0). With no prior constraint on mass density other than Omega_M > 0, the spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia are consistent with q_0 <0 at the 2.8 sigma and 3.9 sigma confidence levels, and with Omega_Lambda >0 at the 3.0 sigma and 4.0 sigma confidence levels, for two fitting methods respectively. Fixing a ``minimal'' mass density, Omega_M=0.2, results in the weakest detection, Omega_Lambda>0 at the 3.0 sigma confidence level. For a flat-Universe prior (Omega_M+Omega_Lambda=1), the spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia require Omega_Lambda >0 at 7 sigma and 9 sigma level for the two fitting methods. A Universe closed by ordinary matter (i.e., Omega_M=1) is ruled out at the 7 sigma to 8 sigma level. We estimate the size of systematic errors, including evolution, extinction, sample selection bias, local flows, gravitational lensing, and sample contamination. Presently, none of these effects reconciles the data with Omega_Lambda=0 and q_0 > 0.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, 3 table files Accepted to the Astronomical Journa

    Supernova Limits on the Cosmic Equation of State

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    We use Type Ia supernovae studied by the High-Z Supernova Search Team to constrain the properties of an energy component which may have contributed to accelerating the cosmic expansion. We find that for a flat geometry the equation of state parameter for the unknown component, alpha_x=P_x/rho_x, must be less than -0.55 (95% confidence) for any value of Omega_m and is further limited to alpha_x<-0.60 (95%) if Omega_m is assumed to be greater than 0.1 . These values are inconsistent with the unknown component being topological defects such as domain walls, strings, or textures. The supernova data are consistent with a cosmological constant (alpha_x=-1) or a scalar field which has had, on average, an equation of state parameter similar to the cosmological constant value of -1 over the redshift range of z=1 to the present. Supernova and cosmic microwave background observations give complementary constraints on the densities of matter and the unknown component. If only matter and vacuum energy are considered, then the current combined data sets provide direct evidence for a spatially flat Universe with Omega_tot=Omega_m+Omega_Lambda = 0.94 +/- 0.26 (1-sigma).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 3 figure

    Tests of the Accelerating Universe with Near-Infrared Observations of a High-Redshift Type Ia Supernova

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    We have measured the rest-frame B,V, and I-band light curves of a high-redshift type Ia supernova (SN Ia), SN 1999Q (z=0.46), using HST and ground-based near-infrared detectors. A goal of this study is the measurement of the color excess, E_{B-I}, which is a sensitive indicator of interstellar or intergalactic dust which could affect recent cosmological measurements from high-redshift SNe Ia. Our observations disfavor a 30% opacity of SN Ia visual light by dust as an alternative to an accelerating Universe. This statement applies to both Galactic-type dust (rejected at the 3.4 sigma confidence level) and greyer dust (grain size > 0.1 microns; rejected at the 2.3 to 2.6 sigma confidence level) as proposed by Aguirre (1999). The rest-frame II-band light cur ve shows the secondary maximum a month after B maximum typical of nearby SNe Ia of normal luminosi ty, providing no indication of evolution as a function of redshift out to z~0.5. A n expanded set of similar observations could improve the constraints on any contribution of extragalactic dust to the dimming of high-redshift SNe Ia.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, 12 pages, 2 figure

    Hubble Space Telescope and Ground-Based Observations of Type Ia Supernovae at Redshift 0.5: Cosmological Implications

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    We present observations of the Type Ia supernovae (SNe) 1999M, 1999N, 1999Q, 1999S, and 1999U, at redshift z~0.5. They were discovered in early 1999 with the 4.0~m Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory by the High-z Supernova Search Team (HZT) and subsequently followed with many ground-based telescopes. SNe 1999Q and 1999U were also observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. We computed luminosity distances to the new SNe using two methods, and added them to the high-z Hubble diagram that the HZT has been constructing since 1995. The new distance moduli confirm the results of previous work. At z~0.5, luminosity distances are larger than those expected for an empty universe, implying that a ``Cosmological Constant,'' or another form of ``dark energy,'' has been increasing the expansion rate of the Universe during the last few billion years.Comment: 68 pages, 22 figures. Scheduled for the 01 February 2006 issue of Ap.J. (v637

    Mice and Men: Their Promoter Properties

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    Using the two largest collections of Mus musculus and Homo sapiens transcription start sites (TSSs) determined based on CAGE tags, ditags, full-length cDNAs, and other transcript data, we describe the compositional landscape surrounding TSSs with the aim of gaining better insight into the properties of mammalian promoters. We classified TSSs into four types based on compositional properties of regions immediately surrounding them. These properties highlighted distinctive features in the extended core promoters that helped us delineate boundaries of the transcription initiation domain space for both species. The TSS types were analyzed for associations with initiating dinucleotides, CpG islands, TATA boxes, and an extensive collection of statistically significant cis-elements in mouse and human. We found that different TSS types show preferences for different sets of initiating dinucleotides and cis-elements. Through Gene Ontology and eVOC categories and tissue expression libraries we linked TSS characteristics to expression. Moreover, we show a link of TSS characteristics to very specific genomic organization in an example of immune-response-related genes (GO:0006955). Our results shed light on the global properties of the two transcriptomes not revealed before and therefore provide the framework for better understanding of the transcriptional mechanisms in the two species, as well as a framework for development of new and more efficient promoter- and gene-finding tools
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