6,030 research outputs found

    Three Large-Scale Changes To The Medicare Program Could Curb Its Costs But Also Reduce Enrollment

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    With Medicare spending projected to increase to 24 percent of all federal spending and to equal 6 percent of the gross domestic product by 2037, policy makers are again considering ways to curb the program's spending growth. We used a microsimulation approach to estimate three scenarios: imposing a means-tested premium for Part A hospitalinsurance, introducing a premium support credit to purchase health insurance, and increasing the eligibility age to sixty-seven.We found thatthe scenarios would lead to reductions in cumulative Medicare spending in 2012 -- 36 of 2.4 -- 24.0 percent. However, the scenarios also would increase out-of-pocket spending for enrollees and, in some cases, causemillions of seniors not to enroll in the program and to be left without coverage. To achieve substantial cost savings without causing substantial lack of coverage among seniors, policy makers should consider benefitchanges in combination with other options, such as some of those now being contemplated by the Obama administration and Congress

    Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) multibeam antenna technology verification experiments

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    The Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) is a key to reaching NASA's goal of developing high-risk, advanced communications technology using multiple frequency bands to support the nation's future communication needs. Using the multiple, dynamic hopping spot beams, and advanced on board switching and processing systems, ACTS will open a new era in communications satellite technology. One of the key technologies to be validated as part of the ACTS program is the multibeam antenna with rapidly reconfigurable hopping and fixed spot beam to serve users equipped with small-aperature terminals within the coverage areas. The proposed antenna technology experiments are designed to evaluate in-orbit ACTS multibeam antenna performance (radiation pattern, gain, cross pol levels, etc.)

    Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) multibeam antenna analysis and experiment

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    One of the most important aspects of a satellite communication system design is the accurate estimation of antenna performance degradation. Pointing error, end coverage gain, peak gain degradation, etc. are the main concerns. The thermal or dynamic distortions of a reflector antenna structural system can affect the far-field antenna power distribution in a least four ways. (1) The antenna gain is reduced; (2) the main lobe of the antenna can be mispointed thus shifting the destination of the delivered power away from the desired locations; (3) the main lobe of the antenna pattern can be broadened, thus spreading the RF power over a larger area than desired; and (4) the antenna pattern sidelobes can increase, thus increasing the chances of interference among adjacent beams of multiple beam antenna system or with antenna beams of other satellites. The in-house developed NASA Lewis Research Center thermal/structural/RF analysis program was designed to accurately simulate the ACTS in-orbit thermal environment and predict the RF antenna performance. The program combines well establish computer programs (TRASYS, SINDA and NASTAN) with a dual reflector-physical optics RF analysis program. The ACTS multibeam antenna configuration is analyzed and several thermal cases are presented and compared with measurements (pre-flight)

    Noncommutative Field Theory and Lorentz Violation

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    The role of Lorentz symmetry in noncommutative field theory is considered. Any realistic noncommutative theory is found to be physically equivalent to a subset of a general Lorentz-violating standard-model extension involving ordinary fields. Some theoretical consequences are discussed. Existing experiments bound the scale of the noncommutativity parameter to (10 TeV)^{-2}.Comment: 4 page

    The Pinnacles of Callisto

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    Many regions of Callisto feature an unusual landscape consisting of rolling dark plains with interspersed bright knobs (pinnacles) and ridges. In earlier work we interpreted the dark plains as dusty, mass-wasted residue from sublimation from volatile-rich bedrock and the bright knobs (often crater rims) as water ice accumulations at locations sheltered from thermal reradiation from the dusty residue. We simulated evolution of Callisto's craters as a combination of bedrock volatile sublimation, mass wasting of the dark, non-coherent residue, and redeposition of ice, and concluded that the ice pinnacles and ridges might be underlain by tens to hundreds of meters of ice. Here we report the initial work of a new study of pinnacles addressing additional questions: 1) Is there an evolutionary sequence starting, e.g., from a cratered initial surface through growth and formation of a dust mantle and pinnacles, to eventual loss of ice to sublimation resulting in just a dark, dusty surface? 2) What determines the areal density and spatial scale of pinnacles - volatile content of bedrock, crater density, surface age, broad-scale topographic setting? 3) Are pinnacles still forming? Several observations address these questions. In a few places scattered high-albedo blocks approx. 25-60 m in diameter occur in the vicinity of large icy pinnacles. We interpret these blocks to be remnants from the collapse of tall pinnacles that were undermined by mass wasting. Some high-relief icy knobs have developed a skeletonized planform due to mass wasting by avalanching, or perhaps to seeding of new sites of ice deposition on mass-wasted ice blocks. Some areas nearly lack fresh craters with well-defined ejecta and ice-free rims. This may imply rapid transformation of fresh craters by sublimation, mass wasting, and ice reprecipitation. In other areas small sharp-rimmed craters occur which lack ice pinnacles, but the craters nonetheless lack visible ejecta sheets. Our preliminary interpretation is that mass wasting is very efficient on Callisto, or alternatively the dust cover is very thick and lacks competent coarse materials

    The Role of Canids in Ritual and Domestic Contexts: New Ancient DNA Insights from Complex Hunter-Gatherer Sites in Prehistoric Central California

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    This study explores the interrelationship between the genus Canis and hunter–gatherers through a case study of prehistoric Native Americans in the San Francisco Bay-Sacramento Delta area. A distinctive aspect of the region\u27s prehistoric record is the interment of canids, variously classified as coyotes, dogs, and wolves. Since these species are difficult to distinguish based solely on morphology, ancient DNA analysis was employed to distinguish species. The DNA study results, the first on canids from archaeological sites in California, are entirely represented by domesticated dogs (including both interments and disarticulated samples from midden deposits). These results, buttressed by stable isotope analyses, provide new insight into the complex interrelationship between humans and canids in both ritual and prosaic contexts, and reveal a more prominent role for dogs than previously envisioned

    Fresh shallow valleys in the Martian midlatitudes as features formed by meltwater flow beneath ice

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    Significant numbers of valleys have been identified in the Martian midlatitudes (30–60°N/S), spatially associated with extant or recent ice accumulations. Many of these valleys date to the Amazonian, but their formation during these cold, dry epochs is problematic. In this study, we look in detail at the form, distribution, and quantitative geomorphology of two suites of these valleys and their associated landforms in order to better constrain the processes of their formation. Since the valleys themselves are so young and thus well preserved, uniquely, we can constrain valley widths and courses and link these to the topography from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter and High-Resolution Stereo Camera data. We show that the valleys are both qualitatively and quantitatively very similar, despite their being >5000 km apart in different hemispheres and around 7 km apart in elevation. Buffered crater counting indicates that the ages of these networks are statistically identical, probably forming during the Late Amazonian, ~100 Ma. In both localities, at least tens of valleys cross local drainage divides, apparently flowing uphill. We interpret these uphill reaches to be characteristic of flow occurring beneath a now absent, relatively thin (order 101–102 m), regionally extensive ice cover. Ridges and mounds occasionally found at the foot of these valley systems are analogous to eskers and aufeis-like refreezing features. On the basis of their interaction with these aufeis-like mounds, we suggest that this suite of landforms may have formed in a single, short episode (perhaps order of days), probably forced by global climate change

    The “OK” Guideline: Implementing an Electronic Electrolyte Repletion Guideline for Improving Rates of Oral Potassium and Magnesium Delivery

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    Nearly 500,000 doses of potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) are given at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH) each year. More than 80% of these doses are given intravenously. Guidelines that encourage both intravenous and oral (PO) repletion options increase rates of PO dosing and more successfully attain goal levels than standard care. Our goal was to increase the percent of K and Mg doses delivered by oral route to \u3e50% of total doses distributed at TJUH within one year of implementation of an Epic-based electronic order set
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