1,257 research outputs found

    Linear Size Optimal q-ary Constant-Weight Codes and Constant-Composition Codes

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    An optimal constant-composition or constant-weight code of weight ww has linear size if and only if its distance dd is at least 2w−12w-1. When d≥2wd\geq 2w, the determination of the exact size of such a constant-composition or constant-weight code is trivial, but the case of d=2w−1d=2w-1 has been solved previously only for binary and ternary constant-composition and constant-weight codes, and for some sporadic instances. This paper provides a construction for quasicyclic optimal constant-composition and constant-weight codes of weight ww and distance 2w−12w-1 based on a new generalization of difference triangle sets. As a result, the sizes of optimal constant-composition codes and optimal constant-weight codes of weight ww and distance 2w−12w-1 are determined for all such codes of sufficiently large lengths. This solves an open problem of Etzion. The sizes of optimal constant-composition codes of weight ww and distance 2w−12w-1 are also determined for all w≤6w\leq 6, except in two cases.Comment: 12 page

    Group Divisible Codes and Their Application in the Construction of Optimal Constant-Composition Codes of Weight Three

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    The concept of group divisible codes, a generalization of group divisible designs with constant block size, is introduced in this paper. This new class of codes is shown to be useful in recursive constructions for constant-weight and constant-composition codes. Large classes of group divisible codes are constructed which enabled the determination of the sizes of optimal constant-composition codes of weight three (and specified distance), leaving only four cases undetermined. Previously, the sizes of constant-composition codes of weight three were known only for those of sufficiently large length.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, 4 table

    Optimal Memoryless Encoding for Low Power Off-Chip Data Buses

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    Off-chip buses account for a significant portion of the total system power consumed in embedded systems. Bus encoding schemes have been proposed to minimize power dissipation, but none has been demonstrated to be optimal with respect to any measure. In this paper, we give the first provably optimal and explicit (polynomial-time constructible) families of memoryless codes for minimizing bit transitions in off-chip buses. Our results imply that having access to a clock does not make a memoryless encoding scheme that minimizes bit transitions more powerful.Comment: Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/ACM international Conference on Computer-Aided Design (San Jose, California, November 05 - 09, 2006). ICCAD '06. ACM, New York, NY, 369-37

    Optimal Partitioned Cyclic Difference Packings for Frequency Hopping and Code Synchronization

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    Optimal partitioned cyclic difference packings (PCDPs) are shown to give rise to optimal frequency-hopping sequences and optimal comma-free codes. New constructions for PCDPs, based on almost difference sets and cyclic difference matrices, are given. These produce new infinite families of optimal PCDPs (and hence optimal frequency-hopping sequences and optimal comma-free codes). The existence problem for optimal PCDPs in Z3m{\mathbb Z}_{3m}, with mm base blocks of size three, is also solved for all m≢8,16(mod24)m\not\equiv 8,16\pmod{24}.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    The PBD-Closure of Constant-Composition Codes

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    We show an interesting PBD-closure result for the set of lengths of constant-composition codes whose distance and size meet certain conditions. A consequence of this PBD-closure result is that the size of optimal constant-composition codes can be determined for infinite families of parameter sets from just a single example of an optimal code. As an application, the size of several infinite families of optimal constant-composition codes are derived. In particular, the problem of determining the size of optimal constant-composition codes having distance four and weight three is solved for all lengths sufficiently large. This problem was previously unresolved for odd lengths, except for lengths seven and eleven.Comment: 8 page

    The fine intersection problem for Steiner triple systems

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    The intersection of two Steiner triple systems (X,A) and (X,B) is the set A intersect B. The fine intersection problem for Steiner triple systems is to determine for each v, the set I(v), consisting of all possible pairs (m,n) such that there exist two Steiner triple systems of order v whose intersection has n blocks over m points. We show that for v = 1 or 3 (mod 6), |I(v)| = Omega(v^3), where previous results only imply that |I(v)| = Omega(v^2).Comment: 9 page

    A fast algorithm for the constrained multiple sequence alignment problem

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    Given n strings S1, S2, ..., Sn, and a pattern string P, the constrained multiple sequence alignment (CMSA) problem is to find an optimal multiple alignment of S1, S2, ..., Sn such that the alignment contains P, i.e. in the alignment matrix there exists a sequence of columns each entirely composed of symbol P[k] for every k, where P[k] is the kth symbol in P, 1 ≤ k ≤ |P|, and in the sequence, a column containing P[i] appears before the column containing P[j] for all i,j, i < j. The problem is motivated from the problem of comparing multiple sequences that share a common structure, or sequence pattern. There are O(2ns1s2...snr)-time dynamic programming algorithms for the problem, where s1,s2, ...,sn and r are, respectively, the lengths of the input strings and the pattern string. Feasibility of these algorithms in practice is limited when the number of sequences is large, or the sequences are long because of the impractically long time required by these algorithms. We present a new algorithm with worst-case time complexity also O(2ns1s2...snr), but the algorithm avoids redundant computations in existing dynamic programming solutions. Experiments on both randomly generated strings and real data show that this algorithm is much faster than the existing algorithms. We present an analysis that explains the speed-up obtained in our experiments by our algorithm over the naive dynamic programming algorithm for constrained multiple sequence alignment of protein sequences. The speed-up is more significant when pattern is long, or n is large. For example in the case of constrained pairwise sequence alignment (the CMSA problem with n=2) when the pattern is sufficiently long for strings S1 and S2, the asymptotic time complexity is observed to be O(s1s2) instead of O(s1s2r). Main ideas in our algorithm can also be used in other constrained sequence alignment problems

    On Extremal k-Graphs Without Repeated Copies of 2-Intersecting Edges

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    The problem of determining extremal hypergraphs containing at most r isomorphic copies of some element of a given hypergraph family was first studied by Boros et al. in 2001. There are not many hypergraph families for which exact results are known concerning the size of the corresponding extremal hypergraphs, except for those equivalent to the classical Turan numbers. In this paper, we determine the size of extremal k-uniform hypergraphs containing at most one pair of 2-intersecting edges for k in {3,4}. We give a complete solution when k=3 and an almost complete solution (with eleven exceptions) when k=4.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
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