3 research outputs found

    Design and realization of side-cuts in flysch rock mass

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    Opisuje se metodologija projektiranja i izvedbe sustava za osiguranje stabilnosti zasjeka u flišnoj stijenskoj masi na riječkom području. Na temelju rezultata istražnih radova, iskustva tijekom izvedbe zahvata na osiguranju stabilnosti stijenskih zasjeka u naslagama fliša te mjerenja i promatranja tijekom izvođenja i provedbom povratnih analiza o stanju naprezanja i deformacija utvrđene su značajke stijenske mase s opisom realne veličine parametara čvrstoće i deformabilnosti.The methodology applied in the design and realization of the system used to stabilize side cuts in flysch rock formations in Rijeka area is described. Rock mass properties were determined, and strength and deformability parameters were described, on the basis of investigation results, experience gained during stabilization of side cuts in flysch formations, and using results of measurement and monitoring activities conducted during back analyses of stress/strain properties


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    U radu se opisuje princip ispitivanja dilatometrom Marchetti i interpretacije nekih parametara tla na temelju rezultata pokusa. Ispituje se utjecaj pogrešne prognoze pornog tlaka in situ u0 (NPV) na vrijednost interpretiranih parametara tla: tipa tla, nedrenirane čvrstoće i modula stišljivosti. Ustanovljeno je da je pogreška u interpretaciji navedenih parametara zbog krive procjene u0 zanemariva za preliminarne geotehničke analize. Istaknuta je opravdanost uporabe ovoga pokusa.The principle of Marchetti dilatometer testing procedure is presented and some soil parameters are interpreted on the basis of test results. Authors analyze the effect of faulty estimate of the in situ pore pressure u0 (NPV) on interpretation of soil parameters: type of soil, undrained strength and compressibility modulus. It was established that the error in interpretation of the above parameters, as resulting from erroneous u0 estimate, is negligible at the stage of preliminary geotechnical analyses. It is stressed that the use of this test is therefore justified.L’article décrit le principe des essais au dilatomètre Marchetti et les interprétations de certains paramètres du sol sur la base des résultats des essais. On étudie l’effet d’un pronostic erroné de la pression interstitielle in situ uo (NPV) sur la valeur des paramètres interprétés du sol : type de sol, de cohésion remaniée et de module de compressibilité. Il a été établi qu’une interprétation erronée de ces paramètres due à une mauvaise évaluation de uo était négligeable pour les analyses géotechniques préliminaires. On souligne la pertinence de l’utilisation de cet essai.Im Artikel wird das Prinzip der Untersuchung mit dem Marchetti-Dilatometer und die Interpretierung einiger Bodenparameter auf Grund der Experimentergebnisse beschrieben. Untersucht ist der Einfluss falscher Porenwasserdruckprognose in situ u0 (NPV) auf Werte der interpretierten Bodenparameter: Bodentyp, undrenierte Festigkeit und Zusammendrückbarkeitsmodul. Es wurde festgestellt dass der Fehler in der Interpretierung der gennanten Parameter wegen der falschen Abschätzung des u0 für präliminäre bodentechnische Analysen unterlässbar ist. Hervorgehoben ist die Berechtigung der Benützung dieses Experiments

    Contribution to the analysis of Marchetti dilatometer application

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    U radu se opisuje princip ispitivanja dilatometrom Marchetti i interpretacije nekih parametara tla na temelju rezultata pokusa. Ispituje se utjecaj pogrešne prognoze pornog tlaka in situ u0 (NPV) na vrijednost interpretiranih parametara tla: tipa tla, nedrenirane čvrstoće i modula stišljivosti. Ustanovljeno je da je pogreška u interpretaciji navedenih parametara zbog krive procjene u0 zanemariva za preliminarne geotehničke analize. Istaknuta je opravdanost uporabe ovoga pokusa.The principle of Marchetti dilatometer testing procedure is presented and some soil parameters are interpreted on the basis of test results. Authors analyze the effect of faulty estimate of the in situ pore pressure u0 (NPV) on interpretation of soil parameters: type of soil, undrained strength and compressibility modulus. It was established that the error in interpretation of the above parameters, as resulting from erroneous u0 estimate, is negligible at the stage of preliminary geotechnical analyses. It is stressed that the use of this test is therefore justified