73 research outputs found

    Measles virus causes immunogenic cell death in human melanoma

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    Oncolytic viruses (OV) are promising treatments for cancer, with several currently undergoing testing in randomised clinical trials. Measles virus (MV) has not yet been tested in models of human melanoma. This study demonstrates the efficacy of MV against human melanoma. It is increasingly recognised that an essential component of therapy with OV is the recruitment of host anti-tumour immune responses, both innate and adaptive. MV-mediated melanoma cell death is an inflammatory process, causing the release of inflammatory cytokines including type-1 interferons and the potent danger signal HMGB1. Here, using human in vitro models, we demonstrate that MV enhances innate antitumour activity, and that MV-mediated melanoma cell death is capable of stimulating a melanoma-specific adaptive immune response

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains reports on twelve research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant AST77-06052)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-76-C-1400)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-21980)U.S. Air Force - Electronic Systems Division (Contract F19628-75-C-0122)U.S. Department of Commerce - National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (Grant 04-8-M01-1)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-22929)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-23677)National Science Foundation (Grant AST73-05042-A03)National Science Foundation (Grant AST76-20376

    Oncolytic reovirus as a combined antiviral and anti-tumour agent for the treatment of liver cancer

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    Objective: Oncolytic viruses (OVs) represent promising, proinflammatory cancer treatments. Here, we explored whether OV-induced innate immune responses could simultaneously inhibit HCV while suppressing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Furthermore, we extended this exemplar to other models of virus-associated cancer. Design and results: Clinical grade oncolytic orthoreovirus (Reo) elicited innate immune activation within primary human liver tissue in the absence of cytotoxicity and independently of viral genome replication. As well as achieving therapy in preclinical models of HCC through the activation of innate degranulating immune cells, Reo-induced cytokine responses efficiently suppressed HCV replication both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, Reo-induced innate responses were also effective against models of HBV-associated HCC, as well as an alternative endogenous model of Epstein–Barr virus-associated lymphoma. Interestingly, Reo appeared superior to the majority of OVs in its ability to elicit innate inflammatory responses from primary liver tissue. Conclusions: We propose that Reo and other select proinflammatory OV may be used in the treatment of multiple cancers associated with oncogenic virus infections, simultaneously reducing both virus-associated oncogenic drive and tumour burden. In the case of HCV-associated HCC (HCV-HCC), Reo should be considered as an alternative agent to supplement and support current HCV-HCC therapies, particularly in those countries where access to new HCV antiviral treatments may be limited

    Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural scenes

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    The influence of visual tasks on short and long-term memory for visual features was investigated using a change-detection paradigm. Subjects completed 2 tasks: (a) describing objects in natural images, reporting a specific property of each object when a crosshair appeared above it, and (b) viewing a modified version of each scene, and detecting which of the previously described objects had changed. When tested over short delays (seconds), no task effects were found. Over longer delays (minutes) we found the describing task influenced what types of changes were detected in a variety of explicit and incidental memory experiments. Furthermore, we found surprisingly high performance in the incidental memory experiment, suggesting that simple tasks are sufficient to instill long-lasting visual memories

    Modeling the evolution of a classic genetic switch

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    Abstract Background The regulatory network underlying the yeast galactose-use pathway has emerged as a model system for the study of regulatory network evolution. Evidence has recently been provided for adaptive evolution in this network following a whole genome duplication event. An ancestral gene encoding a bi-functional galactokinase and co-inducer protein molecule has become subfunctionalized as paralogous genes (GAL1 and GAL3) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with most fitness gains being attributable to changes in cis- regulatory elements. However, the quantitative functional implications of the evolutionary changes in this regulatory network remain unexplored. Results We develop a modeling framework to examine the evolution of the GAL regulatory network. This enables us to translate molecular changes in the regulatory network to changes in quantitative network function. We computationally reconstruct an inferred ancestral version of the network and trace the evolutionary paths in the lineage leading to S. cerevisiae. We explore the evolutionary landscape of possible regulatory networks and find that the operation of intermediate networks leading to S. cerevisiae differs substantially depending on the order in which evolutionary changes accumulate; in particular, we systematically explore evolutionary paths and find that some network features cannot be optimized simultaneously. Conclusions We find that a computational modeling approach can be used to analyze the evolution of a well-studied regulatory network. Our results are consistent with several experimental studies of the evolutionary of the GAL regulatory network, including increased fitness in Saccharomyces due to duplication and adaptive regulatory divergence. The conceptual and computational tools that we have developed may be applicable in further studies of regulatory network evolution

    BRAF- and MEK-targeted small molecule inhibitors exert enhanced antimelanoma effects in combination with oncolytic reovirus through ER stress

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    Reovirus type 3 (Dearing) (RT3D) infection is selective for cells harboring a mutated/activated RAS pathway. Therefore, in a panel of melanoma cell lines (including RAS mutant, BRAF mutant and RAS/BRAF wild-type), we assessed therapeutic combinations that enhance/suppress ERK1/2 signaling through use of BRAF/MEK inhibitors. In RAS mutant cells, the combination of RT3D with the BRAF inhibitor PLX4720 (paradoxically increasing ERK1/2 signaling in this context) did not enhance reoviral cytotoxicity. Instead, and somewhat surprisingly, RT3D and BRAF inhibition led to enhanced cell kill in BRAF mutated cell lines. Likewise, ERK1/2 inhibition, using the MEK inhibitor PD184352, in combination with RT3D resulted in enhanced cell kill in the entire panel. Interestingly, TCID 50 assays showed that BRAF and MEK inhibitors did not affect viral replication. Instead, enhanced efficacy was mediated through ER stress-induced apoptosis, induced by the combination of ERK1/2 inhibition and reovirus infection. In vivo, combined treatments of RT3D and PLX4720 showed significantly increased activity in BRAF mutant tumors in both immune-deficient and immune-competent models. These data provide a strong rationale for clinical translation of strategies in which RT3D is combined with BRAF inhibitors (in BRAF mutant melanoma) and/or MEK inhibitors (in BRAF and RAS mutant melanoma)

    T-cell receptor determinants of response to chemoradiation in locally-advanced HPV16-driven malignancies

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    BackgroundThe effect of chemoradiation on the anti-cancer immune response is being increasingly acknowledged; however, its clinical implications in treatment responses are yet to be fully understood. Human papillomavirus (HPV)-driven malignancies express viral oncogenic proteins which may serve as tumor-specific antigens and represent ideal candidates for monitoring the peripheral T-cell receptor (TCR) changes secondary to chemoradiotherapy (CRT).MethodsWe performed intra-tumoral and pre- and post-treatment peripheral TCR sequencing in a cohort of patients with locally-advanced HPV16-positive cancers treated with CRT. An in silico computational pipeline was used to cluster TCR repertoire based on epitope-specificity and to predict affinity between these clusters and HPV16-derived epitopes.ResultsIntra-tumoral repertoire diversity, intra-tumoral and post-treatment peripheral CDR3β similarity clustering were predictive of response. In responders, CRT triggered an increase peripheral TCR clonality and clonal relatedness. Post-treatment expansion of baseline peripheral dominant TCRs was associated with response. Responders showed more baseline clustered structures of TCRs maintained post-treatment and displayed significantly more maintained clustered structures. When applying clustering by TCR-specificity methods, responders displayed a higher proportion of intra-tumoral TCRs predicted to recognise HPV16 peptides.ConclusionsBaseline TCR characteristics and changes in the peripheral T-cell clones triggered by CRT are associated with treatment outcome. Maintenance and boosting of pre-existing clonotypes are key elements of an effective anti-cancer immune response driven by CRT, supporting a paradigm in which the immune system plays a central role in the success of CRT in current standard-of-care protocols

    A phase-I trial of pre-operative, margin intensive, stereotactic body radiation therapy for pancreatic cancer: the 'SPARC' trial protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: Standard therapy for borderline-resectable pancreatic cancer in the UK is surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy, but rates of resection with clear margins are unsatisfactory and overall survival remains poor. Meta-analysis of single-arm studies shows the potential of neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy but the relative radio-resistance of pancreatic cancer means the efficacy of conventional dose schedules is limited. Stereotactic radiotherapy achieves sufficient accuracy and precision to enable pre-operative margin-intensive dose escalation with the goal of increasing rates of clear resection margins and local disease control. METHODS/DESIGN: SPARC is a "rolling-six" design single-arm study to establish the maximum tolerated dose for margin-intensive stereotactic radiotherapy before resection of pancreatic cancer at high risk of positive resection margins. Eligible patients will have histologically or cytologically proven pancreatic cancer defined as borderline-resectable per National Comprehensive Cancer Network criteria or operable tumour in contact with vessels increasing the risk of positive margin. Up to 24 patients will be recruited from up to 5 treating centres and a 'rolling-six' design is utilised to minimise delays and facilitate ongoing recruitment during dose-escalation. Radiotherapy will be delivered in 5 daily fractions and surgery, if appropriate, will take place 5-6 weeks after radiotherapy. The margin-intense radiotherapy concept includes a systematic method to define the target volume for a simultaneous integrated boost in the region of tumour-vessel infiltration, and up to 4 radiotherapy dose levels will be investigated. Maximum tolerated dose is defined as the highest dose at which no more than 1 of 6 patients or 0 of 3 patients experience a dose limiting toxicity. Secondary endpoints include resection rate, resection margin status, response rate, overall survival and progression free survival at 12 and 24 months. Translational work will involve exploratory analyses of the cytological and humoral immunological responses to stereotactic radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer. Radiotherapy quality assurance of target definition and radiotherapy planning is enforced with pre-trial test cases and on-trial review. Recruitment began in April 2015. DISCUSSION: This prospective multi-centre study aims to establish the maximum tolerated dose of pre-operative margin-intensified stereotactic radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer at high risk of positive resection margins with a view to subsequent definitive comparison with other neoadjuvant treatment options

    Updates on radiotherapy-immunotherapy combinations: Proceedings of 6(th) annual ImmunoRad conference

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    Focal radiation therapy (RT) has attracted considerable attention as a combinatorial partner for immunotherapy (IT), largely reflecting a well-defined, predictable safety profile and at least some potential for immunostimulation. However, only a few RT-IT combinations have been tested successfully in patients with cancer, highlighting the urgent need for an improved understanding of the interaction between RT and IT in both preclinical and clinical scenarios. Every year since 2016, ImmunoRad gathers experts working at the interface between RT and IT to provide a forum for education and discussion, with the ultimate goal of fostering progress in the field at both preclinical and clinical levels. Here, we summarize the key concepts and findings presented at the Sixth Annual ImmunoRad conference

    Synergistic effects of oncolytic reovirus and docetaxel chemotherapy in prostate cancer

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    Reovirus type 3 Dearing (T3D) has demonstrated oncolytic activity in vitro, in in vivo murine models and in early clinical trials. However the true potential of oncolytic viruses may only be realized fully in combination with other modalities such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and radiotherapy. In this study, we examine the oncolytic activity of reovirus T3D and chemotherapeutic agents against human prostate cancer cell lines, with particular focus on the highly metastatic cell line PC3 and the chemotherapeutic agent docetaxel. Docetaxel is the standard of care for metastatic prostate cancer and acts by disrupting the normal process of microtubule assembly and disassembly. Reoviruses have been shown to associate with microtubules and may require this association for efficient viral replication
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