5 research outputs found

    Penguatan Ketahanan Pangan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Pengembangan Produk Lokal dan Pemanfaatan Pekarangan

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    Mura Village is one of the villages located in Brang Ene District, West Sumbawa Regency. This village has 3 hamlets, namely Buin Banyu hamlet, Mura hamlet, and Tegaran hamlet. Most of the people of Mura Village work as farmers, with the greatest potential, namely rice and corn cereals. There are several fundamental problems faced by Mura Village, including limited Human Resources (HR) as indicated by the low productivity of land in the village. Poor household waste management is evidenced by the large amount of organic waste that is wasted every day. The lack of stretching of the creative economy sector is evidenced by the small number of MSMEs in the village so that the people in the village tend to be more consumptive. Before going into the field, KKN-T students are first provided with knowledge of regional potential and community empowerment materials so that program implementation can run well. The existence of directives from the government regarding health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic made community empowerment programs a little different from usual. Several community empowerment programs include utilizing yards for food security and developing local commodities for food security. The results obtained during the Community Service Program had a very positive impact on the people of Mura. Students are also able to teach residents how to cultivate in buckets (Aquaponics) and about 70% of the village community applies this cultivation method, in the same program there is also distribution of seeds to the dasa wisma gardens and the culmination of a competition to use the house yard and dasa wisma garden which followed by the dasa model homestead group in the village. Furthermore, the students held a workshop on the processing of local commodities in the form of cassava which is processed into mocaf flour which has high added value, the results of the workshop were directly applied by the village government through PKK women to make Mura village a center for making mocaf flour. Keywords: mura village, yard, home industry, mocaf flou

    The Pandemic A Leap Of Faith - Covid-19 Vaccine Fatwa in Indonesia Religious Institutions Independence and Rival Politics

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    Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, and we celebrate plenty of things together with our loved one without worry. The 2019 is just two years ago, but in certainly feels like longer than that. Now, we are at the year of 2021. The pandemic has beeb with us for 17 months now. The countres all over the worlds loosen and tighten its boreder as the pandemics evolve into certainty when the vaccinations held. Indees, the catastrophic of the pandemics didn't just leave us behind, many of us losing out loved one and in grief. Yet we are still hopeful of the future especialyy when Science nurtured our thinking while God is with all of us at heart


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    Peningkatan pendidikan Muhammadiyah sebagai pencetak kader pelopor, pelangsung dan penyem-purna dakwah belum dioptimalkan dengan baik oleh Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Sukabumi sehingga kurang kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh sekolah khususnya guru untuk mewujudkan cita-cita masyarakat Islam yang sebenar-benarnya pada setiap kegiatan belajar-mengajar di sekolah Muhammadiyah. Permasalahan kepuasan kerja guru ini diduga berhubungan dengan faktor kepemimpinan, lingkungan organisasi dan motivasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan kepemimpinan, lingkungan organisasi dan motivasi dengan kepuasan kerja guru Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Metode penelitian bersifat eksplanatori. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sensus dan skala pengukuran menggunakan skala Likert. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan rumus korelasi Rank Kendall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan, lingkungan organisasi dan motivasi secara parsial dan bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja guru Muhammadiyah di wilayah Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Pengaruh tersebut sebesar 56,30%, sementara 43,70% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Dengan demikian, peningkatan kepuasan kerja guru perlu diimbangi dengan memperbaiki kepemimpinan, lingkungan organisasi dan motivasi, baik secara parsial maupun secara bersama-sama