9 research outputs found

    Droplet Coalescence by Selective Wettability Enhancement in Microfluidic Devices

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    A new approach for droplet coalescence in microfluidic channels based on selective surface energy alteration is demonstrated. The proposed method involves patterning the surface of cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), a hydrophobic substrate attached to a polydimethylsiloxane hydrophobic microchannel, with graphene oxide (GO) using standard microfabrication techniques. Surface wettability and adhesion analyses confirmed the enhancement of the COC surface energy upon GO patterning and the stability of the GO film on COC. Three representative cases are illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method on the coalescence of droplets for different droplet flow regimes, as well as the effect of changing the size of the patterned surface area on the fusion process. The method achieves droplet coalescence without the need for precise synchronization

    Tuning the Surface Wettability of Cyclic Olefin Copolymer by Plasma Treatment and Graphene Oxide Deposition and Reduction

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    Selective altering of surface wettability in microfluidic channels provides a suitable platform for a large range of processes, such as the phase separation of multiphase systems, synthesis of reaction controlled, nanoliter sized droplet reactors, and catalyst impregnation. Herein we study the feasibility to tune the wettability of a flexible cyclic olefin copolymer (COC). Two methods were considered for enhancing the surface hydrophilicity. The first is argon/oxygen plasma treatment, where the effect of treatment duration on water contact angle and COC surface morphology and chemistry were investigated, and the second is coating COC with GO dispersions of different concentrations. For enhancing the hydrophobicity of GO-coated COC surfaces, three reduction methods were considered: chemical reduction by Hydroiodic acid (HI), thermal reduction, and photo reduction by exposure of GO-coated COC to UV light. The results show that as the GO concentration and plasma treatment duration increased, a significant decrease in contact angle was observed, which confirmed the ability to enhance the wettability of the COC surface. The increase in hydrophilicity during plasma treatment was associated with the increase in surface roughness on the treated surfaces, while the increase during GO coating was associated with introducing oxygen-containing groups on the GO-coated COC surfaces. The results also show that the different reduction methods considered can increase the contact angle and improve the hydrophobicity of a GO-coated COC surface. It was found that the significant improvement in hydrophobicity was related to the reduction of oxygen-containing groups on the GO-coated COC modified surface

    A surface treatment method for improving the attachment of PDMS: acoustofluidics as a case study

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    Abstract A method for a permanent surface modification of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is presented. A case study on the attachment of PDMS and the lithium niobate (LiNbO3) wafer for acoustofluidics applications is presented as well. The method includes a protocol for chemically treating the surface of PDMS to strengthen its bond with the LiNbO3 surface. The PDMS surface is modified using the 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate (TMSPMA) silane reagent. The effect of silane treatment on the hydrophilicity, morphology, adhesion strength to LiNbO3, and surface energy of PDMS is investigated. The results demonstrated that the silane treatment permanently increases the hydrophilicity of PDMS and significantly alters its morphology. The bonding strength between PDMS and LiNbO3increased with the duration of the silane treatment, reaching a maximum of approximately 500 kPa. To illustrate the effectiveness of this method, an acoustofluidic device was tested, and the device demonstrated very promising enhanced bonding and sealing capabilities with particle manipulation at a flow rate of up to 1 L/h by means of traveling surface acoustic waves (TSAW). The device was reused multiple times with no fluid leakage or detachment issues. The utility of the presented PDMS surface modification method is not limited to acoustofluidics applications; it has the potential to be further investigated for applications in various scientific fields in the future

    Pore-scale physics of ice melting within unconsolidated porous media revealed by non-destructive magnetic resonance characterization

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    Abstract Melting of ice in porous media widely exists in energy and environment applications as well as extraterrestrial water resource utilization. In order to characterize the ice-water phase transition within complicated opaque porous media, we employ the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and imaging (MRI) approaches. Transient distributions of transverse relaxation time T 2 from NMR enable us to reveal the substantial role of inherent throat and pore confinements in ice melting among porous media. More importantly, the increase in minimum T 2 provides new findings on how the confinement between ice crystal and particle surface evolves inside the pore. For porous media with negligible gravity effect, both the changes in NMR-determined melting rate and our theoretical analysis of melting front confirm that conduction is the dominant heat transfer mode. The evolution of mushy melting front and 3D spatial distribution of water content are directly visualized by a stack of temporal cross-section images from MRI, in consistency with the corresponding NMR results. For heterogeneous porous media like lunar regolith simulant, the T 2 distribution shows two distinct pore size distributions with different pore-scale melting dynamics, and its maximum T 2 keeps increasing till the end of melting process instead of reaching steady in homogeneous porous media

    A Review on New 3-D Printed Materials’ Geometries for Catalysis and Adsorption: Paradigms from Reforming Reactions and CO2 Capture

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    “Bottom-up” additive manufacturing (AM) is the technology whereby a digitally designed structure is built layer-by-layer, i.e., differently than by traditional manufacturing techniques based on subtractive manufacturing. AM, as exemplified by 3D printing, has gained significant importance for scientists, among others, in the fields of catalysis and separation. Undoubtedly, it constitutes an enabling pathway by which new complex, promising and innovative structures can be built. According to recent studies, 3D printing technologies have been utilized in enhancing the heat, mass transfer, adsorption capacity and surface area in CO2 adsorption and separation applications and catalytic reactions. However, intense work is needed in the field to address further challenges in dealing with the materials and metrological features of the structures involved. Although few studies have been performed, the promise is there for future research to decrease carbon emissions and footprint. This review provides an overview on how AM is linked to the chemistry of catalysis and separation with particular emphasis on reforming reactions and carbon adsorption and how efficient it could be in enhancing their performance

    Mesoporous acidic catalysts synthesis from dual-stage and rising co-current gasification char: application for FAME production from waste cooking oil

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    The main purpose of this work is to investigate the application options of the char produced from gasification plants. Two promising mesoporous acidic catalysts were synthesized using char as a support material. Two char samples were collected from either a dual-stage or a rising co-current biomass gasification plant. The catalysts produced from both gasification char samples were characterized for their physiochemical and morphological properties using N2 physorption measurement, total acidity evaluation through TPD-NH3, functional groups analysis by FT-IR, and morphology determination via FESEM. Results revealed that the dual-stage char-derived mesoporous catalyst (DSC-SO4) with higher specific surface area and acidic properties provided higher catalytic activity for fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) production from waste cooking oil (WCO) than the mesoporous catalyst obtained from char produced by rising co-current gasification (RCC-SO4). Furthermore, the effects of methanol/oil molar ratio (3:1–15:1), catalyst concentration (1–5 wt.% of oil), and reaction time (30–150 min) were studied while keeping the transesterification temperature constant at 65 °C. The optimal reaction conditions for the transesterification of WCO were 4 wt.% catalyst concentration, 12:1 methanol/oil molar ratio, and 90 min operating time. The optimized reaction conditions resulted in FAME conversions of 97% and 83% over DSC-SO4 and RCC-SO4 catalysts, respectively. The char-based catalysts show excellent reusability, since they could be reused six times without any modification

    Biocompatible humidity sensor using paper cellulose fiber/GO matrix for human health and environment monitoring

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    Environmentally friendly humidity sensors with high sensing performance are considered crucial components for various wearable electronic devices. We developed a rapid-response and durable Paper Cellulose Fiber/Graphene Oxide Matrix (PCFGOM) humidity sensor using an all-carbon functional material. The fabricated sensor demonstrated a high sensitivity to humidity through an electrical impedance measurement, with an increase in response to humidity ranging from 10% to 90% at 1 kHz and 10 kHz, respectively, along with a response time of 1.2 s and a recovery time of 0.8 s. The stability of the sensor was also examined, with consistent performance over a period of 24 h. This novel sensor was employed in several applications, including non-contact proximity sensing, environmental humidity detection, and human respiration detection, to showcase its potential. Moreover, this work represents a significant milestone in developing inexpensive and eco-friendly humidity sensors, given the abundance of paper and graphene in nature and their biocompatibility.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Computer Engineerin

    Green Extraction of Volatile Fatty Acids from Fermented Wastewater Using Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents

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    Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are carboxylic acids mainly produced via the fermentation of organic waste streams. Being industrial platform chemicals, sustainable, green and economical recovery of VFAs is necessary. Herein, hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (HDES), “a new generation of water-immiscible designer solvents”, were assessed for the recovery of VFAs via liquid–liquid extraction. The eutectic mixture of menthol-lauric acid exhibited the highest stability and hydrophobicity. The binary solubility of the pairs {VFA in water} and {VFA in HDES}—and the saturation of the HDES with water were measured. Furthermore, the influences of key parameters on the extraction efficiency were investigated. On multi-stage extraction, an efficiency of 88% was achieved in 4 stages, and the HDES was successfully regenerated using vacuum evaporation. The HDES performance was also compared to other reported relevant solvents. It was concluded that menthol-lauric acid HDES is a promising candidate for the green extraction of VFAs from fermented wastewater